
Explain your Username

Posted By: Fame

Explain your Username - 04/14/05 10:51 PM

Mine is a pretty lame story but here goes:

No, it has nothing to do with the cult TV show "Fame" tho I used to watch it long time ago...
My friends were just discussing how choosing the right name is an important step if you reach out for fame.
So one made a stupid comment "what if your name IS fame?"...a little more bla bla and I ended up as Fame.
I know,I know, its the most stupid story you heard in your life but thats just what happened - and we were 9 years old, so please
The rest is history, everyone calls me Fame in real life up to this very day,and I mean EVERYONE-even the guy in the supermarket!
Hell...even the TEACHERS in school used to call me Fame, I kid you not!

So anyway, what about you?
Explain your Username...

P.S - DE NIRO - you're excused

(Unless you want to explain why its all in capital )
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 10:53 PM

When i joined i didn't relise you couldn't change your Name,i put them all in capitals for some reason and "Thats That"
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 10:54 PM

I chose Don_Andrew because, I guess I like being called "Don" (who doesn't want that kind of power?) And Andrew because well, my name is Andrew.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 10:56 PM

I hate mine. I was originally The Jackal but changed it before 100 posts (meaning about four hours after I joined)

I changed it to Don Vercetti because of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I would change it in a heartbeat if people weren't used to the name.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:05 PM

Mine is how I sign up everywhere if possible. I try to keep it simple so I wouldn't have to write it down for every single site I sign up. Afsaneh is my real name. 77 is the year I was born.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:13 PM

I hate my username. I kept the one I had from the IMDb boards, but it's so damned long! Basically, the main idea behind it was, IMO, Don Corleone (both Vito and Michael) are my favorite film characters of all time, and IMO, Michael is the best, and most complex character of all time. The "xXx" on each side signified one of my least favorite characters of all time (that being...uh...xXx). Basically, out of every great, deep film character you get, there's always at least 2 (or 1000) more characters that are just stupid. Um, then again, maybe I just like the way "xXx" looks when typed, who knows?
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:13 PM

My name, angie ( Angelica), the first letter of my last name Z and my age.
Posted By: AngelaMarie

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:17 PM

My name. Angela is my first name, Marie is actually my sister's middle name - I don't like my real middle name.... and it makes me feel a little more anonymous.
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:18 PM

Mine is pretty simple. Its just my last name...
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:20 PM

My name is Letizia. But my last name starts with an M and not a B. The B came from high school... one of my teachers pinned it on me.

We were studying Napoleon Bonaparte, and his mother's name was Letizia. So after that, my teacher would always call me Letizia Bonaparte, and it stuck.

He even moved my name up in the roll sheet and used to call "Bonaparte?" during attendance. And I had that teacher for two other classes as well, and he'd still call me that without explaining why... so other people started thinking that it was my real last name, and pretty much everyone else at school used to call me that, too. :rolleyes:
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:22 PM


Don because I love The Godfather.

Ferro because it's my name.

55? because I figured DonFerro was taken.

I wish more than anything I had put DoctorFerro, kinda like Vercetti. I knew after I started that the whole "Don" thing was lame for me, so I just started calling myself "The Doc" a little later. People still address me as DonFerro, but I prefer Doc. I don't really care, but wish I was not "Don"Ferro.

I think people know the "Doc" thing more a lot more than the "Don" thing with me though, which is good.

The Doc
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I changed it to Don Vercetti because of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
I think u mean Vice City, but your forgiven.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:35 PM

Mine is pretty original seeing as it is my name.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Explain your Username - 04/14/05 11:56 PM

Originally posted by raggingbull2003:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[b] I changed it to Don Vercetti because of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
I think u mean Vice City, but your forgiven. [/b][/quote]Ugh, I'm thinking of that name too much.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:15 AM

MaryCas is psuedonym of course. I was not internet savvy when I joined the Gangster BB; my first and only internet affiliation (are there others?? ). I chose MaryCas to be unidentifiable and untraceable. I didn't want any identity theft or internet stalkers (paranoid you say?). I figured using a feminie name would really throw people off. I originally used the Mama Corleone avatar. In the beginning of my membership I made sure to make my response non-gender specific. It became a game to see if people responded to me as if I was a female. There were a few. plaw asked me out on a date and Geoff wanted to know my measurements (only kidding). Soon I realized that the board and the internet were "safe". Then I revealed my identity, changed my avatar (not a self portrait), and even posted some pictures. A long explanation, but MaryCas is my mother in law.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:18 AM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
I hate my username.
That makes two of us. :p
Posted By: Blake

