
DeNiro - No longer brilliant?

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/21/04 07:37 PM

I found this story today. IMHO DeNiro IS a brilliant actor, but has succumbed to lousy roles. What do you think?

DeNiro losing his brilliance?

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/21/04 07:38 PM

I honestly thought he was trying to pull a Leslie Nielson and start going into comedy, I think he's still a great actor but there is only so much you can do with the role you take.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/21/04 07:44 PM

At this point in time, and considering the "flops" he's made and/or far from challenging roles, if they did make yet another GF, what harm would it do him to take part? It would boost the movie and give him another credible (although maybe worn-out?) role.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/21/04 09:14 PM

I enjoyed reading that article--thank you, TIS!

He's still a great actor. It's the roles he chooses that are giving him a bad name--but I think we all know that. Same thing with Pacino. They're not reinventing themselves like the other aging actors around them--instead, Pacino rants and raves in his usual over-the-top manner while De Niro relies on sighs and shrugs and lowering his jaw into a gaping exasperated look, a la in so many scenes of Analyze This.

Both are becoming mundane and redundant--but it isn't the acting; De Niro's acting has never changed, from the young hothead of Johnny Boy in Mean Streets to the older hothead in Midnight Run.

It's the roles that are offering less and less for him to do. And indeed, when you go from such-and-such pounds to an impressive increase in weight, and put yourself under similar such torture month-in, month-out (as John Baxter focuses on briefler in his biography), it takes it out of you. De Niro no longer has the determination or eagerness to put in the effort for which he became famous in the acting industry. Dustin Hoffman, on the other hand, seems to still be able to choose good films--look at this year's I Heart Huckabees, for example.

As for De Niro, though, his acting has hardly changed; just his choice in the roles. Can somebody really expect the intensity shown as Travis Bickle to be seen as Fearless Leader in Rocky and Bullwinkle? Different films, different audiences, different class, and a different requirement of acting.

Alas, his film career is over, as far as I am concerned, at least until he returns to directing or starring in more serious roles.

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/22/04 03:04 AM

Thanks for sharing TIS. Most of us here have been saying this for quite some time now and its (sadly) true. You really cant blame him though. He now has a production company he has to run, and in the state Holloywood is in now, there really isnt gobs of good roles he can pick from.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/22/04 12:30 PM

Critics have to make money so they put their spin on anything. Too often the media (and the fans) have this god-like image of their stars and they want to hold them to standards that are almost impossible to meet. Consider any aging actor; the range of meaty roles shrinks quite quickly as they reach senior status.

Why can't we say that DeNiro likes to act. So what comes along he takes. He has fun and makes money. He is one of the top ten actors of the last 30 years. He can do what he wants, when he wants and doesn't have to answer to anyone.
Posted By: Lavinia from Italy

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/23/04 01:36 PM

Just give him a great role in a great movie.
Posted By: Robert DeNiro

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/23/04 05:54 PM

DeNiro hasnt lost jackshi*

He's still got more talent in his left nut than does 99.9% of Hollywood. There just arent that many great movies anymore out there that demand a role suited for him so he's been leaning on comedy lately.

btw.....although Meet the Fockers isn't great, but fairly decent, I thought DeNiro carried that movie on his own almost.
Posted By: Omar Suarez

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/23/04 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Same thing with Pacino. They're not reinventing themselves like the other aging actors around them--instead, Pacino rants and raves in his usual over-the-top manner

I think you underestimate Pacino. I read a review for his recent film, "The Merchant of Venice", and his performance is supposed to be very good and it is supposed to show his diversity as an actor.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/23/04 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Omar Suarez:
I think you underestimate Pacino. I read a review for his recent film, "The Merchant of Venice", and his performance is supposed to be very good and it is supposed to show his diversity as an actor.
Well, I doubt I'll be seeing that film Omar, but Pacino's acting has barely differed in the last few years.

Posted By: Busta

Re: DeNiro - No longer brilliant? - 12/24/04 06:53 PM

You also must have not seen Angels in America because Pacino won a golden globe for it. He did a great job in that and was definitely deserving of it. As for The Merchant of Venice, I also have seen a lot of reviews for it and just about all of them are saying Pacino gives another great performance. Yeah, he was in Gigli, but are you still sure about what you were saying about Pacino Mick?
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