
Cat Stevens a National Security Risk?

Posted By: SC

Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 02:06 AM

There was just a news bulletin about singer Cat Stevens (who converted to Islam many years ago) being on a airplane flight to the U.S., and the jet was forced to land because of some national security concerns about Stevens.

Anyone else hear anything about this?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 02:09 AM

Is it the one that was came from the UK and was diverted from Dulles to Boston or something like that because the name came up on the watch list?

I have FoxNews in the background and all they said was a news alert: a plane from the UK has been re-directed because a name of a passenger matches someone on the watch list. Nothing about Cat Stevens, or whatever he calls himself these days.

The scariest thing is this - why the hell didn't they check the passenger list/watchlist BEFORE the plane left the ground?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 02:13 AM

It's a wild world. :p
Posted By: beatlewho01-02

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 02:40 AM

This whole terrorist watch list is getting out of hand. True, it can help check planes for real but it's being abused. It's being used against dissenters, Ted Kennedy and now Cat Stevens, now known as Yusef Islam. How the hell are they threats to national security?

What a wild world indeed.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 08:17 AM

I have it on very good authority that the FBI/CIA received some really hot intelligence that he was actively targetting recording studios and had detailed plans to make another record.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 08:25 AM

Seriously, the BBC reported this morning that this stems from Yusuf Islam (as he styles himself now) trying to make a visit to Israel in 1999. At that time the Israelis accused him of making a $10,000 donation to Hamas (something he strenuously denied). So his name was put on a security risk list where it has remained since. BTW the plane was diverted to Bangor, Maine. He is now awaiting a plane back to London, though his 21 year old daughter was allowed to travel on to Washington.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 12:26 PM

He was allowed to come to the US in May, but now he is not allowed? I thought he was a jerk back in the 1980's with the Salman Rushdie death sentence support, but he has been very clear that he condemned the 9/11 attacks and the Russian school seizure.

From his website:

In a statement on his Web site, he wrote, “Crimes against innocent bystanders taken hostage in any circumstance have no foundation whatsoever in the life of Islam and the model example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.”

After the Sept. 11 attacks, Islam issued a statement saying: “No right thinking follower of Islam could possibly condone such an action: The Quran equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of the whole of humanity.”
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 01:26 PM

Here's the article for those who may have missed it.

Unfortunately, I think this is now the time we live in. I certainly don't think Mr. Stevens (or Yousef) is any kind of threat to anyone, (and love his music btw). This is something that we will have to learn to live with IMHO.

Cat Stevens

Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
I thought he was a jerk back in the 1980's with the Salman Rushdie death sentence support
He was cleared up what was misinterpreted as support for the death sentence on Rushdie. I think it was on "Behind the Music".

The only thing Yusuf Islam is guilty of is being a religious conservative. If they can keep him out, then I can think of a whole lot of people I'd like to see expelled for the same reason.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 04:32 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
...I certainly don't think Mr. Stevens (or Yousef) is any kind of threat to anyone, (and love his music btw) ...
TIS, that may be because YOU don't have access to his file.

If those who do have decided that the former Cat Stevens is a security threat, then they probably have good reason to other than that he is simply a Muslim. If it turns out they are wrong and he's apologized to...so be it.

As some may have learned from 9/11/01 - better safe than sorry.

Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 05:02 PM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
[b] ...I certainly don't think Mr. Stevens (or Yousef) is any kind of threat to anyone, (and love his music btw) ...
TIS, that may be because YOU don't have access to his file.

If those who do have decided that the former Cat Stevens is a security threat, then they probably have good reason to other than that he is simply a Muslim. If it turns out they are wrong and he's apologized to...so be it.
[/b][/quote]Well, if there was some bad mamma jamma stuff on him that we don't know about it is even scarier, as DJ said above, that he was allowed on the plane and was able to fly around a bit on it at all.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 05:30 PM

In the words of Cat Stevens:

Everyone jump on the Peace Train...
Oh, Peace Train sounding louder, everyone jump on the Peace Train.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 07:27 PM

I seriously doubt anything came up in the last 3-4 months that warranted inclusion on the no-fly list. He was here in NY in May, then flew to Los Angeles right afterwards, so he wasn't on any list at that time.

