
Michael Moore

Posted By: Blake

Michael Moore - 11/05/04 06:53 AM

Here's the update on his site. Number 3 kills me!
The collage at the bottom are victims of the war in Iraq.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:10 AM

Wow, these are great. I feel much better already!

Take a look at these fellow Democrats and feel good again.

Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:18 AM

Number 3 proves the older you get the wiser, less idealistic and more realistic you become. Democrats seem to use their hearts instead of their heads. The world is a dangerous, dirty place. You need to be prepared to kick ass and fight for what is yours and what you want to preserv. If someone challanges your freedom are you going to say "please stop, thats not very nice" or are you going to kick ass first and ask questions later?
Posted By: Blake

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Nice Guy Eddie:
or are you going to kick ass first and ask questions later?
Yup always the answer. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Blake

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 08:00 AM

I just came across this picture and thought some of you would like it.
Posted By: Paul Krendler

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 08:22 AM

Found this pic and thought it would give the democrats a laugh.

Posted By: Paul Krendler

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 08:42 AM

and this one....

By the way, the first one was fake. This one is real!

Daily Mirror frontpages
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 12:03 PM

God, I want to meet Michael Moore so bad. I'm sure he's lying on his letter to us, though, right? :p :rolleyes: -Pat
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
God, I want to meet Michael Moore so bad. I'm sure he's lying on his letter to us, though, right? :p :rolleyes: -Pat
I for sure won't believe a word of this shit until I see some hard documentation from an unbiased source. :rolleyes: :p

Posted By: Krlea

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 12:51 PM

Pat if you are trying to reach a united U.S., they why do you idolize someone who so clearly tries to antagonize half the country. I've never heard Bush try to alienate anyone, let alone half the population like Moore does. Half those "thoughts" (if you can call them thoughts) are debateable.

I also think it's disgusting how he uses the pictures of killed soldiers to make Dubya's face. Does this man have ANY class? The only people Moore is winning over is ungrateful, teenagers.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Krlea:
Pat if you are trying to reach a united U.S., they why do you idolize someone who so clearly tries to antagonize half the country. I've never heard Bush try to alienate anyone, let alone half the population like Moore does. Half those "thoughts" (if you can call them thoughts) are debateable.

I also think it's disgusting how he uses the pictures of killed soldiers to make Dubya's face. Does this man have ANY class? The only people Moore is winning over is ungrateful, teenagers.
I know I said I would stay out but, well, I just think you guys are too WRONG to keep going on.

I got a bone to pick with you here Krlea:

Never heard bush try to alienate anyone? Try all the people who beleive in pro-choice and gay marrage, he's separated us from them pretty nicely. How about the MAJORITY of people who think the war is going wrong and want out, yet he persists? Bush's agenda separates us from them pretty nicely. Why do you think we were so divided to start off with?

Whining? Ungrateful? Unfortunetly, we are the only ones here who value human life. Over 33,000 innocent Iraqi citizens are dead because of this war. We care enough about them to question our leader and his actions. We don't want this war to go on. We were not being attacked and we feel we have been lied to.

Whining? I think you got that wrong. It's called perseverance. Moore is right. We are not going away.

Posted By: Krlea

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 01:17 PM

I said alienate not differ. Having different view points is fine, everyone does, but Moore seems to think it is ok to become rude and offensive when others do not share that view point.

Also I never said whining, I said winning.

Don't tell me that the people who want out of the war are the only ones who value human life. I hate to say it but, that shows your immaturity right there. People who don't agree with your points of vieww don't value human life? Right. I think you forgot how many of my family and friends are in the military so dont even bother telling me I don't value human life. These aren't humans to me, they are my family. Don't try to trade your set of standards for mine.

As for everyone who wants out of the war? Aren't they the same people who were claiming that we need a good exit strategy. Just up and leaving will not solve anything. Why don't we let the Military Officials decide how to run the military and let Moore make his movies.

I'd love to right more but I have to get to work. Thanks for the debate.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Paul Krendler:
and this one....

THANK YOU! Took the words right out of my mouth!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 03:32 PM

Kristen--I am not the only one in here who likes Moore, so I don't know your reason for picking me out of the pack. I never said America WILL be united. I said it SHOULD be united. I don't see it happening. I'm not going to dislike Moore just because his opinion differs from yours. Long live Michael Moore! -Pat
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 03:48 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[QUOTE]...I know I said I would stay out but, well, ...

Don't worry, DonFerro55...by now we all know better than to take you seriously when you say you're gonna 'stay out'.

And anyway, please DON'T go...we like hearing from you!!

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 05:13 PM

Never heard bush try to alienate anyone? Try all the people who beleive in pro-choice and gay marrage, he's separated us from them pretty nicely
What about all the people who DON'T believe in it. That is a difference of opinion, that is something that you can never please EVERYONE.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 06:00 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b] [QUOTE]...I know I said I would stay out but, well, ...
We know better than to take you seriously when you say you're gonna 'stay out'.

And anyway, please DON'T go...we like hearing from you!!

Apple [/b][/quote]Get used to it. We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never. I will forever fight what he stands for and I will spend the next four years proving him wrong.

Glad you want to hear "moore" from me! I've decided not to go away.


P.S. As for your "give it, take it" theory. I've decided to do a little more "giving" to even out the field. Enjoy!
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 06:16 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[QUOTE]...I will spend the next four years proving him wrong....
Now, THAT I really look forward to !!

Good luck DF55, you'll probably need it!