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:19 AM

MaryCas, I thought you were a female forever.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Blake Peters:
MaryCas, I thought you were a female forever.
No, only for the last 10 years or so...
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:24 AM

Money is one of God's greatest gifts to us humans. We need it much more than love, our family, and our close friends. But money is something we always need. That's why we have to use different methods to obtain the green paper that breaks up relationships and makes us kill our sisters and children. We need to get money.....fast! or else we die. I wish there was a beautiful 28 year old woman made out of money. Sure she would have been in everyone's pockets at least once of twice, and had more coke poured on her than a plane flying from a coca field in Medellin. But no matter where she had been, I would still love her, because she is young, attractive, and loving in generosity.

And that's why I mob for money.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:25 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by Blake Peters:
[b] MaryCas, I thought you were a female forever.
No, only for the last 10 years or so... [/b][/quote]
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Blake Peters:
MaryCas, I thought you were a female forever.
Same here...I didn't know how to refer to you...

As for mine, my name is Gina, I'm (1/2) Italian, and I'm a girl. I sort of wish I had just used "Gina," but it's alright.
Posted By: Johnny Stiltz

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 01:13 AM

Mine is this

Johnny -cause my name is john

and Stiltz cause I really am 7ft1 inches tall

so thats what i came up with
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 05:28 AM

Well I came across this BB just after watching a documentary about Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski. And I figured that would be a cool(no pun intended )name.
Posted By: YoTonyB

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 06:10 AM

Tony B. That's me. When I was a kid, my neighborhood friends would stand on the sidewalk and yell at the house, "Yo Tony...wanna come out and play?!" YoTonyB just became an easy screen name to remember and use.

tony b.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 09:35 AM


My initials of my full name.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 11:06 AM

I named myself after David Hasselhof. And then I tattood his face over my chest.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 11:28 AM

Well that explains it all!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 03:44 PM

I chose mine because "Turnbull is a good man..."
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 03:49 PM

I decided on AppleOnYa because of it's similarity to a prominent character in The Godfather .... Luca Brasi.

Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 03:56 PM

Fellini film that is one of the first movies I recall seeing on the big screen (at the drive in ) when I was very young.

Also, the day I registered on this site, I happened to be rummaging through my purse which was of the La Dolce Vita line and saw the brand tag inside.

Thought that summed up everything about my being - lucky and grateful for everything I have, everything I own, everything I am.

The Sweet Life.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 04:01 PM

he's one of Us, he's a GoodFella.

Posted By: The Irish Mafia 28

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 05:21 PM

I chose my name because I am 75% Irish, I like the Mafia, and my lucky number is 28.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 05:26 PM

Well I liked the name of 'pop's capo' Tony Cipriani in GTA3 but changed the last name from the italian- Cipriani to the greek- Kyprianou. Because Greeks and Italians are very similar
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 06:08 PM

Well, my family is from Sicily. The Babe part was a salute to the Yankees.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 06:18 PM

I just wanted to represent no other character on the board but myself. Just myself.
But putting in my real name was dangerous, all those Interpol agents spoil your nerves when you're being wanted for a couple of decades already... (currently I have an additional charge: illegal storage of arms on my avatar... )
So I ended up as Me. Just Me.
International girl of mystery.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 06:24 PM

When I originally started here on this board my member name was Patrick but I didn't my name being out there so I asked the Don if I could change it, he said yes but on the condition that 1 day he will call on me to do a service for him (although that day may never come) In anycase, I always sign up everywhere now as Irishman12. Irishman just because I'm about 80-85% Irish (or so I've been told, even though few on this board wonder how I come to that estimate). And the number 12 is a story in itself. I'm a HUGE Michael Jordan fan (if you ever saw my room in middle school you'd understand). Well I read that his brother's number (Larry) was 45 and Michael thought he was only half as good as he was so he took 23 (because in sports you can't have 22 1/2) so he just rounded to 23. I just thought about doing that with his number, and so I arrived at 12!
Posted By: Debz

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 07:13 PM

I think mine pretty much describes itself
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 07:58 PM

I WANTED to put Don vincent but I put and e instead
of an I so stupid
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:
I simply took the same name I use when I perform in pornographic movies

