
love problems

Posted By: mr. soprano

love problems - 11/29/04 04:22 AM

not that anyone would really care about my problems, and i don't even know whether or not im supposed to write them on here, but i trust you guys might be able to help me or comfort me. my ex girlfriend(we dated for four and a half years) recently came back into my life. she has been doing this since we broke up in december of 2003. each time i have a sense that things can work out, but she gets mad about somthing small or we get into some argument and she walks out for a few months. well it's happened again now. and im torn to pieces because once again she says she wont' talk to me again. what do i do now?
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 04:35 AM

Best thing you can do pal is to just move on. If shes going to keep doing this, then theres no way you can ever have a steady relationship with her. All you can really do is try to forget about her and find somebody new.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 04:36 AM

Well something similiar has happened to me in the past. I'd advise you to basically call it off once and for all.

tell her you're sick and tired of her always coming back to you, only to get mad and swear to never talk to you again.

Like the old saying goes. There are other fish in the sea.
Posted By: SC

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 07:00 AM

Follow the advice of the two above.

Old, bad relationships are like history - if you don't learn from them, you're bound to repeat them. Move on to someone new.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 08:17 AM

it's hard. she doesn't really say that she doens't love me. she just tends to get upset over small things. and then some ex boyfriend of hers that she cheated on with me keeps coming on and saying stupid things.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 09:11 AM

Originally posted by mr. soprano:
and then some ex boyfriend of hers that she cheated on with me keeps coming on and saying stupid things.
Ouch! That's trouble all over. Forget it.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 10:37 AM

Hey, unless you want to torture yourself you should tell her you don't want to see her again. Both of you would learn from this relationship and try not to hurt the next partner with the useless arguments. It is easy to find out if an argument is constructive or is just to annoy and hurt feelings. This is some girly advice, let her go and move on. You'll get over it, trust me.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: love problems - 11/29/04 02:55 PM

Whenever any of my friends had love problems, or in adulthood, marital problems, I always try to be a good listener and give input, but never tell them to leave or stay. I just think that it's between the two people.

I will say however, in your case, you know each other and we don't know either one of you. So I would suggest you ask yourself a couple questions.

1. Do you see any chance that this relationship worth it?

2. Would you be content if it remained as it is now, with her coming & going, and getting angry at little things? Is that what you want?

3. I don't know your ages, but if you are both very young, I suppose it could be a matter of maturing. People do change/mature as they get older. If that's the case, it might be good to see/date her (seeing if things do change), yet don't limit yourself to dating her exculsively. Play the field.

4. Lastly, follow your and your gut instinct, instead of your emotions.

Just food for thought. Good luck to you.

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