I can see how a mistake could be made since it looked like his name could easily be mixed up (Yusuf vs Usef). It would seem to me that if it was a mistake they would have detained him and then let him continue on his way to Washington. They let his daughter go on, but kept him overnight and sent him out of the country today. For some reason he is no longer welcome here.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 07:41 PM

Appleonya is right. Obviously if they didn't want him in the country, there is a reason. Us saying he should be allowed in the country without knowing the facts is naive, what do we as normal citizens know about Cat Stevens other than we like his music?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/22/04 07:42 PM

Of course we don't have access to his file...and anything is possible. In my opinion this will amount to nothing, but if it does, than naturally it should be investigated.

However, my point is only that we are living in the world now where these security checks are of increasing importance and only pray these security forces are at their deligent best when a true terrorist tries to board a plane.

Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
Appleonya is right. Obviously if they didn't want him in the country, there is a reason. Us saying he should be allowed in the country without knowing the facts is naive, what do we as normal citizens know about Cat Stevens other than we like his music?
We know that there must be 3 levels of risk:


And Cat Stevens falls in risk level 2 here.

We also know that the state of Maine is expendable.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 08:47 AM

Originally posted by AppleOnYa: [quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
TIS, that may be because YOU don't have access to his file.

If those who do have decided that the former Cat Stevens is a security threat, then they probably have good reason to other than that he is simply a Muslim. If it turns out they are wrong and he's apologized to...so be it.

As some may have learned from 9/11/01 - better safe than sorry.

Apple [/QB][/quote]Come to think of it, why don't we just give him the chair. We'd be 100% sure then, plus probably cheaper than a flight back to London.

If there is information on Yusuf Islam held by the US authorities why don't they share it with the British authorities so he can be arrested and charged in London??

BTW Apple, have you ever read 1984?? I'm sure when they have files on all of us and no-one is allowed to travel, you will be the first to complain.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa: [quote]Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
TIS, that may be because YOU don't have access to his file.

If those who do have decided that the former Cat Stevens is a security threat, then they probably have good reason to other than that he is simply a Muslim. If it turns out they are wrong and he's apologized to...so be it.

As some may have learned from 9/11/01 - better safe than sorry.

Apple [/b][/quote]Come to think of it, why don't we just give him the chair. We'd be 100% sure then, plus probably cheaper than a flight back to London.

If there is information on Yusuf Islam held by the US authorities why don't they share it with the British authorities so he can be arrested and charged in London??

BTW Apple, have you ever read 1984?? I'm sure when they have files on all of us and no-one is allowed to travel, you will be the first to complain. [/QB][/quote]Yeah, since we all know why the government wanted him off the plane...I forgot, the US sends intelligence breifings to all it's citizens.

As long as we're using your logic, let's let all the terrorists on planes, after all...we wouldn't want a vast right-wing conspiracy to protect the US now, would we?
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 12:57 PM

Obviously, we have no idea what the reason is that he was allowed to enter the country. Taking the high road here and assuming that he is a dangerous person, there are several disturbing problems with this incident.

If this man is on a terrorist alert list, what was he doing on a plane headed for the US? The idea of the list is to prevent incidents, not let these people board the planes and hope to divert the planes to different destinations somewhere en route. This shows that the system needs to be tightened if it is to be effective. It also shows why the recommendations of the 9/11 commission need to be enacted.

The other disturbing aspect of this incident shows a lack of cooperation and intelligence sharing with our closest and most suportive ally. The British foreign secretary complained directly to Secretary of State Colin Powell about the incident, indicating that the British disagreed with the action. Basically, if the man is dangerous to the US, he is also a threat to the British and for us not to share the info with them is alarming.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 02:02 PM

FYI - Here is a little more info with Stevens' comments.


Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 02:08 PM

I think the US authorities should have held on to Cat Stevens and sent him to Guantanamo Bay. There he would have had to play round the clock warbly versions of Moonshadow, Lady D'Arbanville, Morning Has Broken and I Love My Dog. Let's see how long even the most dedicated Al-Quaeda member would have lasted under that sensory deprivation.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/23/04 08:41 PM

Wonder if this would have happened if he was a Yank?

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/24/04 01:18 AM

Actually, I'm glad. I think it's nice to see people, who bash the US and it's policies, not be allowed into the country (security threat notwithstanding).

Almost like the recent Bobby Fischer thing.


I'm sure deporting him is entirely racially motivated. Yeah, and OJ was innocent, too.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/24/04 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Actually, I'm glad. I think it's nice to see people, who bash the US and it's policies, not be allowed into the country (security threat notwithstanding).

Almost like the recent Bobby Fischer thing.


I'm sure deporting him is entirely racially motivated. Yeah, and OJ was innocent, too.
I don't think OJ's guilt or innocence has nothing to do with this.

How is Bobby Fischer even remotely related to this?

How is his statement that calls the 9/11 attack and the Russian school attack deplorable bashing the US and it's policy? Because he re-issued Peace Train?

If the reason that he is on this list is because he donated money to a charity that has since been tied to a terrorist group - then fine - that is a good reason.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/24/04 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Actually, I'm glad. I think it's nice to see people, who bash the US and it's policies, not be allowed into the country (security threat notwithstanding).
Don't ever leave the US SaladBar!!

Now, I'm no expert on the US Constitution but I seem to remember something about "speech" and "freedom".
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/24/04 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] Actually, I'm glad. I think it's nice to see people, who bash the US and it's policies, not be allowed into the country (security threat notwithstanding).
Don't ever leave the US SaladBar!!

Now, I'm no expert on the US Constitution but I seem to remember something about "speech" and "freedom". [/b][/quote]I think Double-J didn't phrase that right. The dixie chicks spoke out against Bush and the whole U.S. and they were allowed back in. The difference is that when you take sides with another organization speaking out agains the U.S. (showing your loyalty to them) then you shouldn't be allowed back in.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/24/04 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] Actually, I'm glad. I think it's nice to see people, who bash the US and it's policies, not be allowed into the country (security threat notwithstanding).

Almost like the recent Bobby Fischer thing.


I'm sure deporting him is entirely racially motivated. Yeah, and OJ was innocent, too.
I don't think OJ's guilt or innocence has nothing to do with this.

How is Bobby Fischer even remotely related to this?

How is his statement that calls the 9/11 attack and the Russian school attack deplorable bashing the US and it's policy? Because he re-issued Peace Train?

If the reason that he is on this list is because he donated money to a charity that has since been tied to a terrorist group - then fine - that is a good reason. [/b][/quote]Piece by piece...

1.) OJ - because Capo wondered if Cat Stevens was a Yank, and whether that has any bearing as to him being on the watch list. I was comparing it to a racially motivated case, albeit a different context.

2.) Bobby Fischer has done something different, but by playing his chess match during a time when the US banned commerce with Yugoslavia (if I recall...?), he technically committed treason. Consequently, he has gone across the globe, spouting his anti-American message, as well as an anti-Jew message, despite the fact that his mother is jewish.

3.) Yusef Islam apparently (I don't have any links to confirm) did donate to some charity or whatnot that has ties to Hamas, but that also wasn't my point. He spoke out against the war in Iraq and US foreign policy (which is fine, he is entitled, but that doesn't mean I approve of it).

My point is that people love the freedoms and protections of the United States, yet they feel compelled to bash us as well.

