
NY/NJ Commission Meeting

Posted By: J Geoff

NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 04:42 AM

The heads of the Families got together tonight for yet another wonderful dinner! Here are a few pics - I don't have any of me (thankfully ) so maybe SC will post some more....

Consigliere's Lady (talking to TIS!), SC, Turnbull, Plaw

Plaw, waitress, Don Smitty, Mikey Montana (bastid who never posts!), Don Cardi

I even snagged some hilarious videos, which I'll post when I get a chance! Thank you all who attended, and if it's any indication of our August get-together in the works, it's gonna be a GREAT time!!!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 05:07 AM

It was definately a great time! Turnbull intruiged us with his unlimited knowledge of The Mob and The Movies. SC also gave us some very rare behind the scenes insights of many movies. He too is extremely knowledgable about so many facts in Mob History! Don Smitty gave several of us the ultimate Soprano Tour of the many different places in the area that Sopranos show is filmed. Don Geoff quietly took these damn pictures, most without us knowing. He also provided me with a sh*t load of girly blue drinks! Plaw is the man when it comes to restaurants and ordering. This is the second time he has picked a restaurant for us, and both times they were great. He also made sure that the best appetizers on the menu were ordered. Mikey Montana, dat focking chubato, provided us with the entertainment, doing scenes from Scarface all night long! And last but not least, our Consigliere's lady Lori brightened our evening with her great smile. She displayed her unlimited knowledge about the many things that we discuss on the boards. Her presence alone was just a great addition to a wonderful night! A real classy lady!

If this night is any indication of what the August weekend get together is going to be like, then I advise you to make sure that you attend! It was a really fantastic evening!

Don Cardi
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 05:39 AM

Plaw has lost a lot of weight and a mustache. I really wouldn't have recognized him if there was not a label.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 05:42 AM

I think the rest of us just gained more! But mustaches do add 10 lbs, y'know...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 05:59 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
But mustaches do add 10 lbs, y'know...
Couldn't argue with that! But in the picture SC posted it seems you've lost weight too.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:01 AM

Workin' on it...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:01 AM

What happened to the pix SC posted here?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:03 AM

You must be seeing things. :p

I think he was just testing the size. He probably saw his weren't as long/wide as mine, so he took them down...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:22 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
You must be seeing things. :p
So you didn't lose weight?! :p (j/k)
Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:36 AM

I came home to find my desktop pc had crashed, but that can't dim the mood of having had dinner with great people.

A brief rundown on our "Apalachin" sitdown:

We met in Jersey, on plaw's turf, where we were all supposed to be safe. (This didn't stop Geoff from wanting to frisk the waitress for hidden weapons). The "market" boys (Don Cardi, Mikey Montana and Don Smitty) had scoped out the joint (really a little reminiscent of Louis' Restaurant in Part I) early and were standing guard in front. The place is a "BYO" (Bring Your Own bottle) and I wasn't surprised to see the three of them holding shopping bags with their bottles).

Everyone had bottles of wine but me and I was a little ashamed to break out my pint bottle of scotch from its paper bag.

Geoff, Lori and I travelled with plaw figuring we'd be safe with him as our shield, but Turnbull, much like Meyer Lansky needed no protection. (He's too respected for anyone to even consider putting a hit on him).

The drinks flowed almost as quickly as the conversation and 40 minutes later we were ordering one of those, two of them, a few of these, etc. Good conversation (including a few telephone calls to TIS) and laughs accompanied some decent meals. It sadly ended way too quickly.

You guys MUST see Geoff's video (which he said he'll post online). Its a little over a minute long and features some really funny stuff with Mikey, Lori and Don Smitty (who very good naturedly took some ribbing about spelling).

I'll be posting a few pix tomorrow. When I took the pix I thought they were great but after viewing them in a more sober light I saw they aren't (great).
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 06:40 AM

I hope the video doesn't end up like that radio talk show.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:07 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
I hope the video doesn't end up like that radio talk show.
Oh man - thanks for reminding me! I gotta track that down. I asked Joel for it a few weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it. But I will pull a little muscle (and after that, I'll ask Joel about it! )

The video won't be overnight, tho - I gotta swap hard drives and crank up the video editing chit. I'll try to do it in a day or three...

SC - Those pics were just fine!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:12 AM

I can't wait to hear that mang!

Originally posted by J Geoff:
SC - Those pics were just fine!
Ditto. I was lucky enough to get a look and they were great.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:11 AM

Excellent pics, guys! Glad you had a great time. What movies were discussed?

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Excellent pics, guys! Glad you had a great time. What movies were discussed?

The question is, "What movies weren't discussed!"

I think we covered everything from Dead End to Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith!

One of the highlights of the night though was Turnbull's impression of Jack Nicholson! Outstanding! Then all I needed to do was quote a line by Manny from Scarface and Mikey Montana would answer with a Tony Montana line!

It was Jack Nicholson vs. Tony Montana!

Godfather Quotes were flying back and forth all night long!

All one of us had to do was start with one line from the movie and before you know it the next person would continue the scene with the next line, and so on and so on!

As SC said the night went too damn fast!

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 12:04 PM

(This didn't stop Geoff from wanting to frisk the waitress for hidden weapons)
ummmmmmmmm if "she" had a hidden weapon would he have been mad or happy :p

I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I had to get an ID for the new building I work at-which took 2 and a half hours AFTER I left work
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 01:42 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I had to get an ID for the new building I work at-which took 2 and a half hours AFTER I left work
I think that Geoff should change your user name here to "PAULIEGATTO!" Chu Fockin Chubato!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Al.Neri

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 01:49 PM

Looked like you had a great time!

Don Cardi - Where did you buy that shirt?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Al.Neri:
Looked like you had a great time!

Don Cardi - Where did you buy that shirt?

I also own these :

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 02:41 PM

It was a fun evening, but it didn't go exactly the way it was described.

