
Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 01/31/05 08:31 PM

Communist flag:

I'm just curious as to what everyone thinks about the great Russian communist leader. He certainly was the key reason for an Allie victory in World War II. If not for his orders to fight Germany after Germany invaded Russia, we may have not been here today. He certainly helped the poor and tried to rebuild czarist Russia. We must also remember that Stalin killed over 20 million people in his concentration camps. -Pat
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 01/31/05 11:41 PM

He certainly was the key reason for an Allie victory in World War II. If not for his orders to fight Germany after Germany invaded Russia, we may have not been here today.
No he wasn't. US plus UK would have defeated the Axis Powers. UK and Russia would not have. Germany could have sealed the western front if not for America and apply their entire military to the east and win. Germany was already kicking Russia's ass in combat, as about 12 Russians were killed for every German. The Russians won by much larger numbers, and with the assistance of some American technology. The Allied Western front led by America would have taken a full attack from Germany and still won even if the Germans weren't fighting in the east. Russia helped but didn't change the outcome, only America did. Not to mention America was almost single-handedly fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, while Stalin didn't even pay attention to them. So, yes, we would be here today. You're totally wrong about WWII.

He certainly helped the poor and tried to rebuild czarist Russia.
Oh, really? :rolleyes:

We must also remember that Stalin killed over 20 million people in his concentration camps.
I guess you mean by killing he helped them. Helped the poor... Stalin's Russia was insanely poor and he killed over 20 million civilians.... real admirable system there, huh Pat.

Stalin was a useless evil bum.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 12:17 AM

I have to disagree, Pat. He was part of the reason, not the reason. The industrial power of the US would have prevailed in the long run.

He was a brutal dictator that murdered at a magnitude that challenges even Hitler. He is virtually indefensable for any type of human rights or even human decency, so calling him a "great communist leader" is a bit misguided, in my opinion. Unless brutality, oppression, and fear are a measure of greatness, Stalin falls far short of great.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I'm just curious as to what everyone thinks about the great Russian communist leader. -Pat
Originally posted by Patrick:
People should be able to say whatever they want without approval from ANYONE, let alone the government. Hitler and Stalin both banned major media outlets and allowed few newspaper articles, which needed government approval. -Pat
Hey, I think that you've answered your own question my friend!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 01:43 AM

I think the Soviet Union did contribute greatly to the Allied victory in WWII. Hitler put a great deal of his power into invading the Soviet Union, and, although the Russians suffered outragously high loses, the did utterly devestate the German army in two major consequetive battles, Stalingrad and Kursk, not to mention tying up a ton of men and equipment in the 900 day siege on Leningrad.

Would the allies have defeated the Nazis without the help of the Russians, probably, but the war would have been much longer, and much more costly to both the UK and the US, especially if Hitler and Stalin had maintained their earlier alliance.

This is not to say Stalin wasn't a tyrant and a monster, he was. Your figure of 20 million people killed in the Gulag system is actually a pretty conservative one. However I do feel the Russians made a vast contribution to the Allied victory of WWII.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:39 AM

Oh, really? :rolleyes:
I certainly didn't put it there for my health.

I guess you mean by killing he helped them. Helped the poor... Stalin's Russia was insanely poor and he killed over 20 million civilians.... real admirable system there, huh Pat.
Stalin made Russia into one big industrial farm. Stalin also let the serfs keep their farms and freed the serfs from their owners. He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him. Christ, you're acting like I'm idolizing the guy. I respect what he tried to do and how he experimented with communism, not the fact that he killed 20 million people.

Originally posted by Don Marco:
I have to disagree, Pat. He was part of the reason, not the reason. The industrial power of the US would have prevailed in the long run.

He was a brutal dictator that murdered at a magnitude that challenges even Hitler. He is virtually indefensable for any type of human rights or even human decency, so calling him a "great communist leader" is a bit misguided, in my opinion. Unless brutality, oppression, and fear are a measure of greatness, Stalin falls far short of great.
Just wondering, but do you think Lenin would've been able to make socialism OR communism work in Russia? I am pretty sure that I heard that Lenin and Stalin didn't even get along.