I frankly, don't think it works both ways, especially if you aren't a US citizen. Go back home, Yusef.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/25/04 12:21 AM

I am all for this "watch" list and all for investigating people who "may" be of suspicious character, hopefully before they board a plane, :rolleyes: no matter who they are. But for crying out loud, don't you think this investigation should run it's course before we send Cat Stevens out to slaughter???? I'm sure this is being looked into, and if there is just cause we will find out.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/25/04 09:39 PM

An amusing article I read today in The Independent (Sat 25 September 2004) by John Walsh.

"Why did the FBI put Yusuf Islam, the well-known British Muslim, on their "no-fly" list and call him a threat to American security?

Was it his slightly too Islamic name? His offensive sharia-tastic beard? Or was it because they'd examined the songs he once sang as Cat Stevens, and discovered numerous lyrics oddly suggestive of violence? "Oh I can't keep it in / I can't keep it in, I gotta let it out" - what's that all about, if not some kind of explosion? In "Moonshadow", amid all the sappy optimism, he sings, "And if I ever lose my legs / I won't moan and I won't beg" - an obvious insight into the mind of a (frankly rather hopeful) suicide bomber. And hang on a goddamn moment, what was the chorus of his second hit back in the Sixties? "I'm gonna get me a gun / And all the people who put me down / Had better get ready to run..." Phew. No wonder they kicked him out.
The long article goes on and on, but I don't seem to have the energy to type any more.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/26/04 01:05 AM

Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
Let me paraphrase your generality and make it specific based on proven information:

Only the Bush Administration cares more about the inconvenience of the Saudis than security, based upon proven links to 911. See this old article:

...Saudi officials acknowledged Saturday that Princess Haifa Faisal, the wife of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador, gave money to the family of Osama Bassnan....
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 01:54 AM

DonsAdvisor, please elaborate as to how that article is an example of "Bush Administration cares more about the inconvenience of the Saudis."
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
DonsAdvisor, please elaborate as to how that article is an example of "Bush Administration cares more about the inconvenience of the Saudis."
The first link below has the article mentioned above. (I can't link straight to it when I tried again - I'm not sure if you read it). Bear in mind that I am following DJ's tone of voice, so don't take him literally. But do see the articles below.

If you want to be literal, than I would infer that Bush's calculation was to overlook the Saudi connection for 9/11 in return for Saudi assistance in attacking Iraq. One can argue whether it was a good trade-off or not, but it seems disengenuous to deny any evidence of a Saudi/9-11 link (15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi).

The use of Saudi air bases was critical to the swift U.S. victory in the Gulf War, and President George W. Bush will need to use them again if he
leads an attack on Iraq, which shares most of Saudi Arabia's northern border. Saudi officials have made no such commitment this time and have sent contradictory signals about their intentions.




Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 10:18 AM

Spelling Mistake To Blame for Cat Stevens Terror Scare

"Yusuf Islam, the British singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, was refused entry into America because of a spelling error. The 57-year-old singing star - who abandoned a successful solo career in 1977 to become a Muslim - was on a flight from London to Washington on Tuesday when his name was spotted on a US security 'watch list' and his flight was diverted before officials deported him back to Britain. Aviation sources, with access to the "no-fly" list, now insist there is no entry on the list under the name 'Yusuf Islam', but that there is a 'Youssouf Islam' on the list. The US Transportation Safety Administration alleges that Islam has links to terrorist groups, which he has denied. In a statement Islam says, "We have now initiated a legal process to try to find out exactly what is going on, and to take all necessary steps to undo the very serious, and wholly unfounded, injustice which I have suffered. The amazing thing is that I was not given, and have still not been given, any explanation whatsoever as to what it is I am accused of, or why I am now deemed an apparent security threat - let alone given an opportunity to respond to these allegations. I was simply told that the order had come from on high."
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/27/04 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens [/b][/quote]The point is Senza Mamma, that you or I don't have a clue how "innocent" Cat Stevens is. There's a reason he is on the no-fly list. I don't care if they put the pope on a no-fly list, I wouldent fly with him....well ok maybe the Pope
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/28/04 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
[quote]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens [/b][/quote]The point is Senza Mamma, that you or I don't have a clue how "innocent" Cat Stevens is. There's a reason he is on the no-fly list. I don't care if they put the pope on a no-fly list, I wouldent fly with him....well ok maybe the Pope [/b][/quote]Someone here certainly doesn't have a clue, but its not Senza Mama.

