
Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn?

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/11/04 07:09 PM

Hello all. I took the day off yesterday, so I hope you didn't miss me too much. Never fear though, Pat is here. Ah. I thought this would be a good topic to discuss. I am in love with porn myself, but to each his own. I wouldn't say I watch it on a daily basis, but whenever "I'm in the mood for love" and I can't find Britney on TV, I pop in a DVD or try to find some free porn online. How about yourself? :p -Pat
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/11/04 07:37 PM

yeah I do watch porn! not on a daily baisis, and maybe not even 2-3 times a week, but whenever I find some "high quality porn", I have no reason to not watch it.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/11/04 07:38 PM

come on Pat this is cheap and already done before. Delete it now. It makes you look bad.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/11/04 07:43 PM

FS--You're too uptight. I don't care what people think of me. This is for fun, so stop being a party crasher. :p
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/11/04 09:03 PM

Good Excuse Pat.
OK, have your fun. Then let me add my thoughts on your thread, since this is what you want right?

You see, I see talk like this cheap, real cheap. Like little man syndrome. People who have to talk about how much of a real man they are just aren't that. A real man. "LOOK at me I watch Porn! Look at me I drink and try and date women. "Looook at me everyone I'm cool I WHACK OFF" For crying out loud, this kind of crap is making this board cheap and not holding up to it standards.

Once around on this subject was more then enough.
Now before everyone cries about what I say. Think about it a little bit. Do you think it is really being cool to talk about this on a world wide board. Sure it is a free world and I don't HAVE to respond on any thread, just by pass it right. I very often do as you see that I don't post on any of them but, enough is enough as far as I'm concern. Is this the best you can come up with?

I think you disrespect your host who pays to have this board up and running with crap like this.
So there it goes you want people to respond you got it.

Sorry Pat, I do judge people by what they do and say. I know you don't care about that. But NEXT time you wonder why people don't come back to hang here and post to make the board better, think about this a bit.

Sorry folks, I will get off the soapbox I think it was Pats comment: FS--You're too uptight. I don't care what people think of me. This is for fun, so stop being a party crasher that made me want to speak up. I''m not here to argue so don't bother.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 04:47 AM

OK, have your fun. Then let me add my thoughts on your thread, since this is what you want right?

You see, I see talk like this cheap, real cheap. Like little man syndrome. People who have to talk about how much of a real man they are just aren't that. A real man. "Look at me I drink and try and date women. "Looook at me everyone I'm cool I WHACK OFF"
Can you show where I said this?

For crying out loud, this kind of crap is making this board cheap and not holding up to it standards.
Yet, you post replies to this "crap."

Think about it a little bit. Do you think it is really being cool to talk about this on a world wide board.
Look, I have no brothers and sisters and I don't have many friends. A lot of serious and personal questions have been asked to people on this board and in the board chat room.

Is this the best you can come up with?
I have a list of ideas in volumes to do. Do you think it'd be fun if they were all political? You'd get up on me for causing political fights then.

I think you disrespect your host who pays to have this board up and running with crap like this.
If I ever, EVER received a complaint from JG and/or SC, then I'd take it down. I think they say it best to people like you, "If you don't like a particular person or thread, then IGNORE it!"

But NEXT time you wonder why people don't come back to hang here and post to make the board better, think about this a bit.
Think about people reading your replies descriminating my effort to try and get a good thread going so that people can participate?

I''m not here to argue so don't bother.
What exactly are you here to do?

I think the mature thing that you could've done, FS, would've been to PM me with your complaint. We could've settled this in a PM instead of you taking blows at my effort to try and get a thread going. BTW, are you the same FS who posted in a different porn thread by another user on this board a few weeks ago with no complaints? -Pat
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 05:35 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
Good Excuse Pat.
OK, have your fun. Then let me add my thoughts on your thread, since this is what you want right?

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah .

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

C'mon, FS - Chill out. We have moderators here, thank you. It's a legit question, tastefully asked. Spending your life judging people? Probably worse than watching porn... :p

You must've watched tons of porn to warrant that judgemental reply!

