
Possible Electoral College Tie?

Posted By: QTN

Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 03:42 AM


Some mathmetician calculates there is a 3.25% chance of the Electoral College being tied.

Of course if such a thing happened, the U.S. House of Representatives would decide the President, and since Republicans control the House, Bush is likely to be named President. Read the article to see what I am talking about.

Now what could GET interesting is that if the Democrats get back control of the U.S. Senate...where no state delegations but instead the majority vote picks the next U.S. Vice-President. Now if the Democrats do get the Senate, John Edwards would be likely to be named U.S. Vice-President.

Now wouldn't THAT be a mess...
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 03:46 AM

2 things:

1) In the beginning of the nation's history they had a President from one party and the VP from the other. at the beginning it was person with the most votes President, 2nd most vice president so it could "work"

2) With that being said I WOULD HOPE that the Senate would not do something that COULD potentialy lead to problems.
Posted By: Signore Sole Aumentante

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 04:43 AM

I doubt that there will be a tie. Theres 97% it won't be. Then, take in factors that the democrats get control of Senate. Thats not very likely, either. So this mess won't happen.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 04:50 AM

The hell with a tie. The problem is a close race year after year will hurt this country! WE need to get this country on the same path. Not killing each other till the next elction four years from now.

If they can't work for the good of all people and this country- clean house and vote the bums out!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:38 PM

I have read so many different scenarios how this election may turn out that my head is spinning. :p I think we should brace ourselves for just about anything.

One reason why I think maybe these predictors/polls may be all wrong is due to the new number of voters and people who haven't voted in years coming out to vote. Could there possibly be a landslide that none of us expect???

I read that in the early voting areas people have claimed to be waiting in line for 3 hours or so just to vote. I think this may be a sign of how anxious everyone is for this election. I'd plan on a long line especially for those who vote after work when it'll be really crowded.

I think too, we are in the midst of going down in history and are all a part of, to date the most exciting, controversial, and extremely "hot" election of our time. Just think, our grandchildren will be reading about this whole administration/era in their history books no???

Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:46 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:
The hell with a tie. The problem is a close race year after year will hurt this country! WE need to get this country on the same path. Not killing each other till the next elction four years from now.

If they can't work for the good of all people and this country- clean house and vote the bums out!
Not often I agree with FS, but a clear statment one way of the other would be preferable to people like Jeb Bush and others holding sway for weeks. BTW what the hell is Jeb short for??
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:49 PM

I don't care which side you are for. People are sick of this whole thing. They are getting Yankee Syndrome. Were you are so sick of the other sides bull that you hate them and just take the other side just to spite them.

Yeah, Boston.

Stay tune to the Crybaby Syndrome next. Starts Wednesday.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:52 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

I read that in the early voting areas people have claimed to be waiting in line for 3 hours or so just to vote. TIS
NO, Tis I think you are mixing voting up with people waiting for a flu shot!
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:52 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:

Stay tune to the Crybaby Syndrome next. Starts Wednesday.
How long do you reckon that will last FS...four more years maybe?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 01:55 PM

That is what I am afraid of.

I will say it again. It is time for a real third party. The United States People Party.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 04:55 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:

Stay tune to the Crybaby Syndrome next. Starts Wednesday.
I agree whole heartedly. I just pray that whoever wins will be man enough to do the job and make our GREAT country better. I just hope we find out Tuesday night who wins.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Possible Electoral College Tie? - 10/28/04 08:47 PM

I hope we find out Tuesday too. I've we'll find out Tuesday, but I've also heard it may take weeks. I provided a good site with polls at the bottom. Look how close NJ is now! There are nearly a dozen states still up for grabs that have a good amount of electoral votes. -Pat

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