
Affirmative Action Bakesale

Posted By: Cancerkitty

Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/11/05 11:04 PM

At my school the Campus Republicans put together an Affirmative Action Bakesale wheren they would charge different prices for the same good deprending on age, race, ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation. A strait white Western European male could pay a couple of dollars for a cookie, while a homosexual black woman would pay only a few cents.

A lot of people on campus were really pissed and several of the people in the club had to step down. I didn't really see much of a problem with it. It seemed like just another protest, maybe done a little more creatively than others, but just another protest nonetheless.

I was wondering what other people thought about this one, especially since I've read about this happening at a number of schools throughout the country.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/11/05 11:18 PM

I can understand why some people were upset. Yeah, it reflects the preferential treatment some folks get in certain segments of society, but I think that's a somewhat insensitive way to get a point across. In this PC age, I'm afraid it's just too "over the line."

Don't misunderstand me: I myself am a registered Republican. And I'd be the first one to say, "Hey, it's free speech!" And I'm certainly well aware that the "other side" has gone to much lower depths than that in their protests of this-or-that. However, I'm of the mind that if we say we're really compassionate conservatives, then we should be above such tactics. I applaud you for taking a stand, but I'm not sure I agree with how you did it.

On the other hand, Republicans are "damned if they do and damned if they don't" no matter WHAT the issue...
Posted By: The Irish Mafia 28

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/11/05 11:57 PM

Hahaha that's funny as shit. I hate how the world is so PC
Posted By: Debz

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/12/05 06:27 PM

The world's gone mad...
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/12/05 07:27 PM

Which school is that Cancerkitty? Bob Jones U or Liberty?
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/12/05 11:42 PM

Originally posted by dontomasso:
Which school is that Cancerkitty? Bob Jones U or Liberty?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/13/05 05:57 PM

Yes, my school did that as well, we had quite a bit of fun with all the raging liberals. I guess it wasn't PC enough for them.

Then again, the liberals bitched a few weeks ago when Ann Coulter came, claiming we cater to conservative speakers...yet our last few speakers were former president Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton, Janet Reno, some NAACP brass, and we're getting Salmon Rushdie this month.

Did I forget to mention today was "gay pride sidewalk chalk" day? Yes, we had all the homosexuals write slogans and such all over campus. I wonder why when I applied with a bunch of my friends to get a campus "permit" type thingy for a heterosexual chalk session, they told us we were immature and turned us away. Hmm...oh well. I still say "Straight is Great!"

Posted By: Blake

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/13/05 06:17 PM

That's pretty mean to do to white people.
Posted By: Don Provalone

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/16/05 03:14 PM

The bake sale act may have been over the top, but I think it made a good point. Affirmative Action is in many ways a form of discrimination (before you get too excited or angry - I am a Black Republican - so do not assume that I am a member of a hate group). I think what is more important is that we compete on the basis of ability. Where I would make some allowances is if one had the ability to compete, but one's economic position served as a barrier - that is where I could see assisting someone - provided that they had as much or even more ability than someone with the economic wherewithall or the benefits of 'legacy'.

Final thought - if you are on the operating table, what is your greatest concern - the demographic characteristics of the doctor or the skills of the doctor? Frankly, if my life is on the line, I do not care if the doctor has 3 eyes and polka dots - as long as he or she has the skills in 'dropping the knife'.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Affirmative Action Bakesale - 04/16/05 07:34 PM

Were the cookies good?
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