
Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.)

Posted By: Double-J

Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 04:03 AM

Communists For Kerry

As Kurt Angle might say..."It's true. Oh, it's damn true."


Just take off the mustache, and there's our man!



Also, considering the debate tonight proves John Kerry is imitating Bill Clintons mannerisms (hand moments, and the damn thumb/fist thing) in a subliminal effort to sway voters, I thought the following would also be appropriate.

Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 09:57 AM

I'm sure the three votes for Kerry will make a hell of a difference
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 02:06 PM

I thought there was there was outrage when someone posted something that compared Bush with Hitler. I remember rather heated responses to the post.

I guess it is OK to use Stalin, though. Can you say hypocrite?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 05:12 PM

Outrage? Hmm...the other thread portrayed Bush as Hitler, as a Nazi, which is quite slanderous and untrue.

In this thread, I provided a factual link where the American communist party is backing John Kerry.

Explain how this is hypocritical...why, because I added some funny pictures? Oh, I forgot. It's okay for liberals to criticize Bush, but step off when a conservative makes a remark.

I guess this is why the left hates FoxNews.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 06:28 PM

Your statement saying to take the mustache off and there's our man, meaning Kerry is Stalin is just as slanderous and untrue as comparing Bush to Hitler. It is hypocritical to condemn the Bush/Hitler thread and start one like this.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
I thought there was there was outrage when someone posted something that compared Bush with Hitler. I remember rather heated responses to the post.

I guess it is OK to use Stalin, though. Can you say hypocrite?
Amen to that Don Marco. Long Lost Corleone posted pics that were obviously made for a joke that included Bush's face with a Nazi symbol on it. I was soooooooo waiting for someone to post something like this. -Pat
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/01/04 07:09 PM

Funny, I really do see a resemblance between Stalin and Kerry. Kerry was doing alot of finger pointing/thumb gesturing, hence my posting of that picture.

Considering I have not claimed Kerry to be Hitler-esque, or Stalin-esque, I find no hypocrisy by posting a link that is entirely truthful in finding how the USA communists support John Kerry.

Although, considering Kerry self-admits to committing war atrocities, I guess he probably is a bit more Hitler-esque and Stalin-esque than we all thought, eh? :rolleyes:
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/02/04 01:37 AM

Double-J - did you even read that "article"? It just reiterates the same as every other liberal position - it's just an anti-Bush vote, not a pro-Kerry vote. They don't like Kerry, either.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/02/04 01:48 AM

I did read the article, or else I wouldn't have posted it, unlike some other people.

I understand they aren't supporting Kerry because they like his ideology, or think he is the right man to lead. By being anti-Bush however, they are throwing their backing and consequently throwing their voting support for John Kerry, regardless of their motivations.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/02/04 09:50 AM

I Hate American politics.

Politics should be about each party campaigning for their beliefs and policies. Not attacking others. In England 1997 everyone knew the conservatives were fucked when instead of constructive campaigning they just attacked Labour, posters comparing Blair to the devil and worse. Blair and Labour inevitably won the election.

All it is, is a sign of insecurity.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/02/04 11:27 PM

Cheers Turi. Nice to know some humans still exist in this lonely cyber world of ours.

By the way, how did you feel about Souness leaving and joining us? Wasn't too much of a popular choice to be honest, but I seriously think that he can lead us to glory! I'm loving him already. Kluivert and Shearer seem to be oing the business together. How're your boys doing? haven't seen any results from today.

Oh, and the snooker's started again!

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/03/04 10:56 AM

Usually I wouldn't want to hijack a thread but I make no apologies for this when it's ANOTHER outragous politics thread.

It felt weird Souness leaving. I've said for the last few seasons he'd leave one day when a big job is offered to him, personally I thought he'd return to Liverpool. And Newcastle is a BIG club with big potential. He's always had that desire to win. I wasn't really gutted, a change of personnel felt good and everyone on the Blackburn wagon are loving the addition of Hughes. Although I was split with him and Mike Newell. To tell the truth I was more gutted with Robson being sacked, he's an amazing guy with great dignity.

I'm very surprised with Shearer and Kluivert, aren't you? I thought there'd be some dissent between them - maybe it's to come. Sounness is gonna be under a lot of pressure to win some silverware - maybe more so than being at the bottom of the table for us.
Posted By: bogey

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/03/04 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:

Also, considering the debate tonight proves John Kerry is imitating Bill Clintons mannerisms (hand moments, and the damn thumb/fist thing) in a subliminal effort to sway voters, I thought the following would also be appropriate.
They both did that.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/03/04 09:36 PM

Turi, Sir Bobby was at the end of his tether, and was allowed to manage the club for longer than he should've been, I think. The money he has at the age he is, he should never have ajob anyway. And you had to cringe every time he gave an interview.

