
Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 02:24 AM

Actually read this before you bash me. :p :rolleyes:

Fidel Castro: Bad guy or a guy who tried to make things better for a country in need? While most people obviously know now that Communism doesn't work, we have to remember that when Castro was taking over Cuba, Communism was just starting. Countries were 'testing' it out. People didn't know if it'd work or fail.

I don't believe that Fidel Castro should be considered a horrible dictator, but I certainly don't think he should be considered a hero or idol. Castro overthrew a cruel dictatorship and has educated most of the people in Cuba. An article I read today also said that prositution is now very rare and that most of the prostitutes have been educated.

I can understand why many Cubans in America hate him because their relatives are still in Cuba. We have to remember that Castro sent over 100,000 Cubans to America in 1980, so not only did this enable some Cubans already in America to reunite with their families, but Castro also sent the criminals over, so he also decreased the crime level in Cuba by doing that. -Pat
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 04:39 AM

I hate him. There is nothing else for me to say.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 04:44 AM

Also you wouldn't enjoy Scarface today if it was not because of what he did...
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 04:59 AM

Pat, Do you love it that he housed nuclear weapons for the Soviet Union to destroy us with?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Krlea:
Pat, Do you love it that he housed nuclear weapons for the Soviet Union to destroy us with?
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said I loved the guy. -Pat
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 05:20 AM

I think castro is a big moron and I hope cuba can be free of that dictador soon.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 05:20 AM

Sorry Pat. I didn't mean it to sound like that. "Do you love it?" is a terrible expression that I use to often. My apologies.

I was just pointing out one of the many reasons I do not like Castro.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 05:41 AM

Now seriously about this guy, I think he started with good intentions but either power has corrupted him or he has no faith in his people to find the right way on their own. His long speeches, his control over media, the fact that the whole government is not chosen by people with a free election on regular basis and all and all reminds me of my own country and I hated it this way. However, this is another country and I strongly believe freedom and democracy has to evolve within a society and it can't be delivered from other countries because it simply wouldn't be democracy anymore. People of a country have to pay for their freedom themselves. They have to grow politically before they can handle these issues.

Originally posted by Krlea:
Do you love it that he housed nuclear weapons for the Soviet Union to destroy us with?
And Krlea, don't be so sure that what you say is right because media says so, they were telling the same stuff about Iraq and they have not found anything yet.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 05:44 AM

Kristen--I think I know what you meant. I don't think Castro is a good guy, but he certainly gets a bad wrap. He's no where near as bad as Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, or Minh. -Pat
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 12:00 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by afsaneh77:
And Krlea, don't be so sure that what you say is right because media says so, they were telling the same stuff about Iraq and they have not found anything yet.

Are you trying to say that the Cuban Missle Crisis might have never occurred because the media reported it? Right.
Posted By: plawrence

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 12:22 PM

I'm as sceptical as the next person, if not more so, about what our government tells us, but as far as the Cuban Missle Crisis goes, I gotta believe we were being told the truth.

There was photo surveillance of the actual missles, which, I suppose, could have been fake, but all we did was put up a blockade, make some Russian ships turn back that were supposedly carrying more, and force the Soviets to remove their missles from Cuba, in exchange for which we made a secret deal with Khruschev to remove some or all of ours from Turkey (I'm a little hazy on the details of the last part).

So what would the point have been if there were actually no missles in Cuba and the whole "crisis" was a fake? What did we accomplish?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 12:45 PM

You know Plawrence, you might be right and as I said I hate Castro. But this whole Iraq issue has made me very pessimist and I don't want to be fooled with it anymore. I simply have doubts about every single thing we're being fed by media. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 01:12 PM

We agreed to remove some outdated Jupiter missles from Turkey that were obsolete. The agreement was an "understanding" between the Soviet foreign minister and RFK that was unofficial, but carried out.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Actually read this before you bash me. :p :rolleyes:

Fidel Castro: Bad guy or a guy who tried to make things better for a country in need? While most people obviously know now that Communism doesn't work, we have to remember that when Castro was taking over Cuba, Communism was just starting. Countries were 'testing' it out. People didn't know if it'd work or fail.

