
Best Political Science Colleges in US?

Posted By: Patrick

Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 05:09 PM

I went to a college fair the other day and signed up to get some brochures from colleges in PA or pretty close. I'd appreciate it if anyone would post any good colleges that have majors for political science and minors in history. I would also like to start checking out some political books if anyone could list some for me. Thanks. -Pat
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 06:09 PM

Colleges- Try some on the West Coast but be careful for liberal-bias if you want a fair class.

Political books? Read:

No Spin Zone- Bill O'Reilly
Who's Looking Out or You- Bill O'Reilly
Let Freedom Ring- Sean Hannity
Reagan: A Life in Letters
Deliver Us From Evil- Sean Hannity
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man
anything by William F. Buckley Jr.

And read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. Masterpiece of political structure's rise and fall.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 07:43 PM

I will never buy anything by Hannity or anything that insults Moore in its' title. I will look at the O'Reilly ones. I bought Dude, Where's my Country? and Red, White, and Liberal: How the Left is Right and the Right is Wrong, today.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 09:34 PM

UCLA is known for its excellence in Poli Sci majors, and as I go there, majoring in exactly that, I can tell you firsthand that it really IS very, very good. Yeah, being on the West Coast, it is pretty liberal, but it's not quite AS biased as I expected it would be. I even had a really conservative professor last quarter. (Granted, it was in Philosophy, but still, he was there!) I'd totally recommend UCLA... it's tough, but awesome. Especially if you can work fast enough and hard enough to get to upper-div classes quickly. There are some fascinating classes, really. A friend of mine who went there like 7 years ago took a whole class just on the L.A. Riots.

UC Berkeley is really good, too, but SUPER liberal. I mean, even though you are liberal, don't you think a balanced education is better? Especially if you're going to major in politics, where that's so important. You want to be well-rounded.

If you want to stay on that side of the country, George Washington Univ. is supposed to be really good, too, as are Georgetown and Colombia... I don't know how your grades are, Pat, but if they're good, don't settle for less than what you've worked for. You're really passionate about stuff, and that will motivate you to want to learn more. You totally have potential, so I hope you don't end up at some crappy college that won't challenge you, and instead just bore you.

About Penn State, there was a quote, I think it was by Rodney Dangerfield... "I went to Penn State-- oh no, that was state pen."
Posted By: Busta

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Signore Sole Aumentante:
Colleges- Try some on the West Coast but be careful for liberal-bias if you want a fair class.

Political books? Read:

No Spin Zone- Bill O'Reilly
Who's Looking Out or You- Bill O'Reilly
Let Freedom Ring- Sean Hannity
Reagan: A Life in Letters
Deliver Us From Evil- Sean Hannity
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man
anything by William F. Buckley Jr.

And read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. Masterpiece of political structure's rise and fall.
You wanna talk about not being bias??? Look at all the books you just listed. Hmm, I wonder if theyre going to be more conservative??? Thats just a hunch I have.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 10:23 PM

Zia--Do they have you reading any specific books?
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 11:31 PM

I'm reading one now that was recommended to me by my Foreign Policy prof, but just as extracurricular, not as text. It's called "Chinese Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice" by Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh. I don't know if you're interested in world politics, but that one is really interesting. One we're reading along with the text in that class is "Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History" by Joseph S. Nye. It's alright. Another one about foreign policy is "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance" by Noam Chomsky. I'm almost sure you'll like that one.

As far as U.S., we had to read one last quarter called "Politics: Observations and Arguments, 1966-2004" by Hendrik Hertzberg. I also got one called "The Almanac of American Politics, 2004" by Michael Barone and Richard E. Cohen, which is very informative. You might also like "One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy" by Thomas Frank. It's really blunt and to-the-point. "The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic" by Chalmers Johnson is also really interesting.

If you tell me what kind of books you want to read, my recommendations could be a lot better... just saying "political" books doesn't cut it. There are so many different ones out there. There are the Sean Hannity-esque analyses (from both sides), there are opinion-based books, there are historical books, etc. And there are so many subjects, too... are you more interested in U.S. politics, or abstract political thought, or the ideas, or what's actually going on, or the history of it, or foreign politics, or U.S. foreign policy... The list goes on.

Just make sure, above everything, that when you read these books, you take them with a grain of salt. Don't believe everything you read, even if the source is good. If you read about a conspiracy theory of some sort, don't just believe it's true; let it lead you to more books about that issue before you form an opinion. A lot of political books are out there just to convince you of something.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 11:55 PM

I want to read a book on FDR, a book on the economy, and a beginner's book on foreign policy. I'd also like to read books on WW I, II, abd Vietnam. Anything come to mind?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/07/04 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I want to read a book on FDR, a book on the economy, and a beginner's book on foreign policy. Anything come to mind?
Patrick, why not look for the "Idiot's guide to "whatever" " one of those books. It will break things down to its simplest parts and give you a great background on everything. Then when you go to your "intro courses" you won't be caught by surprise by terms.
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 01:47 AM

Patrick, for WWII, read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's a masterpiece. Also, read Patton's memoirs.

