
Rudy or Hillary?

Posted By: Don Smitty

Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 12:51 AM

I do not know if a poll was done here before on these two if they ran for President but there has been more talk as of late about what would happen if these two were the ones going against each other.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 01:14 AM

Although Rudy maybe a bit self-agrandizing (I think that's the right term) Hillary is a self-serving, egotistical, opportunistic, sexist, bitch with a distorted sense of justice, jaudiced eye, money-grubbing, lying, fat-assed (sorry, had to get that in there), predjudiced, dishonest, moral-less, bad-haired, slimy, kiss-up......person.

Hey is there anything you didn't try to swipe from the White House? Hillary, how many votes did you get when Bill pardoned those guys from New Square? Who was that guy who "killed himself"?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 01:14 AM

Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 02:55 AM

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 04:46 AM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
Although Rudy maybe a bit self-agrandizing (I think that's the right term) Hillary is a self-serving, egotistical, opportunistic, sexist, bitch with a distorted sense of justice, jaudiced eye, money-grubbing, lying, fat-assed (sorry, had to get that in there), predjudiced, dishonest, moral-less, bad-haired, slimy, kiss-up......person.

Hey is there anything you didn't try to swipe from the White House? Hillary, how many votes did you get when Bill pardoned those guys from New Square? Who was that guy who "killed himself"?
Good grief MaryCas don't hide your feelings about Hitlery(er I mean Hilary ) let them out in the open so everyone here can see how you feel.

I voted for other simply because I'm not sure where Rudy stands on some issues. But I know for a fact that hell would freeze over before I even considered voting for Hitlery(man I did it again sorry Hilary. )
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 01:26 PM

I gotta go with "Other." If it came down to it, Rudy would get my vote, but not in the primaries. I just don't like most of the guys politics; he's way too liberal for me.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 01:52 PM

John McCain or Joe Lieberman.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 06:23 PM

Giuliani in a landslide.
Posted By: Don Provalone

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 08:41 PM

On behalf of my fellow republicans on the board -

Rudy - period.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/14/05 10:59 PM

I may be a Liberal, but I deteste Hillary Clintion, with pleasure.

So... Rudy.

What about Jeb Bush (I'd rather have Dubya than Jeb, and you all know what little faith I have in Dubya)... I heard he said he may Run.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/15/05 11:00 PM

I think that it's rather obvious that they're setting up Jeb for a White House run, making him part of the delegation that went to visit the tsunami-struck areas in January.

I love Rudy. He may be a bit much at times, but, as a New Yorker, I remember how he was in the days, weeks and months after September 11th. I don't think he slept for his last 3 months in office. He was everywhere, and that included attending as many as six funerals per day while dealing with a city in crisis, as well as the anthrax scare. He doesn't hesitate to make unpopular decisions, which I love about him. He threw Arafat out of the Metropolitan Opera House, he withdrew funding for the museum that displayed "art" that he found offensive, etc. He got rid of the squeegee men, he made NY the safest large city in America, and brought the tourists back. While I think he has an ego the size of Montana, good for him. I also think he has a somewhat abrasive manner which, while it works for NY, may not go over well on a national arena. I was actually hoping that Pataki would realize that he's not going to win another term and decide not to run, which would leave the door open for Rudy.

Unlike most of my fellow NYers, I actually like Hillary. I've met her and I think she's a very intelligent, well-spoken and commanding woman. However, if the choice was between her and Rudy, I have to go with Rudy.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/15/05 11:12 PM

Rudy G., hands down!
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 02:55 AM

Oh yes Rudy.....of course, no way the GOP would ever nominate him for President if he ran in 2008.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 06:46 AM

If I were an American citizen, I'd vote for Giuliani. He'd be the first Italian American President. Quite an achievment, for the grandson of Italian immigrants!

On the other hand, Hillary would be the first woman to become President of the USA. The first woman to become the most powerful "man" in the world...

Ok, although I'd rather be a democrat than a republican, I'd vote for Rudy. Blood is not water, after all....
Posted By: Long Don Sean

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 07:18 AM

I don't know why anyone would feel the need to vote for either one. Both are corrupt liars who will do anything it takes to get elected.

In reality the two party system will never field a candidate that reflects the common values of American society. I'm sorry, but both these white, rich males (wait, I think Hillary is a woman....) will do nothing to better the conditions for the working class, labor unions or minorities.

But in the end, I don't see Giuliani getting the Republican nod since he's pretty much a moderate Democrat in Republican clothing. The Christian Right would rather shit in Jesus' face than nominate a pro-gay, pro-choice candidate...and that is exactly what Giuliani is.

On the flip-side I'm not so sure the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton because she's a very polarizing figure. It doesn't matter IF her husband is adored by most Americans, that'll only carry her so far.

Look for the Democrats to nominate a moderate Midwestern or western Democrat that has a background in the plight of middle America. He'll also whore himself out to big business and corporate America, essentially making himself a hypocrite as corporate America doesn't give a flying fuck about the plight of middle America.

The Republicans will nominate a "moderate" conservative, who really is a far-right neocon fascist shit that will cozy up to the Christian fundies and continue to push America toward a theocracy.

In the end it won't matter who wins.....the status qou will prevail.


Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 09:22 AM

Rudy, a message to you Rudy!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Rudy, a message to you Rudy!
Have ya heard DJ Yoda's rendition of it, with the breakbeat over it? And then somebody shouts "Put it in reverse", so he plays it all backwards.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/16/05 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Have ya heard DJ Yoda's rendition of it, with the breakbeat over it? And then somebody shouts "Put it in reverse", so he plays it all backwards.

Yeah I have but being a die hard fan of the Specials version it was hard to get used to. It's ok as a bit of a novelty but definately nothing more.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Rudy or Hillary? - 05/17/05 12:51 PM

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