By the way, have you seen:

I bought all three in a boxset today for £12.99! Can't wait to see them.

Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 08:21 AM

Hey boys! (Mick and Turi) I wasn't going to check this thread, but I saw Mick's name as the last response, and I thought, "Ha! It's worth a read, just to see what he's gotta say about all this!" To my surprise, I also saw Turi in here... Very refreshing little "side-convo" you're having in here.

I meant to ask, now that you mention it; where's Kluivert this year? I haven't followed European leagues in about 8 months now, for some reason or another. I have to get back into that habit! I haven't watched too much TV in about that long, either... but it's not for no reason that we get like 25 extra Euro sports channels via satellite! Might as well put it to good use, you know? I can't believe it's come to this, where I have to ask just who someone like Kluivert is playing for, now! I should be ashamed. Can you tell it's not that popular here? It's a real shame, but I'd bet that about 90% of the American population has never even heard of him. So you can see how I got lost for a little while.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Turi, Sir Bobby was at the end of his tether, and was allowed to manage the club for longer than he should've been, I think. The money he has at the age he is, he should never have ajob anyway. And you had to cringe every time he gave an interview.

By the way, have you seen:

I bought all three in a boxset today for £12.99! Can't wait to see them.

What a great buy mate, I've just forked out over £60 on books - for bloody uni. Not fun. I've seen Boiling point out of those and that's good, I really liked that but Sonantine is supposed to be one of his best.

No I didn't cringe with Bobby's interviews. I seriously think there's a man with a lot of dignity and respect.

Good to see you Zia, I haven't spoke to you for a long time, still ruling the chat room? Kluivert was a summer signing for Newcastle - a big club with big potential - but never do anything. It's a real shame football (soccer) isn't widely accepted in America but when you've already got 3/4 main sports that's logical. I love the NFL here and i'm in a huge minority it isn't very accepted. Apparantly it's "Puffs playing rugby with pads on".
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 03:43 PM

Regarding Patrick's almost clever 'which is it' signature line....77-WABC NY has been playing a FANTASTIC promo depicting J. Kerry as the candidate for ALL positions.

For those not in range of the station I'm sure you can pull the clip from WABC website or hear it online.


Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 07:38 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Regarding Patrick's almost clever 'which is it' signature line....77-WABC NY has been playing a FANTASTIC promo depicting J. Kerry as the candidate for ALL positions.

For those not in range of the station I'm sure you can pull the clip from WABC website or hear it online.


That is a great link!!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 07:55 PM

Our President on Osama Bin Laden:

2001: "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that said, 'Wanted, Dead or Alive.'"

2002: "I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you. I truly am not that concerned about him."

Which is it, George?
Just in case anyone didn't see it when it was in my signature. -Pat
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 07:59 PM

Ok, ok. Just to make it fair.

Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 08:05 PM

JJ does something immature and you are unable to take the high road, huh? I hope you never wonder why people don't take you seriously.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 08:33 PM

Oh, get over it. Did that picture hurt you in any way? That is a picture that was used in a previous thread that was ridiculed by Bush supporters. I don't take stuff from people and just lean back until they're ready to stop. First I'm told to clean up my swearing. Done. Now I have to have approval from you to post something that isn't offending but should be taken as a joke? Get over it. -Pat
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
JJ does something immature and you are unable to take the high road, huh? ...
Please, Don M....REMEMBER who you're talking to!!

Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Oh, get over it. Did that picture hurt you in any way? That is a picture that was used in a previous thread that was ridiculed by Bush supporters. I don't take stuff from people and just lean back until they're ready to stop. First I'm told to clean up my swearing. Done. Now I have to have approval from you to post something that isn't offending but should be taken as a joke? Get over it. -Pat
Did you ever think that the reason you are attacked is that you offer immature reactions? I personally find the swastika and Hitler references to Bush offensive, and I am sure I am not alone. Don't start with the free speech garbage either - it doesn't apply.

If you had to get my approval before you post something, you would still be approaching you 100th post.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
If you had to get my approval before you post something, you would still be approaching you 100th post.
Oh well, life is full of wonderful (and often banal) ifs and buts and maybes and irrelevant observations that mean absolutely nothing. Like this post, for instance.