When we got inside the restaurant, Don Cardi bullied everyone around for a while, telling us where to sit, what to order, which wine we could drink, etc.

Turnbull arrived a bit late, carrying a rather large briefcase. Well, we didn't have to wait too long to find out what was inside. Everytime a Godfather Trilogy question came up, Turnbull opened his briefcase, in which, filed in alphabetical order, were copies of all of his past replies to the same question, many of which he has posted a number of times.

Don Smitty didn't have much to say for someone who seems to have an opinion on every political question under the sun. I guess he agreed with my opinion that newbies should mostly be seen and not heard. He did, however, insist on sitting to my right.

Don't give Mikey Montana too much credit for his wonderful Tony Montana impressions. He confided to me privately that he actually is Cuban, his Tony Montana accent is really the way he speaks, and the reason why he never posts is that he can barely write a word of English.

JG, our Don, acted rather strangely. He allowed Don Cardi to bully everyone, and when a big argument broke out about what to order for dessert he decided that it was a good time to disappear for a while and go smoke a cigarette and avoid the chaos.

SC, his consigliere, did an admirable job of trying to keep order in his absence, though.

When Turnbull expressed a desire to order the tartufo, SC stated that if we didn't order the chocolate layer cake, then no one would be permitted to have any dessert at all.

What can I say about Lori, Consigliere's Lady, other than that she has the patience of a saint to be able to put up with her man. She was barely able to eat her dinner, what with the attention she had to give SC, advising him what to eat, how much to drink, what to say, etc. She truly is the power behind the man, and I believe that we would find SC to be quite a bit less loveable without her.

As for me, well unfortunately I missed a good deal of the evening. I brought along a ton of baseball statistical information to study in case I got bored, and spent a lot of time trying to figure out who should be on my fantasy baseball team today. Actually, the only reason I attend these little get-togethers is to stay a member of "The Clubhouse" and butter up JG, with the hope that he'll promote me to moderator of something besides just the Sports Forum.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 02:46 PM

Okay, Plaw let the cat out of the bag! That's how it really went!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 03:00 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Everytime a Godfather Trilogy question came up, Turnbull opened his briefcase, in which, filed in alphabetical order, were copies of all of his past replies to the same question, many of which he has posted a number of times.

Understatement of the year.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by j geoff:
I think he was just testing the size.
Not on me he wasn't!
This was a grand evening with great people. As you can judge from the number of bottles on the table, the ensuing DWI fines have almost wiped out the State of New Jersey's debt.
But the highlight of the evening came when Lori, donning a wimple, brandished a steel ruler at plaw and demanded that he "spell out the Holy Days of obligation and there'll be a rap on the knuckles if you don't get it right." plaw said that the line "sounded familiar"--almost as much as when I came in, asked the headwaiter for the Geoff table, and was told, "Nothing today without a reservation, I'm afraid." (Mick: that should tell you which movies were discussed.)

Geoff is in the process of bidding up another batch of candid photos. Right now, Rupert Murdoch is deadlocked with the National Enquirer for the one depicting the red circle that SC had tattooed around his neck in honor of Larry Gallo Appreciation Day.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 03:09 PM

Ahhh...so THIS is the soiree' from which a fellow BB'er lamented my absence in a PM. I belive the exact words were...'Where were you for the dinner?'.

To which I replied, 'What dinner?' (condensed version).

Anyway, glad the mystery's solved (on both ends) and that all of you had a terrific time. As is usually the case I wouldn't have been able to attend. Some of you guys are really adorable (though to be fair, I won't name names)!!

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 03:15 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Some of you guys are really adorable (though to be fair, I won't name names)!!
Being that I'm not pictured (yet), I guess it's not me...

Apple - Hopefully you'll be able to make it in August, at least for a little while!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 03:34 PM

Hey, it looks like the parents of the BB had a PTA meeting.
It is good to hear that you all had a great time.

The big question is: did Smitty get his free meal?
Or did someone welch?

My Lord Pee You look really old in those pictures.
I am going to have to start calling you Grandpa Pee from now on! Other then M4M I think you must be the Sr. member of this board.

the only reason I attend these little get-togethers is to stay a member of "The Clubhouse" and butter up JG, with the hope that he'll promote me to moderator of something besides just the Sports Forum.
(Jab Noted) Well, you do what ever you have to do, to enjoy what life you have left.

I almost shed a tear for you this morning after listening to you whine about DC not playing once more in the baseball thread. I guess the golden years aren't that golden for a guy like you. But keep your chin up he just may come back to play with you in the 2nd half.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 03:49 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:

My Lord Pee You look really old in those pictures.
I am going to have to start calling you Grandpa Pee from now on! Other then M4M I think you must be the Sr. member of this board.
I am old. And although I'm not a Grandpa yet, MY GF's daughter recently has a baby, so I guess in a manner of speaking I am.

I know for a fact, though, that I'm not the oldest member here. I know of at least one other member (besides M4M, who I've been told, is not nearly as old as he claims to be) who has a few years on me.

I almost shed a tear for you this morning after listening to you whine about DC not playing once more in the baseball thread.
It's DB that I'm whining for.

And, if the truth be told, the game isn't the same for me without you either.

But shed no tears for me, FS. As long as I have the good friends that I've made here, my golden years will be just fine.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 04:06 PM

And, if the truth be told, the game isn't the same for me without you either.
Sure, No one to pick on everyday-

No kidding though. You look like you lost alot of weight and have aged something wicked. You better stop burning the candle at both ends, get some sleep.

