
Party at Freddie's House!

Posted By: Freddie C.

Party at Freddie's House! - 03/17/05 11:39 PM

This Saturday, I'm having what is called an "open house". I'll be home alone the whole weekend. My parents are going to my sister's friend's wedding.

I really don't have to do anything as far as preparation. I'm supplying the house, everyone else brings the party materials. There's been a lot of talk around school about this. It may surpass New Year's 2005 as the best party of this school year.

I'll let you know how it goes.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/17/05 11:48 PM

Don't do it. You can never enjoy your own parties.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/17/05 11:51 PM

That may be true Turi, but I think it's too late to back out now.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/17/05 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Don't do it. You can never enjoy your own parties.
Agreed. I love parties at other people's houses because you never have to worry about your stuff.

You going to have any alcohol there? If so, definetely do NOT have people at your house. Unless you have very forgiving parents and like cleaning vomit.

The Doc
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:00 AM

What time should I be there?

Turi and Ferro are right, tho... you did see Risky Business, didn't you?
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:03 AM

Excellent Freddie. By party materials, I am assuming that you mean pinata's, juice, goody bags, etc.

Just try to make sure the music isnt too loud. Thats how I got busted last time. The cops came and everything. Wasnt pretty.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:07 AM

I've had to run out of a few places with a bottle of Wild Turkey in my hand. :p Haha.

The Doc
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:15 AM

Of course he's having alcohol there, probably playing that drinking version of ping pong too. The shit I've done at other households would mean I'd never trust more than 5 other people in my gaff at anyone time.

Ok instead of ruining his upcoming night here's some advice which I'm sure you'll already know but there's no harm in it being repeated:

Have fun, drink but try and be more sober than the guests, the last thing you need is passing out whilst everyone is headbutting the mirrors.

Hide the valuables and try to keep at least one room off limits - preferably your ma and pa's. Absolute no no in there - though some will try. Also try creating a lot of space with less obsticles for drunks - furniture to the walls, removing tables etc.

The bath is a good place to keep a lot of beer cold if you prepare well enough with plenty of ice and cold water. But you end up with people stealing it.

I know I'm a hypocrite and hardly one to say this but seriously keep drugs to a minimum. The last thing you need is a neighbour calling the cops, getting raided and then telling your olds drugs were involved.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:21 AM

Hmm, a party eh? Sounds good I'll be there. I've been meaning to throw one of those but I think I'll get drunk and forget it's my party and trash the place. To get even more random there's this teen nightclub in Sacramento thats pretty cool-coming from a 14 year old so it's probably lame to you party animals. Anyway, thanks for the tips Turi, they will come in quite useful.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Have fun, drink but try and be more sober than the guests, the last thing you need is passing out whilst everyone is headbutting the mirrors.
Yea I could have used that advice last year when I had an open house. I had a shit load of beer waiting for everyone, so I started drinking at like noon. By the time everyone had arrived, I was completely trashed. Im not sure how the night went realy, but judging by the huge mess I had to clean up, it must have been one hell of a party.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 07:36 AM

Open house? Expect one hell of a clean up duty mang. :p
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/18/05 01:56 PM

Good luck with the Clean Up
Posted By: Big Daddy Don

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 05:23 PM

What a coincidence - party at Big Daddy's tonight also. Probably not as big as yours, anywhere from 25-35 of my 'peeps' heading over after a dinner affair. All adults and no kids this time - so should be fun. Since you are not really that far from me, I'll get them all liquored up and before things get of hand and to prevent damage control we'll all swing over to your open house. :p

As a 'Little Daddy' I been to plenty of those 'open house' parties - I would strongly suggest you take some of the advice the others have offered - things can get quite out of control very quickly.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 09:20 PM

Tonight is the night! I have some friends here already (and my gf). I don't plan on the majority of people getting here until about 10pm. My #1 rule tonight is if you drink even the smallest amount, you are not driving. Either you sleep it off or get a ride.

Now I'm hearing that this is a roman toga party. This was not my idea at all. I'm still debating if I'll wear one.