Turi, shall let you know what I thought of the Kitano package. I only bought it because I had forgot my to-see list which I always take to town (as my memory fails me when looking around sales), and it makes a change from my more "heavy" buys, such as old silent classics etc.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] Oh, get over it. Did that picture hurt you in any way? That is a picture that was used in a previous thread that was ridiculed by Bush supporters. I don't take stuff from people and just lean back until they're ready to stop. First I'm told to clean up my swearing. Done. Now I have to have approval from you to post something that isn't offending but should be taken as a joke? Get over it. -Pat
Did you ever think that the reason you are attacked is that you offer immature reactions? I personally find the swastika and Hitler references to Bush offensive... [/b][/quote]Then I would be afraid to see how you react to things that are done today. Welcome to the year 2004.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/04/04 10:05 PM

At least my link was truthful - the communist party IS supporting Kerry. :p
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
"Puffs playing rugby with pads on".

Good to see you, too, Turi... it has been a while, hasn't it!?
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 04:32 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Regarding Patrick's almost clever 'which is it' signature line....77-WABC NY has been playing a FANTASTIC promo depicting J. Kerry as the candidate for ALL positions.
If he takes all positions, then you much agree with him half the time
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Marco:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] Oh, get over it. Did that picture hurt you in any way? That is a picture that was used in a previous thread that was ridiculed by Bush supporters. I don't take stuff from people and just lean back until they're ready to stop. First I'm told to clean up my swearing. Done. Now I have to have approval from you to post something that isn't offending but should be taken as a joke? Get over it. -Pat
Did you ever think that the reason you are attacked is that you offer immature reactions? I personally find the swastika and Hitler references to Bush offensive... [/b][/quote]Then I would be afraid to see how you react to things that are done today. Welcome to the year 2004. [/b][/quote]Yes, you are such a poster boy for the modern youth. You throw out ridiculous statements and then cry about how everyone attacks you.

Explain your comment - you are afraid to see how I react to things today? Because I find a swastika and a reference to Hitler offensive? You have a lot of growing up to do, and I don't mean in years.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 01:19 PM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[QUOTE]...If he takes all positions, then you much agree with him half the time
You're absolutely right, I do!!

Thus proving the guy will say whatever he needs to at any given time to get votes.

Which means he's a shameless panderer.

Which means he has no core beliefs or convictions.

Which means he doesn't get my vote.

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 01:36 PM

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room.

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
[quote]Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[b] "Puffs playing rugby with pads on".
[/b][/quote] Although I like American version of English I still want to call soccer football, at least soccer has more foot in it!
Posted By: beatlewho01-02

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 04:07 PM

I just heard that this Commies for Kerry BS is the makings of a Fox reporter named Carl Cameron, who is the same culprit behind the fake Kerry quotes he had. I'll find a link later, I have to go to class. But with most of you being Fox viewers, you wouldn't give a damn.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
At least my link was truthful - the communist party IS supporting Kerry. :p
So what are you trying to say? That John Kerry supports the Communist Party of America?

It's an absolutely ludicrous argument, and another classic instance of misdirection from a real issue in an effort to minimize the real issue.

The fact that Communists support Kerry does not mean that Kerry supports the idealoligies of the Communists as much as Bush supporting his neo-Nazi fan base (don't kid yourself that there aren't a lot of neo-Nazis favoring Bush, even if they are holding their noses to do it [just as CPUSA holds its nose to favor Kerry] considering the gleanings from a Stormfront White Nationalist Community message board).
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Commies For Kerry! (no, it's not a joke.) - 10/05/04 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
At least my link was truthful - the communist party IS supporting Kerry. :p
While it is possible that the communist party is supporting Kerry (I don't know or care either way), the link to the website is not for a group that supports Kerry. Read the following article from FOXnews.com. Communists for Kerry is a group that is supporting Bush's re-election.

Trail Tales: Polls, Gaffes and Videotape
Sunday, October 03, 2004

He's for Whom?

With the election just 30 days away, the presidential candidates aren't punch drunk yet, but they ought to be. Surely, this press outlet has gotten a little stir crazy, so much to the point that it had trouble keeping track of the players last week. Chalk it up to a "527" wake-up call.

First were the usual suspects who were clear about where they stood, OK, no problem. Then came the Billionaires for Bush, but they're actually supporting Kerry. After that came Communists for Kerry; they're seemingly working, albeit in an unorthodox way, to re-elect Bush.

For a Friday report on this Web site following the first Bush-Kerry debate, a member of Communists for Kerry managed to persuade a FOXNews.com reporter that he was indeed a Kerry supporter. His true feelings subsequently were misrepresented in a story that was published here over the weekend.

FOXNews.com regrets the error. From now on, polygraphs for everybody
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