Actually, Partagas is my favorite brand of non-Cuban cigars
So YOU'RE the Partagas from "When the women are away, the Men will play" :p
Posted By: Snake

Re: Explain your Username - 04/15/05 09:29 PM

Straight from Ripley's (i.e., Believe It or Not), it's been my actual nickname for 20+ years. Explanation: Hanging out with various Hawg organizations and getting a large rattler tattooed on my right shoulder and arm! I'm just glad I didn't choose a Mickey Mouse tattoo (probably wouldn't have lived if I did ).
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
Actually, Partagas is my favorite brand of non-Cuban cigars
I always wondered where you got the name from!

I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that first sentence...
Posted By: SC

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Partagas:
I simply took the same name I use when I perform in pornographic movies
Isn't "Partagas" the same name that Bill Clinton used when he starred in the porno classic "Sometimes a Cigar Isn't a Cigar"?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 05:41 AM

Aw... I thought SC was explaining his screen name!
Posted By: SC

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 09:32 AM

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
Aw... I thought SC was explaining his screen name!
SC are my initials.
Posted By: M.M. Floors

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 10:39 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I decided on AppleOnYa because of it's similarity to a prominent character in The Godfather .... Luca Brasi.

You are going too fast for me....I don't see the link here...can you explain it more clear for me?
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 11:36 AM

I registered here not so long after seeing the trilogy, so I thought of Vito and just chose it..
And i really dont like it now..
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 12:15 PM

Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
[quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[b] I decided on AppleOnYa because of it's similarity to a prominent character in The Godfather .... Luca Brasi.

You are going too fast for me....I don't see the link here...can you explain it more clear for me? [/b][/quote]Nah, we're talking Apples and oranges here. She was just being sarcastic: AppleOnYa = Apollonia
Posted By: Daigo Mick Friend

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 01:12 PM

From the great Jack Woltz dialoge. except unlike Tom Hagen I am Italian, Irish not German Irish. So Jack Woltz woud call me his.

Daigo Mick friend
Posted By: bogey

Re: Explain your Username - 04/16/05 03:55 PM

I used to have a different name.. I don't remember it though.. it was something unoriginal like Don Vito or something like that.. I didn't like it.. I didn't post much with it anyway and I stopped posting altogether for a while.. like, for a year I think.. then I came back.. but couldn't remember my old name or my password and I didn't have the same e-mail account to email me the password and stuff.. So I got a new one and picked Bogey.. because I'd just got done watching Casablanca for the 9238475th time that day.

I think people used to think I was a boy.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 01:57 AM

Originally posted by don vencent:
I WANTED to put Don vincent but I put and e instead
of an I so stupid
Don't worry, a friend of mine at school once joined the boards (attracted by the many online games, even back then), and mispelled "intelligence" as "intellegence." What a word to mispell.

Mine was coined at the spur of the moment, an appropriate name considering the board, though at the time (and even now) I have little knowledge of the Mafia and its shennanigans. I also love "Capo" as a title. I'd much rather be a Capo than a Don. Only "Consigliere" sounds anywhere near as elegant as (an admittedly cacophonous, if nothing but beautiful too) "Capo".

In essence, "Boss of the Mafia."

But who would want to be that?

End of ramble (if you're not asleep by now).

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 02:14 AM

I'm guessing everyone assumes the answer to mine. Very easy...I am a Sly fan and I'm an Italian, so I simply feminized "The Italian Stallion." I also from time to time, shorten my last name to "Tambo" (as in Rambo)

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
....a friend of mine at school once joined the boards (attracted by the many online games, even back then), and mispelled "intelligence" as "intell[b]egence.".[/b]
I remember him well, and yeah, that was pretty funny in the beginning! He was actually a decent chap, though; and, I wonder what has become of him??

Cont'd by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
...and mispelled "intelligence".... What a word to mispell.
Ahh! My absolute FAVORITE of ALL misspelled words!!!! Misspelled! :p
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 03:16 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[quote]Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
[b] I hate my username.
That makes two of us. :p [/b][/quote]How's about for post number 2000, we shorten it to XDC?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 05:01 PM

Ask Don Cardi.
Posted By: Lauren8

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 08:23 PM

Mine is just my name (duh). "Lauren" was taken, so 8 is a random number.
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 09:11 PM

Mine came from this thing my brother-in-law and I wrote in a class we had together which involved a cat who smoked. Her name (she was a girl cat) was Cancerkitty, and I thought it sounded kind of cool and it was unique so no one online had taken it yet, so I started to use it for various things including the BB.

