
Mafioso Moxy

Posted By: archangel144

Mafioso Moxy - 10/27/04 02:21 PM

State three traits that you would think would make you a good member. And one or two which you believe are faults. I'll begin.

Good Traits:

1) I have a natural ferocity.

2) I'm not a fan of the police.

3) I haven't a real fear of death.

Bad Traits:

1) I'm at times a bit batty

2) I am afraid of God [(this contridicts the third good trait) If Shakespeare can do paradoxes, so can I]. :p

This is just for fun. Try not to take it literally.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/27/04 08:32 PM

Good attributes:
1> I don't trust anybody.
2> I like to think of myself as a "good man in a storm," as Clancy says of Jack Ryan.
3> I can be ruthless when I need to be.

Bad attributes:
1> I have to carry out my own orders.
2> I have a genuine fear of death.
3> When I'm, ruthless, I'm probably also highly obnoxious with it too; I don't think I'd last long.

Posted By: pacino princess

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/27/04 10:47 PM

- I keep to myself, speak when I'm spoken to.
- I am a master observer
- I never tell a friends secrets or words to another, ever.

- I'm moody
- I cry in sad movies.
- I could never stab someone and put em in a trunk. (gross, dude).

fun question
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/27/04 11:15 PM


- I can be strong in tough times and think clear.
- I dont follow other people much, so I can be neutral.
- I never mix friendship with business and I dont talk about politics or religion with my friends, either.
- I´m can work pretty hard for make my goal come true.
- I have a bad temper
- I pretty goal oriented, so my big fear in life is failed.
- I´m very indepedent, so sometimes is dificult for me, work with others.
- I´m lazy when I lost my interest in something.
- I can be arrogant and hurt others feelings.
so in general, I´m grumpy old lady j/k (I hope so)
Posted By: Scarface.1

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/28/04 01:12 PM

- I don't trust anyone
- I can fight pretty good

- I get paranoid far too easily
- I Usually end up telling peoples secrets to anyone
- I would find it difficult to stab someone.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/28/04 11:12 PM

Great topic!
-Keep my mouth shut
-Quiet, never talk to people unless they talk to me.
-Good at foloowing instructions
-Good at fighting
-There's a reason the name Sonny Corleone appears in my screenname.
-Dont like other people demanding me around all day everyday.
-I'm small so my body could fit into the smallest of trunks :p
Posted By: archangel144

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/29/04 05:43 PM

Everyone's responses are pretty tight. Of course, it is a bit difficult to take everything in while you have Drums and Bass blairing into your ears. :p

Keep adding stuff if you like.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Mafioso Moxy - 10/30/04 02:09 AM

Good: I beat Grand Theft Auto III/Vice City about a bajizillion times.

Bad: I don't know the differenct between and Uzi and ugatz.

:p :p :p
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