
Terninator 4

Posted By: DE NIRO

Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 03:32 PM

as a fan of the trilogy who thinks there should be a 4th one.

and what story line will it be

and who should be in it

i defintley think arnie should be in it
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 03:57 PM

I loved Terminator and Terminator 2 Judgement Day, but I thought Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines was just OK. I didn't really think a T3 was necessary because they didn't really leave T2 open at the end.

I did enjoy T3 though, and they left it very open at the end, so no doubt there will be more sequels to come now. Its a shame they killed off Sarah Connor, I thought she was great...but they could always send a terminator back through time and save her from dying. Although I imagine they only killed the character off because Linda Hamilton didn't want to come back!

So, yeah, looking forward to more sequels but I very much doubt they'll be as good as the original two films.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 04:24 PM

thats what i think the first two are the best
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 06:43 PM

No there should not be another. Never. Terminator and T2 are among the best Sci-Fi, the third was ruined by CGI.

And on top of it all, Ah-nold is said to not be in this, which makes it beyond pointless.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 06:57 PM

i read somewhere that arnie would make a guest appearance.
Posted By: Blake

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/22/04 09:50 PM

The Terminator 2 is the only one I really like.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/23/04 12:10 AM

The original and the sequel are some of the best movies to ever be made, they're classics and nothing can take that away from them. But T3 came out and like the Godfather series, it wasn't needed. Yes I like Godfather 3, but it isn't in the same league as its earlier counterparts.

The same should be said for T3. As it stands it isn't a bad film. But it's nothing compared to Terminator and the second. What is even worse is that T3 has a damaging effect on the two earlier films because part of the storyline refute the point of them. It should have ended when Arnie took the arm and chip and was destroyed by the immense heat of that lava type shit.

A fourth will just frustrate me even more because all the past efforts would still be futile. There's no need.
Posted By: Don Sauno

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/23/04 05:34 AM

T3 was entertaining, but T2 had was could virtually be called a perfect ending. I guess if you wanted to, you could just ignore the other sequels, but with what we have, I do want a T4 and I don't think it's going to really be about terminators so much as that future was that's been built up so much. Therefore, I doubt a character for Arnold would have much place. I do like the idea of the cameo though, for old time's sake. I just hope we don't have wait and wait and wait for this next one.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/23/04 09:18 PM

yeah i think it should be in the next 2 years,to be a sucess
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/24/04 06:36 PM

The first one was entertaining.Not a great movie, but entertaining. The second one, not as good, but still entertaining. Never saw the 3rd one, but I dont think there should be any more Terminator movies. Hmmmm sounds like another trilogy.....
Posted By: Blake

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/24/04 06:39 PM

You liked the first more than the second?
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terninator 4 - 10/24/04 07:07 PM

How could any body not like the 2nd one its the second greatest sequel ever made behind gf2.
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