Yusuf Islam, formerly the singer Cat Stevens, was deported from the United States because of a spelling error, with US officials confusing the former pop star with a man with a similar name who is on a "no-fly" list, Time magazine claims.

Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/28/04 08:29 AM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[quote]Originally posted by Krlea:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
Originally posted by Double-J:
Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens [/b][/quote]The point is Senza Mamma, that you or I don't have a clue how "innocent" Cat Stevens is. There's a reason he is on the no-fly list. I don't care if they put the pope on a no-fly list, I wouldent fly with him....well ok maybe the Pope [/b][/quote]Someone here certainly doesn't have a clue, but its not Senza Mama.

Yusuf Islam, formerly the singer Cat Stevens, was deported from the United States because of a spelling error, with US officials confusing the former pop star with a man with a similar name who is on a "no-fly" list, Time magazine claims.


Yikes!! Am I Senza Mama or Senza Mamma???
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/28/04 01:21 PM

It looks like besides needed a course in Muslim names and spelling, the FBI could use help translating. Tom Ridge says we don't need a person with budget authority to oversee the intelligence departments?

FBI Not Translating All Terrorism Material -Audit

2 hours, 31 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI (news - web sites) does not have enough translators to handle a growing backlog of documents and intercepts in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Pashto, a federal audit said on Monday, confirming criticism by U.S. elected officials and experts.

An unclassified summary of a July 2004 report by the U.S. Justice Department (news - web sites)'s inspector general said while the FBI has increased the number of translators of languages used in the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan (news - web sites), it still cannot keep up with the backlog of material flowing into the system.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/28/04 06:48 PM

Yeah. I suppose that's what happens when polticians would rather keep paying into social security instead of boosting defense.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/28/04 09:05 PM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[quote]Originally posted by Krlea:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
Originally posted by Double-J:
Only in America do we care more about the incovenience of a security-risk than we do about the innocent lives on the plane.
I presume the innocent lives include Cat Stevens [/b][/quote]The point is Senza Mamma, that you or I don't have a clue how "innocent" Cat Stevens is. There's a reason he is on the no-fly list. I don't care if they put the pope on a no-fly list, I wouldent fly with him....well ok maybe the Pope [/b][/quote]Someone here certainly doesn't have a clue, but its not Senza Mama.

Yusuf Islam, formerly the singer Cat Stevens, was deported from the United States because of a spelling error, with US officials confusing the former pop star with a man with a similar name who is on a "no-fly" list, Time magazine claims.


Ok I admit your post mad me burst out laughing , but I swear D.V.'s post about that info was not there when I posted. We must have been posting at the same time. And my point does still stand, if their on a no fly list then they shouldent fly. Nobody said they system was perfect, but I'd rather have it be a little off then not there at all.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Cat Stevens a National Security Risk? - 09/29/04 01:40 PM

Being a Middle Eastern myself I don't mind to go through three hours safety check procedures at the port of entry to the US. Some people miss their connecting flights and it is frustrating sometimes but if that can help to prevent tragedies like 9/11, so be it. It is better than after the accident accusing certain race or nationality for that matter. Frankly I don't think being a terrorist has anything to do with race, beliefs, nationality or religion. This is a sickness that has to be prevented by raising safety measures. Also I don't think that terrorists communicate with a certain language. I think nowadays encrypting such materials is as easy as working with a computer. Mistakes in these procedures are inevitable; hopefully they'll get better every day for the sake of humanity.
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