
Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL

Posted By: Patrick

Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 03:59 AM

As I recently quit smoking, I can't help but think how many minutes I took off of my life. I second hand smoke almost every day, so it really makes no difference. I'm inhaling the poison that people blow into their lungs and back out into the air.

I can't help but wonder how many days my dad may live. Both of his parents smoked. They both died young in their 70's. My dad has been smoking since he was 18 and he's 50 now. He's trying to quit, but it's obviously hard. It's hard to think that he may only have 20 years left in his life, give or take.

So I think to myself, while marijuana is illegal, then why aren't cigarettes? I smoke neither, but it brings me to this.
I recently found a chart, with statistics from 1988, comparing a marijuana cigarette to that of a regular LEGAL cigarette that anyone 18 or older can purchase. A REGULAR cigarette contains more:
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
Vinyl chloride
m- and p-Cresol

Kind've scary, huh? We hear about people everyday being admitted into rehabs for drug problems. "So and so is addicted to crack. They're seeking help." What about the people who smoke away their lives each day on cigarettes and don't have to be worried for having a cigarette in their possession? Why do those people, who were smart enough to stay away from heavy drugs, have to be ignored while a crack head who was too stupid to know what he/she was doing gets help? Earth to the government: Nicorette and get togethers with people to talk about it doesn't always help.

Something ain't right here. -Pat
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 04:11 AM

I agree that smoking is a problem in this country that should be controlled Pat. The cigarette is a not so silent killer anymore that is still very popular in America. I think that cigarettes should be illegal. However... I think that the cigar which is for the most part a casual luxury that some people indulge in, should not be illegal.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 07:51 AM

For the most part, I agree, because it's not just a choice you can make whether or not to smoke, but you're constantly subjecting other people to your second-hand smoke and all the chemicals coming out of your throat every time you breathe...

RB, you were saying how it's a big problem in America, which it is; but I think it's much worse in other countries, actually. I think in America we are starting to put it on a tighter leash... At least in California, it's illegal to smoke indoors in most public places, so it's at least some progress towards something. Even though I remember when, even here, you would pick if you wanted to sit in "Smoking or Non" in restaurants, but now whenever I travel, it seems that's one of the first things that gets my attention; that people are constantly smoking in malls, restaurants, etc...

And at the rate that people are being educated about the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke these days, the fact that people still smoke indoors, even where it's legal, isn't so much that they don't know what they're doing to the people around them, rather, it's like a complete disregard for other people.

I would say there should be restrictions instead of a complete prohibition, such as, it would be okay if non-smokers were not subjected to the smoke, etc., but how do you enforce that? It's impossible; people smoke in their homes... "where my children play!!" and so on. Besides, the lives of the smokers themselves, which are also at stake, need to be taken into consideration. As an aside, though, look how "effective" (or not) the alcohol prohibition was... also, marijuana is illegal, and look how many people smoke that. But I think this is different because I think cigarettes are infinitely more dangerous, and to more people, than alcohol and marijuana.

So it's a tough call... but ideally, I think it would be a good idea, if there are enough other ideas to back it up and make it work.

Cigarettes are killing people every day, even people who have never smoked a cigarette in their lives. People usually dismiss the fact that people die from cigarette smoke as kind of trivial... it's not as "breaking news" as other things, because it's not violent, and it's not sudden or quick. But if you think about it, cancer is one of the worst ways to die... there's all the suffering for the years or months before the actual death, both for the patient himself and for his family, who is going through it right along with him; there's all the pain involved with chemo and so on; and who knows how long you'd have to go through that. Then there's the anticipation of death, which I imagine must be just as excruciating as all the physical pain.