I know for a fact, though, that I'm not the oldest member here. I know of at least one other member (besides M4M, who I've been told, is not nearly as old as he claims to be) who has a few years on me.
That must be Turnbull, He is a good man. I bet you he gets a good nights sleep, don't you Turnbull old Boy.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:22 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:
[quote] I know for a fact, though, that I'm not the oldest member here. I know of at least one other member (besides M4M, who I've been told, is not nearly as old as he claims to be) who has a few years on me.
That must be Turnbull, He is a good man. I bet you he gets a good nights sleep, don't you Turnbull old Boy. [/quote]You bet I do! Thanks to Social Security and Medicare, I have nothing to worry about.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:24 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:

No kidding though. You look like you lost alot of weight and have aged something wicked. You better stop burning the candle at both ends, get some sleep.
Actually fathersson, the picture does not do justice for Plaw! In person, he looks like an Adonis! He's just not photogenic, that's all.

PLAW is like a FINE WINE! He just get's better with age!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:42 PM

Wow, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!

You took some nice pictures, JG. Everyone looks great!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 07:45 PM

Ahhh! What a great looking group you are! )

Glad you all had a good time!

Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 08:08 PM

I just want to say that I had a great time last night. It was nice to meet you guys. I hope one day I will be able to meet more of you.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 08:09 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:
The big question is: did Smitty get his free meal?
Or did someone welch?

I NEVER welch! Don Smitty got all that he had coming to him, and then some!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 08:11 PM

DC was very Generous to all of us! Also I would like to thank PL for finding a great place for us to eat at!

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:05 PM

Sicilian Babe lives in NY. Sicilian Babe loves restaurants. Although Sicilian Babe has exchanged PMs with DC and PL lately on other topics, did either of them mention dinner??? Nooooooo.....Sicilian Babe goes off into the corner where she will weep in despair over her rejection by her fellow BB gangstas.

Seriously, I think you all look great and like you were having way too much fun! As for PL looking thin - just remember those famous words (who did say them?) "You can never be too rich or too thin!".
Posted By: Mignon

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:15 PM

Wow those are some great pic's. I'm glad you had a good time without me j/k. Seeing how you guys had such a good time I want August to hurry up and get here.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:15 PM

Pl was in great shape. He also is a great guy. He also knows his stuff.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:23 PM

Sicilian Babe has a short memory! Sicilian Babe forgot that in the begining of the Month Don Cardi PMed her telling her that we would be getting together by the end of the month! Sicilian Babe forgot that she replied that this month was a busy month for her! Does Sicilian Babe remember that PM conversation?

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Mignon:
Seeing how you guys had such a good time I want August to hurry up and get here.
Make sure to bring your appetite and a hollow leg!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Sicilian Babe has a short memory! Sicilian Babe forgot that in the begining of the Month Don Cardi PMed her telling her that we would be getting together by the end of the month! Sicilian Babe forgot that she replied that this month was a busy month for her! Does Sicilian Babe remember that PM conversation?

Don Cardi
Dinner? PM? Me, busy? I must admit that I NEVER would've given up the AI finale, even for you, DC!! (blows kiss)
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/26/05 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I NEVER would've given up the AI finale, even for you, DC!! (blows kiss)
I gave it up for DC and everyone else. AI, I mean!
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I NEVER welch! Don Smitty got all that he had coming to him, and then some!

Don Cardi
so THAT'S why DS is leaning back in his chair with a smile and JG is nowhere to be found :p
Posted By: fathersson

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:08 AM

Who is your DADDY?
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:14 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
I gave it up for DC and everyone else.
Yes PL told me all about it in a PM.

You are quite the little slut there Don Geoff, hence the nickname 'Pork' I guess. :p
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:33 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Wonderful pictures. Do I see empty glasses and full bottle of wine??? You guys slacking off or what? :p

They were all drinking the wine I brought.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
[quote]Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[b] Wonderful pictures. Do I see empty glasses and full bottle of wine??? You guys slacking off or what? :p

They were all drinking the wine I brought. [/b][/quote]Turnbull, I didn't know that you suffered from Deslexia!

I think that you meant to post :

" I was drinking the wine that they brought!"

Actually Turnbull was very generous in providing us with some really great wine! I did bring in a bottle of Coppola wine as a goof, but Turnbull brought some nice stuff for us! Very Generous Mr. Turnbull! Thank you very much!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 01:29 AM

DC - Sucking up to TB??
Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 02:43 AM

A few more pix for your viewing pleasure:

The left side of the table (l-r) SC, Geoff, Turnbull

The right side of the table (l-r) plawrence, Don Smitty, Mikey Montana, Don Cardi. (This may be the only time you see plawrence on the "right").

The whole table (ALMOST all fit in viewfinder)... sorry Lori and Don Cardi.

Don Smitty (left) and Mikey Montana

Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 03:00 AM

Another story behind a pic:

I was out of ear-shot but I heard the waitress exclaim, "Wow, thats a big tip". I evidently didn't realize what she was talking about but plaw seems to have gotten a big kick out of her remark. (What was she reaching for?)

Posted By: fathersson

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 03:08 AM

One thing I do notice, is that she is keeping her body away from Pee. Maybe she is talking about Pee's hands. What Pee is handling is a whole nother story.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 03:22 AM

she has a smile on her face and you can't see the rest of plaw's left arm.......put 2 and 2 together

Congrats plaw :p
Posted By: fathersson

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 03:29 AM

DMC, you better get glasses, that is no smile on her face. and I didn't know that they made arm extentions.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 04:50 AM

That big bottle to the right of the waitress is the one I brought. She put it on that shelf because plaw already had enough.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Actually Turnbull was very generous in providing us with some really great wine! I did bring in a bottle of Coppola wine as a goof, but Turnbull brought some nice stuff for us! Very Generous Mr. Turnbull! Thank you very much!

Don Cardi
Nothing compared to your generousity, DC.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 04:59 AM

I'm confused why did you have to BYOB?
Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
I'm confused why did you have to BYOB?
The restaurant doesn't have a liquor license.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 05:44 AM

Really? Thanks SC. If they let you byob why don't they just get a licence? I'm sorry I never heard of that before.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 06:15 AM

According to the way the New Jersey State Liquor Authority operates, a municipality may only have a certain number of bar and restaurant liquor licenses based on the population of that town.

