
Yankees and Marar catch covid

Posted By: jace

Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/14/21 03:31 PM

Celebrities who were vaccinated have still come down with covid. I know the vaccine is not 100% effective, but I am starting to wonder how effective it is. On the Yankees it seems to have been spread form vaccinated to non-vaccinated players, which is not supposed to be possible.

Posted By: jace

Re: Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/15/21 03:30 PM

It turns out all got the covid after vaccinations and still can spread it.

Posted By: jace

Re: Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/17/21 04:49 AM

A ninth NY Yankee has caught covid AFTER being fully vaccinated. It's an unnamed staff member. Nine fully vaccinated people on one team catching and spreading it. So much for the vaccine. Last weeks they have credited Biden for getting it out, by next week they'll be blaming Trump for it not working if covid keeps spreading.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/17/21 09:58 PM

If I remember correctly, CDC said that total immunity would last several months. Then a fully vaccinated person could contract Covid, show no symptoms--but could infect unvaccinated people.
Posted By: jace

Re: Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/18/21 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by Turnbull
If I remember correctly, CDC said that total immunity would last several months. Then a fully vaccinated person could contract Covid, show no symptoms--but could infect unvaccinated people.

I thought that the CDC sounded uncertain, which is par for the course when it comes to them. It seems the baseball players and Mahar were recently vaccinated, but I am not sure about them being able to spread it. For example, if they have mild symptoms and a cough, cn the cough contain covid germs that another person can catch? The various groups like the World Health Organization all seem uncertain in my opinion. What is more worrisome is the newer strains emerging, and weather or not the vaccine offers any protection from them.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Yankees and Marar catch covid - 05/21/21 03:22 AM

Yes, there's a lot that's unknown about this plague. Just today Pfizer said that you may need a booster in 8 months to a year but they didn't say if they're developing one, or how it might work against variants that are certain to pop up between now and then. Nor were Moderna and J&J heard from. This thing is going to be with us for a long time.

Mask sociology here in the High Desert of Arizona: No one masking at the gym I use; everyone masking at the pool and spa my wife and I use; everyone masking at Trader Joe's (which dropped the requirement); most masking at Walmart (which also dropped the requirement); no one masking at the indoor shooting range I use.
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