Would the allies have defeated the Nazis without the help of the Russians, probably, but the war would have been much longer, and much more costly to both the UK and the US, especially if Hitler and Stalin had maintained their earlier alliance.
I disagree. I don't think that the US and UK could've beaten Germany without Russia. It was pretty much the US and UK alone, since France fell to Germany and Vichy France backed the Nazi's. I believe Canada helped us and some other European nations as well, but the US and UK were the 2 main forces on the Allies. Japan probably would've made the war last much longer too, but we decided to drop the 2 a-bombs to prevent further Allie casualties. I honestly can't see the Allies winning without Russia. Russia's military and technology was just so dominant at the time and every time that the US felt they gained a step in the arms race, we found Russia right there with us. -Pat
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:43 AM

He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him.
Pat, do you know who he thought were threats to him?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:45 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote] He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him.
Pat, do you know who he thought were threats to him? [/quote]Military captains, communist party leaders, anyone who talked against him, etc, I'm sure there were some poor, but the majority were not. -Pat
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote] He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him.
Pat, do you know who he thought were threats to him? [/quote]Military captains, communist party leaders, anyone who talked against him, etc, I'm sure there were some poor, but the majority were not. -Pat [/b][/quote]I'm not debating the poor part.

Those were not the only threats to him though, people who served in his palace or whatever you want to call it were also routinely killed off. After a certain amount of time serving him he felt they knew too much and had them killed.

He killed more innocent people (you can even throw the people who spoke against him as guilty) than guilty people.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:51 AM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him.
Pat, do you know who he thought were threats to him? [/quote]Military captains, communist party leaders, anyone who talked against him, etc, I'm sure there were some poor, but the majority were not. -Pat [/b][/quote]I'm not debating the poor part.

Those were not the only threats to him though, people who served in his palace or whatever you want to call it were also routinely killed off. After a certain amount of time serving him he felt they knew too much and had them killed.

He killed more innocent people (you can even throw the people who spoke against him as guilty) than guilty people. [/b]

I never said he killed more guilty than innocent.
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 02:52 AM

Patrick, not to sound like a know-it-all or anything, but Stalin did not free the serfs. Russian serfs were officially freed in 1861 while Russia was still under control of the Tsarist Empire under Alexander II. And Stalin certainly went after the poor in his purges. Almost every soldier who served overseas in WWII ended up in the Gulag camps, simply because they had seen the West. These are simple soldiers, not powerful military officers or anything like that. He also went after the kulaks who were Russian poor land owning peasants and pretty much wiped their class of the face of Russia. Perhaps this is what you're talking about when you said he free the serfs, but in reality all he did was demonize a slightly more afluant class of peasant and set them against each other. Pretty smart I'd say, but, once again, the guy was a monster.

"Russia's military and technology was just so dominant at the time and every time that the US felt they gained a step in the arms race, we found Russia right there with us."

This is true, but not until after WWII. During the war Russia was painfully behind the rest of the world with a couple notable exceptions (like the T-34). During the war the Allies pumped a lot of technology into the Soviet Union to help them out, which is where a lot of Soviet arms researchers got their start.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Stalin made Russia into one big industrial farm. Stalin also let the serfs keep their farms and freed the serfs from their owners. He didn't kill the poor. He killed those who he felt were threats to him. Christ, you're acting like I'm idolizing the guy. I respect what he tried to do and how he experimented with communism, not the fact that he killed 20 million people.
He let the serfs "keep their farms"? Isn't communism about state ownership of the land? Private lands were confiscated for the use of the state Pat, so no personal property. What about the thousands of workers that died during the 5 year plans? Or the thousands of peasants who were sent to gulags for being unwilling to give up their land to create collective farms? Why do you respect someone for "experimenting" with communism if it led to the deaths of millions?

I disagree. I don't think that the US and UK could've beaten Germany without Russia. It was pretty much the US and UK alone, since France fell to Germany and Vichy France backed the Nazi's. I believe Canada helped us and some other European nations as well, but the US and UK were the 2 main forces on the Allies. Japan probably would've made the war last much longer too, but we decided to drop the 2 a-bombs to prevent further Allie casualties. I honestly can't see the Allies winning without Russia. Russia's military and technology was just so dominant at the time and every time that the US felt they gained a step in the arms race, we found Russia right there with us. -Pat
Russia's military during WWII wasn't "dominant" at all. They had poor leadership and poor training, and won through sheer numbers and determination. They certainly played a major role in winning the war, but I think the rest of the allies would have won without them.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:07 AM

to expand on what Mr. Baggins said......watch "Enemy at the Gate" the beginning of the movie is VERY accurate. When the soviets would get off the train to go into the battle of Stalingrad some were given guns and some were given bullets. When someone with a gun was killed the person with bullets would pick it up etc... That's why the Soviets lost 26 million soldiers *combat related* They just had numbers.