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 06:48 PM

It still boggles my mind that there are now about 5 threads dedicated to Michael Moore on this board. It's absolutely hilarious.

How about the MAJORITY of people who think the war is going wrong and want out, yet he persists?
Then why did the MAJORITY vote to re-elect him? Clearly they agree with his ideas?

we are the only ones here who value human life.
Self-righteous liberals who claim to be for human life yet support abortion and embryonic stem cell research.

I think you got that wrong. It's called perseverance. Moore is right. We are not going away.
Kinda like the stupid kid in high school who kept failing each year and was eventually passed because he was too old to stay anymore.

I said it SHOULD be united. I don't see it happening.
Could be because we have a bunch of whiny liberals...the minority...who feel that they should control the majority?

Long live Michael Moore!
Not likely. I suspect his heart is overtaxed because of his obesity.

Get used to it.
Why should we get used to it? The man we voted for won.

As for your "give it, take it" theory. I've decided to do a little more "giving" to even out the field.
Uh oh. Better watch out, we have a "Doc" on our hands.

El Presidente
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:00 PM

We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never.
at least we are well on our way to uniting the country :rolleyes:
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:05 PM

Get used to it.

Why should we get used to it? The man we voted for won.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:06 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote] We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never.
at least we are well on our way to uniting the country :rolleyes: [/quote]My point is this. I will not roll over and accept Bush's new plan(which he outlined yesterday) if I don't agree with it. Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?

JJ and Apple,
Yeah. Better watch out. Here comes the Doc. Thanks for the careless comment "El Presidente(?)" Ha

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:10 PM

My point is this. I will not roll over and accept Bush's new plan(which he outlined yesterday) if I don't agree with it. Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?
I would have to. The same way OVER HALF THE COUNTRY had to get used to Clinton's plans for 8 years.

So by not accepting Bush as your President what does that do? How does that help the United States?
And exactly what do you mean by "you will not roll over and accept Bush's plan"?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:12 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote] We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never.
at least we are well on our way to uniting the country :rolleyes: [/quote]My point is this. I will not roll over and accept Bush's new plan(which he outlined yesterday) if I don't agree with it. Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?

JJ and Apple,
Yeah. Better watch out. Here comes the Doc. Thanks for the careless comment "El Presidente(?)" Ha

Doc [/b][/quote]You don't accept the plan? That's fine. But why is that? Could it be that the left is so prejudice against Bush that they refuse to even try and work with him? What good do you think your stance will serve, other than to agitate yourself?


I see you didn't read my Canada post waaaay back in the Political Scandal of room 325 thread.

If you can be a doctor without merit, I can be the president of Canada.

El Presidente
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
It still boggles my mind that there are now about 5 threads dedicated to Michael Moore on this board. It's absolutely hilarious....
Know why, Double-J?

Because now, he's all they've got.

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:22 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[QUOTE]...Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?...
If Kerry had won, we'd HAVE to get used to him...because he'd be our next President. Whether we agreed or disagreed w/ his plan (he had a PLAN, remember?) or his policies, we'd have to live with them, count on the Republicans to fight them, and then try to vote him out in 4 years.

That's how it's done.

But guess what...Kerry didn't win.


So you can say all you want that you'll fight what he stands for. But all you'll do is complain (which I admit you're very good at).

And if you complain here, that's great because to be honest, it's quite entertaining!

Posted By: Krlea

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I'm not going to dislike Moore just because his opinion differs from yours. Long live Michael Moore! -Pat
Your missing the point Pat. I never dislike someone because their opinion is different than mine. If that were the case I wouldent like the majority of my family. The only reason I do not like Michael Moore is because he has no class. He continually chooses to be personally offensive and does it in quite pathetic ways. Anyway there's my Moore rant. It won't happen again.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
We differ in opinion and I've decided never to accept Bush. Never.
at least we are well on our way to uniting the country :rolleyes: [/quote]My point is this. I will not roll over and accept Bush's new plan(which he outlined yesterday) if I don't agree with it. Would you want to get used to kerry if you did not agree with him?

JJ and Apple,
Yeah. Better watch out. Here comes the Doc. Thanks for the careless comment "El Presidente(?)" Ha

Doc [/b][/quote]You don't accept the plan? That's fine. But why is that? Could it be that the left is so prejudice against Bush that they refuse to even try and work with him? What good do you think your stance will serve, other than to agitate yourself?


I see you didn't read my Canada post waaaay back in the Political Scandal of room 325 thread.

If you can be a doctor without merit, I can be the president of Canada.

El Presidente [/b]

The Left is so prejudice? How come everytime you guys hear the name Michael Moore or Fareinhiet 9/11, you shit your pants and run?

You wanna be president of Canada? Great, have fun, eh. I just a-boot care as much as I care a-boot Cheney's health. (I can see how the name Double J gets kind of annoying anyways)See, unlike you, I don't really care what others call themselves. If calling myself a doctor hurts you, then maybe you'd better see a DOCTOR!

Anyways, Good luck with your country buddy.

Good to know you enjoy my posts, get used to em! Go ahead, reply something stupid. Please? HA!

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 09:25 PM

How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?
Donferro, you find nothing wrong with that quote? I take it you don't want to see a unified country? How CAN there be a unified country if you are saying everyone who voted for Bush is dumb?

I realize you didn't "make up" the quote but you are still using it. It does nothing but drive a wedge further between the two parties.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 09:30 PM

Well at least the claim by the left that they were willing to join in the effort to unite this country lasted 2 days!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 09:36 PM

"America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with BROTHERHOOD from sea to shining sea."