I don't believe that Fidel Castro should be considered a horrible dictator, but I certainly don't think he should be considered a hero or idol. Castro overthrew a cruel dictatorship and has educated most of the people in Cuba. An article I read today also said that prositution is now very rare and that most of the prostitutes have been educated.

I can understand why many Cubans in America hate him because their relatives are still in Cuba. We have to remember that Castro sent over 100,000 Cubans to America in 1980, so not only did this enable some Cubans already in America to reunite with their families, but Castro also sent the criminals over, so he also decreased the crime level in Cuba by doing that. -Pat
Have you seen Havana cica 1958. Now look at it in 2004. Communisim wasn't "just starting" in 1960. Communisim started when Marx met Engle in the 1840's and they wrote, The Communist Manifesto. The Soviet Union had already become Communists when Lenin and the Bolsheviks pulled the rug from under Czar Nicholous II in 1917. I'd of thought you'd of known this. In the 1950's, I belive Mao Tse Tung took China and made it "The Peoples Republic Of China". Communisim wasn't just starting out. It had been tryed many times.

Communisim works like this. Revolution, folwed by a temporary leader, who them must conside his power to the people so that one and all are equal. The problem is is that no leader would ever let go of theat power. Commuinisim had also failed MANY TIMES!

Fidel Castro over threw Fulencio Bautista, a man that assosiated with the Mafia but had brought so muich American dollars into Cuba. Then, of course, Castro took over and closed gambling and was embargoed and so he has destroyed Cuba's economic prosperaty of the '40's and '50's.

In the early 1960's Castro killed thousands of his fucking enemies! He forced so many people to come to America as refuges.

Castro never gave a shit about people reuniting with their families. He sent them here as cover for those criminals which came to Miami (A there where quite a few cases like that in the '80's here in Miami).

You don't think he's a horrible dictator? Destroyed Cuba's ecoonomy, killed his enemies, constantly attacks America, killed everyone who invaded Cuba during the Bay Of Pigs. No. He's not that bad.

I'm insulted by this thought Patrick.

Why don't you go to hell! Or beter yet, go to Cuba. It's tthe same goddamn thing! You'll never understand how horrible a man he really is!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/28/04 06:36 PM

I forgot you knew everything, Mike. What was I thinking? :rolleyes: The rich Cubans and Americans in Cuba to gamble were the ones that prospered under Batista. NO ONE else did. Poverty has DECREASED under Castro.

Kills his enemies? What countries DON'T kill their enemies?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's like me saying, "America is horrible. We're killing our enemies in Iraq." :rolleyes:

And who the hell is Mao Tse Tong? Mao Zedong took over China with Comunism. Yes, Communism was JUST starting all over the world in the 1930's (Italy and Germany). After that, Cuba had its' resolution just after the Vietnam war started and North Korea turned into Communism in the mid 50's right before the Revolution.

And I never said, "Communism doesn't fail." I said =, "It DOES, but was just being 'tested' out by countries at the time." You should've read the first sentence of my post and actually READ the paragraphs that followed, then maybe you'd have a clue. -Pat
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Poverty has DECREASED under Castro.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 04:25 AM

You're just pissed because you can't see your family. That has nothing to do with the economical status of the country. -Pat
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 01:09 PM

I would say that if there have been so many great advances under the Castro regime people would be risking their lives to immigrate to Cuba.

People would rather risk their lives in inner tubes and rowboats across rough water full of sharks than live in Cuba. Even Jose Contreras would rather work for George Steinbrenner than live in Cuba!

Don't mix up fascism with communism. Germany and Italy in the 1930's were fascist states, not communist. It's very different.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 03:21 PM

Well said, Don Marco. Just what I was thinking.

Castro was a pimp and a whore at times with Russia.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 04:09 PM

Is he the same guy who makes those convertible couches?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 04:15 PM

No, that is his cousin- Carlos
Carlos Castro's Convertible Couches
Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 06:08 PM

While I don't agree with his politics, Castro is a brilliant statesman. If you have any chance read any of his epistles and letters. The guy knows what he's talking about.

