
UFO on the news?

Posted By: Blake

UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 12:12 AM

What do you guys think of this video?

Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 12:25 AM


I always laugh at Dale (King of the Hill) for believing in stuff like this, but I think I'm a lot like him sometimes. I'll get stuck watching UFO/alien conspiracy shows with my dad, so I guess I'm a half-believer. It seems so silly, though. But...

I was sort of surprised that a major news network such as ABC would cover that, though.
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 12:55 AM

That's very strange.
How old is that? He says that in the following week, one will land in Las Vegas.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 01:12 AM

That was pretty bizarre. Just the fact that there's an airforce base nearby makes me wonder, though. I was also gonna ask when this report was, as I haven't heard anything like was predicted.

This reminds me of your 2003 Experience -- I'm sure it reminded you, too!
Posted By: Blake

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 01:39 AM

Haha yeah, I hope no one thinks I'm too crazy.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Blake Peters:
Haha yeah, I hope no one thinks I'm too crazy.
not at all, no one thinks your crazy. Just sit down and have a glass of milk. Would you like that? A nice tall glass of milk? Sure you would. So don't even worry about it.

**this guy is f'n nuts** :p
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 02:14 AM

DM, you're too funny.

When did that video come out? And in what city?

I think it's bogus, all that paranormal stuff. I don't think people are crazy or stupid for believing in it, and I can understand how it can be convincing to some, but I don't believe in any of it: ghosts, UFOs, etc. I think there's a normal explanation for most of those sightings that we just don't know, like some scientist testing out his new aircraft, or secret projects and stuff.

By the way, in the video, that was one of the most unflattering camera shots in the history of the world... what idiot behind the camera decided to shoot upwards into the guy's t-shirt? Horrible.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 06:21 AM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
...some scientist testing out his new aircraft, or secret projects and stuff....
Back To The Future was fiction, by the way... :p
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 07:28 AM

Nuh uh!!

Why do you have to destroy a little girl's dream? You horrible, horrible man.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: UFO on the news? - 06/03/05 08:39 PM

Wow, that link JG gave to Sept 2003 is interesting. Even more so because I remember it so clearly, and it was such a long time ago now...

Nice avatar, Blake! I'm a Gorillaz fan; haven't got the new album though...yet.

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