( just in case anyone has forgotten that verse ).

Don Cardi
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:01 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
The Left is so prejudice? How come everytime you guys hear the name Michael Moore or Fareinhiet 9/11, you shit your pants and run?
Sorry, but I've certainly never "shit my pants and run" when seeing threads about Michael Moore. In fact, I've posted articles numerous times showing Michael Moore's lies and inaccuracies (including ones by liberals), yet you have never responded to them. Who is the one shitting his pants and running here?
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Well at least the claim by the left that they were willing to join in the effort to unite this country lasted 2 days!

Don Cardi
I never said I would be willing to join Bush. Not once. Never.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
The Left is so prejudice? How come everytime you guys hear the name Michael Moore or Fareinhiet 9/11, you shit your pants and run?
Sorry, but I've certainly never "shit my pants and run" when seeing threads about Michael Moore. In fact, I've posted articles numerous times showing Michael Moore's lies and inaccuracies (including ones by liberals), yet you have never responded to them. Who is the one shitting his pants and running here? [/QB][/quote]I never saw these threads. Please repost them or PM them to me. Don't bother with anything biased. Oh, and I know what you're already gonna say about Moore's film being biased.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:47 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote]How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?
Donferro, you find nothing wrong with that quote? I take it you don't want to see a unified country? How CAN there be a unified country if you are saying everyone who voted for Bush is dumb?

I realize you didn't "make up" the quote but you are still using it. It does nothing but drive a wedge further between the two parties.
[/quote]I think the quote perfectly exemplifies my true feelings twoards this situation. I really do wonder how all these people could be so careless. As for driving a futher wedge between the parties? Sure it does. But a lot of democrats feel like me and don't want to accept Bush.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:51 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote]How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?
Donferro, you find nothing wrong with that quote? I take it you don't want to see a unified country? How CAN there be a unified country if you are saying everyone who voted for Bush is dumb?

I realize you didn't "make up" the quote but you are still using it. It does nothing but drive a wedge further between the two parties.
[/quote]I think the quote perfectly exemplifies my true feelings twoards this situation. I really do wonder how all these people could be so careless. As for driving a futher wedge between the parties? Sure it does. But a lot of democrats feel like me and don't want to accept Bush.

Doc [/b][/quote]I hope I don't hear a single thing out of you about Bush being a divider and not a uniter because "you and a lot of democrats" are not even making an effort.

Look at it outside of Democratic/Republican for a minute. you don't see something deeper when A PARTY wins the Presidency, AND gains seats in the House and Senate? The way the "other party" is going is obviously not the way the rest of the United States wants to go. By keeping the country as divided as it is and with the same platform, the "other party" will not have a chance of gaining seats or the Presidency. Am I the only one who sees this?

edit: So even though Bush won the election fair and square, he won the popular vote and the electoral vote by a clear margin, you still don't accept him? If Kerry would have had Bush's numbers and I said I don't accept kerry what would YOU HONESTLY say to me?
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 10:59 PM

Not when one party controls everything and a president lays out groundwork for four years of things I don't agree with. I see what you say, but I hate Bush. Period. Unless I see some changes for the better here in the next four years. I will always hate bush.

Just think of my hate being like your hate for Michael Moore. It won't change unless the person you hate does something to please both sides.

I'm not as worried about the country being divided as I am about the power Bush now has and his plan for the next 4 years.

Look at Vietnam, we were separated. But we got over it once Nixon was removed. This is the same situation. Let's remove the problem.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:08 PM

Not when one party controls everything
But that is how the American people voted. You can hate Bush all you want, BUT you can't have it both ways. You can't criticize Bush for not being a uniter in one breath and then say you don't accept him as President in another.

If America liked the way the Democratic party wanted to take America don't you think they would have at least GAINED seats in the Senate and House?

Just think of my hate being like your hate for Michael Moore. It won't change unless the person you hate does something to please both sides.
except nobody elected Michael Moore :p but seriously, I think the problem is that what the left wants to "please both sides" is to just have things they want passed.

For simplicity sake: Republicans are against Abortion and want it to be illegal, Democrats are for it.

I hear all these people saying well if Bush leaves abortions alone I guess I can start to accept him. But what about the Republicans who want it banned? If Kerry was elected and Republicans started pushing for a ban, we would be told Kerry won and its his decision.

I'm not as worried about the country being divided as I am about the power Bush now has and his plan for the next 4 years.
only 2 years guaranteed. But once again this is what the American people wanted.

I hope you are not a DIE HARD LIBERAL, because if you are you are not going to be happy with the Democratic party over the next few years. The plan they had didn't work, they will go back to the drawing table and try and form a different platform.

The democratic party that Kerry ran for and the One that whoever runs for in 2008 will be ALOT DIFFERENT
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:27 PM

also donferro you have to update that number. The number of votes for Bush is now 59,459,000
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:32 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
also donferro you have to update that number. The number of votes for Bush is now 59,459,000
How many for Kerry now?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:33 PM

I just got home and I see that the Moore Clones are at it again. Nothing better to get peoples blood moving then Ballbuster 1 and Ballbuster 2

Come on folks, what do we really care if these folks want to stand up all day and say that they will not stand behind Bush.

What difference do these people really make. While others are moving on with their lifes and making something of themeselves these others will waste there time bucking a system that has long moved passed them.

What do these people have that they can stop progress now that the election is over. That is right NOTHING!

So let the windbags BLOW, just like the winter weather, you will get use to them.