And now you know the rest of the story.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Explain your Username - 04/17/05 09:17 PM

Fancy misspelling misspell. How embarrassing.

"Intelligence" is doing fine.

Posted By: goombah

Re: Explain your Username - 04/18/05 12:39 PM

I always loved that line by Woltz when he was yelling at Tom Hagen ("I don't care how many daigo guinea WOP greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork!")

Of all the derogatory names in that line, I figured "goombah" was the least offensive.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Explain your Username - 04/18/05 06:17 PM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
[QUOTE]...She was just being sarcastic: AppleOnYa = Apollonia
Hey...I never thought of that!!!
Scratch the 'Luca Brasi' link, this makes MUCH more sense!

Thanks, JGeoff

Posted By: Intenzo

Re: Explain your Username - 04/19/05 01:45 PM

My is my last name my Grandfather came from Italy what i love about it is that no one has that last name. its one of a kind. even my friends call me Intenzo.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Explain your Username - 04/20/05 05:06 AM

Originally posted by SC:
[quote]Originally posted by Partagas:
[b] I simply took the same name I use when I perform in pornographic movies
Isn't "Partagas" the same name that Bill Clinton used when he starred in the porno classic "Sometimes a Cigar Isn't a Cigar"? [/b][/quote]No, it was when Clinto sang on the classic song, "Devil with a Stained Dress On."
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Explain your Username - 04/20/05 05:17 AM

Mignon is my real name. I hate that name. I have no idea where my parents came up with it. At least I know I'm not the only one in the world with that name. :rolleyes: I like Mig alot better though.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Explain your Username - 04/20/05 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
Mignon is my real name. I hate that name. I have no idea where my parents came up with it. At least I know I'm not the only one in the world with that name. :rolleyes: I like Mig alot better though.
Before I knew you were an adult I thought your name was from a game called twisted metal. The huge tank you had to beat at the end was named mignon

I don't think that makes you feel any better though
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Explain your Username - 04/20/05 09:25 AM

Mignon, your name is actually very beautiful and has a great meaning. I usually ask people what their name means and most of the time they don't know. I think it is great to have name with a great meaning if you know about it.

Your name is short form of mignonette or mignonnet and in French it means delicately beautiful or charming and pretty.

What a beautiful name!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Explain your Username - 04/20/05 09:38 PM

A tank huh? Me and my son use to play twisted metal but I don't remember the Mignon tank. Thanks you did make me feel better.


Thanks that was so nice of you to say that. It was so hard to grow up with cuz it is so hard to pronounce. I do enjoy The steak though.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Mignon:
A tank huh? Me and my son use to play twisted metal but I don't remember the Mignon tank. Thanks you did make me feel better.

I just looked into it and the name was minion sorry
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 02:00 AM

Hey you were close though. I like playing that game.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 02:10 AM

Mine's too difficult to explain.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Beth E:
Mine's too difficult to explain.
Your name's not Beth? Ha! I always thought it was. (Or are you being sarcastic?)
Posted By: Tom

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 03:06 AM

I guess I picked Tom because it's The Godfather name nobody would want.
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Tom:
I guess I picked Tom because it's The Godfather name nobody would want.
If you wanted the Godfather name that no one would else would want, then I think Fredo would have been a better choice.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Moscarelli:
[quote]Originally posted by Tom:
[b] I guess I picked Tom because it's The Godfather name nobody would want.
If you wanted the Godfather name that no one would else would want, then I think Fredo would have been a better choice. [/b][/quote]lol Yea how about DonFredoCorleone
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Explain your Username - 04/21/05 03:28 AM

Ya never know, Fredo could have been the smart (smaht!) one. Rocco could have missed Fredo but was too afraid to tell Michael when Fredo swam away and off to shore. Fredo was probably sipping on a bannana dacari in the Bahamas while Michael was crying to Lamberto in Rome. Do I hear...The Godfather IV? Oh man, I crack myself up...
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Explain your Username - 04/30/05 07:19 PM

Freddie is my first name (although I'm evolving into a 'Fred'). The "C" is a play on names with Fredo Corleone. Hence, Freddie C.
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