Besides, on a slightly more superficial level, cigarettes smell gross (to most people), and the people who smoke them also smell disgusting most of the time, even when they're not presently smoking. It's an all-around unpleasant situation for everyone involved, whether they realize it or not. And since people refuse to take their and others' lives into consideration, and don't care if they're bothering the people around them or breaking the hearts of the people who love them, then the government needs to step in and do something about it.... Good topic, Pat.
Posted By: Don Sauno

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 09:24 AM

Should cigarettes be illegal? Well, there was a time where I advocated for (at least the idea) of the leagalization of marijuana. Now, by all right ways, I think marijuana should be illegal, but I've come to study the backgrounds of the drug business and what goes on in the streets and near the borders is absolutely horrendous. Legalizing marijauna would help to bring down those absolutely barbouras terrorist cartels down, so therfore, maybe we really ought to take that into consideration. I thought to myself "what about the factor of pride and letting the druggies win by legalizing this instead of standing up and fighting the cartels?" I would then say to myself "Go to one of those houses that has recentely been shot up by one of these cartels and look down at an innocent dead child and her she had to die for your 'pride.'" A little dramatic, I know, but those people in the drug business are just pure evil. Anyway, I think my opinion's 50/50 on the legalization of marijuana use.

Anyway, if cigarettes were to be legalize, I fear that violence would spread out in such a way that he haven't seen since those violent days of alcohol prohibition. I don't want to see violence hit our domestic streets while people who want to smoke will probably continue smoking anyway.

Now, if it were up to me and everything was more "right" with the world as far as violence and things of that nature, I would most definately outlaw cigarettes and chewing tabacco (which does absolutely hideous things to your mouth). However, if you ask anyone I know they will tell you that I am a flaming traditionalist and I've come to realize that smoking cigars is a tradition that many people enjoy. I would allow Cigars to be sold on the 4th of July only with a limit of only ten cigars per person (if people would only smoke that often, it really wouldn't be so much of a problem in the first place). Smoking outdoors would only be permitted on Independence Day and if any buyers have cigars left over, they would have to be smoked indoors on their private property. If any injury occurrsed to those bystanding to those who smoked, the smoker could be sued or even prosecuted. Since we're allowing the distribution of cigars for this special day, we may as well make the best of it and give them the best cigars, Cubans (the Embargo Act is a different subject altogether). This way farmers will have no motivation whatsoever to grow tobacco. With all due respect to the farmers all around the nation (I, myself come from a proud family of farmers), there will come a day when those who grow tobacco will need to realize that they no longet make a living off from a product that has others dying. Now, is my plan flawed? Probably most definately. I'm sure most of you could spend all day tearing out the glitches in it, but it is one theory I've had.

Would I like cigarettes to be able to be illegalized? Most definately. I believe the tobacco companies truly are an evil force who have tried to target young smokers and the past and may even take pride in the fact that they are making money off of the spreading of first and second-hand smoke all around. I'd love for it to end.
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 10:18 AM

My opinion for what its worth is that its better to educate people against smoking, finding ways of helping them quit, and teaching them to be more considerate of others (in particular the dangers you face to others through passive smoking), than for the Government to get involved by making smoking illegal. They interfere far too much in our lives as it is. We're all fully grown adults with the capacity to make our own decisions, after all.

If I want to sit in my lounge at home and smoke a ciggie while I'm watching TV, then who am I harming except myself? If there's non smokers around then most likely I won't smoke in front of them - but I'm capable of doing that on my own and I don't need the Government to make that decision for me.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 11:35 AM

While I understand all the repercussions that come from smoking and 2nd hand smoke I do not believe it should be illegal. We live in America, if you want to smoke your lungs to death, knock yourself out. As for it hurting other people, I know here in Georgia that you can hardly smoke anywhere in public.

I believe in a limited Government and making cigarettes illegal would just be imposing one more rule on us. It's called Freedom of Choice.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 01:42 PM

I love all the action being taken to stop smoking... if only we could be this motivated to get behind the death penalty... ahhh wishes.

But anyway, if a person feels so compelled to put all that poison into their bodies, then who am I to say they can't? As long as they don't do it in my presence, or anyone else's who doesn't want to inhale the toxins, it's fine with me.