Right now I'm setting up my playlist on windows media player. Since my computer will be on all night, maybe I'll give some updates throughout the night...
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 09:49 PM

Freddie--Law in PA is that anyone without a senior license can't drive between 11 PM and 5 AM. What if someone is heading to your party after 11 and gets pulled over and they say they're going to your house?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 09:54 PM

The law is you need to be 18 to drive after 11pm, nothing about a senior license. I still have my junior license. But if anyone were to say that to a cop, then I'd be screwed.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 10:27 PM

Hey Freddie, got any Wild Turkey at your party?

No party is complete without the refresing Turkey I love so much.

You have some right?

The Doc
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 11:19 PM

I'm starting to get a little anxious. Right now my main concern is the # of cars that will be parked out front. How many cars before it looks suspicious? None of my neighbors are "cool".

Yes, I have some Wild Turkey, but that's off limits. It's my dad's and he'll definitely notice if some is missing.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/19/05 11:56 PM

I've got a little buzz right now. It's like I'm running a hotel here. Couples have already called here, requesting a bedroom. My house has 4 bedrooms. Three of the four are already taken. Me and my gf will be in my parent's room. I'm not sure how I feel about having sex in their bed.
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 12:34 AM

Yo Freddie, same here man... Imma gonna be alone next month for one week, my mom and sis are goin to India while my bro and dad is in Brazil right now. So I planned to have a house party.. but is it really worthed? I think it should definately be damn annoying to clean up throw-ups the next morning and organize the stuff some drunken dudes may have broken.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:

Yes, I have some Wild Turkey, but that's off limits. It's my dad's and he'll definitely notice if some is missing.
Oh man, that's a shame. I got about half a bottle left in my room here. Best drink in the world. I gotta tell you, a room without a bottle of Wild Turkey in it is not a room at all. Take a sip for The Doctor and put a little bit of water in it to hide your deed. I know its 101 proof, but he wnt notice, the Turkey is powerful enough as it is. Enjoy your party buddy.

The Doc
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 01:58 AM

Freddie that was waaaay too much info about your girlfriend and your parents bed! Have fun tonight and have fun cleaning in the morning! Maybe you should open all the windows now to air the place out.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 02:25 AM

Good idea with the windows, Kristen. Actually, I had a friend in a similar situation to yours, Freddie, who took down all the curtains in the house and just left the blinds up for the whole weekend, then put the (clean and odor-free) curtains back up about an hour before her parents came home. Sure it was a lot of work, but if the smell of our clothes was any indication, that was the smartest thing she's done in her life.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 04:18 AM

Have fun in the morning, Freddie... If your folks find out,(as our friend Paulie Gatto would say), sfortunato ...
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 04:54 AM

This is fucking crazy!!!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 06:39 AM

How's it going, Freddie? Still got the toga on, or did that disappear hours ago? Turkey bottle is empty now, isn't it?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 06:56 AM

Me and Geoff used to have wonderful loin-cloth parties.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 07:30 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Turkey bottle is empty now, isn't it?
Must be He seems to be "out". The lovely Turkey does have that effect.

The Doc
Posted By: Blake

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 07:50 AM

I went to a couple of shakers last night. Pretty crazy. House still standing Freddie?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Me and Geoff used to have wonderful loin-cloth parties.
What, they're not wonderful any more??
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 01:49 PM

Man, I've just got back from Freddies gaff. Good party man, I'm still a little hungover from it. Firstly let me apologise for walking in on you and your missus in your parents room, that was a shock, I don't want to see you hairy arse ever again. You may want to put a comb through it, I'm sure I saw a small Russian family trapped in there.

Secondly, you may find that some of your CD's are missing. This is an official ransom request, send £500 to my email address through pay pal by midnight tonight or they are going to be used as frisbees, coasters and sharp stabbing tools. I know you cannot live without your Milli Vanilli and Ashlee Simpson collection.

Third and finally, I don't know who did it but I guarantee it wasn't me. It was funny whoever did shit in the water filter though.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Third and finally, I don't know who did it but I guarantee it wasn't me. It was funny whoever did shit in the water filter though.
Hahaha, , Sorry Fred, the Turkey made me do it.

