
Some of the best states to live

Posted By: Aces

Some of the best states to live - 08/13/18 08:52 PM

Some of the best states to live in.. low levels of nonsense. Not in any particular order.
New Hampshire
South Dakota
North Dakota
Posted By: jace

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/14/18 02:59 AM

Vermont and New Hampshire are nice scenery wise, but the people are unfriendly. I went to Idaho as a young girl, loved it. Of course I never lived there or stayed long term, so I have to ask what makes them and the others on that list great to live in? Outdoors, low taxes, lifestyle?
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 01:14 AM

Re-title this thread "Some of the Most Boring States".
Posted By: Aces

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 01:21 AM

Maybe boring to an extent but there is a very low level of nonsense in these states. Much less bull shit that your children are exposd to.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 01:59 AM

How do you define “ nonsense “ ?
Posted By: Michael_Giovanni

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 02:13 AM

Aces how many of these states have you lived in?
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by DuesPaid
How do you define “ nonsense “ ?

Adapting to the 21st century.
Posted By: Aces

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by DuesPaid
How do you define “ nonsense “ ?

You know, the kind of things you dont want to be around and the kind of people you dont want your kids exposed to.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by Aces
Some of the best states to live in.. low levels of nonsense. Not in any particular order.
New Hampshire
South Dakota
North Dakota

Ah yes, all very ethnically diverse places with a vibrant mix of various cultures. If you want to get a true taste of America, one that isn't homogenized, then visit any of these fine states.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 01:26 PM

Friends and Seinfeld were filmed in Vermont, right?
Posted By: Aces

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 02:17 PM

They just seem like very pure area’s to live. Not to sound racist but what do you mean by diverse? Example, what would anyone have to gain by living in a black neighborhood? What are the benefits?
Posted By: SC

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Aces
Not to sound racist but what do you mean by diverse? Example, what would anyone have to gain by living in a black neighborhood? What are the benefits?

Oh geez. Are you ever gonna stop your racist shit? Why don't you take a long trip out of here like your buddy Belmont? If you decide to stay you really need to stop posting your racial hatred. YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD AGAIN.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 03:31 PM

I loved growing up in Pennsylvania. Of course that was as a kid, so my perspective was different than as an adult. As an adult I've lived in Texas ever since and I like it here. Of course, I miss real Italian bread, but otherwise Texas is a great place. It does get pretty hot though, but the winters are quite mild. Here we have a sales tax, but no state property or income tax. Gasoline is taxed at 20 cents per gallon though. The highways are outstanding and colleges are aplenty. The population continues to expand and business opportunities and careers are the best.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by Aces
Some of the best states to live in.. low levels of nonsense. Not in any particular order.
New Hampshire
South Dakota
North Dakota

Ah yes, all very ethnically diverse places with a vibrant mix of various cultures. If you want to get a true taste of America, one that isn't homogenized, then visit any of these fine states.

Sounds like incest, polygamy and beastiality
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 06:47 PM

I suppose it’s a matter of taste. There are a lot of things to factor into it. I lived in Michigan for 30 years it’s a great state and will always be home. Yet, I absolutely hated the winters. I’ve been in California now 38 years. Let me say this, except for maybe Hawaii, you cannot beat the weather in California.

Posted By: JCrusher

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 07:04 PM

I have nothing against those states but i couldnt live there full time. Im a New Yorker and yes there are bad things but there are plenty of good things. Plus im someone who likes to keep busy
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/16/18 07:15 PM

Oh I LOVE NY too. I've been there only 3 times. Tho I wouldn't care to be there in the winter, I wish I could afford a get-away place where I could stay for a couple months. I love the big city, the big buildings, the shows, not to mention the Italian food. It's by far the best. wink

Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 01:04 AM

Those are the jello mold and wonder bread states.

Some of them do have beautiful scenery though.
Posted By: jace

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 01:08 AM

I'll bet a few are low tax states, which they use in ratings.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by The Italian Stallionette
I suppose it’s a matter of taste. There are a lot of things to factor into it. I lived in Michigan for 30 years it’s a great state and will always be home. Yet, I absolutely hated the winters. I’ve been in California now 38 years. Let me say this, except for maybe Hawaii, you cannot beat the weather in California.


TIS, my older brother and sister both moved to California when I was a kid. However, they both returned after a year or so. I'm not sure why; I think for personal reasons. I have a gradeschool friend who moved out there decades ago and stayed. Like any state, California has good and bad features. Although I've never been there, I cringe at the thought of Las Angeles because it's usually portrayed as a congested, smog deathtrap. That's probably an exaggeration.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 08:32 PM

LA is supposed to be a shit place for tourists.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 08:49 PM

After traveling around for the last few years, I understand why people retire to Florida and not vice versa. Property tax is cheap, without state taxes, and we're surrounded by water.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 09:10 PM

South Florida's nice.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by olivant
Originally Posted by The Italian Stallionette
I suppose it’s a matter of taste. There are a lot of things to factor into it. I lived in Michigan for 30 years it’s a great state and will always be home. Yet, I absolutely hated the winters. I’ve been in California now 38 years. Let me say this, except for maybe Hawaii, you cannot beat the weather in California.


TIS, my older brother and sister both moved to California when I was a kid. However, they both returned after a year or so. I'm not sure why; I think for personal reasons. I have a gradeschool friend who moved out there decades ago and stayed. Like any state, California has good and bad features. Although I've never been there, I cringe at the thought of Las Angeles because it's usually portrayed as a congested, smog deathtrap. That's probably an exaggeration.

Hi Oli,

Well fortunately I don't live in the LA area (tho call me crazy but I find the bigger cities appealing, just too expensive).AND traffic IS a problem, especially to/from LA area. My son-in-law works in the LA area and takes him 3 plus hours to get home. So yes that is an issue. All my years at work, I worked in same city I lived in, and now I'm retired and don't HAVE to travel unless I want to. I don't have smog in my area and to my knowledge it is getting better tho I think parts of LA has the worst. The coastline cities are the best place to live to avoid the smog, but then who can afford them?

Another downside (at least a first for me after living here 38 yrs) is the fires this year have been more than I've ever experienced. Matter of fact I've NEVER until this year had any fire near me. Hopefully it's not gonna be a constant fear.


I've been to Florida (Southern) a couple times, but many years ago. A pretty state and scenic. I was always amazed at how their rain storms were so heavy/hard only to dry up quickly.

Posted By: Belmont

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 10:11 PM

California is beautiful, at least along the coast. Southern california from san diego to malibu is absolutely gorgeous with very predictable weather. The only downside is thats its extremely expensive.
La Jolla, Carlsbad, Laguna, newport, manhattan beach, even Santa Monica.
Posted By: SC

Re: Some of the best states to live - 08/17/18 10:21 PM

Hey Belmont, your buddy Aces got kicked out. Guess what?

Bye bye.
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