WOW...this just in after the election JOBS ARE UP OVER 337,000 up in October. and look at the stock market Up Up Up after Bush is back in for four more years. Wow, why is that?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:34 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] also donferro you have to update that number. The number of votes for Bush is now 59,459,000
How many for Kerry now? [/b][/quote]55,900,000 give or take
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:38 PM

59,459,765 Bush
55,949,407 Kerry

3,510,358 difference
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:39 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote]Not when one party controls everything
But that is how the American people voted. You can hate Bush all you want, BUT you can't have it both ways. You can't criticize Bush for not being a uniter in one breath and then say you don't accept him as President in another.

If America liked the way the Democratic party wanted to take America don't you think they would have at least GAINED seats in the Senate and House?

Just think of my hate being like your hate for Michael Moore. It won't change unless the person you hate does something to please both sides.
except nobody elected Michael Moore :p but seriously, I think the problem is that what the left wants to "please both sides" is to just have things they want passed.

For simplicity sake: Republicans are against Abortion and want it to be illegal, Democrats are for it.

I hear all these people saying well if Bush leaves abortions alone I guess I can start to accept him. But what about the Republicans who want it banned? If Kerry was elected and Republicans started pushing for a ban, we would be told Kerry won and its his decision.

I'm not as worried about the country being divided as I am about the power Bush now has and his plan for the next 4 years.
only 2 years guaranteed. But once again this is what the American people wanted.

I hope you are not a DIE HARD LIBERAL, because if you are you are not going to be happy with the Democratic party over the next few years. The plan they had didn't work, they will go back to the drawing table and try and form a different platform.

The democratic party that Kerry ran for and the One that whoever runs for in 2008 will be ALOT DIFFERENT

Do you understand what I am SAYING!?

I don't like Republican(mainly Bush's) ideology. Now that republicans control our government on all levels...I AM ANGRY! I DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT BUSH! GET IT!?

I will do everything in my power to make sure a man like Bush never shows his face in DC again.

I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT THE ISSUES BEING SPLIT! But now that Democrats have a smaller voice in the government, I am VERY upset. I'm not happy and telling me to get used to it won't solve anything. I will fight George W. Bush until he brings everyone to the table, or resigns. PERIOD! Now lets get off this subject.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:42 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote]Not when one party controls everything
But that is how the American people voted. You can hate Bush all you want, BUT you can't have it both ways. You can't criticize Bush for not being a uniter in one breath and then say you don't accept him as President in another.

If America liked the way the Democratic party wanted to take America don't you think they would have at least GAINED seats in the Senate and House?

Just think of my hate being like your hate for Michael Moore. It won't change unless the person you hate does something to please both sides.
except nobody elected Michael Moore :p but seriously, I think the problem is that what the left wants to "please both sides" is to just have things they want passed.

For simplicity sake: Republicans are against Abortion and want it to be illegal, Democrats are for it.

I hear all these people saying well if Bush leaves abortions alone I guess I can start to accept him. But what about the Republicans who want it banned? If Kerry was elected and Republicans started pushing for a ban, we would be told Kerry won and its his decision.

I'm not as worried about the country being divided as I am about the power Bush now has and his plan for the next 4 years.
only 2 years guaranteed. But once again this is what the American people wanted.

I hope you are not a DIE HARD LIBERAL, because if you are you are not going to be happy with the Democratic party over the next few years. The plan they had didn't work, they will go back to the drawing table and try and form a different platform.

The democratic party that Kerry ran for and the One that whoever runs for in 2008 will be ALOT DIFFERENT

Do you understand what I am SAYING!?

I don't like Republican(mainly Bush's) ideology. Now that republicans control our government on all levels...I AM ANGRY! I DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT BUSH! GET IT!?

I will do everything in my power to make sure a man like Bush never shows his face in DC again.

I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT THE ISSUES BEING SPLIT! But now that Democrats have a smaller voice in the government, I am VERY upset. I'm not happy and telling me to get used to it won't solve anything. I will fight George W. Bush until he brings everyone to the table, or resigns. PERIOD! Now lets get off this subject.

Doc [/b][/quote]wow you just showed me alot there.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:44 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
wow you just showed me alot there. [/QB]

Showed you that I hate Bush?

Did you really not understand what I was saying?

Were you implying something about me?

Please, indulge me.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:47 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Well at least the claim by the left that they were willing to join in the effort to unite this country lasted 2 days!

Don Cardi
I never said I would be willing to join Bush. Not once. Never.

Doc [/b][/quote]No, you never did say that yourself, and I never claimed that you did. So why did you take my post as a reply to yours?

I was making a general statement.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:50 PM

I thought you were alot smarter and mature than that. I don't mean that as some kind of low insult I'm telling you what I feel.

You are acting very immature because the American People elected someone that you don't like so you start throwing a hissy fit because of it.

You are saying how you are going to do everything your power til Bush brings everyone together or resigns, yet you said yourself you won't accept him. You want things your way or the highway. If Kerry won we would have had to accept it, but since he lost you are acting like a child.

now respond however you want and I'll drop it, I won't respond to what you say.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] Well at least the claim by the left that they were willing to join in the effort to unite this country lasted 2 days!

Don Cardi
I never said I would be willing to join Bush. Not once. Never.

Doc [/b][/quote]No, you never did say that yourself, and I never claimed that you did. So why did you take my post as a reply to yours?

I was making a general statement.

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]Half of this thread is me saying I will not join Bush.

You posted your remark.