And why do you like Michael Moore? You won't read anything that insults him...? You know he's a liar and is full of crap, right? You know Fahrenheit 9/11 was false propaganda, right?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 02:42 AM

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. :p
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 02:43 AM

Pat, for a good book on economics (and its relevance in todays political debates), read "Applied Economics" by Thomas Sowell. Anything else written by him is a great buy also.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
Pat, for a good book on economics (and its relevance in todays political debates), read "Applied Economics" by Thomas Sowell. Anything else written by him is a great buy also.
Two sentences into the summary of the book:

...Sowell, a leading conservative spokesman and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, seeks to alleviate this confusion.
I don't want a biased book on economics, but this book seems to be the only one anyone knows for starters in economics.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 02:53 AM

Well Pat, if you're reading a book about economics it has to be by a conservative doesn't it ?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 02:59 AM

Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 03:02 AM

Oh, I didn't realize there were liberal economists .

Just kidding Pat. However I really don't know any books by liberal economists, unless you actually want to read the filth written by Paul Krugman.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 03:24 AM

Isn't there a book that explains how the economy was started, Social Secutiry, and all of that? I want something that just outlines the economy.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 03:39 AM

Well if you want something about capitalism and the basis of modern economics in general you could read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, which I actually began reading recently (although right now it seems like a rather daunting project to finish it).
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 03:47 AM

Read anything on supply side economics.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 03:49 AM

Yes, "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith, written in the late 1770's, is basically the model of economics considered the standard today.

Smith is considered the "father of modern economics."

As Baggin's said however, it is a bit daunting because of the language used, but you can plug through it I'm sure.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I want to read a book on FDR, a book on the economy, and a beginner's book on foreign policy. I'd also like to read books on WW I, II, abd Vietnam. Anything come to mind?
If you have time, you really should go to the library for a few hours and just browse the history and politics sections. Flip through the books that look interesting to you, and see if they look worth the read. The only thing with this idea is that it takes a lot of time, and the time goes by so quickly you don't even notice it. So if you have something else to do, you might miss it. Ahhhh libraries. Gotta love 'em. You might try a Border's, too. They have a politics section, and a history section, too. The thing with that is, you don't get most of the old or rare books.

The book I recommended by Joseph S. Nye is a pretty basic look at foreign policy, and it's pretty short.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:18 AM

Here are some books I have on my Christmas list now:

Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance by Noam Chomsky

The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson

The Death of the West by Patrick Buchanan

Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History by Joseph S. Nye
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:30 AM

If I knew you personally, I'd give you one of those for Christmas. Unfortunately, it's not always the thought that counts... the thought doesn't get you the book you want. I think it's so cool that you want to read about this stuff and educate yourself. Especially at your age (but even in way older people), that's so pathetically rare. I hope you find poli sci more and more fascinating the more you learn about it, and that you'll want to stick with it.

Hey, one last thing... even though you don't like the right wing, you should probably still read some work by conservative writers and analysts. Especially with the argumentative mind that you have, it's important to know the opposition. There are a lot of misconceptions all over the political spectrum about the other sides. The more you know about everyone else's position too, the better you can make intelligent arguments against them.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:34 AM

Zia--I was actually thinking about getting this one, which seems anti-liberal.
The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and the Future of America
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
that have majors for political science and minors in history.
I just noticed this part right now... I had seen that you were interested in poli sci majors, but I hadn't seen the part about minoring in history. That's what I'm doing!! I'm double-majoring in poli sci and business administration, and minoring in history. All I can say is, I hope you have a good memory, if you're going to take that many history classes. It's a lot of fun, though.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Zia--I was actually thinking about getting this one, which seems anti-liberal.
The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration, and the Future of America
I've heard good things about that-- from both liberals and conservatives. I haven't read it, though. I should check it out.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 05:17 AM

I'm also interested in majoring in Political Science.
Posted By: LBG

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I went to a college fair the other day and signed up to get some brochures from colleges in PA or pretty close. I'd appreciate it if anyone would post any good colleges that have majors for political science and minors in history. I would also like to start checking out some political books if anyone could list some for me. Thanks. -Pat
You are welcome to Lund, Sweden, where I study political science!

Political Books:
The clash of civilizations, I don't fucking remember the name of the author right now
Al Franken - Liars (which is very interesting in its FOX chapters)

Oh, and please don't read Let Freedom Ring.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 07:59 PM

You recommend Al Franken but say no to Hannity.......

