
I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer)

Posted By: DonFerro55

I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 06:41 AM

I have been robbed of somewhere between $30-70 dollars by a guitar dealer. I have played guitar for about 6 years nowand have gotten quite good. I have 5 guitars(4 of which work), and I went out to buy a new accoustic. My classical guitar was not going to cut it anymore,(My other accoustic is the broken one), so I headed out to buy a new one. I only had in the area of $150 to spend, so I wasent expecting anything mindblowing. Well, I went to the stores and they were just about sold out of everything. I did find a Takamine S35 "Jasmine" guitar which played and enjoyed very much. The tag said $269, do I set it down. A dealer came up to me and offered it to me, WITH a hardshell case for $169. How could I resist? I bought it right there. I didn't know about the "Jasmine" model, but Takamine makes a good product, so I thought I was safe. I went home, naturally excited, and went online to the other websites to see what kinda deal I got. BOOM! EVERY OTHER site was selling the exact same guitar for only $99, with a list price of $199. I emailed the store I bought it from to see if they will let me return the case and just keep the guitar with a re-embursement of the $80 extra I payed. I dont need the case, I have an extra. I will bring them the ad and demand action. I'm sorry for posting this rant, but I am pissed. That case is not worth $80 bucks and I want just the guitar for that price. What a snake of a dealer to raise the list price to $269 just so he can drop it with a coustomer and make it seem like a great deal. Damn, I'm pissed! I blame myself for not researching nto this better, I usually know my guitars too but damn, this is a kick in the balls. I'll keep all "you'se guys" posted on my progress.

Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?(I'm sure you have, share your thoughts)

The Doc
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 06:44 AM

at a job I had we used to list things for say $5 above retail price and then give people a "deal" of $10 off and they think they got some great deal when it was really only a $5 break - but we always made sure that the "deal price" was at or below retail.

That's just wrong what he did- though I don't think you will get your money back.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 11:56 AM

Don Ferro,

I don't know what the policy is with returns where you live, but I would think that if the guy has a store, he will work something out with you. I would print the ad, go in VERY calmly and try to reason with the guy. Ask him if he is willing to match the price. If not, the most fair thing for you to settle on a split of the difference between you and him with you eating half the difference and him reimbursing you half the difference. If he doesn't agree to that either, then just CALMLY tell him that you belong to the gangsterBB boards and you have some very "important" associates from the boards who just may be paying him a visit!
But seriously, I think that if you approach him with a reasonable offer, you'll do fine. I wish you luck!

Don Cardi
Posted By: bogey

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 12:20 PM

I'd just bust a cap in this guy's ass, personally... :p
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 01:45 PM

I'm sorry but this guy must be laughing and give you a good "sucker" comment after you left. Rubbing his hands thinking of his Xmas bonus.

Anyway kick up a fuss. Most local guitar stores around here let you barter with them and like to be known as giving good deals. Chances are you wont get a full refund but some sort of instore voucher.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 01:49 PM

caveat emptor
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 03:06 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
caveat emptor
I kind of agree, I don't often have sympaphy for people who don't quite get the deal they're after when a lot of money is involved. If I'm buying something of considerable value, I research into it first. Like now I'm in the market for a digital camera. It's going to be a careful decision and hopefully a wise one. But I do understand Don Ferro's anger. Most businesses adhere to codes of practice and a certain deal of trading standards should be upheld.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:

Look at this as a lesson. Turi had wisdom in his reply (damn did I really just say that ) "If I'm buying something of considerable value, I research into it first"

Hmm, that doesn't sound like me. Someone must have hijacked my account.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Like now I'm in the market for a digital camera. It's going to be a careful decision and hopefully a wise one.
I've been looking for one for over a year now. I need one that have a timer or a remote control (so I can get naked pix of myself ) and also is able to play mp3. A three mega pixel or more resolution and 10x zoom. As much as possible memory. I've not found that yet.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 04:45 PM

Bah, I bought a Squire Strat for $230 or something like that. That's without the amp mind you.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/27/04 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Partagas:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] caveat emptor
You Capitalist Pig! :p [/b][/quote] Well said, both of you.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/28/04 08:44 AM

I have gotten no reply yet from this rotten slime. I researched a guitar I wanted I saw there earlier, it was sold out. I had to improvise with the "Jasmine". Takamine is a good brand and I bought a Les Paul from this store in the past. I had no reason to suspect foul play. If I don't get some kind of re-embursement, I'm going to unleash a hell storm on that piece of shit, god forsaken place. I'll bring that damn guitar back and smash it over his lousy head. I hate these god-damned dealers who do this. I must have been dealing with the head slimeball because the last guitar I bought there I got for a steal. No need to worry folks, The Doc will not take this sitting down. Freedom will prevail. Death to this pig creature.

The Doc
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/29/04 06:02 AM

Still no response. I'm gonna ride in there on a white horse and set the plsce on fire.

Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/29/04 06:12 AM

We'll get the family together for you and hunt him down...
Posted By: Scarface.1

Re: I've Been Robbed! (By a Crooked Dealer) - 12/29/04 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Bah, I bought a Squire Strat for $230 or something like that. That's without the amp mind you.
Thats actually quite good for a startocaster but amps are always usually expensive if you want a decent 1.
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