But there is no way to say "if if if" it happened and it's over. If the russians weren't with us would we have won? maybe. Would we have lost? maybe.

Also if you "Respect what Stalin did" read a book called "Under a Cruel Star" it is a real story about what a woman went through under a Stalin inspired government.
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:08 AM

He let the serfs "keep their farms"? Isn't communism about state ownership of the land? Private lands were confiscated for the use of the state Pat, so no personal property. What about the thousands of workers that died during the 5 year plans? Or the thousands of peasants who were sent to gulags for being unwilling to give up their land to create collective farms? Why do you respect someone for "experimenting" with communism if it led to the deaths of millions?
Actually Pat's partially right on this one. Stalin did allow, eventually, a small number of peasant kolektivs keep their farms. They were not individual ownerships, but the never were even prior to the Bolsheviks. They were originally run by the Mir, which is kind of a communal farming co-op. Stalin allowed a few of these to exist because they worked better than the sovkhozs farms and he didn't want violent uprisings during the war.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Cancerkitty:
"Russia's military and technology was just so dominant at the time and every time that the US felt they gained a step in the arms race, we found Russia right there with us."

This is true, but not until after WWII. During the war Russia was painfully behind the rest of the world with a couple notable exceptions (like the T-34). During the war the Allies pumped a lot of technology into the Soviet Union to help them out, which is where a lot of Soviet arms researchers got their start.
You tell em Cancerkitty!

Actually to add to what you have said, Russia was getting their asses kicked in against Germany! The mistake that the Russians made was that they tried to fight the war on TWO fronts and they were, as you have said, behind the rest of the world and not well enough equipt to fight on two fronts. They learned from that mistake and again as you have said, made it a priority after WWII to catch up and bulid up their arms to compete with the rest of the world.

Don Cardi
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:32 AM

Private lands were confiscated for the use of the state Pat, so no personal property.
Private lands that rich people owned and used serfs were taken by the state.

What about the thousands of workers that died during the 5 year plans?
Alright...Like I said, I don't like the guy for people being killed.

Or the thousands of peasants who were sent to gulags for being unwilling to give up their land to create collective farms?
Thousands of peasants. My point exactly. Over 20 million people were killed. Very few poor people were killed. Stalin took a lot of the rich's money and gave it to the poor.

Why do you respect someone for "experimenting" with communism if it led to the deaths of millions?
I respect his courage to try something while the most powerful country (US) begged them not to turn communist. I also think Lenin could've worked the USSR. What did the US expect after Bloody Sunday? Honestly. Nicholas the II killed protesters and the Bolshevik Revolution was less than a year later. If hundreds of farmers went to the White House and asked Bush for more benefits and Bush ordered them to be shot, would you no rebel?

Originally posted by Cancerkitty:
[quote]He let the serfs "keep their farms"? Isn't communism about state ownership of the land? Private lands were confiscated for the use of the state Pat, so no personal property. What about the thousands of workers that died during the 5 year plans? Or the thousands of peasants who were sent to gulags for being unwilling to give up their land to create collective farms? Why do you respect someone for "experimenting" with communism if it led to the deaths of millions?
Actually Pat's partially right on this one. Stalin did allow, eventually, a small number of peasant kolektivs keep their farms. They were not individual ownerships, but the never were even prior to the Bolsheviks. They were originally run by the Mir, which is kind of a communal farming co-op. Stalin allowed a few of these to exist because they worked better than the sovkhozs farms and he didn't want violent uprisings during the war. [/quote]Yes--Stalin made 2 state owned farms. The farmers in the one were paid based on sales and production and the farmers in the other one were paid with wages.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:37 AM

Stalin took a lot of the rich's money and gave it to the poor.
Stalin gave the "rich's money" to the people he wanted to. Most everyone was poor in the Soviet Union. If you weren't a high ranking member of the Party you didn't get much.

And wages were absolute garbage, most times it wasn't even enough to pay rent etc..
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

[quote] Why do you respect someone for "experimenting" with communism if it led to the deaths of millions?
I respect his courage to try something while the most powerful country (US) begged them not to turn communist. [/quote]:rolleyes:

Don Cardi
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:45 AM

I don't really think it's fair to compare Lenin and Stalin here. Lenin was willing to comprimise a bit and include at least a modicum of capitalism into the Soviet Union, i.e. the New Economic Program. During NEP the USSR was at it's most productive point.

