
Other People's Pets

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 05:23 PM

I have had several pets (dogs) in my lifetime. Mostly when my kids were younger, because I thought it would be good from them to have a pet. Having said that, I am not into pets really, and never want to have another. I'm just not the animal lover that I know many people are. Now for any of you animal rights people, I'm not into cruelty to pets, I'm just not a pet lover. Last week I open the front door and right on the walkway there are the two of them "humping". I fear now, I may have a whole litter of kittens living at my house. It does piss me off because, why should I have to deal with this situation?

If I call the pound (which I probably will do), I'll be considered cruel. I hear cats need there freedom, etc. Why should I have to deal with it? I one time went outside and one was on my car (which was brand new at the time), and I yelled at it and it ran off, leaving little scratch marks. I just don't think this is fair.

I will (and have) asked before, a few neighbors if they know who they belong to, and then if no one knows, I definitely will call the pound. Does anyone understand how I think this unfair?? Since I never feed them, and they appear healthy, I assume they live somewhere besides my house. :rolleyes:

I know there are many animal lovers here, and maybe this will be a topic of interest to them. Maybe a little tip on how to get rid of these cats, without having to call the pound.


Posted By: Mignon

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:15 PM

Hi Tis,

I don't think it is cruel or mean of you not wanting the cats there. If I lived by you I would take them off your hands. The same thing happened here last year someone dumped of 4 cats and they hung around my house and my land lords house next door. He got fed up with them and took them to the pound. He did keep one of them though.
I don't know if this is true or not but I heard cats don't like moth balls so maybe you can put some mothballs in your bushes maybe that will help.
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:26 PM

Cats can be a real nusiance. They dig up plants and leave doo doo all over the garden in little heaps

When we kept outdoor fish my husband bought this cat deterrent thing that emitted a 'sound' that we couldnt hear but the cats could, it run on electric and was on constantly. They didnt like it and it certainly worked in keeping them away.

I think you can get stuff like peper dust to sprinkle, but failing all else couldnt you put an advertisement in the shop window and see if anyone will take them off your hands?
Posted By: Blake

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:40 PM

My friend's house had the same problem with mating cats. I honestly don't remember what they did with the cats or the babies but I'll ask him next time I see him. Good luck!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:46 PM

Hey FH!! How are you???

My family really gets a kick out of it, because they know how I feel. They always tease me. They call them my pets. If I am sitting outside on the porch, these cats stare at me, as though asking, "can I come and see you." I really think, for some reason unknown to me, they feel comfortable and that I just can't scare them away anymore. I just don't know why, because I've never even petted them. I always heard if you feed a cat they'll never leave.

Anyway, I'll see first if I can find the owners and talk to them, if not, I'll go to plan B I guess. I check into some kind of repellent.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:51 PM

We've had stray cats around our house, but they're pretty easily spooked, so we don't see much of them. Be careful if they're sleeping on your car. My father-in-law didn't realize that one fell asleep under the hood, and when he started the engine, it sort of minced the cat.

I had a cat for 15 years and was violently allergic. When it finally died, we ended up with a dog, so that's also kept the cats away.

I don't blame you for wanting to call animal control. From searching the local pounds for a dog, I know that there is a huge cat overpopulation. One of the women at a local animal shelter told me that the dogs are pretty much under control due to increased sterilization, which made getting a puppy almost impossible, but that there were still tons of stray cats. I undertand your reluctance because they will probably euthanize them, or sell them to a pharmaceutical company for experimentation. However, you aren't really being given much of a choice.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 06:58 PM

I'm sure if these were liberal cats you wouldn't mind :p

In all seriousness TIS, call a cat rescue, if you call the pound they will more than likely be put to sleep after x amount of days. If you call a cat rescue or whatever they either have someone who will catch them or can call someone to catch them and give it to them.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 07:27 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[QB] I'm sure if these were liberal cats you wouldn't mind :p

Yea, the fact that they hide in the "Bushes" is a dead giveaway!! :p

Posted By: SC

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 08:14 PM

Cats don't like water. Spray them with a hose everytime you see them. They'll get the message and move on.

This may sound cruel, but in the long run it'll be more merciful for the cats.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 08:37 PM

Ever since I witnessed that "intimate" moment, I picture a couple months from now coming home for lunch and living that movie..."Strays", with cats crawling all over my house. ha ha!!

Thanks SC, I'll get the hose ready. :p It's nice out though, they'll probably like it.

Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 09:25 PM

Try using one of these:

I hate cats.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/05/05 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Nice Guy Eddie:
Try using one of these:

I hate cats.
I think that would do the trick
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/06/05 12:37 AM

Other People's Pets? I'm down with O.P.P. (yeah you know me!)

I love animals, and they seem to love me, too. It's cool. I haven't had a pet since my cat died a few years ago (after 16 years, Nice Guy Eddie shot her! )... Plants are my current pets.
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/06/05 03:11 AM

Well I am a good shot but I have serious doubts that I could hit your cat all the way from Fresno. :p
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Other People's Pets - 06/06/05 06:35 PM

Come on, who could resist such cuteness!

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