You can see why I deducted it was about me.

If it's not about me, which you say it isn't, then you should have made clear you were not including me.

You see my point I'm sure.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:56 PM

I just got home and I see that the Moore Clones are at it again. Nothing better to get peoples blood moving then Ballbuster 1 and Ballbuster 2

Come on folks, what do we really care if these folks want to stand up all day and say that they will not stand behind Bush.

What difference do these people really make. While others are moving on with their lifes and making something of themeselves these others will waste there time bucking a system that has long moved passed them.

What do these people have that they can stop progress now that the election is over. That is right NOTHING!

So let the windbags BLOW, just like the winter weather, you will get use to them.

WOW...this just in after the election JOBS ARE UP OVER 337,000 up in October. and look at the stock market Up Up Up after Bush is back in for four more years. Wow, why is that?
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:56 PM

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I thought you were alot smarter and mature than that. I don't mean that as some kind of low insult I'm telling you what I feel.

You are acting very immature because the American People elected someone that you don't like so you start throwing a hissy fit because of it.

You are saying how you are going to do everything your power til Bush brings everyone together or resigns, yet you said yourself you won't accept him. You want things your way or the highway. If Kerry won we would have had to accept it, but since he lost you are acting like a child.

now respond however you want and I'll drop it, I won't respond to what you say.
You still don't see my point. Please read my last 4-5 posts about why I won't accept Bush, and why I want him gone. Skip over the yelling if you have to, I felt it was the only way to get through to you. (I guess I was wrong)

I'm not throughing a fit. You are making me yell to get my point across that you still don't understand.

Go ahead and reply. I don't care. I'm going to do some stuff now so I won't be back to post for a little while.


Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/05/04 11:59 PM

Do you understand what I am SAYING!?


I will do everything in my power to make sure a man like Bush never shows his face in DC again.

I will fight George W. Bush until he brings everyone to the table, or resigns. PERIOD!
Doc [/QB]

May I suggest that you please relax and stop getting yourself worked up over this? You will get yourself sick, and what for? For a situation that you have no control over? Don't do that to yourself, it is not healthy. What can you really do that is within your power to keep Bush out of Washington? Think about what you are saying and doing to yourself! Chill out a bit, relax, pull back and realize that whatever you do, you cannot control the results, so there is absolutely no reason to get yourself sick over it.
I sincerely mean it. Don't get yourself sick over this.

Don Cardi
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Do you understand what I am SAYING!?


I will do everything in my power to make sure a man like Bush never shows his face in DC again.

I will fight George W. Bush until he brings everyone to the table, or resigns. PERIOD!

May I suggest that you please relax and stop getting yourself worked up over this? You will get yourself sick, and what for? For a situation that you have no control over? Don't do that to yourself, it is not healthy. What can you really do that is within your power to keep Bush out of Washington? Think about what you are saying and doing to yourself! Chill out a bit, relax, pull back and realize that whatever you do, you cannot control the results, so there is absolutely no reason to get yourself sick over it.
I sincerely mean it. Don't get yourself sick over this.

Don Cardi [/QB][/quote]Who do you think you are? A Doctor?? :p

I'm just a concerned citizen, trying to do my part in righting what I see wrong. But I will try to relax. Thanks.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 01:08 AM

[/QB][/QUOTE]Who do you think you are? A Doctor?? :p

I'm just a concerned citizen, trying to do my part in righting what I see wrong. But I will try to relax. Thanks.

Doc [/QB][/QUOTE]

Hmmmm. DOC Cardi!!! Flows pretty smoothly!

Nah, just don't want to see you upset yourself any longer.

Don Cardi
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 01:15 AM

Don Ferro my friend,

I share your anger, grief, disgust, and your disillusionment with how "the other half" just doesn't see.

Not to lessen the importance of any of the other issues on the election ballot, of course the President was most important in my mind, because of, and mainly of the Iraq war.

I hate to see many of us who are (were?) friends, start in with name calling, insults and down right rudeness to others who do not share their views. If we were all to meet tomorrow, would the shit hit the fan over politics??

I won't go into reasons that have been hashed out over and over and over again, but perhaps to those who don't see how the "left" can feel the way they do, let me try to explain without political banter, but more on an emotional level, and maybe, whether you agree or disagree, or even understand, you might be able to see and say.."Ah, I don't agree, but understand where her/his anger/fear/discontent comes from.

This is my feeling:

This President scares me like no other President in my lifetime. I don't trust him. I don't feel safe with him. I fear for the future of my daughters, my grandaughters and myself because I see an even larger and more devasting war/s in the future. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong. But until then I can only say my sentiment is, and probably said and felt more sincerely and honestly from the core of my being......God Bless America!!

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 01:42 AM

Gee Tis, Ever since I started to read this board you always seem to be doing just fine, fun cheerful, no worries and a mother to all the young people who post here. You mean to tell me within the last month or so you now "don't feel safe with him" and am now blue over Bush. It sure never showed by any of your 7000 posts?
I am sure that after all your years, thru all these other times and presidents that you made it thru just fine that you will again be fine thru this next four years and many more to come.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 01:57 AM


You don't know, because I don't say. I tend to, normally anyway, keep my worries to myself, and must admit that, until this war, I was fortunate enough not to have any of any great significance. And no, it is NOT within the last month that I've had these feelings. I just have not posted them. Yes, I try to be optimistic, and usually am to be honest, just not in this case.