Stalin took over and forced collectivization, sold 80% of foodstuffs (including the parts of the grain that were necessary for the following season's planting) which caused artificial famines. Why? To prove that the Soviet Union could produce as much as the US. If that's what you call courage to try something new, well I don't know what to tell you.

By the way, Lenin was no angel himself.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:47 AM

CK--What did Lenin do?
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:53 AM

Well, for starters he ordered the execution of the royal family after Nicholas II peacefully abdicated the throne and allowed himself and his family to be arrested. He also outlawed other political parties. He used Leon Trotsky as a sort of one man goon squad, sending him around the countryside prior to collectivization to bully around the peasants to see how much resistance they might put up. He formed the Cheka, which were the forerunners of the KGB, and used them to root out potential political competitors and have them gotten rid of.

If you're interested I can recommend a few pretty good books on Russian history.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 03:55 AM

Oh yeh? How about one that covers the Bolshevik Revolution to the beginning or end of the Cold War?
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 04:02 AM

Well, probably the best one to read is Nicholas Riasanovski's A History of Russia. It's not just about the revolution, it's a complete history dating from the pre-Kievan era all the way to just before Putin took office.

For revolution stuff you might try The History of Soviet Russia: The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1922 by Edward Carr, or the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes.

There's also an interesting one about Lenin and the Cheka called The Cheka: Lenin's Secret Police by George Leggett.

Most of these will talk about not just the Bolshevik (i.e. Novemeber Revolution) but also about the earlier March Revolution that was basically a popular uprising in responce to Russia's handling of WWI. The earlier revolution was kind of a precursor to the latter, and you'll find that the two actually run together.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 04:05 AM

Do you know of any books on Ho Chi Minh or communist North Vietnam?
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 04:08 AM

No, unfortunatly not. My specialty is pretty much Russian. I know a little about the Chinese popular revolutions because they tie in a lot with Russia, but Vietnam is pretty removed from my (very limited )sphere of knowledge.
Posted By: cant do it Sally

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 12:07 PM

he was a jackass but nothing. i recommend y'all to see the movie "Stalin" (who Robert Duvall plays). it very well expresses how he got rid of Lenin and Trochki. and another movie "The Red Dictator" that tells about his achievements(!) if you dont like reading.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 05:06 PM

Pat - I have to admit that your choices of people that you admire puzzles me.
Posted By: JustMe

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 06:22 PM

I rarely feel the respect I felt reading your starting post! For your knowlege of other country's history and interest in it.
My applause! Hold on.
Posted By: Pax Soprana

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 07:55 PM

Until now I'd never heard anything positive about Stalin. I still think he was more evil than good though but I'll read up on it now.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/01/05 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
Pat - I have to admit that your choices of people that you admire puzzles me.
I wouldn't say that I 'admire' him, but lives of dictators just fascinate me. When one man or one small group of people can force an entire revolution or take control of a single country all by themselves, I tip my hats to them.

And Ho Chi Minh? Come on now. The guy spoke 7 or 8 languages fluently! He is the only man who was ever able to defeat the US military! -Pat
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/03/05 06:32 AM

I respect what he tried to do and how he experimented with communism, not the fact that he killed 20 million people.
Who were the 20 million he killed? Rich people? No, considering Stalin's people were about the only rich people in the Russia at the time. Give me a break, they were almost totally por civilians... and if you know anything about Stalin you'd know he was a very paranoid person and he could see some poor guy on the street and feel threatened.

