
Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 07:33 PM

After talking to my nigga Chilltown the other day, he told me he wouldn't mind seeing a thread on this category, so here it is.

Here are my thoughts on it. If 2 men or 2 women love each other, then I'm ok with that. I am AGAINST them getting married though. I have no problems talking with a homo/bisexual person under 2 circumstances:
1. They're not hitting on me.
2. They're not being a transvestite/drag because they want to be the opposite sex.

I honestly feel that if 2 men or 2 women get married, then they will go to hell. I feel we were all put here to reproduce and keep life going. Those are just my thoughts. What are yours? -Pat
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 07:43 PM

For reference, here's a link to the previous thread Constitutional Amendment To Ban Same Sex Marriages? which delved into these issues already.
Posted By: La Dolce Vita

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
I honestly feel that if 2 men or 2 women get married, then they will go to hell. I feel we were all put here to reproduce and keep life going.
That is a huuuge generalization. What about men or women who are sterile? What about infertile couples? They can't reproduce so they are going to hell???

No, I know you don't mean that. Only homosexuals that don't reproduce are going to hell.

Damn, I had better call my mother before she dies and wish her well before she packs her handbasket. She might want to warn her girlfriend and life partner that she is going to hell as well.

Or do only homosexuals who are born that way go to hell? Maybe not ones who made that choice anytime in their life?

What, it is NOT a choice? They are all born that way? They repress it all this time?

No, that is not what you meant either.

What about a married woman who practices bi-sexuality? Is SHE going to hell? Maybe if she is only experimenting and is not REALLY a homosexual?

I am of the belief that the only homosexuals that are going to hell are the ones that have committed a grave sin (like murder).

As Geoff said, we covered this in a previous thread. Alot of good thoughts there.
Posted By: angiez23

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 08:42 PM

Pat , only one word, respect, is their life, is their choice and why they should go to hell?,is not a sin.
Posted By: Chilltown

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 09:41 PM

I encouraged Pat to write his feelings about this topic obviously because it is a subject that is very important to me. Let me be clear that my feelings on marriage,etc could not be further than Pat's, but he does have respect and understanding when he speaks to me, which shows that no matter what your backround is or beliefs are, you can still hold respect for the people unlike you.

I think a problem that many people have with homosexuality is that many of them cannot put a face or a personality with the act that the feel is so disturbing. I absolutely do believe that that problem is slowly, but surely being resolved as the generations go by.

America's controversy about gays is much more religiously base than other countries, an i can respect that. With that said, i do not believe that those religous standings will continue into the future. For example, that gay marriage would be considered an ultimte sin is one thing, but i do not for one moment believe that anyone i know who says that would actually not wish me well should i persue marriage in the future.

The world is changing,and thankfully so. I actually for a time praised certain political leaders for this change, but i actually have discovered the true impact of the 1997-98 years when Ellen Degeneres and George Michael 'came out'. Anyone who was not socially aware at that time or after, is going to be left in the dust. And i couldn't feel prouder.

Thank you Pat for starting this very serious, yet provocative topic.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/25/04 11:45 PM

I've got no problem with bummers at all. They can do and should do what the hell they like.

Vita has dealt with the points EXCELLENTLY.

It makes me laugh when people say they have no problem with gays aslong as they're not hitting on them. As if all homosexualsare attracted to everyone of that sex. It's usually the ugly guys that say that too. I'd be quite flattered if someone, anyone hit on me. But I'm confident and comfortable with my own sexuality to simply say "Look, you've got the wrong guy" if I wasn't interested.

Pat, you also said that you have no problem with two guys or girls of same sex that love each other to be together. What about people of same sex that get together for casual sex like heteros do? Surely a relationship starts somewhere. Sometimes not everyone is out for a relatinship.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/26/04 03:11 AM

I'm alright with homosexuality. If they want to be legaly joined, they may. Marrige in the church? That's for the churches to decide.

Homosexuals aren't much different than heterosexuals when you get down to it. They just enjoy other men insted of the oposite sex.

So many repected people are gay.
Examples: Montgomery Clift, Cole Porter, Rock Hudson, Ellen Degenerous, T.E Lawrence. From military leaders to song writers, homosexuals have shaped the world in some way.

This shouldn't even be an issue. They deserve rights like the indians, blacks and all humanity deserves.

If it's not moraly right and god doesn't like it, let him take care of that on judgement day.
Posted By: Patches

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/26/04 03:39 AM

I'm not against homosexuality. I got an Uncle and a best friend that are gay (i can't stand my bf's boyfriend but ya know)...
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/26/04 03:59 AM

Like Pat, I am not against homosexuals. People make life choices all the time, and simply put, this is theres. Who are straight people to judge them. But too like Pat, I feel that Homosexual marriage is highly immoral and wrong. As usual, I stand to the right on the issue of gay marriages.

But unlike Pat, I dont think that homosexuals, married or unmarried, will go to hell. That is a very unhealthy thought Pat. There are very few groups of people who deserve hell in the afterlife and homosexuals are not one of them.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/26/04 05:46 AM

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] I honestly feel that if 2 men or 2 women get married, then they will go to hell. I feel we were all put here to reproduce and keep life going.
That is a huuuge generalization. What about men or women who are sterile? What about infertile couples? They can't reproduce so they are going to hell???

No, I know you don't mean that. Only homosexuals that don't reproduce are going to hell.
[/b][/quote]Never thought about that. Good point. -Pat
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sullivan
I'm alright with homosexuality. If they want to be legaly joined, they may. Marrige in the church? That's for the churches to decide......
If it's not moraly right and god doesn't like it, let him take care of that on judgement day.
I'm not a religious person anyway, but why are people so pissed about gays getting married in thier church? Why do you think you are so high and mighty to decide what is moral or not for other people. Why dont we just have somebody tell us that a person of Irish decent cant marry a person of any other ethnicty. Their marrige isnt going to lessen the love you feel in yours. I might be wrong here(actually, I most likely am) but isnt devorce unmoral in the buy-bull? No one is trying to stop devorce.Unless the gays start an angry riot, they arnt going to hurt you, so dont worry about it.
Posted By: SicilianMafia

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 03:40 AM

Pat why should we be subject to your controversial views and laughable evidence?

For same sex marriage, I am against it. It is IMMORAL, and if they wanna get "married", let them be unoffically married or whatever, in their own home. Just dont come out and get officially married in a church, it contradicts the fundamentals of the church.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 04:19 AM


Actually, SM is right. The idea of homosexuality goes against the church (unless some churches are now changing the rules?) so that is precisely why gays and lesbians are not allowed to be married in Catholic churches and such.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 10:52 AM

Originally posted by SicilianMafia:
Pat why should we be subject to your controversial views and laughable evidence?

Because they're thought provoking and encourage many members to participate in discussion. I'm glad someone is making an active effort.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 04:32 PM

I think that denying them the right of marrige is unconstitutional. The constitution states the right of equality to all disregaurdless of race sex, etc. Why shouldn't this apply to sexual prefrence?
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 9: Homosexuality - 06/27/04 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[quote]Originally posted by SicilianMafia:
[b] Pat why should we be subject to your controversial views and laughable evidence?

Because they're thought provoking and encourage many members to participate in discussion. I'm glad someone is making an active effort. [/b][/quote]He is inspiring me and I might pull a copycat of "Pat's Thought's".
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