Keep in mind too, that even with Viet Nam, there was fear/anger, but you must admit that the threat of any war on our soil, brings up the fear level significantly. Yes, we will go on and do our best and hope for the best for America and the entire world.

Now tell me a good joke. I can use a good laugh. :p

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:01 AM

You know, this is why tigers eat their young.

I tell you, this is sorry. I mean, it's laughable. Congrats to the most hilarious set of posts I've seen in my years in posting on internet message boards.

I've seen people who claim to be related to Palestinian terrorists, people who send "cool games" to others which are actually poorly crafted viruses, massive personality disorders and, in general, a rather differentiating balance in intelligence and the attitudes taken towards ones posts.

Since people like Baggins, RB, Don Cardi, et al, have all taken the time in the past to debate with you, I must admit it's been quite fun. And I'd love to do it again. Just...not with DonFerro55, or in most cases, Patrick. And this is only relegated to political threads, not anything else.

Give me Don Marco. Give me Plawrence. Give me Saladbar, I'd be happy. Heck, Afsanah and I had a very interesting discussion on the status of the UN not long ago, and it was quite exciting.

But the downward spiral I have seen in these political threads is positively farcical. No longer are their any real thoughtful posts; and depressing as it may be, it makes me long all the more for a proper "ignore" function that blocks peoples posts. :p

Anyways, I would just like to express my feelings on this. Nothing personal against Pat, DonFerro, or the bevy of other would be politicos that come and go.

It's grown rather tiresome.

Your opinions, quite frankly, are not that of the majority, which is fine. But I find it funny that, and this goes for DonFerro especially, that you actually seem to be to the point of anti-American because of this election. Never before has their been a sorrier case of sour grapes on any message board I visit until now.

You're "candidate," regardless of whether he was the "lesser of two evils," or he was the liberal savior, or whatever concoction from which you derive his promise, lost. The American people, the "59,054,087 dumb people" according to you, are the majority. The majority. Not the minority.

I have no problem with disagreements. Without it, our government would be reduced to a federalist monarchy.

However, for all the mentioning of "uniting" our divided nation, I see little effort on the side of the left, if you two are any indication. And I don't care about how you personally feel about Michael Moore. In the grand scheme of things, he is quite inconsequential. His film clearly did not do what it was meant to: curb peoples support for President Bush.

I don't see what would make you happy, short of some kind of coup or political uprising (I suspect you would find happiness in 1789 France or Bolshevik Russia). You have every right, as a citizen, to disagree with the government and it's stance on issues.

I'm not conceding, as your candidate in. I'm just expressing my opinion, as you feel the need to. No insults. And I suspect that more than one of my fellow BB cohorts will agree with me.

We don't care if you disagree.

But your idealism has reduced you, at least from what I can see (and what others I have spoken to) to the point redundance. Your blind support for some ideologically perfect left, and generally unwilling look towards compromise not only shows how unreasonable people are today, but how we, as a society and generation, have truly degraded to the point of being elitist prats who forget the values and virtues for which our forefathers gave their lives for.

Now that republicans control our government on all levels...I AM ANGRY! I DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT BUSH! GET IT!?
I get it. It's rather silly, but I get it. The republicans control the government because that is what the American people voted for. We had 8 years of democracy under Clinton. We only need look back at Jimmy Carter to see another example of democratic control.

It's not like the American people, as a populus, are genrally blind, stupid, or ignorant. For every DonFerro neoliberal, there is a DonFerro neoconservative.

Without any effort from the left, there will be no compromise, and in turn, will only continue the deterioration of our union. I suppose I could relate it to secession in the mid-to-late 19th century, but we are clearly not arguing over states rights or slavery.

We are talking about beliefs which are not what the majority wants. And you can believe what you want, that's perfectly fine. But just remember - regardless of how much you piss and moan, you're still equal to the rest of us. And you are on the side of the minority.

Feel free to engage in political discussions. Just understand where you stand.

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:05 AM


Wow, Thank you

That's pretty much all I can say.

I may be "young and wreakless", but I too worry about my future and the future for my children.

Thanks for putting it so....awesomely.(for a lack of a better term)

Thanks again,

Doctor Ferro
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:27 AM


I mean all of what I am about to say seriously.

You may think us Liberals(or just me) are a joke to the sanctity of BB Boards everywhere.

You may think I am the most extreme liberal on the board.

You may think I am ignorant or silly.(among the many things you have called me)

You may think I am destructive twoards our current focus of reuniting the counrty.

But the bottom line is just that.
Bush is not re-uniting the country. What you fail to realize is that, though the majority voted for Bush, the majority does not like the current direction we are headed. Statistics prove this. Why Bush was re-elected? I honestly think that is fucked up.(Hence the 59,000,000 dumb people) Democrats did not just want knew leadership, we HATED the old leadership. Big difference. Bush wins and we are told to get over it and play fetch. Well, not this dog. You may say I'm anti-American(and I must say, I truely have never felt more un-American in my life)(Mind you, un-American is not Anti-American)

You can not tell me I am unworthy of debate. I am more than worthy of debate and so is anyone else. If you choose not to respond to my posts, then fine.

You may have nothing personal with me JJ, but more and more I have bad feelings about you and others on this board for all the reasons TIS so ingeniously stated.

My Bottom Line Remains Extremely Clear
I do not agree with this President at all. I do not agree with his actions. I do not agree with how, I FEEL, he is misleading the country. I fear for the citizens of the United States, including myself. I will do everything I can to keep, what I feel, as the Republican Brainwashing Machine at bay.

In Retrospect: I Will Not Go Away!