And the fact that Cuba is bad because "Castro kills his enemies"...that's one of the dumbest statements ever! Of course he kills his enemies! Tell me what rulers haven't killed their enemies. Even God's chosen (King David) killed all of those who opposed Israel. What do you think Bush's going to do when he finds bin Laden? Shook him by the ear and say: "Bad boy! Bad boy!"?

"Why don't you go to Hell? Or Cuba! Is the same gddamn thing!"

No it ain't. Is an amazing place. I heard is beautiful or that's what my uncle and his Cuban wife tell me.
Too bad you can't visit in now, thanks to Bush's brand new sanctions.
I wouldn't live in Cuba, though. There aren't a lot of movies in their cinemas. Maybe spending a vacation in the summer.
I'll like to meet the Old Fox before he goes. I'll have an interesting conversation with him on politics and the merits of Communism.

Giorgio Luigi Gambino
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 06:16 PM

I'm certainly not up on Cuban politics, but it would seem to me that either Castro is doing something right, or he has a real strangle hold on the whole island. How long has he been in power? 40+ years. Is there any country any where in the world that has had the same ruler for that long? A handful at best. All the other "Communist" dictators have been deposed or their countries restructured.
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 08:02 PM

This argument has been going on for more that 40 years and Castro is still there.

Don't you think Castro is thankful for Florida electoral politics? He can cleverly blame every problem on the US embargo! Gee, if something hasn't worked for 40 years, why keep trying the same thing?
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 08:03 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
I'm certainly not up on Cuban politics, but it would seem to me that either Castro is doing something right, or he has a real strangle hold on the whole island. How long has he been in power? 40+ years. Is there any country any where in the world that has had the same ruler for that long? A handful at best. All the other "Communist" dictators have been deposed or their countries restructured.
The people in that country are scared of Castro and the power that he has over them. They haven't had the balls to rebell. Those that dispise him decide to take refuge in America.

I am a Cuban AMerican. Everyday I talk to my Grandmother, who after being married to a Marine for several years in the United States, went back to Cuba to see her father who was dying. She lived through Castro's revolution. There we're gunfights in the hills of Cuba for over a year. The people thought he'd be beter than Bautista, but he would become a monster.

My grandmother had to come to AMerica without a husband, with two childeren (Ages 11 and 9) because Castro (The Not So Bad Guy) had launched Cuba into turmoil.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Don Giorgio Gambino:
While I don't agree with his politics, Castro is a brilliant statesman. If you have any chance read any of his epistles and letters. The guy knows what he's talking about.

And the fact that Cuba is bad because "Castro kills his enemies"...that's one of the dumbest statements ever! Of course he kills his enemies! Tell me what rulers haven't killed their enemies. Even God's chosen (King David) killed all of those who opposed Israel. What do you think Bush's going to do when he finds bin Laden? Shook him by the ear and say: "Bad boy! Bad boy!"?

"Why don't you go to Hell? Or Cuba! Is the same gddamn thing!"

No it ain't. Is an amazing place. I heard is beautiful or that's what my uncle and his Cuban wife tell me.
Too bad you can't visit in now, thanks to Bush's brand new sanctions.
I wouldn't live in Cuba, though. There aren't a lot of movies in their cinemas. Maybe spending a vacation in the summer.
I'll like to meet the Old Fox before he goes. I'll have an interesting conversation with him on politics and the merits of Communism.

Giorgio Luigi Gambino
It's a beautiful country if you have MONEY! Something Castro can use. If you ae a foregner, chances are your living in a resort, were you can not see Castro's atrocities.

Why don't you look at some photo's of the slums of Havana sometimes, huh? People have only governemnt controled stations on the air, and any networks that come in from the US, are censored by Castro's totaliterian policies.

Castro's enemies were people that disagreed with his ideals! Do we kill people we don't agree with? Hell no!

I will tell you one thing, Castro is a very inteligent man. The fact that he has his law degree and is such a great orrator (and he is) proves his inteligence. That still does not change the fact that he is a horrible, dispicable man.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 08:54 PM

It's a beautiful country if you have MONEY!
..and poverty has DECREASED under Castro.