So if someone opens a restaurant, the only way they can obtain a license is by buying an existing one, since there is a waiting list for restaurants waiting to obtain one from the state when and if the town's population grows.

But although BYO places lose revenue because they can't sell liquor, I believe that in some cases the BYO policy brings in more business for them and more than makes up for it.

I am a big wine drinker and, all things being equal, I would much rather bring a $10-15 bottle from home than pay $30-50 for the same wine in the restaurant.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 06:16 AM

It's NJ, and mostly run by the Mob.

Where I am, Costco can't even sell liquor cuz the local mafia chieftan wouldn't allow it cuz he owns 95%+ of liquor licenses in the county. :rolleyes: I suppose it's not considered a monopoly since he's got liquor licenses in the names of his kids, grandkids, nephews, and a few pets. :rolleyes: Here, liquor licenses start at a quarter mil cuz of him......

But, as far as I know, you can BYOB pretty much anywhere (that does NOT have a license). The local pizzeria has no problem with it, so I doubt anywhere would...
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 06:22 AM

And, what Plaw said is absolutely true -- for the state. But the local Family has the politicians in their pocket - like so many nickels and dimes... so it's virtually impossible unless you have big bucks to back it up.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 06:37 AM

Looks like you guys had fun, and that you enjoyed a "couple" of bottles of wine too. :p

The Doc
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 10:16 AM

Originally posted by SC:
Another story behind a pic:

I was out of ear-shot but I heard the waitress exclaim, "Wow, thats a big tip". I evidently didn't realize what she was talking about but plaw seems to have gotten a big kick out of her remark. (What was she reaching for?)
You know something SC? Now that I look back upon that great evening, and then look at the pic you posted with Plaw and that waitress, I realized that we were waited on by a totally different waitress who is NOT in the picture and ONLY Plaw got served, all night long, from the waitress in the picture! Come to think of it, this girl was around Plaw the whole damn night! Think about it SC! Hey Plaw, what's up with that?

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 10:25 AM

Look at this pic. Doesn't the room look similar to the Corleone Dining room used at the end of GFII, when Michael is thinking back?

Left side : Connie (Lori), Tom (Geoff) and Fredo ( sorry Turnbull, but it's the seat that you chose ).

Head of the table : Sonny (Plaw)

Right side : Michael (Don Smitty)

Those other two jamokes are on the wrong movie set, they wandered over from the Scarface set! Manolo and Tony!

Not pictured is Francis Ford Coppola (SC)who is taking the shot of the table.

Don Cardi
Posted By: svsg

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

Look at this pic. Doesn't the room look similar to the Corleone Dining room used at the end of GFII, when Michael is thinking back?

Left side : Connie (Lori), Tom (Geoff) and Fredo ( sorry Turnbull, but it's the seat that you chose ).

Head of the table : Sonny (Plaw)

Right side : Michael (Don Smitty)

Those other two jamokes are on the wrong movie set, they wandered over from the Scarface set! Manolo and Tony!

Don Cardi
Tessio was wandering about in that scene. One of you can choose to be Tessio
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 12:59 PM

I never heard of a BYOB restaurant either. Must be a NYC thing. :p I'm almost certain it'd be illegal here in CA.

Next time though don't forget Sicilian Babe and Just Lou. There are so many East Coasters, you guys could have quite a large group.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 01:12 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I never heard of a BYOB restaurant either. Must be a NYC thing. :p I'm almost certain it'd be illegal here in CA.

Next time though don't forget Sicilian Babe and Just Lou. There are so many East Coasters, you guys could have quite a large group.

It actually was in New Jersey.

Just Lou was supposed to come but he got stuck in work very late. Sicilian Babe, well, she forgot that I had originally PMed her with an invite. But dats History!An dat lady TIS, we waited all night long mang! where da heck waz chu lady? Chu waz on da phone wit us for so long dat chu jus shoulda showed up mang!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 05:08 PM

TIS - That's DC's story and he's sticking with it, but PL admits that he forgot to invite me!! So, is there any way we can lure you over here in August. It would be terrific!

As for the BYOB thing, it is fairly common around here. I know that one of my local Italian places does it, and I've seen it often in Chinatown. And I agree with PL, it certainly saves you some serious money to be able to bring your own.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
TIS - That's DC's story and he's sticking with it, but PL admits that he forgot to invite me!!
Bella Sicilian Babe----- NEVER takes sides against the family again!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Al.Neri

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 08:17 PM

I think DC looks like a real mafioso
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Al.Neri:
I think DC looks like a real mafioso
Who says he wasn't?

Posted By: Family Honour

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 09:06 PM

Fantastic pics. It's great to see everybody and put faces to those names. It looks like you had a great time...if only I could've been there

By the way, that BYOB thing, we have here too, infact at my local restaurant they have no alcohol licence but, they charge you £5 'corkage charge' in other words thats what they charge to open the bottles for us I'm gonna send the boys round

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 10:46 PM

FIVE POUNDS corkage on your own wine? Are you sure there will always be an England??
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 11:03 PM

Haha exactly TB. Disgusting eh! Plus, add on the tip for a table of 8-10 people and your talking a lot of money for this restaurant, when you consider it's for each table.

I'm in the wrong job

Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 11:19 PM

The cheapest corkage fee I've come across was $10... So it's definitely not worth it to bring your own if they've got the same kind of wine at the restaurant. It doesn't come out cheaper to BYO. However, I think it is illegal in California to BYOB at a place that doesn't have a liquor license. The only time it makes sense to bring your own is if you want a particular bottle of wine that the restaurant doesn't have.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 11:21 PM

Or bring your own corkscrew!

