

Posted By: beatlewho01-02

Outfoxed - 10/07/04 11:13 PM

Many of you here watch Fox news. I can tell because it reflects in your posts. You think Fox news is 'fair and balanced', and the 'liberal media' gives you only lies. Well, if you bother to watch this movie, you may think again. I don't want to spoil the movie, but let me just say this makes their trademark slogan a blatant oxymoron. 9.5/10.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Outfoxed - 10/07/04 11:39 PM

I don't know about this, Beatle. As a liberal, I do watch Fox News more then any other station. While I do agree that many other stations lean to the left a little, I think Fox leans just to the right. They're definetly not as conservative at brought out to be. Sheppard Smith and Greta definetly don't have favories. Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes balance each other out, but the whole point of their show is to compare and contrast parties. There are definetly a few people on Fox who without a question do favor Bush though. I tend to keep away from them. -Pat
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Outfoxed - 10/08/04 02:07 AM

Fox news is fair and ballanced. Its the intense overwhelming liberalism of the other networks that makes Fox seem equally overwhelmingly conservative. Sort of like how Howard Dean made John Kerry seem moderate. But that of course isnt the case.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Outfoxed - 10/08/04 07:10 PM

Is it just me, or is there a TON of liberally-biased films and "factoids" coming out recently?

Must just be me.


I don't need to refute the point that FoxNews is biased, because it's clear from their ratings, they attract many people, regardless of political orientation.

Maybe it's not that Fox is especially biased...but that CNN, and all the "Dan Rathers" out there have been fooling themselves all these years and thought Americans would continue to take their hacked-up, edited, and liberally slanted garbage "news."
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Outfoxed - 10/09/04 06:02 AM

I watched this piece of shit tonight. And don't get me wrong - I have a VERY open mind. But this crap must be EMBARRASSING to the left. Sorry.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Outfoxed - 10/10/04 05:49 PM

Damn! I try to stay out of these threads but am having a hard time shutting up. :p

I use to watch FOX all the time..moreso than any other news channel for about 3 yrs. It wasn't until I more regularly watched some of the others (CNN, MSNBC, along with the regular stations CBS,NBC,ABC). I'm glad that I expanded and watched the others as well. I do watch however from time to time Shepard Smith and Fox & Friends (in the early morning).

I used to watch "OReilly Factor" everyday, and while I agree with him on a couple of his stances (border control/illegal immigration for instance), I think he is very baised, not letting a guest finish a thought on the premise that there is "no spin", especially when he doesn't like what they're saying. He is the master of spin and many have brought into it.

He many times has such baised guest as Dick Morris (former Clinton Advisor, now Clinton hater..so is O'Reilly so you know he loves it) and Anne Coulter (who recently commented how "marvelously well the war in Iraq is going") That takes the cake. Although to O'Reilly's credit he even commented on Coulter's remark being, shall we say overly optimistic.

And Sean Hannity? It may have taken me a while to pick up on the others, but I knew immediately he had tunnel vision.

I know some of you love all these people and I respect that (don't understand it, but respect it). So I too will express my views.

Thanks for letting me vent!! :p

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Outfoxed - 10/10/04 09:28 PM

Well considering the last time I saw Fox News is absolutely clobering all the other news networks in terms of ratings. They must be doing something right.

Heck of the top 10 political shows on tv 9 are found on Fox News, the only exception is Larry King from CNN.

It's been my observation that the other news networks are sick of losing in the ratings, that they'll do whatever it takes to make Fox News look bad ala outfoxed.
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Outfoxed - 10/11/04 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
. Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes balance each other out, but the whole point of their show is to compare and contrast parties.
Hannity is way smarter than weird Colmes, which I assume is intentional on Fox. I'll bet anything that Hannity gets paid way more than Colmes.

A cool show would be Hannity and Bill Maher or Al Franken.
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