The Doc
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/20/05 08:06 PM

The party was definitely a success. There were about 40 people here. Most of them were seniors, so that was cool. Only 5 people wore a toga. Many people told me this morning that it was the best party they've ever been to.

The clean-up was not that bad. I had a lot of help (6 cheerleaders ) People were pretty good with controlling their vomit. My friend took all the cans with him this morning, and put them in our school's dumpster.

As you can imagine, some interesting things happened. My friend jumped on my couch. It is a sectional, but he did not realize that they are individual sections that fit together. Anyway, the couch fell backwards and crashed into the wall, making a basketball-sized hole. This morning he got his dad's tools and fixed it (he did a really good job). The walls in my basement are green. So after he fixed it, we needed to find that green paint. We searched and eventually found some green paint. But it's not the same shade. We didn't realize this until after it dried. It looks really bad.

Another friend really got hammered. He's Irish, but he is a real lightweight (he only had 4 beers). He was probably having the best time of anyone in the beginning. But then he totally crashed. He went to the bathroom and just sat there on the floor. My gf went in there with him and put blankets around him and rubbed his back. She did this for an hour! My friend ending up sleeping on my dog's bed, which someone had put in the bathroom.

The only negative is that I can't find my clicker (remote control). I think someone might've taken it.

My parents will be home in about three hours. I'm not worried at all. I think I've covered all my tracks. I still do not know how I feel about having sex in their bed. Late last night I didn't even think about it. Now, I'm a little traumatized.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/21/05 12:34 AM

Well Fred, sounds like you had a grand time. Good for you!

4 beers?! That's it? Your friend needs some practice. I polished off half a bottle of Wild Turkey last night for a buzz. I'm a big Sicilian guy and if I were caught drinking any less than my normal half bottle of Turkey, I might be frowned upon. Haha.

Is your Turkey still intact? I tried to get my hands on it but I couldn't find it so I had to dip into my supply.

Tell us if your parents said anything.

The Doc
Posted By: Lauren8

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/21/05 03:31 AM

Sounds like a good party! Hope you washed your parents sheets
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/21/05 03:56 AM

My parents will be home in about three hours. I'm not worried at all. I think I've covered all my tracks. I still do not know how I feel about having sex in their bed. Late last night I didn't even think about it. Now, I'm a little traumatized.
am I the only one who wants to see Freddie's father come on this message board?????????
Posted By: Blake

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/21/05 07:51 AM

4 beers??? I would need about twenty to be in that situation.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/25/05 02:18 PM

For the two days of school that we had this week, my party was all anyone talked about. Even the people that weren't there were talking about it. I didn't realize how many people have picture phones. Everone wants to know when the next one is. It looks like it will be April 29. My parents are going to Atlantic City for that weekend. The only problem will be my sister. She's a sophomore in college and she lives at home. She would not be cool with a party. I'll have to arrange for her bf to take her out. He's a cool guy.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/26/05 08:03 AM

Good to know there was no major damage.(other than the wall) The next one is obviously expected to be bigger so good luck.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 03/26/05 08:00 PM

The next one will definitely need to be a lot more regulated. I'll get some linemen from my football team to be the bouncers.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 05/14/05 06:38 PM

The day of my senior prom is finally here! And the after party will be right here at my house! There are about 20 couples coming here. As I type this, some of my friends are in my back yard setting up tents. Once again, my computer will be on all night, so I'll try to give updates.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 05/14/05 06:43 PM

Sounds like it will be a good night
Posted By: Blake

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 05/14/05 08:18 PM

I also have a night like that going for me tonight. Good luck and have fun mang.
Posted By: Debz

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 05/14/05 08:43 PM

Soudns like it's gona be a good party
Our Prom is coming up soon aswell, duno who will be having the afterparty because the boy that had it last year isn't allowed this year because someone broke his neighbours front window

Hope you have a good night!!
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Party at Freddie's House! - 05/22/05 11:07 PM

My prom night was awesome. I was all over that dance floor. The after party was really cool. It wasn't wild at all. Everyone was relaxed and had a good time just hanging out.
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