You really can't get more biased than that.

If all you do is read leftwing/rightwing books and not the other side, you are at a HUGE disadvantage
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 08:18 PM

Pat - I went to Syracuse, where they have a great school for political science called the Maxwell School. You can also get a minor in history (I did to go with my major in finance). You can probably get a minor in history at any school.

It's kind of pricey to go there these days, but it is a good school and a lot of fun.
Posted By: YoTonyB

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 10:02 PM

Also on economics, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes. Between Smith and Keynes, you'll have covered two seminal authors and the leading paradigms of current economics.

tony b.

...happily recalling the Laffer Curve from Labor Econ...
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/08/04 11:35 PM

Originally posted by YoTonyB:
Also on economics, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes. Between Smith and Keynes, you'll have covered two seminal authors and the leading paradigms of current economics.
That'd be great, except many of Keynes economic theories are now discredited.

Oh and Pat, pleeease don't read anything by Noam Chomsky (or Pat Buchanan for that matter).
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/09/04 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:

Oh and Pat, pleeease don't read anything by Noam Chomsky (or Pat Buchanan for that matter).
I didn't say Chomsky's good, I just said he'd like it. Besides, if he's going to major in poli sci, he'll have to read that stuff. I wash my hands of the Buchanan thing, though, I didn't recommend that to him.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/09/04 01:47 AM


I highly recommend to you that you read all the works by the late Stephan Ambrose. He is a joy to read and I feel his books are just great...

I'd disregard his opinions on Patton though. He classified Georgie Patton as a chickenshit type of leader... I feel that Patton's insistance on regulations helped shapene II Corp when they were in North Africa...

I'm off topic...

I highly recomend "D-Day" and "Citizen Soldiers" along with "Band Of Brothers". They are a beginers guide to the ETO during World War II. "The Wild Blue" by Ambrose is a great way to read about bomber crews during WWII also but is not as great as the works I've spoken of...

Pvt. David K. Webster of Company E 2nd/506th PIR, 101st Airborne wrote his memoris and their are exellent as a companion piece to "Band Of Brothers".

To get a real taste of the High Command during World War II I sugest you read some books by Carlo D'este. He wrote a definitive biography on Patton called "Patton: A Genius For War". It is also recommended that you read "General Patton: A Soldiers Life" but I feel that "General Patton" is kind of revisionist but that's me...

Read Ambrose's biography on Ike and then get D'Este's biography. I like D'Este becuase he doesn't completley praise Ike and his love for the Anglo Saxons.

That's just World War II though.

A Great book on The Civil War is a book on Geteysburg but I cannot rember the title. It is extensive and a recomended read but I cannot remeber...

I recommend that If you want to be a history major that one read all three volumes of Gibbon's "The Decline And Fall of The Roman Empire". It's deffinative but It's use of blaming the spread of Christianity as the death knel of Rome is not entirley true... Keep that in mind.

I recommend you read Caesar's commentaries on the invasion of Gaul which I shall read soon. I've read a bit of it and it's good but I think Caesar was a tad arogant so it is definatley biased.

I'm a big reader on American politics and the precidency but I've jsut read some encyclopedic books. They didn't really focus on anything...

I'd love to read a definative book on Vietnam and one on the First World War. I'm currentley talking with my AP History teacher and getting his opinions on these things. I, like you wish to be a social scientist. I'd probably major in hisotry, a subject which has come to me since my youth.

I also recommend that you read some books which were important in hisotory. Books that automaticly come to mind are "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair (Ultra Liberal at some times..) and "The Grapes Of Wrath". Let's not forget "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and such things...
I've toyed with the idea of joining the military after that, probably in the Air Force and maybe being a historian with them, writing after action reports and somethings... I need to read "The Prince" and Erasmus's "The Praise of Folly" and Gallileo's books which title evades me at this time.


You recommended "The Wealth of Nations". Is it an easy read or would one need to be learned in economics to understand it and get Smith's views? I might read it if so.

Signore Sole, I've been meaning to read Patton's memoiurs. As far as you can tell, have these memoiurs been extensivley edited or are they raw like Patton had intended them to be? How far did they progress. I don't belive Patton was able to finish them. I mean to also read the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". I've seen it and she's a biggie though.

What does everyone think of Rousseau, btw?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/09/04 01:54 AM

Thanks Mike.

For a starters Vietnam book--Check out 'We Were Soldiers Once...and Young." It was very good. -Pat
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Best Political Science Colleges in US? - 11/09/04 01:57 AM

Pat take a look at this

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Economics

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0028644921/ref=pd_sim_books_5/103-3864083-9499855?v=gl ance&s=books
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