
how many of you...

Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:17 PM

hardcore democrats would really secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us while bush was still in office? reading some of the posts, it would almost seem like a victory to you if the us were to lose the war on terror and everybody died just so you could be proven right. on the other side of the coin, how many hardcore republicans would secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us after bush was out of office and a democrat was in charge? sure your uncle might get killed and your grandma horribly disfigured, but at least you proved the other guys wrong. come on now, i expect some honest answers. you guys are anonymous. i know there's some of you who would gain at least a little satisfaction.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:27 PM


I can't believe you would even suggest that. I may not support the war or this administration, but would NEVER wish for another attack, either secretly or publicly. And I would hope everyone, on both sides would never resort to that way of thinking.

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:29 PM

I think you got digestive troubles. Eat lighter at the evening meals! :p
Posted By: XDCX

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
hardcore democrats would really secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us while bush was still in office? reading some of the posts, it would almost seem like a victory to you if the us were to lose the war on terror and everybody died just so you could be proven right. on the other side of the coin, how many hardcore republicans would secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us after bush was out of office and a democrat was in charge? sure your uncle might get killed and your grandma horribly disfigured, but at least you proved the other guys wrong. come on now, i expect some honest answers. you guys are anonymous. i know there's some of you who would gain at least a little satisfaction.
That has to be one of the sickest, most asinine things I have ever read, and you really oughta be ashamed of yourself to even suggest that. :rolleyes:
Posted By: goombah

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:53 PM

Jimmy Buffer

That has got to be the most insulting and most ignorant statement I have read on these boards. Just because Democrats disagree about the policies of the Bush administration doesn't mean we want to see our country attacked. I love how we're painted as un-American for voicing our disapproval on anything that criticizes Bush. Do you think that because of the disputed 2000 election that the everyone who voted for Al Gore was doing cartwheels on September 11th?

As much as I truly hate George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld & Rice, I want them to do their jobs by protecting America. And I want the next president in 2008 to do the same - and the president after that. The people killed on 9/11 were not wearing signs stating their political affiliation - they were Americans. Contrary to your idiotic statement, Democrats were not sitting by their television sets rooting for more Republicans to be killed than Democrats on 9/11.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:58 PM

Unbelievable :rolleyes:
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 01:59 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
... would NEVER wish for another attack, either secretly or publicly. And I would hope everyone, on both sides would never resort to that way of thinking...
Except that wasn't the question.

What Jimmy asked was not if anyone 'wished for' or 'would like to see' another attack...but if some would "...secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us while bush was still in office?..."

While I don't think 'happy' is quite the right word, I do suspect there are more than a few libs out there (maybe not on this Board, but somewhere OUT THERE) who, if GOD FORBID that ever happened...would readily jump on the opportunity to rant that it happened on Bush's watch (as they love to do re 9/11) and so much for the war on terror.

Jimmy Buffer...While your choice of wording leaves a bit to be desired, you do seem to have a pretty good grasp of the core of things.

Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:00 PM

did i make a statement? i merely asked a question. notice how you immediately began defending democrats right away. did i not pose the same question to republicans? i had to pick one party to type first and since d comes before r, i asked the question to democrats first. the only reason i brought it up is because after finding this thread yesterday i kind of got interested in just exactly how split our country is, so i went to a couple of other forums on the net, with discussions very similiar to this one, minus the godfather of course, and that very sentiment was expressed. i don't feel that way. like i said in the greatest presidents thread, i know absolutely nothing about politics. i'm just a college kid who is damn happy i'm an american and that's what i consider myself: an american. not a democrat or republican. i guess its too bad most people don't feel that same way.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:07 PM


Ok, I wouldn't be "happy" if we had another attack no matter who was in office. I'm guessing there are some "loons" out there who may wish it, but they have to be hopefully, very very few.

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:11 PM

Terrific, TIS.

But now that you've hopefully got a better understanding of his point...try to address Jimmy's post. Not mine.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:14 PM

Well, see above post. I thought I did. I don't know how many other ways to say it.

Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Just Lou:
Unbelievable :rolleyes:
i agree lou. it is unbelievable that some people think this way. i said this in another thread, but i'll repeat it to give you a perspective of why i ask. i'm just a college kid from little, old north dakota. you see, we don't have people getting shot, i don't have to worry about a drug deal going down in front of my house, etc. so i really don't understand the problems most people face. most people i know are happy and content with what they have in life. from what i understand north dakota is a republican state, but our 3 senators are all democrats, so there obviously isn't much political tension running rampant across the prairie. my youth and inexperience lead me to believe that since we are such a worthless state due our lack of a people and money, that people who lived in the important states that have more people and money would be ten times happier and more content than a north dakota farmkid. which is why i was surprised to find such an outcry about how horrible our country is right now or how horrible it was under clinton. i guess i just assumed since people are always bashing small states like north dakota, that things must be so much better in places like new york and california, but from the way some people talk, we live in the worst country in the world.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:28 PM

goombah i'm still waiting to hear what statement i made. i'm really quite excited to find out exactly what i'm thinking from other people. it's so much better than actually thinking for yourself. i find it quite entertaining how you immediately went into "defend my political party" mode, even though i didn't attack your specific political party. i guess, from your response, my question wasn't that disgusting and ignorant after all.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 02:33 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I thought I did. I don't know how many other ways to say it.
Say it to Jimmy. According to his post, he's just a college kid who is damn happy to be an american, considers himself and American not a democrat or republican, and appears to have had not interest in politics until reading a few GD posts on this an other boards. I do belive he's intrigued by all this passionate discussion.

So (not just for TIS but everyone who seems to have misread the thread opener)...instead of a one-sentence answer that of course you wouldn't be happy if...try to give Jimmy what he seems to be digging for. A real discussion about how Democrats and Republicans feel, a real discussion about the fundamental differences between the parties, a real discussion on what each believes in, while all claim to be proud (and in some rare cases, ashamed) to be 'an American'.

Say it to Jimmy. Not me.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 03:35 PM

Sure, Apple. Jimmy, No, I would not be the least bit secretly happy. Not even in the darkest recesses of my mind. Not an ounce of secret or not-so-secret happiness would occur to me if our country were attacked again, no matter who was in the Oval Office. Jimmy, the answer is NO.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 03:53 PM

thanks for your honest answers babe and apple. they are appreciated. double thanks to apple for acting as my consigliere and clarifying any misinterpretations people might have had about my original post. don't interpret that as thinking i'm above you in the pecking order. i know from the godfather forum, you're a much greater person in these matters than i am.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 04:35 PM

We need more people who consider themselves as simple "Americans", such as Jimmy, free of political extremity.

When it comes to your original statement. It's true, elections are run by things which happen during terms. During Bush's first term, we were attacked. He used that as a political gain. During the debates or a few of his ads, he would bring it up. So attacks are definitely used for political gain.

I wouldn't consider democrats or republicans secretly "happy", or "glad" by an attack on this country, but they will definitely find a way to gain from it politically: in elections.

The rule of silence is we can't actually address this fact. We get slapped in the face for being "unamerican", even if it is the truth. So for now on, it would be wise to keep your observations (such as this one) to yourself, and not announce them to others unless you're sure you can get away with it (without them getting pissed). When it comes to current issues or politics in general, it's good to find a close personal friend who agrees with you on most issues (it's fun to have a debate every now and then), and doesn't get offended easily. I have my family for that.
Posted By: goombah

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
goombah i'm still waiting to hear what statement i made. i'm really quite excited to find out exactly what i'm thinking from other people. it's so much better than actually thinking for yourself. i find it quite entertaining how you immediately went into "defend my political party" mode, even though i didn't attack your specific political party. i guess, from your response, my question wasn't that disgusting and ignorant after all.
This is what you said, verbatim: i know there's some of you who would gain at least a little satisfaction

That is the statement I had the most problem with. If you actually read my statements, I made it quite clear - twice - that no matter what party one is affiliated with, it is ridiculous for anyone to wish an attack on the scale of 9/11 (or otherwise) for political benefit. As a Democrat, I find it insulting. And any Republican should find it insulting as well.

Your belief that you know what some of us are thinking is quite arrogant.

