
Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 01:49 AM

WARNING! Some of these pictures may offend you!


Nothing sickens me more then a person ignoring their animal or treating it cruel. My suggestion is this: I definetly believe ALL animal abusers should face jail time after their first animal abuse conviction. They should receive a hefty fine of atleast $10,000 on their first conviction. It should be more depending on the number of animals and severity of the abusement.

After the 1st conviction, it should definetly be jail time and/or atleast a $15,000 donation to a local humane society or animal clinic.

I hate when people just ignore their pet and leave it to die. Don't they know how easily someone can buy it? The animal might get into good home and the original owners wouldn't commit these lude acts. What are your thoughts? -Pat
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 02:10 AM

Dont get me wrong,animal abuse is a sick act, but the line is getting blurry. If you have a puppy that eats your trash and you shove it's nose in it and put it outside in a rain storm, your neighbors might call the cops for animal abuse.Or if you tie it to a stake, that can be considered abuse. Now if you leave it on the stake all its life, that is abuse, but if you leave it there when you're at work and come home and play with it.....is that abuse? On the other hand, I agree with you that actual abuse should have a stricter punishment. It must really help your ego to beat and burn a dog. :rolleyes: Most abused animals have to be put down anyway becuase they can no longer be around people. If you know you dont have the time or patience to put up with an animal, dont get one.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 03:35 AM


I agree with you completely. Animal abuse ticks me off to no end. One of my friends neighbors gets ticked at his dog for barking all day, meanwhile his dog is just tied to a tree all by his lonesome. Big surprise that he is going to bark the whole time. The poor dog is begging for attention and is being constantly teased by only being able to look and not reach everything else around him. The dog is so unbelieavable bored that he just barks to hear something or someone talk to him. It breaks my heart.

As far as the lines being blurred, yes I see what you are saying Don Sonny Corleone. Thats why I believe it should be tougher to adopt a pet. I know in some areas there are strict guidelines and adoption processes to adopt a dog or cat. When we adopted our awesome dog Buddy, they coulden't care less. We just handed over a check for $40 and that was that. I don't blame the workers because I think thier job is very tough and they are mostly volunteers or under paid employees.

Meanwhile I don't know what it's like everywhere else, but here in Georgia people breed and sell puppies like nobodys business. Just last week there were two puppies found in a cardboard box on the road. The want ads in the paper are filled with ads for Puppies/kittens for sale. Even if their is some sort of Government regulation, which I doubt their is, their should be something controlling these people from over breeding their pets just to sell the puppies for $300 a pop.

I could go on and on, because animal cruelty fires me up but I'll quit before I write a novel. Nice job Pat.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 11:13 AM

My dog, as a puppy, was found in a card board box left to die. No wonder it's the most loyal and stupid dog EVER.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 12:45 PM

I'm more concerned with human abuse.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/04/04 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Freddie C.:
I'm more concerned with human abuse.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 04:04 AM

Anyone who abuses a defenseless animal is a sick fuck, and hopefully will get what they deserve.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 06:35 AM

Damn, I thought this thread was about Animal House.

Now I'm just extremely depressed.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 02:48 PM

I have 2 dogs and a cat. They are my family. I would NEVER hurt them like I would never hurt my son. I love animals.
Posted By: FAC3FU11

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 04:51 PM

I think it's okay to punish an animal with a beating just as I feel It's ok to punish my child with a spanking. Nowadays though you lay a finger on your dog/snake and your neighbors will call the cops on your for animal abuse.

As for brutally beating an animal that's plain sick and wrong. I smash on straight up animal abusers.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 05:11 PM

Sorry- No way, no how, does a human or an animal need to be BEAT. Striking is an act of a person that doesn't know how to react to a problem.

I know it is easier to say then do. The word BEAT means to strike or hit repeatedly; to pommel; to crush; to defeat. Do you do this to someone or something you love?

For every action there is a reaction. Think before you act. In most cases a simple measure or a new system can solve most problems.

The beaten become beaters. The more you strike out the easier it gets to do. Before long you are hitting first and not thinking at all and for little or no cause.

I know it is tuff to break that mold that people do. We have a new puppy at our home and the whole family has read up on the proper way to train and reward an animal. Beating is not the way.
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/07/04 05:37 PM

Well I´d love animals, I´d have 2 dogs in home and I love them so much and I never hurt them or any other animal, in my home we learned that cuz, all we are animal lover, so I really hate when people (animals) hurts some inocents who can´t speak for defend themself.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/08/04 01:55 AM

Spare the rod and spoil the child. :p
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/08/04 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
Spare the rod and spoil the child. :p
Talk about an old fashion way of thinking.

It is more like, I got my ass beat so it should be all right to beat the next person.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 16: Animal Abuse - 07/08/04 04:05 PM

Well, you know us ultra-conservatives. We're old school.
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