I want a better America and I will fight for it. Bottom Line.

In my opinion, Dubya, you're days are numbered until justice prevails.(as he so eliquently put it in his 9/11 address)

Doctor Ferro

P.S. Think I'm debate worthy enough to respond? Or am I not worth your time?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:36 AM

Don Ferro, you are fast running out of people who want to put up with you.
Maybe you should wait for Apple to come back on Monday. She says she likes to play around with you. It makes her happy during a boring business day. Other wise enjoy your weekend my friend I for one have enjoyed your posts and you wit.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:42 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
Don Ferro, you are fast running out of people who want to put up with you.
Maybe you should wait for Apple to come back on Monday. She says she likes to play around with you. It makes her happy during a boring business day. Other wise enjoy your weekend my friend I for one have enjoyed your posts and you wit.
If you and JJ don't want to put up with me, ignore my posts.

I don't feel I'm running out of people to put up with me. Is listening to me voice my opinion so horrible? You guys have done it with your Kerry/Liberal bashing.

Put up, or Shut up as you put it in an earlier thread.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:46 AM

OK What ever you say!
and here I was being nice to you.
My mistake, it will not happen again!
Me being nice to you that is.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:47 AM

Of course you are response worthy. The point was just that, in comparison to other people on this board, my honest opinion is that when it comes to politics, you are too blindly skewed to be rationally considered in some cases.

Anyways...here we go.

You may think us Liberals(or just me) are a joke to the sanctity of BB Boards everywhere.

Not all liberals. Mainly the people who are so unrealistic and/or ideological that their points are chronically flawed.

You may think I am ignorant or silly.(among the many things you have called me)
Only your political opinions.

You may think I am destructive twoards our current focus of reuniting the counrty.
Pretty much. Not that you have much influence, but out of many, one, as they say.

Bush is not re-uniting the country.
Well, he still has to finish his first term before W2 begins in January. It's only been 3 days. Let's not jump the gun.

the majority does not like the current direction we are headed. Statistics prove this.
That makes no sense. Then why would people vote for him?

Oh wait, I'll fill in your most likely answers: scare tactics, republican terrorist propaganda, and a weak democratic presidential candidate.

I honestly think that is fucked up.(Hence the 59,000,000 dumb people)
That's pretty funny. Again, basically this is what I spoke about in my initial post.

Democrats did not just want knew leadership, we HATED the old leadership.
Your party, or rather, loose collection of Bush haters, couldn't get the job done against an incumbant. Probably how we republicans felt after Dole's loss in '96.

Bush wins and we are told to get over it and play fetch.
Bush wins and you are expected to cut your losses and get your elected officials back in congress to do their jobs.

You can not tell me I am unworthy of debate.
Not in so many words.

I am more than worthy of debate and so is anyone else. If you choose not to respond to my posts, then fine.
We'll respond. We just want you to know our feelings.

but more and more I have bad feelings about you and others on this board for all the reasons TIS so ingeniously stated.
That's your prerogative. I'd much rather have genuine dislike for people I can talk to in real-time, in real life, as opposed to people on a message board. But if you derive your antimosity from the BB, I wish you well.

I do not agree with this President at all. I do not agree with his actions. I do not agree with how, I FEEL, he is misleading the country. I fear for the citizens of the United States, including myself. I will do everything I can to keep, what I feel, as the Republican Brainwashing Machine at bay.
Okay...so basically you refuse to compromise. Radicals usually get tossed into a bin of obscurity, just do you know.

And the Republican Brainwashing Machine? Ha. If anything, it's the socially liberal media that is attempting to sway the American people.

In Retrospect: I Will Not Go Away!

Said the churchmouse to the amplfied choir.

I want a better America and I will fight for it. Bottom Line.
Good for you. But forgive me for feeling your interests are not in the interests of the many, but of the few, and not for the common good.

In my opinion, Dubya, you're days are numbered until justice prevails.(as he so eliquently put it in his 9/11 address)
Yeah. Take 365 x 4, and you've got it!

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 06:39 AM

Don Ferro is the man. Preach on, brother! It won't stop, it can't stop, and WE won't stop! I have been laughing so hard at conservatives on TV and on this board bragging about how much "Bush won by and how he received more votes then anyone ever." Well, Kerry received the second most amount ever. The fact is this: It was decided by 150,000 votes, which came from Ohio. Also, the 3 million popular vote difference, really isn't that big, even though conservatives are bragging about it "being the biggest gap in history!" The most people voted in this election then EVER. The only way we could see a clear MAJOR majority winner was if MAYBE, just MAYBE, Bush or Kerry had gotten ATLEAST 60 % of the votes. That's even calling it a little tight. The fact is, this nation is divided. Bush coming out one day after the election and telling us he wants to unite us, but then saying he's going to pledge to get rid of things people who voted against him favor, is beyond me. I hate to say it, but maybe we really do need a serious independent who gets as much air time as the Democrat and Republican running. -Pat
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Don Ferro is the man. Preach on, brother! It won't stop, it can't stop, and WE won't stop! I have been laughing so hard at conservatives on TV and on this board bragging about how much "Bush won by and how he received more votes then anyone ever." Well, Kerry received the second most amount ever. The fact is this: It was decided by 150,000 votes, which came from Ohio. Also, the 3 million popular vote difference, really isn't that big, even though conservatives are bragging about it "being the biggest gap in history!" The most people voted in this election then EVER. The only way we could see a clear MAJOR majority winner was if MAYBE, just MAYBE, Bush or Kerry had gotten ATLEAST 60 % of the votes. That's even calling it a little tight. The fact is, this nation is divided. Bush coming out one day after the election and telling us he wants to unite us, but then saying he's going to pledge to get rid of things people who voted against him favor, is beyond me. I hate to say it, but maybe we really do need a serious independent who gets as much air time as the Democrat and Republican running. -Pat
No Patrick, You DA MAN! Thanks for filling in the gaps for me bro. We must stay true to what we believe is nessesary and right.