I don't know how much clearer it needs to be for you.
Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 05:04 PM

"Happy"? What kind of twisted logic is that? I disagree with many -- okay, most-- of the Dems here on just about every political issue. But I'll be damned if I'd put the party I prefer over humane values just to gain some kind of sick political satisfaction. What have you been snorting, man?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
hardcore democrats would really secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us while bush was still in office? reading some of the posts, it would almost seem like a victory to you if the us were to lose the war on terror and everybody died just so you could be proven right. on the other side of the coin, how many hardcore republicans would secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us after bush was out of office and a democrat was in charge? sure your uncle might get killed and your grandma horribly disfigured, but at least you proved the other guys wrong. come on now, i expect some honest answers. you guys are anonymous. i know there's some of you who would gain at least a little satisfaction.
or lose a father, son, daughter, mother 9/11 wasn't limited to uncles and grandmothers :rolleyes:

The answer is quite simple: The way Bush is handling it right now THERE WILL NOT BE ANOTHER TERRORIST ATTACK (sorry dems I NEEDED to say that :p )
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
But I'll be damned if I'd put the party I prefer over humane values just to gain some kind of sick political satisfaction.
I'll second that...
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 06:53 PM

as apple stated for me, i know absolutely nothing about politics and don't claim to. the only reason i even visited the general discussion was to see why dontom was leaving, but when i did, i saw all this talk that i didn't expect and had no idea even existed on this website. after reading some of the threads i was curious to see how other people felt on different boards since most people came here as a result of the godfather and not politics (at least i assume so) and i came across the post where someone actually wrote they would be happy if we got attacked gain during bush's term. i didn't come up with the idea, someone else did. this is the only board i belong to, so this is the only place i knew to post the question and see if this is a common feeling and our country is really that divided. i didn't say i felt that way and i didn't accuse any member of feeling that way. if i offended anyone i'm sorry. i guess from now on i'll stick to asking people what their favorite lollipop flavor is or who is their favorite muppet. i just found it interesting how you never even bothered to answer your question, you immediately began defending democrats like i was attacking them or something. it's nice of you to mention the republicans now because i understand what you meant better. had you made note of both parties in your original post like i did, then it wouldn't have looked so one-sided.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
"Happy"? What kind of twisted logic is that? I disagree with many -- okay, most-- of the Dems here on just about every political issue. But I'll be damned if I'd put the party I prefer over humane values just to gain some kind of sick political satisfaction. What have you been snorting, man?
i think some of you should read the original post slowly, then re-read it again. i never claimed those are my thoughts or ideas. as i've stated 4 times now, those sentiments were posted by someone else on another message board.
Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 07:06 PM

Then you should stay original, brother. Whoever posted it has a screw loose, man.
Posted By: goombah

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
[b] i think some of you should read the original post slowly, then re-read it again. i never claimed those are my thoughts or ideas. as i've stated 4 times now, those sentiments were posted by someone else on another message board.
[/b][/quote]Gee, that's funny. Not once in your original post did you state that the ideas/thoughts were anyone's other than your own. Unless there's something written in invisible ink, I think you're the one who needs to re-read the original post.

If you're going to hide behind someone else's message board for ideas, you should have made that perfectly clear in your initial posting. You clearly did not. When you write something that inflammatory, expect an impassioned response.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:02 PM

i also didn't write that those were my thoughts either. i asked a question. i didn't know that anything you ask automatically becomes your deeds. does that mean the next time i ask someone who shit their pants, i'm implying i shit my pants?
Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:05 PM

Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:08 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
When you write something that inflammatory, expect an impassioned response. [/QB]
when people freely trash and write imflammatory things about the country i've grown up in my whole life and the country i love, then you can also expect an impassioned response.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:17 PM

Originally posted by goombah:
[QUOTE].. Not once in your original post did you state that the ideas/thoughts were anyone's other than your own. Unless there's something written in invisible ink...
Here's what he said:

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer :
[QUOTE].. "...reading some of the posts, it would almost seem like a victory to you if the us were to lose the war on terror and everybody died just so you could be proven right.
Then he flipped the coin as asked how Republicans would feel if another attack came once Bush was no longer in office (althogh that doesn't necessarily mean a Democrat would be).

What he's saying is, that by taking a peek into the General Discussion thread, and seeing how intense the political discussions get...he got curious as to how each side feels about the other. How much is pure emotion and how much is based in logic and reality. I already mentioned that his choice of words might need a bit of work. But if you really, REALLY read the posts and quit the defensive crap...you'll get a little bit of an idea as to what Jimmy Buffer is getting at.

Posted By: goombah

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:24 PM

You really need to learn how to read. :rolleyes: Not once did I say anything inflammatory about this country in this thread. I went out of my way to state that any normal person would put the safety & well-being of Americans above any loyalty an individual would have toward a political party. Look at what Snake said - he strongly favors Repubs over Dems. Having said that, political preference doesn't trump feelings toward humanity or over how we want our citizens treated.

God I wish I could the past 10 minutes back that I've wasted responding to your warped logic.
Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:26 PM

Oooohhh....naw, naw, still don't get it, Apple.

