
Tear Gas Hurts at MSU

Posted By: DonFerro55

Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 02:14 AM

MSU Students are morons. I got into an argument with a swat member here because he pulled me off my bike as I was riding it and I almost got knocked down. He told me the bridge to my dorm was closed. They launched tear gas at us and it burned like hell. Helicopters were flying around and I've never seen so many people throwing bottles of glass around ever. With swat teams on every corner and all roads closed, moving around without a mouthful of teargas became impossible. They just launched them at us because we were in big groups. I didn't even give a damn about the stupid game, I was at a friends house and was returning home. Boy oh boy, do I look at cops much differently after tonight. I also look at crazied fans with the same lack of intelligence.

I had to wait at this bridge with many other screaming students demanding to be allowed to move, or at least find another way accross. We were gridlocked and forced to suffer the teargas.

Blood, beer, broken glass and tear gas were the makings of one horrible night here in East Lansing resulting in over 60 arrests.

Boo to MSU and the MSU police.

The Doc
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 02:20 AM

Don Ferro,

Tear gas, helicopters???? Why was the Swat team there in the first place? Was there a demonstration or some kind of disturbance or event of some kind on campus???? I can imagine how the tear gas would burn.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 02:24 AM

We lost the Final Four College basketball game.

People got mad.

The Doc
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 04:07 PM

I just found out from our morning paper that over 15 students went to the hospital from tear gas-related injuries. One student was shot in the face with a canister.

The police were out of control. The students did not start to panic until they were confronted at every turn with tear gas. Seriously, we were just in a group of people walking down the street and they tear gased us. When we tried to run, they tear gased all the possible ways out. It was horrible. I'm very upset by this entire situation.

The Doc
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 04:26 PM

Press charages Doc! I couldn't believe it when I heard that riots broke out after the game. It was just a game. It didn't mean that much (or at least not to me). I mean, why riot over a college basketball game when they got blown out in the 2nd half? If anyone should have rioted it should have been New York City when they lost last year in the ALCS. I can see a riot breaking out over that but not over my Tar Heels beating MSU (which BTW, I'm very glad that they lost!)
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 04:33 PM

DF - I knew something bad was going to happen. The police expected a riot and ended up pretty much causing one. There ought to be a lot of suspensions passed down on this one.

Did you see the chief of police on television the next morning? What an asshole!
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 05:00 PM

I didn't care about the game. Sports is my last concern. We were going to riot even if there was no game. The feeling around campus was that people wanted to raise hell. We ended up soing nothing and the cops pushed people over the line. Cops are stupid. At least a scared cop is.

No I didn't see the chief, what did that asshole say?

The Doc
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 05:17 PM

DF: He was saying how he was proud of the officers who were on duty and that he felt like they made the right deciscions, especially based on the prior history of MSU and major sporting events.

It was funny to watch because the reporter that was interviewing him (for Fox 2 out of Detroit, which kind of comes in out in East Lansing I believe) was getting more and more hostile throughout the interview.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 05:54 PM

That guy is an asshole. I hope the 15 students hurt press charges.

The Doc
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 07:36 PM

Call your state ACLU department and report illegal police practices.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Tear Gas Hurts at MSU - 04/04/05 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Call your state ACLU department and report illegal police practices.
If this were any other incident, I would. But it was not an isolated one. This happened all over on saturday night and the chief of police has already determined it "justified". MSU administrators feel no true harm was done.


The Doc
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