
Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD

Posted By: DonFerro55

Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD - 02/15/05 03:15 AM

I am one of the biggest Hunter S. Thompson fans around. One of my favorite films is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I also love the documentary on him called Breakfast With Hunter. I saw a film a couple of years ago called Where The Buffalo Roam starring Bill Murray as Thompson. I thought it was fantastic. Though the VHS version that was available at the time had the original music soundtrack replaced with a studio band sounding horrible like elevator music. The original soundtrack has choice pieces from Thompson including Bob Dylan, CCR, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Neil Young, but this was all replaced. And in a lot of scenes, the change was EXTREMELY noticable. People, including myself, petitioned to have a DVD version released with the original soundtrack, well, a DVD was realeased, with the elevator music. That went out of print, so we petitioned again to get a good music version, well, on Feb. 1 2005 they released a new edition. I bought it in a heart beat. AND DAMN UNIVERSAL BECASUE IT STILL HAS THE ELEVATOR MUSIC!! No extra features at all, bad soundtrack still. What a joke, people are so pissed, again, including myself. The just released DVD is already out of print less than 2 weeks after its release.

My question is this: Did this bother anyone else about the DVD? And how much do you guys also hate stupid production companies out to fill their fat, fart tainted wallets?

The Doc
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD - 02/15/05 03:22 AM

I really want to get into the Thompson films, not so much the books. 'Fear and Loathing' is on Criterion, which is a reason for it being a pain for me to get.

And yes, I also have extreme hatred for production companies who butcher films.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD - 02/15/05 03:46 AM

I can't stress how great these films are. The books are better but the films do it a GOOD justice. DO NOT buy the regular edition Vercetti, the Criterion is SO good. It's got 2 documentaries with Thompson, interviews with the cast, interviews with the original Dr. Gonzo, Oscar Zeta Ocosta, who is feared to be dead since 1976. And SOOO much more, including commentary for the film by cast, director and THOMPSON! Get it and you wont be dissapointed!

The Doc
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD - 02/15/05 03:48 AM

I never consider getting a lesser edition, although that might change with the Passion of the christ and "Man on Fire."
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Where The Buffalo Roam (Bill Murray) New DVD - 02/15/05 04:33 AM

That's good, because the Criterion Collection may be costly, but its really worth it. I'm still so pissed about this damn DVD.

The Doc
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