I just think it's a bit over-the-top in the tactics. I can see how it could be interpreted in a couple of ways. But I would've definitely said it differently. But hey, that's me.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
hardcore democrats would really secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us while bush was still in office? reading some of the posts, it would almost seem like a victory to you if the us were to lose the war on terror and everybody died just so you could be proven right. on the other side of the coin, how many hardcore republicans would secretly be happy if another terrorist attack hit the us after bush was out of office and a democrat was in charge? sure your uncle might get killed and your grandma horribly disfigured, but at least you proved the other guys wrong. come on now, i expect some honest answers. you guys are anonymous. i know there's some of you who would gain at least a little satisfaction.
So aparently Democrat is synonomous with terrorist now, huh? :rolleyes:

Look bud, I think you need to get your head examined. I am a liberal, and in no means anti-American. You're either reading too far into our comments, or not far enough. We are anti-Bush due to his handling of the terrorism. We may not approve with him 100%, but we would never think of a second attack! That's just irrational thinking. Pure out irrational, ignorant thinking.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Snake:
...I just think it's a bit over-the-top in the tactics. ... I would've definitely said it differently. But hey, that's me.
Hi, Snake...that's what I meant about his choice of words. He just went about it with way too much of an edge way and managed to freak out the 'thin-skinned' and 'meek of heart'.

I can sort of relate...

Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:43 PM

Apple, you radical you!!
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:45 PM

did i ever say you said anything inflammatory? i have seen posts on this board where people don't seem to realize they're running down the very country they're living in, that's why i posted that question. i didn't post that question thinking, "oh boy i can't wait to see the reaction i get out of goombah." the only thing i posted directed specifically at you was the post about defending your political party because your first response to my question was to immediately begin pleading the case of the democratic party as if i had attacked it, when i posed the same question to republicans. that is why i asked people to re-read the post. they only read what they wanted to read and just assumed that i was attacking democrats since i mentioned them first. by the way, regarding hiding behind another board, since when do you have to explain where every idea for a thread comes from. i've read plenty of thread in the godfather section where the original poster didn't state word for word were he got every piece of information from. in curiousity, i randomly viewed other internet sites to gain a better understanding. i don't really view that as hiding behind another message board. the only reason i mentioned where the idea came from is because people were misreading my original question thinking that was how i felt. i think the few posts i've actually posted in the general discussion forum make that pretty clear.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:51 PM

And here I'd been feeling so bipartisanly warm and fuzzy.
Posted By: Snake

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 08:54 PM

That'll be the day, SB! ;)You radical you! (Gee, I'm sayin' that a lot, huh?!?)
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 09:01 PM

I think your question is wrong, at least not well thought. I don't think anyone, either American or not; want to see any more terrorist attacks. Because you and I can be the victim of the next one. I've my reasons that what's been done has not been helpful to reduce terrorism and even has caused many people who have nothing left and have gone insane. But it is not just the case of someone that you advise not to stick their tongue on a flagpole in freezing winter and they do not listen so you say "Go ahead, make my day". It is everyone's life. It can be ours and our families. That's why discussions in this matter gets heated in the first place.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 09:07 PM

sorry saladbar. i didn't know there were 2 sbs. i'm used to sb meaning sicilian babe. didn't mean to drag you into this.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: how many of you... - 06/23/05 11:12 PM

Why would anyone who has an ounce of humanity in them be secretly happy about another(God forbid)terroist attack?
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: how many of you... - 06/24/05 01:35 AM

Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
So aparently Democrat is synonomous with terrorist now, huh? :rolleyes:
According to Fox News it is...
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/24/05 01:43 AM

Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
So aparently Democrat is synonomous with terrorist now, huh? :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

llc, you make my point for me perfectly. only someone who is completely blinded by their partisanship would think i was somehow blasting democrats exclusively. did you even read anything i've written? notice the next several sentences where i asked the same question to republicans. all i had to do was mention the word democrat and i'm immediately denegrating them. geez, as much as i hate the concept of political parties, all the democrats who have come out accusing me of blasting only their party is making me want to give up and hop on an elephant.
Posted By: Jimmy Buffer

Re: how many of you... - 06/24/05 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
Why would anyone who has an ounce of humanity in them be secretly happy about another(God forbid)terroist attack?
i think the key to your response is an ounce of humanity in them. after seeing how some people feel about their own countrymen, i'm definately convinced that there are people who lack this requesite ounce of humanity.
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