Posted By: Family Honour

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
It doesn't come out cheaper to BYO. However, I think it is illegal in California to BYOB at a place that doesn't have a liquor license. The only time it makes sense to bring your own is if you want a particular bottle of wine that the restaurant doesn't have.
Thats really interesting. I dont think I've heard of anyone taking their own bottle to a place WITH a licence here. We only take our own cos we have no option. They have no licence to SELL it but can serve you your own I have to admit tho at places with a licence the wine can be quite pricey
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/27/05 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Or bring your own corkscrew!

I tried that Mick, I got kicked out j/k

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Al.Neri:
I think DC looks like a real mafioso
You do huh? Never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking!

Funny that you should say that because before we hooked up for dinner DS took Mikey Montana and myself on a Soprano's filming locations tour! We saw Artie Bucco's restaruant where they film, The famous Bakery where Cris shot the guy in the foot, and several other sites. Then he takes us to The Bada Bing! So now I HAVE TO go in there and check out the place! We walk in and sit down and the Barmaid gives us our drinks and then says to me " I thought that they don't start shooting here until next week Mr. Soprano!
We all could not stop laughing!

And for your information, especially Partagas and Snake, the girls are NOT topless like in the show! They dance, but fully covered. Sorry to burst your bubble guys!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 12:56 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
According to the way the New Jersey State Liquor Authority operates, a municipality may only have a certain number of bar and restaurant liquor licenses based on the population of that town.

So if someone opens a restaurant, the only way they can obtain a license is by buying an existing one, since there is a waiting list for restaurants waiting to obtain one from the state when and if the town's population grows.

But although BYO places lose revenue because they can't sell liquor, I believe that in some cases the BYO policy brings in more business for them and more than makes up for it.

I am a big wine drinker and, all things being equal, I would much rather bring a $10-15 bottle from home than pay $30-50 for the same wine in the restaurant.
Wow, that's news to me. I don't think any such laws exist here. Just up the road from me is a little town that apparantly has the most pubs per population in the whole country. But I've never checked.

I actually drink a lot of wine too. Roughly four bottles a week (although never when I'm out, I'd get stabbed). But I don't understand how any restaurant can survive with a BYOB policy. The wine and drinks are usually where the largest mark up of profit comes in. Maybe I go to more down market places, I am white trash, but this is weird to me.

Originally posted by Family Honour:
By the way, that BYOB thing, we have here too, infact at my local restaurant they have no alcohol licence but, they charge you £5 'corkage charge' in other words thats what they charge to open the bottles for us I'm gonna send the boys round

Really? I thought this was only exclusive to our American cousins. And a corkage charge too?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:01 AM

DC - Is that Satin Dolls? I have a friend who works right near there, and he loves to tell tales. I can't believe you guys went there and had a drink! I honestly don't get the whole thing about nudie bars.

To go off topic for a moment - When my daughter was six or seven, they wanted to open a "gentleman's club" near our house. All of the PTA moms picketed and protested. My daughter saw all the stories in the paper and overheard our discussions, so she wanted to know what it was about. I told her that women dance in their underpants and men give them dollars (this began a week of her dancing around in her underwear asking us for money) and that people didn't want it near their house. She then asked if the women DROVE to work "nakie" and all I could picture scores of women driving around town without any clothes.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
all I could picture scores of women driving around town without any clothes.
That would be awesome!

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
DC - Is that Satin Dolls? I have a friend who works right near there, and he loves to tell tales. I can't believe you guys went there and had a drink! I honestly don't get the whole thing about nudie bars.

As I said in my post above, it is not even a topless bar. The dancers dance fully covered. I didn't feel the need to go there because there are dancers there, I wanted to go there to see if it actually looked the same on the onside as it does in The Sopranos show. Heck, I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I didn't watch the dancers, but they were not the reason for my wanting to go in there. If one decided to go to a place like that to see woman dancing, then why the heck would one choose a place where the dancers are fully covered? It was a visit because of the show, not because of the content!

Funny thing is that both Mikey Montana and I recieved phone calls from our wives while we were in there. When they asked us where we were, we told them that we were at "Da Bing" and Mikey took the phones and said "Listen" and held them out into the open air for the wives to hear the music.

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I didn't feel the need to go there because there are dancers there, I wanted to go there to see if it actually looked the same on the onside as it does in The Sopranos show.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Heck, I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I didn't watch the dancers, but they were not the reason for my wanting to go in there.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
It was a visit because of the show, not because of the content!
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Three disclaimers in the same post about how he didn't go there to see the dancers.

To paraphrase Shakespeare, "I think Don Cardi doth protest too much." :p

And how come when you called me at 5:30 and I asked you where you guys were, you told me you were "stuck in traffic"?
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:

Really? I thought this was only exclusive to our American cousins. And a corkage charge too? [/b][/QUOTE]

No chance Turi, It's here. I'm sure it will be winging it's way to a restaurant near you pretty soon

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Family Honour:
[quote]Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[b] [b]

Really? I thought this was only exclusive to our American cousins. And a corkage charge too? [/b][/quote]No chance Turi, It's here. I'm sure it will be winging it's way to a restaurant near you pretty soon

FH [/b][/QUOTE]

So why don't you Chaps and Chapettes have your own little Commission Meeting Dinner and find out for yourselves?

Don Cardi
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 04:10 PM

This is how I understand things to be here (mostly through experience):

1) In NJ, you cannot have a totally nude bar that serves alcohol. The girls are not allowed to show nipples. This is a gaffe in The Sopranos (like the one where they pump their own gas in NJ). There are nudie bars here, though, called "juice bars", where the girls can be totally naked, but they can only serve soft drinks and there's a cover charge (place by me is $10 to get in - from what I hear ). Things may be slightly different in some municipalities because I do remember one totally nude place up north that you were allowed to bring your own, so perhaps some other pervs can clarify this for me.

2) The number of liquor licenses is regulated, at least in NJ. I'm not certain if it's per town or per county, but there seems to be a finite number - probably per population. It's really tough to get here, at least in my area where one family seems to own most of them. It's a racket here.