I disagree. I don't think that the US and UK could've beaten Germany without Russia. It was pretty much the US and UK alone, since France fell to Germany and Vichy France backed the Nazi's. I believe Canada helped us and some other European nations as well, but the US and UK were the 2 main forces on the Allies. Japan probably would've made the war last much longer too, but we decided to drop the 2 a-bombs to prevent further Allie casualties. I honestly can't see the Allies winning without Russia. Russia's military and technology was just so dominant at the time and every time that the US felt they gained a step in the arms race, we found Russia right there with us. -Pat
No, you're wrong about this. If I know anything it's WWII; the US and UK would have defeated Germany and Japan without Russia. The US was off the scale in industrial power compared to everyone else. There would have been a larger battle in the west obiously with the Germans all there instead of the east. How would the Germans beat the US mostly and the UK in the West? The US alone would have ended up man-handling them, the supreme air power of the US and the RAF helping, and the foot soldiers better armed, and eventually better tanks. It would be mass killing for a while but Germany could never have beaten the Allies as long as the US was fightint. Not to even mention the US could have used the atomic bomb in Europe, too, if they wanted a quicker end. Now, if it was the UK and Russia, then yes, the Axis powers could and probably would have won. Germany would eventually have beaten down Britain and won the west, the Brits just couldn't keep fighting forever with the Luftwaffe bombing the hell out of lower England... a ground invasion would have been successful. Russia was already getting their asses handed to them like I said, like a 1 to 12 kill ratio in favor of the Germans, and the US technology gave the Russians the ability to move and launch rockets. Only their size let Russia beat the Germans, and with the western front caving in, and the Germans applying full attention to Moscow, the Reich would have sliced throgh the Soviets military, especially if they waited for a major offensive until Spring. So, bottom line, US + UK = victory. That's a fact. If you disagree, please don't blow me away with specifics again :rolleyes: and explain how the Axis could possibly have defeated the US and UK?

Also, what do you mean about Japan? The US pulverized Japan in the Pacific, and by the time the atom bombs were dropped, all Japan had left was Japan. We just didn't want to invade the Japanese mainland and loose a lot of guys on the beach; but as for the war going on longer.... it was over for all technical purposes.. Japan had nothing left, it was just a matter of getting them to officially cave in.

And Russia's technology and military was not dominant at all! The only reason they beat the Germans in the East (even with the US and UK hammering on the West and South) was because of their huge numbers.

The Russian soldier was probably the worst-armed and armored of the entire war, between the five or six major nations. The thing was, there were 20 of them for the better armed better trained German soldier. Also, Russia's technology wasn't great, and only got better after the war... after getting some huge injection's from Germany's technology. Russia during the war had poor tanks, poor guns, a poor air force that could not hold a dime next to the Luftwaffe, and relied on American-made trucks to transport their weaponry and rockets.. in fact, without the American trucks, who knows how long it would have taken them to seal of the Germans in the east. Russia had C- technology and A+ numbers. And they still would have lost if not for the American drive on the western front.

wouldn't say that I 'admire' him, but lives of dictators just fascinate me. When one man or one small group of people can force an entire revolution or take control of a single country all by themselves, I tip my hats to them.
Then let's talk about Hitler. There was one man who took control of an entire nation and changed the face of the world. Tip you hat to him?

And Ho Chi Minh? Come on now. The guy spoke 7 or 8 languages fluently! He is the only man who was ever able to defeat the US military!
Defeat the US military? Let's take a look.
US casualties in Vietnam war: 53,000
North Vietnamese (not on our side) casualties: 1.1 million

Yeah, they really let us have it. :rolleyes: Militarily, the US did bad for the US, but in reality the US kicked the hell out of Ho Chi Minh. The reason people like you look back and say we lost was because we pulled out before there was a conclusion, and after we left the North beat the South. The US military did not lose, has never lost, and will never loose. But, of course, Vietnam was a wrong war and there was no reason to be there. LBJ messed up.

He is the only man who was ever able to defeat the US military!
It looks like you're proud of that, even though it's not true....
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/03/05 08:16 PM

I've been waiting to reply to this since I saw it at 7 this morning.

Obviously, we both have 2 different views on Russia's impact on the war, so I feel no need to further continue on about that because my opinion simply won't change.

Then let's talk about Hitler. There was one man who took control of an entire nation and changed the face of the world. Tip you hat to him?
I tip my hat, not because I believe he was good man or did good things, but because he had the power to do the bad things he did.

But, wow, you may know your WW II, but when it comes to Vietnam, that is my territory, and you're way off of it now.

Defeat the US military? Let's take a look.
US casualties in Vietnam war: 53,000
North Vietnamese (not on our side) casualties: 1.1 million
The US lost 56,000 soldiers. BTW, you fail to mention the rest of the Vietnamese we massacred. You're off by about 2 or 3 million. I'm curious, but what do casualties have to do with this? Russia lost more people in WW II than any other country and it was on the winning team.

The reason people like you look back and say we lost was because we pulled out before there was a conclusion, and after we left the North beat the South.
In 1954, we entered what was known as Indochina to help the French keep their colony. It was divided at the 16th parallel, the north being communist and the south being run by democratically-elected President Ngo Dien Mi, who was no angel himself. I don't look back and say we lost because we pulled out. We lost because we didn't succeed. Our goal was to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist. To this day, Vietnam is still communist. We lost the Vietnam War.

