
Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain

Posted By: DonFerro55

Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 04:17 AM


American President George W. Bush has topped an unlikely poll in Britain - as this year's top screen villain. Bush won the dubious accolade for his unauthorized appearance in Michael Moore's anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. The politician beat out the likes of Doc Ock, played by Alfred Molina, in Spider-Man 2; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Leatherface; Andy Serkis' Gollum from Lord Of The Rings trilogy; and Elle Driver, the assassin played by Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill. Almost 10,000 people voted in the poll, conducted by Total Film Magazine.

From IMDB.com

Just a little interesting tidbit. Does not have to be politically argued.(But it will)

Doctor Ferro
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 04:21 AM

Yeah.... Britain sucks.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 04:21 AM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:

Just a little interesting tidbit. Does not have to be politically argued.(But it will)

Doctor Ferro
Isn't that why you posted it in a new thread after it was already in one.
Tell the truth you love the stuff. Come ON you know you do.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 04:26 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
Just a little interesting tidbit. Does not have to be politically argued.(But it will)

Doctor Ferro
Isn't that why you posted it in a new thread after it was already in one.
Tell the truth you love the stuff. Come ON you know you do. [/b][/quote]This was just on IMDB a few minutes ago.(It's accually tomorrow's news, Oct. 28th)It's officially 12:24am here(Michigan), so I figured it was new news. I didn't see it in any other thread, I'll delete this if you guys want me to, so we can avoid an already debated subject.

Yeah fathersson, I kinda do. But just a little.

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 10:25 AM

When people are given a poll with ready made answers and all they have to do is tick a box or something else as simple they usually go for the most comical. Especially in stupid polls like this.

For example lets say I was to ask what position of need your US football team needed to draft in '05 and gave you these options:

Or Waterboy

Who could resist ticking the last option?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Signore Sole Aumentante:
Yeah.... Britain sucks.
Ummm...Britain's our biggest allie in the war. Very nice to speak of them that way. :rolleyes: -Pat
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
When people are given a poll with ready made answers and all they have to do is tick a box or something else as simple they usually go for the most comical. Especially in stupid polls like this.

For example lets say I was to ask what position of need your US football team needed to draft in '05 and gave you these options:

Or Waterboy

Who could resist ticking the last option?
I have to agree with you here. Though a lot of people in Europe hate Bush. I'm sure there were many people who just put his name for fun.

In short, I really don't think this will cost him the election.

The Doc
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 07:10 PM

It goes to show you the average intelligence (or lack thereof) of people they poll. :rolleyes:
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 07:13 PM

Accually, I think it goes to show that lovely British humor I love so much. (Python is the Best!)

Don't make fun of Britain. They are all Bush has got!

Oh yeah, and Poland!

Doctor Ferro
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 07:18 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
Don't make fun of Britain. They are all Bush has got!

Oh yeah, and Poland!

As long as you are belittling international sacrifice, why don't you go visit the Ho Chi Minh museum and see you hero, Mr. Kerry, on the wall of fame?

Invite Mr. Moore with you.
Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
As long as you are belittling international sacrifice, why don't you go visit the Ho Chi Minh museum and see you hero, Mr. Kerry, on the wall of fame?
Speaking of Belittling International Sacrifice...I seem to remember you calling people in Britain, the people who decided to go to war with Bush and fight for your cause, stupid. Nice work, buddy!

Originally posted by Double-J:
You are so Funny!
Thanks man!

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/28/04 07:32 PM

Yeh. Ho Chi Minh is such a bad guy. A commie protecting his country who was attacked by the US when he had made no threat and was no threat to the US. What a horrible man.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/29/04 06:15 PM

Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] As long as you are belittling international sacrifice, why don't you go visit the Ho Chi Minh museum and see you hero, Mr. Kerry, on the wall of fame?
Speaking of Belittling International Sacrifice...I seem to remember you calling people in Britain, the people who decided to go to war with Bush and fight for your cause, stupid. Nice work, buddy!
[/b][/quote]Thanks "Doc!" Just don't be like a typical liberal...please quote me where I once (in any thread, though I suspect that would be too difficult and research intensive for a Moore supporter) called Britain, or Tony Blair, "stupid."

BTW, "Doc," you are my hero. "Doc," I wish I could be just like you. How do you pull it off?

Help me, "Doc."

Cause you are the "Doc," right?

Man, what a "Doc."

I'm going to start calling myself "El Presidente" because one day, I'd like to rule Canada. I might not be there yet, but I'll call myself that.

El Presidente.

PS: Thanks, "Doc."


Ho Chi Minh is a hero, you're right Pat! We should give him a national shrine, alongside your boy, Fidel Castro!

Is it just me, or do you seem to think all these anti-US people are "heroes" or something along those lines?

Maybe you can erect a small statue of Kim Jung Il, and have a dedicated student come and steal it because they are cool. Yep. He's a good role model.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/29/04 09:17 PM

What exactly did Ho Chi Minh do that makes him such a terrible person?

He led his country's fight to be free of French colonialism and imperialism, and then, when he was engaged in a civil war in his own country, he found Viet Nam invaded by the United States.

So he tried to fight us off in a war that today is widely regarded as probably this country's single biggest failure in its history.

Although I don't agree with his politics, and he is certainly no hero to me personally, he is to millions of his countrymen, and I can't really say as I blame him for anything he did.

What would you expect him to do? Lay down and surrender and give up what he believed in just because the Americans were there?

Of course he tried to kill our soldiers. Are you surprised that he did? Was he wrong?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 01:31 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
Of course he tried to kill our soldiers. Are you surprised that he did? Was he wrong?
Well, you tell me. How is Vietnam doing economically, right now. What is their poverty levels?

Are they better off after Ho Chi Minh?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b]Of course he tried to kill our soldiers. Are you surprised that he did? Was he wrong?
Well, you tell me. How is Vietnam doing economically, right now. What is their poverty levels?

Are they better off after Ho Chi Minh? [/b][/quote]Are they better off after the US lost the war and killed 3 million Vietnamese?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 04:52 AM

Hmm...I don't know. I'd rather know, more importantly (and again, my initial question, since you guys always seem to stress how no one satisfies the original question) whether Ho Chi Minh and his independance movement from France and his intentions have fed the poor in his nation, or made it a major roleplayer in politics, or whether it's still the 3rd world stepchild our soldiers left decades ago?
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
I'd rather know....whether Ho Chi Minh and his independance movement from France and his intentions have fed the poor in his nation, or made it a major roleplayer in politics, or whether it's still the 3rd world stepchild our soldiers left decades ago?
Like I said, I have no love for HCM, or his idealogy.

All of what you say is true, but it begs the real issue doesn't it?

We weren't there because we cared about helping the Vitnamese fight Communism out of concern for the Vietnamese people. It was because of our concern over Communism.

Are we supposed to go around invading every country that doesn't have a demcratic form of government?
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 05:01 AM

Originally posted by plawrence:
All of that may be true, JJ, but it begs the question doesn't it?

We weren't there because we cared about helping the Vitnamese fight Communism out of concern for the Vietnamese people. It was because of our concern over Communism.

Are we supposed to go around invading every country that doesn't have a demcratic form of government?
you know if you keep hanging around in these political threads you might have to give up your double-life :p
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain - 10/30/04 05:04 AM

Never happen. The other half is so much more fun.
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