Who cares. It doesn't hurt YOU, does it? Live and let live. There's only One Judge, and sorry, it's not you! :p
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 05:51 AM

i watch 2 to 3 times a week. i think all of us do watch theres nothing wrong with that, we are all human.

Posted By: Don Sauno

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 05:58 AM

I've been actually pretty admiring of Pat's volumes (whether I agree with him or not). Many of them are pretty serious subjects, even the ones that may be deemed as fun. For example this one.

No, I do not watch porn. Though it is most certainly the right of the pornagraphic participants and the viewers of pornagraphy to do what they do, I think that the business is a real exploitation of people (manely women). Though I've never actually seen it, I know that some porn goes off the deep end to show humans in sadomasochistic situations (somewhat like the "Superman" Havannah show in GFII) and really, I mean, that's just sick.

By rightful nature, I am supposed to only have the desire to see women revealed when I've been married to a wife. Does that mean there's not some part of me that becomes joyful when I may happen to come accross it otherwise? Well, I am a human being and it's not all porn, there are plenty of explicit scenes in films that you could classify as art.

Five years ago, I would probably think that anyone who relished in looking at pornography had serious character flaws, but now I've been around and see that people will do anything they can to hang on to something that will give them pleasure (unfornately it isn't always merely porn they turn to). I can't say I really appreciate that people, like friends of mine, have the habbit of enjoying the viewings of pornography, but I'm not going to give them a hard time about it. Not now, anyway. However, I do think pornography is a hurtful feature among the cultures and even goes onto to invade the lives of those who don't want a thing to do with it. There was a sad time period where I would literally get hundreds of e-mails a day, advertising for porn sites (turned out to actually be an illegal SPAM company). Also, when I come accross a porn site accidentely (yes, you can go ahead and luagh if you will, but accidentely simply is the truth) I am put in a position where I cannot leave. Popups come up allover the place and when I click to close them, instead of disapearing, they only show a different pornographic picture. Though it somehow may have some people a kind of good, pornography has been a real nuseance to me.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 06:18 AM

Patrick - Because I both love it and work in the business, I see porn all the time, as you know. And yes, fathersson strangely had no problem with my porn topic...interesting, if I must say...

Don Sauno - Admit the fact that you don't like porn but don't try and put down the business because you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. When I went to the Erotica Los Angeles exposition, I can tell you that I did not see an unhappy person there. Everybody was there because they wanted to be there and there was nobody who wasn't forced to be there. There were video booths, bondage booths, and toy booths and nobody was there that didn't have a smile on their faces. They were making money off of sex, the most natural thing we humans can do, and everyone was being treated with respect, as well.
When I covered that porn shoot a while ago I can also say that nobody was there who didn't want to be there. The girls were treated with respect and it was like a big circle of friends. There were no drugs, no alcohol, and nobody was being abused. They were there because that is what they chose to do, and they all loved doing it.
Maybe you should reassess your ideas because wherever you got those opinions from was not the actual legit sex business.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I am in love with porn
What a lucky lady...though I must question her parent's choice of names.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 04:17 PM

No comment. :p
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 06:13 PM

Pat's Thoughts have turned into Pat's questions.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/12/04 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
Pat's Thoughts have turned into Pat's questions.
Yes very nosey questions! :p
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/16/04 04:23 PM

Iwatch porn some times when i alone in the houes.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/16/04 06:02 PM

I used to be a porn lover myself, but lately I dont find much enjoyment in watching some OTHER guy get laid. I guess what I am trying to say, is that I dont need it anymore
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/17/04 02:49 AM

I watch porn every hour on the hour

I'm kidding, I watch it about 2-3 times a week.

I always try to watch girl/girl action.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/17/04 06:28 PM

Porn? Isn't that the stuff that grows in the fields with those little yellow kernals?

If so, I love it! I always get butter it up and put the whole thing in my mouth...though sometimes it gets stuck in my teeth...but all in all, it tastes great!!!

Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/18/04 12:39 AM

Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/19/04 09:41 PM

I may watch some stuff once in a thousand times, but I'm sure HSIG is addicted to porn.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 21: Do you watch porn? - 07/19/04 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
I may watch some stuff once in a thousand times, but I'm sure HSIG is addicted to porn.
Well, considering that I work in the industry, you might be right.
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