
Star Wars & My Son

Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Star Wars & My Son - 05/24/05 07:26 PM

My son is 7. He saw the first two Star Wars prequels in the theater. He also saw Return of the King in the theater. Neither movie spooked him. They say ROTS is PG 13 becase it has some scary images.

Is the New Star Wars too much for a seven year old

BTW: He likes watching the "making of" segemnts on DVD's pertaining to these fantasy & sci fi movies, so he definitly knows it is make believe.

Any guidance
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Star Wars & My Son - 05/24/05 08:25 PM

Hmmmm. Tough question to answer. I personally never believed in setting a specific age limit for a kid. I believe that every kid is different and every parent knows what their own kid is capable of handling. If you say that your son has seen LOTR with all of it's fighting, then I don't see why he shouldn't see Revenge Of The Sith. It's not that the images are scary, it's more of what takes place in Anakin's transformation to the Dark Side. Has he ever seen the original SW movies? Has he seen ROTJ? The Emperor? Darth Vader? If he has then in my opinion he should have no problem with seeing Revenge Of The Sith. It is really fantastic!

Don Cardi
Posted By: SlimTrashman

Re: Star Wars & My Son - 05/24/05 08:36 PM


Anakin burning in the lava is pretty graphic. Take him but remind him during the 'darker' parts of the film that it is indeed make believe
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Star Wars & My Son - 05/24/05 09:03 PM

Originally posted by SlimTrashman:

Anakin burning in the lava is pretty graphic. Take him but remind him during the 'darker' parts of the film that it is indeed make believe [/b]
Agreed. That part might be a little rough for him, but aside from that I think it should be alright.
Posted By: Don Lights

Re: Star Wars & My Son - 05/24/05 10:01 PM

Return of the King was quite brutal in violence and I don't think Episode III was all that graphic.
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Star Wars & My Son - 05/25/05 09:19 AM

In England, ROTS is rated 12A, which means children under 12 can go as long as they're with an adult.

When I went there were lots of young kids there who seemed to enjoy it. It is quite intense, and definately much darker than Episodes I and II - there's no fluffy characters for the kids.

Best to use your discretion really, knowing your son.
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