Castro's enemies were people that disagreed with his ideals! Do we kill people we don't agree with?
No, we just kill people who don't listen to us when we tell them to do something.

I will tell you one thing, Castro is a very inteligent man. The fact that he has his law degree and is such a great orrator (and he is) proves his inteligence.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Mike.

Why don't you look at some photo's of the slums of Havana sometimes, huh?
There are slums in EVERY country. -Pat
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/29/04 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
..and poverty has DECREASED under Castro.
Where have you gotten that idea? Just wondering because I looked up economic data on Cuba and the poverty level was unknown.

At any rate, I can't believe that anyone here is defending Castro. If he is such a great guy, why do thousands of Cubans flee each year? Castro has imprisoned, tortured, and murdered thousands of his own people over the years. Disagreement with the government is simply not tolerated. I find it despicable that people would be willing to defend a man that has oppressed his own people for 40 years.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
..and poverty has DECREASED under Castro.
Where have you gotten that idea? Just wondering because I looked up economic data on Cuba and the poverty level was unknown.

At any rate, I can't believe that anyone here is defending Castro. If he is such a great guy, why do thousands of Cubans flee each year? Castro has imprisoned, tortured, and murdered thousands of his own people over the years. Disagreement with the government is simply not tolerated. I find it despicable that people would be willing to defend a man that has oppressed his own people for 40 years.
[/quote]OMG! Thank you! I finally have back up on here!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
..and poverty has DECREASED under Castro.
Where have you gotten that idea? Just wondering because I looked up economic data on Cuba and the poverty level was unknown.

At any rate, I can't believe that anyone here is defending Castro. If he is such a great guy, why do thousands of Cubans flee each year? Castro has imprisoned, tortured, and murdered thousands of his own people over the years. Disagreement with the government is simply not tolerated. I find it despicable that people would be willing to defend a man that has oppressed his own people for 40 years.
[/quote]A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 01:10 AM

PAtrick, you are a communist... I jsut can't belive some of these statements.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Patrick: A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat [/QB]
Oh good God. Are you insane? I'm not the one who didn't research Pat, I asked you to post sources to back up your claim that the poverty level was lower under Castro than under Batista because I DID research this. I looked economic statistics on Cuba specifically to find if your claim was correct. I found nothing to support what you said, so I asked for sources. Surprisingly, I actually do research things before I reply to them in threads, and I suggest you should do the same. You have no evidence that there are people that "love" Castro, and judging by the thousands of people that attempt to leave Cuba each year, I'd say he is generally hated, as most dictators are. Why you attempt to defend a murderous, repressive, communist dictator is a mystery to me, especially since you have no evidence to back up any of your claims.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick: A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat
Oh good God. Are you insane? I'm not the one who didn't research Pat, I asked you to post sources to back up your claim that the poverty level was lower under Castro than under Batista because I DID research this. I looked economic statistics on Cuba specifically to find if your claim was correct. I found nothing to support what you said, so I asked for sources. Surprisingly, I actually do research things before I reply to them in threads, and I suggest you should do the same. You have no evidence that there are people that "love" Castro, and judging by the thousands of people that attempt to leave Cuba each year, I'd say he is generally hated, as most dictators are. Why you attempt to defend a murderous, repressive, communist dictator is a mystery to me, especially since you have no evidence to back up any of your claims. [/QB][/quote]Although I never finished reading it after school let out. This is/was my source:

It's a book that tells you the passion Castro had to fix that country up. And I apologize for my Republican remarks, but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source. Like I said, I don't think the guy should be considered a hero, but he's certainly not as bad as cut out to be. -Pat
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Patrick: A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat
Oh good God. Are you insane? I'm not the one who didn't research Pat, I asked you to post sources to back up your claim that the poverty level was lower under Castro than under Batista because I DID research this. I looked economic statistics on Cuba specifically to find if your claim was correct. I found nothing to support what you said, so I asked for sources. Surprisingly, I actually do research things before I reply to them in threads, and I suggest you should do the same. You have no evidence that there are people that "love" Castro, and judging by the thousands of people that attempt to leave Cuba each year, I'd say he is generally hated, as most dictators are. Why you attempt to defend a murderous, repressive, communist dictator is a mystery to me, especially since you have no evidence to back up any of your claims. [/b][/quote]Although I never finished reading it after school let out. This is/was my source:

It's a book that tells you the passion Castro had to fix that country up. And I apologize for my Republican remarks, but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source. Like I said, I don't think the guy should be considered a hero, but he's certainly not as bad as cut out to be. -Pat [/QB][/quote]SO if I talk bad about Hitler, I got it for a biased source?
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 02:42 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
This is/was my source:

but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source.

Talk about a totally biased source. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sullivan:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
Originally posted by Patrick: A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat
Oh good God. Are you insane? I'm not the one who didn't research Pat, I asked you to post sources to back up your claim that the poverty level was lower under Castro than under Batista because I DID research this. I looked economic statistics on Cuba specifically to find if your claim was correct. I found nothing to support what you said, so I asked for sources. Surprisingly, I actually do research things before I reply to them in threads, and I suggest you should do the same. You have no evidence that there are people that "love" Castro, and judging by the thousands of people that attempt to leave Cuba each year, I'd say he is generally hated, as most dictators are. Why you attempt to defend a murderous, repressive, communist dictator is a mystery to me, especially since you have no evidence to back up any of your claims. [/b][/quote]Although I never finished reading it after school let out. This is/was my source:

It's a book that tells you the passion Castro had to fix that country up. And I apologize for my Republican remarks, but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source. Like I said, I don't think the guy should be considered a hero, but he's certainly not as bad as cut out to be. -Pat [/b][/quote]SO if I talk bad about Hitler, I got it for a biased source? [/QB]

That is absolutely the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Hitler wanted to exterminate a whole race and nearly did. Wow. Just don't even reply to this. I thought it couldn't get much worse then your, "But Fidel kills his enemies" comment, but WOW!

Freddie C.--Have you read the book? -Pat
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by Mike Sullivan:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
Originally posted by Patrick: A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat
Oh good God. Are you insane? I'm not the one who didn't research Pat, I asked you to post sources to back up your claim that the poverty level was lower under Castro than under Batista because I DID research this. I looked economic statistics on Cuba specifically to find if your claim was correct. I found nothing to support what you said, so I asked for sources. Surprisingly, I actually do research things before I reply to them in threads, and I suggest you should do the same. You have no evidence that there are people that "love" Castro, and judging by the thousands of people that attempt to leave Cuba each year, I'd say he is generally hated, as most dictators are. Why you attempt to defend a murderous, repressive, communist dictator is a mystery to me, especially since you have no evidence to back up any of your claims. [/b][/quote]Although I never finished reading it after school let out. This is/was my source:

It's a book that tells you the passion Castro had to fix that country up. And I apologize for my Republican remarks, but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source. Like I said, I don't think the guy should be considered a hero, but he's certainly not as bad as cut out to be. -Pat [/b][/quote]SO if I talk bad about Hitler, I got it for a biased source?

That is absolutely the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Hitler wanted to exterminate a whole race and nearly did. Wow. Just don't even reply to this. I thought it couldn't get much worse then your, "But Fidel kills his enemies" comment, but WOW!


Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 03:22 AM

Hmmm. It took you OVER 24 hours to tell us this? :rolleyes: Yesterday, you clearly said
You don't think he's a horrible dictator? Destroyed Cuba's ecoonomy, killed his enemies, constantly attacks America, killed everyone who invaded Cuba during the Bay Of Pigs.
RIGHT after that, I replied:
Kills his enemies? What countries DON'T kill their enemies?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's like me saying, "America is horrible. We're killing our enemies in Iraq."
DGG also said that it was the dumbest thing HE had ever heard! Quit while you're behind, Mike. Far, far behind.

