
Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/26/04 08:08 PM

As I was reading through AOL News this morning, I found out that a Black, former crack addict on parole was beaten 11 times with a flash light by a cop who thought he had a gun. It turned out to be wire cutters. I can only imagine how much money this guy will get out of this.

I thought to myself after having an intriguing conversation with our Don the other night, "What really is a racial slur?" I want to let everyone know that my intent of making this post is not to offend, but rather to get a better understanding.

We know what would happen to a White person if they called a Spanish or Black person a "sp-c" or "n-gger," and I'm pretty sure that would be good for a lawsuit, getting kicked out of school, or being fired from your job.

Then I think to myself, what if a Black or Spanish person calls a White person a "cra-ker, h-nky, or w-gger?" The answer is simple: Nothing. Some may argue that those words are not offending to the White person, but why can't a White person argue back that "sp-c" or "n-gger" are the same exact thing?

I think that the whole slavery thing is bullshit too. Blacks were called 'n-ggers' back then, and it effects them today. No, they say it effects them so they can sue and get money. What are your thoughts?

This may be my last volume and post depending how this goes. I haven't decided yet. -Pat
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/26/04 08:48 PM

I am not racist. Yet, I too think that it is an interesting issue to discuss, as I feel the same way about how the system often uses racial attacks claims to hide crimes under spotlight.

If an Asian is killed by a group of white people, it is automatically described as a racial attack? Why? What evidence has led to this? And there is hell on because of it. But not a finger is raised when a white person is killed by a black person.

It's difficult to post to such an issue until I have something to argue for/against. Really, I've just stated the same as your starter post.

Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/26/04 11:04 PM

Did you know that if a white person attacks/harms a black person, it is automatically listed as a "hate crime," even if it wasn't racially motivated? But when a black person attacks/harms a white person, it's not listed as a hate crime until an investigation is done. That's unfair; it's bullshit. Also, there's about ten or so more times black on white crimes than there is white on black.

Not quite sure where I heard that, but I remember it being a reliable source. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 02:22 AM

I agree with pretty much everything that has been said. Its pretty much a thing called double standards. Afermative action is racist, calling a balck person a n*gger would get you labled a racist and starting a W.E.T. (white entertainment television) would get you booted off the face of the earth, much less giving out W.E.T. awards.What can you do? Nothing. Why? Because that would be racist.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 02:25 AM

There is a WET. It's called CMT. And I watch it everydamn day.

It's stupid to complain about this.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 10:55 AM

Racial slurs are bad and really there shouldn't be any room for them in this world. But I want to take another tangent on the topic. I don't understand how abbreviated nationality names are classed as racial.

For example, Bill Parcells recently got branded a racist and had to make a quick apology for using the word Jap. Short for Japanese. That should not be racist or classed as racist by anyone. Ok, I think he was referring to a Vietnamese guy so I can see why it was offensive - but not racial.

Abbreviated nationality names that are deemed Ok:


Words not Ok:


I don't get it.
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
I am not racist.
*cough cough* :p

But, seriously:
Turi, the only reason I can think of why Paki and Jap are considered 'racial slurs' while Scot, Brit and Swiss and such aren't is because they're non-whites.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 02:30 PM

We've become so politically correct in recent years, that I am not even sure if calling someone a "Jew" is considered a slur. Is it??? Is it appropriate for instance, to say, "Are you a Jew?" Something in the back of my mind tells me it might be offensive, although why, I don't know. Just wondering. I would tend to say Jewish instead so as not to offend, but I have wondered.

Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 04:36 PM

Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
There is a WET. It's called CMT.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 10: Racial Slurs - 06/27/04 04:37 PM

Do you guys know what would happen if their was a "White History Month?" Shit. America would be a war zone. -Pat
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