Unlike many other states, in NJ you cannot even buy beer or wine in a supermarket or gas station (alcohol sold in gas stations always confused me - lol)... you must go to a packaged goods (liquor) store or bar. (Areas outside mine, however, you can buy them in warehouse clubs - but the local Family prevented Costco from carrying liquor here :rolleyes: ).

Some states (like Pennsylvania and many southern states) are even worse with liquor, where you can only buy liquor at state-run stores. I cannot imagine! But beer and wine are found everywhere.

Anyway, some restaurants do not have liquor licenses, and it's either because one is unavailable, or, it's way too expensive to get. In those cases, you can bring your own tho I've really only seen that in Italian restaurants (incl. pizzerias). I've never heard of a cork charge here, though.

NJ bars close earlier than many other States. Here it's 2AM. In some major cities outside of NJ I believe it's 4AM. In NJ you can purchase liquor (take out) until 10PM, when most liquor stores close. Some stores stay open until Midnight to sell only beer/wine. After that, many bars will sell you beer/wine for takeout until they close.

In NJ alcohol is available 7 days/week. I think in some places, like Atlanta, you cannot buy on Sundays, but I may be wrong.

If any of this is inaccurate, I'm sure it'll be corrected...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 04:21 PM

You can definitely buy wine and beer in the supermarkets and convenience stores like 7-11 and Krauszer's, at least where I live.

Maybe different counties have different regulations about that, but it's OK in Hudson County.

I'm pretty sure the number of liquor licenses allowable is by town, not county, and has to do with population.

Go to Hoboken. There's a bar on every block, and just about every restaurant has a liquor license. But here in Secaucus there are only like two bars, and several restaurants which are BYO.

Also, and again this may apply only to Hudson County, or just ppossibly only my town, but although you can buy liquor on Sundays, you have to wait until 12 noon.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 04:32 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b]I didn't feel the need to go there because there are dancers there, I wanted to go there to see if it actually looked the same on the onside as it does in The Sopranos show.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Heck, I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I didn't watch the dancers, but they were not the reason for my wanting to go in there.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
It was a visit because of the show, not because of the content!
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Three disclaimers in the same post about how he didn't go there to see the dancers.

To paraphrase Shakespeare, "I think Don Cardi doth protest too much." :p

And how come when you called me at 5:30 and I asked you where you guys were, you told me you were "stuck in traffic"? [/b][/quote]

That was great PLaw!! LMAO

Although I don't go to bars very often, I think they are open until 2:00 a.m. in my area. You can buy beer at some convenience stores/gas stations as well.

In Michigan in Grand Rapids, bars are not open on Sundays, but if you drive just outside the city there are bars open on only serve beer & wine.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 05:42 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
...this may apply only to Hudson County, or just ppossibly only my town, but although you can buy liquor on Sundays, you have to wait until 12 noon.
That's weird. I guess they wanna be sure people go to church first. But I supposed it's not as weird as the bars by me opening up at 7AM! I've always wanted to go then to see just who the hell goes there for breakfast!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/28/05 07:22 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Three disclaimers in the same post about how he didn't go there to see the dancers.

To paraphrase Shakespeare, "I think Don Cardi doth protest too much." :p

And how come when you called me at 5:30 and I asked you where you guys were, you told me you were "stuck in traffic"?
Actually we were stuck in traffic Plaw. That part is not a lie. " I always tell da trufth, efen wen I lye!" So instead of just passing by the place we figured what the heck, we've been sitting in the same spot for 25 minutes, mine as well go in to check out the scenery used in the show. ( now this part, well still not a lie, maybe bending the truth a bit though).

Ok, so I did want to see the girls dance. But only because I wanted to see if the same girls that were in Soprnaos were the same ones who really danced there.

DS and Mikey Montana FORCED me into the place! Really! :rolleyes:

I'm digging a deeper hole for myself, huh? Ok, time to shut up.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/29/05 02:29 AM

We were at friends' house for dinner. The husband had just gotten a new car, so he and my husband decided to take it out for a drive. We waited and waited and waited for them to come back so we could have cake and coffee. Finally, just as we were getting pretty worried, they called from a topless bar. My friend and I were so aggravated that we just cut the cake in half and the two of ate the entire thing.

As far as I know, they can serve drinks in topless bars here, but the girls have to have on a g-string or thong. If they're totally nude, then alcohol cannot be served. We can only buy wine and liquor in liquor stores, but you can buy beer in supermarkets, 7-11's, etc. Liquor stores are closed on Sundays (although they recently passed a law that they have the option to stay open). As stated before, beer can be purchased on Sundays, but only after 12 Noon. Does any of this make sense?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/29/05 02:34 AM

Finally, just as we were getting pretty worried, they called from a topless bar. My friend and I were so aggravated that we just cut the cake in half and the two of ate the entire thing.
Me thinks hubby is lucky something else wasn't cut in half
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/29/05 02:43 AM

Let him have his fun. Looking, not touching, and coming home every night are rules I can live with.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/29/05 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Let him have his fun. Looking, not touching, and coming home every night are rules I can live with.
That's very fair!

Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean that you can't read the menu!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/30/05 02:33 PM

Ok Don Malta, dey all gone mang! Esselent stuf mang! Tank chu my friend!

Hey TIS? Eat chu heart out mang! Da blu Kamikazee waz great mang!

Don Cardi
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/30/05 02:51 PM

Musta been a girlie blue Memorial Day birthday barbeque, eh mang? I'm glad they were good - I never had 'em myself. I just chose based on color.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 05/30/05 02:56 PM

Yeah, pretty good, I must say.

I did rename them though.

They are no longer known as "Tooters."

Now they will be known as "TISers!"

Don Cardi
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/03/05 12:51 PM

Great Pics who pic up the Tab,I bet Geoff didn't,being the don
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/03/05 01:01 PM

Don Cardi picked up the tab.