Fight on, man!

Doctor Ferro
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 08:27 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
OK What ever you say!
and here I was being nice to you.
My mistake, it will not happen again!
Me being nice to you that is.
Hmmm...you were being nice to me by telling me I am running out of people who will "put up with me"? That does not sound right.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:13 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I fear for the future of my daughters, my grandaughters and myself because I see an even larger and more devasting war/s in the future. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong. But until then I can only say my sentiment is, and probably said and felt more sincerely and honestly from the core of my being......God Bless America!!

I know that you sincerely feel the way that you do and it is NOT rhetoric on your part. The funny thing though is that I felt EXACTLY the same feelings that you now have when I thought of John Kerry being our President! I know that you and I have had outside board disccusions regarding the future of our children and grandchildren and we have exactly the same concerns. But in reading your post here I just found it ironic that in what you have said above, I totally agree and feel like you do, but the difference between us is who you or I feel comfortable, (about our children's and grandchildren's future), with in charge. You obviously are afraid for the future with Bush in charge and would have felt more comfortable with Kerry. I now feel comfortable about the future with Bush in charge and would have felt afraid had Kery been in charge. Just goes to show you how we all seem to have the exact same concerns and can agree on feeling the exact same way, but can also have a difference of opinon at the same time because of who we think would be better in securing and addressing those concerns. But even though we disagree on who would be better to address and handle those concerns, you and I did not have to resort to name calling and finger pointing to make our points. We have discussed these issues in a respectful and mature manner. That is exactly why I enjoy talking with you TIS, because even if I don't agree with your veiws sometimes, you never get my dander up! I respect your veiws because of the way that you present them!

Hmmmmm, maybe we ALL should get together with TIS for some of those "Cute Little BLue Drinks" and then we would better understand and respect each others veiws, if we agreed with them or not!

Don Cardi
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:27 PM

Thanks DC,

I was only trying to have others maybe get a little grasp of my feelings, not necessarily agree with them. Seems in the end, we all have the same concerns, just different ideas of how/who these issues would be best handled by.

I don't plan to live my life in fear. What's done is done. I decided to try find a certain level of comfort and will relax to a degree, but always have my personal "alert" level raised somewhat, if you get my drift. Like you and everyone else here, I will pray for the best. Thanks for the kind words.

And yes, I could use a cute little blue drink about now! Only it's too early.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 02:43 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Thanks DC,

And yes, I could use a cute little blue drink about now! Only it's too early.

You're very welcomed! I hope that now that the elections are over, and as you said "what's done is done" that we can all, including myself , get out of the sometimes "hostile" posting mentality and act more civil in our debates!

You didn't think it was too early when you were in Chicago!

Don Cardi
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 07:57 PM

Majority rules.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 08:01 PM

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/06/04 09:38 PM

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/07/04 02:28 AM

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 03:45 PM

I just read this article about Moore & his next firm after his current movie (SICKO). Guess who it's about

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 03:49 PM

I can't wait. 2006, baby.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 10:22 PM

I'm all a twitter. Now Pat and Irishman can play with themselves in anticipation for the next Moore "shockumentary" :p
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 10:39 PM

They bumped it up to 2005.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 10:59 PM

Moore Set to Shoot 'Fahrenheit' Sequel

LOS ANGELES (Nov. 11) - Michael Moore plans a follow-up to "Fahrenheit 9/11," his hit documentary that assails President Bush over the handling of the Sept. 11 attacks and the war on terrorism, according to a Hollywood trade paper.

Moore told Daily Variety that he and Harvey Weinstein, the Miramax boss who produced the film, hope to have "Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2" ready in two to three years.

"Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them," Moore was quoted in Thursday's edition of Variety. "They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now."

A spokesman for Fellowship Adventure Group, formed by Weinstein and brother Bob to help distribute "Fahrenheit 9/11," did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

"Fahrenheit 9/11," which won top honors at May's Cannes Film Festival, became the first documentary to top $100 million at the domestic box office. Moore, who won the documentary Academy Award for "Bowling for Columbine," is pushing "Fahrenheit 9/11" in the best-picture category for the upcoming Oscars.

The issues for the follow-up film will remain the same, Iraq and terrorism, Moore said.

"The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining: George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again," Moore said.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Michael Moore - 11/11/04 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
I'm all a twitter. Now Pat and Irishman can play with themselves in anticipation for the next Moore "shockumentary" :p
Don't forget about me JJ. I will definetly be playing with myself in aticipation too. :p

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Michael Moore - 11/12/04 12:29 AM

Boy, he didn't waste any time did he?

Patrick, you have enough fuel now for another year of Moore vs the Right!!!

Ha ha!! I vote for starting a thread to review Moore's new movie right now. After all, most here don't even have to see it review it.

Sorry, couldn't resist a little sarcastic humor. :p

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Michael Moore - 11/12/04 06:32 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

Ha ha!! I vote for starting a thread to review Moore's new movie right now. After all, most here don't even have to see it review it.
You don't have to see garbage to know that it stinks.
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