LBJ messed up.
Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1954, who just happens to be a Republican! And Nixon did so much better when he took office too. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/04/05 02:55 AM

Obviously, we both have 2 different views on Russia's impact on the war, so I feel no need to further continue on about that because my opinion simply won't change.
Obviously so. But, with this, there is fact and fiction, and I'm telling you the fact. Nevertheless I'd like to hear how the Axis would have won if Russia didn't help the US and UK. If you decide not to elaborate, I'll just take that as a sign that you accept defeat.

I tip my hat, not because I believe he was good man or did good things, but because he had the power to do the bad things he did.
Yeah, he was smart, in fact probably a genius. He got his power and his empire. I still don't know why you tip your hat.

The US lost 56,000 soldiers. BTW, you fail to mention the rest of the Vietnamese we massacred. You're off by about 2 or 3 million. I'm curious, but what do casualties have to do with this? Russia lost more people in WW II than any other country and it was on the winning team.
Source? My sources generally say 53,000... but whatever. We'll just say 56,00 for now.

I listed the Vietnamese fighting the US killed in battle, which was about 1.1 million... not civilian casualties. Russia was on the winning team because the US and UK won the war; one on one against Germany they lost, but in WWII's situation they still won so it doesn't matter. Poor analogy.

In 1954, we entered what was known as Indochina to help the French keep their colony. It was divided at the 16th parallel, the north being communist and the south being run by democratically-elected President Ngo Dien Mi, who was no angel himself. I don't look back and say we lost because we pulled out. We lost because we didn't succeed. Our goal was to prevent Vietnam from becoming communist. To this day, Vietnam is still communist. We lost the Vietnam War.
Yeah yeah blah blah blah. You originally said that Ho Chi Minn and them beat the US military. I said, no they didn't. The US military totally kicked their ass inflicting over a million casualties, and politically we pulled out and missed the goal. The goal wasn't accomplished, but militarily the US won, and you said they didn't.

Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1954, who just happens to be a Republican! And Nixon did so much better when he took office too.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected in 1952 and took office in 1953. Lyndon B. Johnson turned 16,000 soldiers in Vietnam into 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam, and in so doing transformed it from an assistance operation into a big war. After Nixon took office in 1969, throughout his time as President he pulled out more and more troops, eventually pulling them all out.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/04/05 03:56 AM

Obviously so. But, with this, there is fact and fiction, and I'm telling you the fact.
Ah, so it's a fact that we would've beaten the Axis Powers WITHOUT Russia? :rolleyes: Why didn't you say so in the first place? :rolleyes: It's your OPINION, Signore.

If you decide not to elaborate, I'll just take that as a sign that you accept defeat.
I guess that means you accepted debeat in the Cobain/Tupac thread.

You originally said that Ho Chi Minn and them beat the US military. I said, no they didn't. The US military totally kicked their ass inflicting over a million casualties...
Ho Chi Minh's NVA and the VC beat the US military. Is that better?

...we pulled out and missed the goal.
The goal wasn't accomplished..
But we won the war, right? :rolleyes: :p

Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected in 1952 and took office in 1953. Lyndon B. Johnson turned 16,000 soldiers in Vietnam into 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam, and in so doing transformed it from an assistance operation into a big war. After Nixon took office in 1969, throughout his time as President he pulled out more and more troops, eventually pulling them all out.
I think it's pretty safe to say that Eisenhower started the Vietnam War. -Pat
Posted By: Cancerkitty

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/04/05 03:59 AM

I'm not sure if I agree with you when you say "One on one against Germany [Russia] lost." By the end of the war in the eastern front the Soviet Union had just dealt Germany two very major defeats at the Battle of Stalingrad (despite the fact that the entire city was leveled) and at the Battle of Kursk. Hell, Russia completely demoralized Hitler's tank army at the latter. It wasn't just about overwelming the Germans with soldiers either; while Russia didn't really have a pot to piss in for the most part, they had some pretty damn good tanks.

However, would the Germans have defeated the Russians had the US not gotten involved on the Western Front... probably.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 46: Joseph Stalin - 02/04/05 09:30 PM

The Soviet Union would never have become the industrialised superpower it did during and after World War II without Stalin.

A fascinating man made of pure evil; definitely more psychotic than Hitler ever was. It's interesting to study his rise from total (or thereabouts) darkness regarding fame; the man at the bottom secretly willing to do anything to get to the top. He did.

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