He insisted, and no one argued with him.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/03/05 01:07 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Don Cardi picked up the tab.

He insisted, and no one argued with him.
That was nice of him

Thats so he doesn't pay next time when theres more of you
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 01:59 PM

Well here's to another great Gangster BB commission meeting dinner!

I really enjoyed another great evening last night with some really great friends. SC and Consigliere's Lady, Plaw, Don Malta, and Mikey Montana were all there and as usual all looked great. SC had a really great looking shirt on.

Excellent taste SC!

Of course the conversation went in The Godfather direction, along with several other movies. I must say that even Mrs. Cardi impressed me by holding her own when Godfather discussions came up. I guess all those years of living with my watching The Godfather 100 times a year rubbed off on her.

Our monthly get togethers just keep getting better and better.

The Gangster BB weekend should be a real blast!

Turnbull, Don Smitty, you both were missed!

Don Cardi
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
SC had a really great looking shirt on.

Excellent taste SC!
See what happens when your moderators coordinate their outfits before dinner? Don Cardi even got a goodnight kiss from SC...

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
...Of course the conversation went in The Godfather direction, along with several other movies. I must say that even Mrs. Cardi impressed me by holding her own when Godfather discussions came up. I guess all those years of living with my watching The Godfather 100 times a year rubbed off on her...
I'm just curious about something and I know this'll get alot of chuckles especially on THIS Board but...

Wonderful as they are, how does (basically) the same gang of people get together on a monthly basis to mainly discuss The Godfather films? I mean...the Board itself is one thing but how do you talk about them over & over?

I know...silly question, you probably have to be there. I guess the food, wine and company are all factors in making these dinners so delightful.

When I was a kid, my mom belonged to a monthly 'Pokeno Club' where she & a bunch of other moms got together to play the game and have 'girltalk' for a couple of hours. Judging from the activity whenever they were at our house, they all had a terrific time. Once a year they'd all go on some big night out, to a movie or Broadway show or something.

I guess the NY/NJ Commission Meetings are along the same lines as that....

And I suppose I just answered my own question!!!

Carry on...

Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:28 PM

WOW, nice pics indeed!!!! I'm glad I can associate nicknames and faces now!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:53 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I'm just curious about something and I know this'll get alot of chuckles especially on THIS Board but...

Wonderful as they are, how does (basically) the same gang of people get together on a monthly basis to mainly discuss The Godfather films? I mean...the Board itself is one thing but how do you talk about them over & over?

I guess the food, wine and company are all factors in making these dinners so delightful.

Well actually what gets us discussing Godfather topics are posts like the one that you just made! Just Kidding Apple.

The company is always great, the places that we go to are great, and as you said yourself that is what makes these get togethers so much fun. We don't only talk GF, we talk about a variety of different subjects. But then again, you wouldn't know because every time I invite you, you woose out!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:53 PM

Okay, you're wearing matching outfits. That's a little scary. DC, when are you going to start shaving your head??
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:57 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
See what happens when your moderators coordinate their outfits before dinner? Don Cardi even got a goodnight kiss from SC...

Well Don Malta, with all due respect, if you paid us a little bit more to moderate the boards, SC and I wouldn't have to share our clothes!

SC really wanted to kiss Goeff, but he was afraid that DMC would get jealous. :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Okay, you're wearing matching outfits. That's a little scary. DC, when are you going to start shaving your head??
It's really funny and ironic that you ask this SB!!!!

I've been planning to shave it and am doing so tomorrow.

Don Cardi
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]... We don't only talk GF, we talk about a variety of different subjects. But then again, you wouldn't know because every time I invite you, you woose out!...
You are right, I do 'wuss' out.

Which I'm sure is the reason you did not bother to invite me this time (and I don't blame you)!!

Just out of curiousity (again) where did you converge this time????

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:07 PM

Short Memory, huh?

Don't you remember that I PMed you right after our last dinner and told you that the next meeting would probably be in Staten Island and you said that S.I. was too far for you?

Excuses, excuses. :p

Don Cardi
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I've been planning to shave it and am doing so tomorrow.
I like it better when you look SAVAGE!!!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:24 PM

DC, This isn't some sort of initiation thing where we all have to shave our heads and wear the same shirt, is it?? If so, count me out!! I just cut my hair short and my husband's pissed at me as it is.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
...I PMed you right after our last dinner and told you that the next meeting would probably be in Staten Island and you said that S.I. was too far for you?...
Yes, I do remember all that, I did pretty much turn you down then & there...mainly I forgot the LOCATION!!

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
DC, This isn't some sort of initiation thing where we all have to shave our heads and wear the same shirt, is it?? If so, count me out!! I just cut my hair short and my husband's pissed at me as it is.

We'll give you a choice : shave your head, or grow a mustache.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] I've been planning to shave it and am doing so tomorrow.
I like it better when you look SAVAGE!!!! [/b][/quote]Don Cardi Before ;

And what Don Cardi will look like after :

Don Cardi
Posted By: plawrence

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:28 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I'm just curious about something..... Wonderful as they are, how does (basically) the same gang of people get together on a monthly basis to mainly discuss The Godfather films? I mean...the Board itself is one thing but how do you talk about them over & over?
Don't worry, Apple, we find plenty of stuff to talk about.

As a matter of fact, here are the "Top Ten Topics" from last night's dinner:

10- How we found the site.

9- Turnbull and his peppers (Don't worry if you don't get that one).

8- Fantasy Sports.

7- How Don Cardi and plawrence can be friends while being on completely opposite ends of the political spectrum.

6- Why Mikey Montana never posts.

5- Why we have the best board on the internet because JG & SC do such a great job of controlling it.

4- How terrible The Godfather Returns is, and why any one of us could have done a better job.

3- Every one of us doing our poor Al Pacino/Tony Montana and Marlon Brando/Don Corleone imitations.