I think DonsAdvisor said it best, "The argument has been going on for OVER 40 years and Castro is STILL there." The US has cut trade with Cuba in hopes that they will rebel. They haven't rebelled! They even had a chance in the 60's to rebel at the Bay of Pigs, but didn't help! A HUGE majority of these Cubans obviously have NO problem with what Castro has done with the country, as it is much better then it would be if Batista was still there. -Pat
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
A HUGE majority of these Cubans obviously have NO problem with what Castro has done with the country
Where are you getting that from?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] A HUGE majority of these Cubans obviously have NO problem with what Castro has done with the country
Where are you getting that from? [/b][/quote]Why wouldn't they rebel? Tell me. US stopped trade hoping they'd rebel and ain't shit that has happened. Nadda. Nothing. Wait, let me guess: "They've tried, but it failed, so it wasn't on the news and no one knows about it," right? :rolleyes: -Pat
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 07:44 AM

Pat, let me give you an example about why people of Cuba won't rebellion. I was born and raised in a country that is under US embargo. We don't have a communist government but a religious one. I can almost tell that 90% of people dislike that government but why they don't rebel? That's quite easy to find out. They once did to gain their freedom and end the 2500 years of kings ruling over this country. Now they regret what they did because what they got is quite worse. I myself wouldn't do it again. I don't want to risk my life and see some other asshole becomes the leader again instead of a democratic government. I'd rather we all make changes to this government to gain a 100% democratic one over the time. I don't want any more bloodshed. US embargo has been even in favor of the government because they can say if economy is getting worse it is the US' fault.
But as you said education has been getting better over the years. Media is under control and there is not much going on TV so kids are focused on their education. Specially girls are getting the education they want and they won't be distracted by issues like cheerleaders, beauty queens, prom queens and stuff like that because these kind of things are not allowed in schools. So if some people simply think it is a boring life they decide to immigrate to another country rather than rebelling. I myself got the best education one could get but I simply didn't pay a dime because best colleges are for free here and if you pass their test you get in. I sometimes think it is not that bad after all.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 05:45 PM

Let me echo what Castro has done:

He Destroyed Cuba's Tobbaco and Sugar (Their Main Exports).
He's killed thousands of his political oponents.
He's killed thousands of people who dared to rebel or even try to escape his fasict regime.
He's asociated with America's enemeys! In 1962 he associated with the Soviet Union! In 1991 he was Sadamn Hussein's only Ally against the American's during THe First Persian Gulf War.

He's a proven enemy and isn't not so bad as we say.

He has Cuba under an iron fist. They aren't allowed to speak their mind. They can't rebel in fear of dying! The Cuban people under Castro are stuck between a rock and a hard place. HOW CAN THEY REBEL AGAINST THEIR GOVERNMENT WITHOUT WEAPONS (They can't possibly get weapons, BTW)?


You think that that book is entirely truthful? You take something someone says like it's the gospel! The same thing happened after you saw Fahrenheit. You need to read from other sorces, because you haven't gotten the truth yet.

Maybe I'm not the smartest man, but Fidel Castro is not a good man. He deserves to die, and as President of the United states, I would fight Castro's government to free the Cuban people, just like we did with the Iraqi's. It's only fair.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 06:17 PM

He Destroyed Cuba's Tobbaco and Sugar (Their Main Exports).
Wrong. Their exports aren't destroyed. They just don't trade.

He's asociated with America's enemeys!
And America has associated with Cuba's enemies.

They aren't allowed to speak their mind. They can't rebel in fear of dying!
No shit they can't speak their mind, it's called communism! They fear of death? If it's so bad, wouldn't they die anyway, with or without fighting?

You think that that book is entirely truthful? You take something someone says like it's the gospel! The same thing happened after you saw Fahrenheit.
This is the 3rd time you've said that against me and this is the 3rd time I'm telling you: I KNOW that Fahrenheit 9/11 had lies in it. Get that through your thick skull.

Maybe I'm not the smartest man
Atleast you admit it. -Pat
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
And I apologize for my Republican remarks, but anyone who talks ALL negatively about that guy obviously has learned it from a totally biased source.
We'd better burn those damn history books! All lies! :p
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 06:57 PM

quick question. If you don' trade, how can you call them exports then.

So if you don't trade, then you have wiped out your export values and then you don't get hard cash or goods from other country right?
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 07:31 PM

Originally posted by fathersson:
quick question. If you don' trade, how can you call them exports then.

