
Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 03:57 AM

I can't wait until I turn 18 and have the chance to get it done. I'd like nothing more then to get a face lift, but the problem is the expense. It's very expensive.

Some people are heavily against it though. I was listening to the radio the other day and I heard people complaining because parents were buying breast implant operations as their daughters' graduation present. Hey, it's their body, right?

So what does everyone think? Would you ever consider it? I know I sure as hell would. All girls care about these days are looks, most of the time. When you see Brad Pitt and a guy who is ugly and fat, who would you go with? You're a liar if you don't say Pitt. -Pat
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 04:01 AM

Taking my advice from the chat huh? :p I dont really mind if people do it, but I would never change anything on my body at ALL. This is my body and looks that I was born with, and if some surgery is gonna make someone like me more then FUCK YOU, tells how much someone really likes you by judging by your looks.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 04:08 AM

I dont happen to think I need it. :p

But say I did, then sure why not. If the money is good, and its something that you really want to do, then go for it. Theres nothing immoral about it I dont think. But dont go too far.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 04:24 AM

I can't say I'm against it. If I had a hook nose or dumbo ears or something and it really bugged me (which I'm guessing it would :p ), yea, I think I'd get it fixed. Other than that, probably not. However, there's nothing wrong with people who do have work done.

Of course many women get face lifts and tummy tucks or whatever. All a matter of choice I guess and what makes you feel better. I knew a lady once who had several facelifts and was beginning to look sort of plastic-like. After so many lifts you almost look fake. If you get too carried away you may end up like Michael Jackson.

Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
So what does everyone think? Would you ever consider it? I know I sure as hell would. All girls care about these days are looks, most of the time.
Appearances, are to some, monitoring agents & to others they serve to draw attention, but they are nowhere near being firm, substantial grounds upon which a foundation for a worthy relationship can be established. Not to developed humans at least.

There is beauty in almost anything, not always overwhelming the intrinsic, or acquired ugliness, which may later seem trivial as after many stages in life ugliness becomes partly integral & is not nearly as conspicuous as it once was, if it still is at all.

What many brainless young women value today are hard, bulging abdominal muscles; very white, expensive shoes or colored timberlands (the workboots); a moderately decent car; cash (which will probably not change in the future) & status. Virtues & principledness have no value to these materialists, who seem to grow in their numbers daily.
Posted By: Freddie C.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 01:33 PM

My girlfriend asked me whether she should get breast implants. Being a good boyfriend, I rejected the idea and said she was fine. But honestly, It wouldn't bother me if she did.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 02:48 PM

Personally except for strange abnormalities, I am against it. If it will make you happier than sure, but don't do it just to make yourself more attractive to others. Then you'll attract the wrong sort of people.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 04:17 PM

Well, I don't need any and I'm not against it, but why change something that makes you signifigant?
Posted By: Raulito

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 05:16 PM

Plastic Surgery would only be good if you had a mole or something like that. Enrique Iglesias had his mole removed because it could've became cancerous in the future. That would the only reason I would get plastic surgery. I'm happy with my body right now.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 07:49 PM

Pat... just by reading the title i can assure you the surgerty your thinking of doesnt really make it longer, just kind of lumpy. :p j/k
Posted By: beatlewho01-02

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 06/30/04 11:45 PM

I have a tendency to get addicted to things so I'll stay away from plastic surgury, unless I want to look like Michael Jackson.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 07/01/04 02:51 AM

Its your money, your body, andf if it makes you happy, I dont see why people are against it. If you get hooked and look like a white woman when you were born a black man, thats your problem, not mine.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 07/01/04 09:09 AM

Go the whole hog and get a sex change. That's what Turia did to turn into Turi. I've never been happier.
Posted By: Chilltown

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 13: Changing your body - Plastic Surgery - 07/01/04 01:09 PM

I know that i would never get any (of course unless something tragic happens and i need plastic surgery), but i absolutely do think that it serves a purpose for people-i do think tho that there should be some mental counseling to go along with it
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