2- TIS and her "Blue Girlie Drinks".

And the number one topic for discussion at our monthly dinners:

Talking about other members and ripping most of them to shreds. :p
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:33 PM

Great pictures guys. How cute!! SC & DC, Partners in Crime.

SB, if they make you shave your head, tell them they need to wear a skirt and drink blue girly drinks all night. Oh, and don't shave your head, DC just wants to be SC's twin.

Sounds like another wonderful time. It's great that you do this monthly.

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:41 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
[QUOTE]...And the number one topic for discussion at our monthly dinners:

Talking about other members and ripping most of them to shreds. :p
Now THAT, I figured. It's kind've a given...

And I'd be doing it right along with you if I ever joined the meetings !!

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:42 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Don Cardi even got a goodnight kiss from SC...

Haha! I can't believe I missed this picture!
Where is the night in that picture?! Cool shirts!
Posted By: SC

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:54 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Being that we were in New York we all hadda go outside to smoke. During one of the smoke breaks Geoff whipped it out ... relax, it was him camera. I posed with Don Cardi thinking that Geoff would take a pic..... I couldn't imagine why it was taking him so long to do so (i.e. focus, frame it, etc.). Little did I realize he was taking more than one pic.

Sure, the subject of the trilogy always comes up but its not the main topic of conversation (although the diners at the ten other tables in our section were listening in on our dialogue exchanges led by Mikey Montana). (I've had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Cardi before but I never realized she was so knowledgable about "The Godfather").

We could easily spend as much time teasing plaw about his sports stuff or talking about Don Cardi's liberal political views ( )

Last night, as all the other get-togethers in the past, went by entirely too fast.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 04:56 PM

Plaw, you forgot one other subject. The question that Mrs. Cardi brought up!

Who Killed The Tahoe Assassins?"

Don Cardi
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 05:46 PM

TIS - I think that they are girlie enough on their own judging by that kiss!!

DC - I am Sicilian. What makes you think I don't already HAVE a mustache??
Posted By: Double-J

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 05:52 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] [QUOTE]...And the number one topic for discussion at our monthly dinners:

Talking about other members and ripping most of them to shreds. :p
Now THAT, I figured. It's kind've a given...

And I'd be doing it right along with you if I ever joined the meetings !!

Apple [/b][/quote]Well, I'm glad that Apple and I get talked about in real life, too.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Well here's to another great Gangster BB commission meeting dinner! Turnbull, Don Smitty, you both were missed!

Don Cardi
I would have loved to be there, on Staten Island, where I'd be safe.
But here I am in Arizona, enjoying the sun and dry weather at my second home. They have plenty of hot peppers here. But the Yavapai Indians run the local casinos, not the Mob. And the nearest bit of history is the Bonnano residence in Tucson, which is about 250 miles south of here.

Love the shirts, guys! Here the standard camisa is a camo muscle shirt, with cap to match.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[QUOTE]...glad that Apple and I get talked about in real life, too...
Speak for yourself, Double-J.

I don't flatter myself to thinking I'd be the subject of ANY conversation at a NY/NJ Commission Meeting/Dinner.

And if I were, I'd pity the poor slobs who had nothing more interesting to talk about...!!!

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
TIS - I think that they are girlie enough on their own judging by that kiss!!

DC - I am Sicilian. What makes you think I don't already HAVE a mustache??
You Jealous or something SB?

If your husband got mad at you for cutting your hair, I can't imagine his rage at you having a mustache!

Originally posted by Double-J:
Well, I'm glad that Apple and I get talked about in real life, too.
Double J, your name never even came into my mind, let alone out of my mouth!

But I must admit that I was the one who did bring Apple's name up and told everyone that I hoped that one of these days she would join us for dinner. And I hope that you will also Double J.

Don Cardi
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 08:26 PM

Double-J will join the party soon as the Yankees win 10 games straight.

Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 11:37 PM

SC, every time I see a picture of you now, it reminds me of that cute high school picture you posted once. You still look a lot like it, especially the smile.

By the way, what happened to that video someone promised last month?
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 06/30/05 11:48 PM

Zia, I remember you mentioning the videos to me in my roller coaster video thread I made a while back.

Geoff, or whoever has these videos, if you can get them online and you just need a host, check out JussPress . They host your videos for free there; the only problem is that the videos can only be two minutes long, or else they're cut off.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/01/05 04:01 AM

So who paid for dinner this time
Posted By: Double-J

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/01/05 04:04 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Double-J will join the party soon as the Yankees win 10 games straight.

Umm, I wouldn't be expecting me anytime soon. Don't wait up.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/01/05 05:57 AM

Originally posted by DE NIRO:
So who paid for dinner this time
You did! But hopefully you'll forget by the time you get your next credit card bill!

How're things Down Under?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/01/05 05:06 PM

Hey, DC, if you went through with it, we want to see a picture. And me, jealous?? How did you know? That's why I'm so mad that you went to SI. I was hoping to run my fingers through your.... no, that's not it.... I was looking forward seeing you cut una bella figura in your quiet, elegant and understated style of dress.... no, that's not it.... I wanted to discuss your work on the Kerry campaign.... no, that's not it....

I am, of course, extremely jealous, of all the fun that I missed out on!!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/01/05 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Hey, DC, if you went through with it, we want to see a picture. , extremely jealous, of all the fun that I missed out on!!
I went through with it this morning. When I got out of the chair EVERYONE in the place said in unison : It's Michael Chiklis!

That is exactly what I look like. You'll see for yourself if you ever decide to join us at our commission meeting.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: NY/NJ Commission Meeting - 07/05/05 07:19 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by DE NIRO:
[b] So who paid for dinner this time
You did! But hopefully you'll forget by the time you get your next credit card bill!

How're things Down Under? [/b][/quote]Everything's going great thanks,seeing some great things.Will you send us some money
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