So if you don't trade, then you have wiped out your export values and then you don't get hard cash or goods from other country right?
Sugar was their export along with Tobbacoo, but with the embargo's came loss to Cuba's economy.

Castro has hurt Cuba by staying in power and not allowing the US to lift the embargo. THus he has helped to decalaerate and ultamtle stop Cuba's economic prosaprity to the point that it tumbles to the rock bottom.

Meanwhile, Castro is smoking a cigar and talking more anti-AMerican shit.

PAtrick, of course we assosiate with their enemeys. We need allies after all. That still doesn't cahnge the fact that Castro is a threat and is not a freind to the United States of America. He flys in the face of everything we stand fo and everything that humanity deserves: Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 07:35 PM

FS--Sugar and tobacco from Cuba are still exported, but not legally.

Mike--Like I said in the beginning, "while Castro shouldn't be considered a hero, he's certainly not a horrible guy." You seem to be saying the same thing over. "Fidel hates America. Fidel doesn't care for the Cubans." If Fidel hates Cubans so much, then why would he risk his life during the Revolution to get Batista out? He did it because he thought communism would work, and if it did, Castro would be one of the greatest leaders of all time. -Pat
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote] They aren't allowed to speak their mind. They can't rebel in fear of dying!
No shit they can't speak their mind, it's called communism! They fear of death? If it's so bad, wouldn't they die anyway, with or without fighting?
[/quote]Communism has nothing to do with people being able to speak their minds. It's an economic system based upon redistribution of wealth, the removal of private property, and ending class distinctions. Citizens in Cuba are not allowed to speak their minds because it is an oppressive dictatorship, not because it is communist.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
FS--Sugar and tobacco from Cuba are still exported, but not legally.

Mike--Like I said in the beginning, "while Castro shouldn't be considered a hero, he's certainly not a horrible guy." You seem to be saying the same thing over. "Fidel hates America. Fidel doesn't care for the Cubans." If Fidel hates Cubans so much, then why would he risk his life during the Revolution to get Batista out? He did it because he thought communism would work, and if it did, Castro would be one of the greatest leaders of all time. -Pat
He would risk his life because he is a power hungry dictator. You think the revolution was due to his love for the Cuban people? He's not a horrible guy? You need a reality check.

The embargo only affects the United States. Cuba can trade with any other country they want to. You can buy Cuban cigars in Canada. Their economy is in horrible shape because communism doesn't work.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/30/04 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
communism doesn't work.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 07/31/04 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Marco:
[b]communism doesn't work.
[/b][/quote]I know... Isn't it heartbreaking to hear such a thing?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 08/01/04 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sullivan:
I would fight Castro's government to free the Cuban people, just like we did with the Iraqi's. It's only fair.
This is off topic but I hope that the US does not do what they did in Iraq anywhere else to whatever name you'd like to give it whether it is called war for peace! or freedom or war against terrorism. What could have been stopped in the security check at the airport now has gone too far and innocent people have to pay for it. If Saddam was such a bad guy (and he really is) why the US supported him when he attacked Iran? Why the US did not remove him from power after pervious war?
There is not a day that we don't hear Iraqi or allied people getting killed in Iraq even now that the war has ended. I should hate Iraqi people because they did terrible things to my country but I don't mix people with their governments. Things that are happening in Iraq is inevitable because nobody likes to see his/her country being occupied by aliens even if their governments were monsters.
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 08/01/04 08:37 PM

Castro is on C-SPAN?!
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 08/02/04 02:39 AM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
Castro is on C-SPAN?!
He called Bush an Alchoholic and blamed our problems on that. He said ush should join AA!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 08/02/04 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sullivan:
[quote]Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[b] Castro is on C-SPAN?!
He called Bush an Alchoholic and blamed our problems on that. He said ush should join AA! [/b][/quote]This, coming from the guy who smokes so many cigars, he deserves to be the spokesperson for Nicorette gum. :p
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 28: Fidel Castro - 08/02/04 08:11 PM

guahajahaahah no joke Double-J!
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