Just don't expect me to feel bad for them when they get lung cancer.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 01:47 PM

I kinda agree with you Patrick but I agree more with Krlea. I don't think it should be illegal to smoke (hey, if you wanna kill yourself go right ahead, just don't kill anyone else in the process). I feel that smoking should be designated at a person's home on their property. I don't feel it should be acceptable in restaurants or any type of public place. But as for making it illegal, I wouldn't go that far. Next thing you know alcohol will be made illegal again.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 02:18 PM

The state of New York has done much in the recent months to restrict smoking. The ban of smoking in public places including bars are very bold moves taken by the state. But i dont agree with them, because they hurt private business. These bar owners are taking tremendous hits due to this state ban and thats not fair.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 03:49 PM

Originally posted by raggingbull2003:
But i dont agree with them, because they hurt private business. These bar owners are taking tremendous hits due to this state ban and thats not fair.
It's not fair to me for dying from second hand smoke either.
Posted By: Bella Mafia UK

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 03:53 PM

It should really be up to the individual proprieter of the business to decide whether they want smoking on their premises or not. Then if people don't want to breathe other people's smoke they can go to a non-smoking bar or restaurant.
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 03:53 PM

Its not the bar owners faults, its the cigarette companies. Why should bar owners take huge hits when the large cigarete companies are barely affected? If you go to a bar you should expect there to be smoking. Thats the kind of atmosphere a bar offers. If you dont like that than dont go to the bar. However, if some ass whipe starts lighting up in the middle of a mcdonalds or whatever, then I can see why you would get upset.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 04:03 PM

Originally posted by raggingbull2003:
Its not the bar owners faults, its the cigarette companies. Why should bar owners take huge hits when the large cigarete companies are barely affected? If you go to a bar you should expect there to be smoking. Thats the kind of atmosphere a bar offers. If you dont like that than dont go to the bar. However, if some ass whipe starts lighting up in the middle of a mcdonalds or whatever, then I can see why you would get upset.
I hear what you are saying & I totally understand the bar atmosphere. I just didn't write the new law & am not that opposed to it. I don't really konw how many people go to bars to smoke instead of drink, but that's just me. I know they're lossing money on the cigs, but can't they still sell them there? People just aren't allowed to smoke in there right?
Posted By: raggingbull2003

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Irishman12:
[quote]Originally posted by raggingbull2003:
[b] Its not the bar owners faults, its the cigarette companies. Why should bar owners take huge hits when the large cigarete companies are barely affected? If you go to a bar you should expect there to be smoking. Thats the kind of atmosphere a bar offers. If you dont like that than dont go to the bar. However, if some ass whipe starts lighting up in the middle of a mcdonalds or whatever, then I can see why you would get upset.
I hear what you are saying & I totally understand the bar atmosphere. I just didn't write the new law & am not that opposed to it. I don't really konw how many people go to bars to smoke instead of drink, but that's just me. I know they're lossing money on the cigs, but can't they still sell them there? People just aren't allowed to smoke in there right? [/b][/quote]Cigarette smoking and drinking often go hand in hand, and in a bar its usually common that people do both. I like the idea the state has, but I think they picked the wrong target.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 05:52 PM

Personally I don't mind bars being smoky, I expect that. People who drink, tend to smoke too. If I wanted to stay away from smoke I wouldn't go to bars. No big loss.

However, unless you are in a bar everyday - I don't think the smoke is really going to hurt you much. I mean if you are in a bar more than 4-6 hours a week, you have a problem anyways and second hand smoke should be the least of your problems.

I am in a smoky club or bar maybe one or twice a month - and it really doesn't bother me. It makes me appreciate fresh air when I go home anyways.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 06:01 PM

Any time a person cannot keep a problem to themselves or their own body, then it stops being their problem and because everyone else's problem.

It is that simple, you can chew all the Nicotine Gum you want and put as much of that crap in your body that you want, but since you cannot control where the smoke from your butt goes then you are at fault and a risk to others. It seems like common sense to me.

Many real adults understand this and don't complain when limited to where and when they may light up. If a smoker wants to sit in his own home and puff till the air is blue, then that his or her business and right. They finally past laws to make it clear where the smokers rights end and the publics rights begin.

Understand that when you are a business and you open your doors to the PUBLIC then you are to follow all laws to protect ALL patrons that may enter your place of business. You take that on when you open your doors to the general public and or your employees.
Posted By: DeathByClotheshanger

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 07:01 PM

Well said, fathersson!!!

Being a child growing up in a home where my father smoked in the house (even though he eventually quit), there should be laws passed that protects smoker's children from smoking as well. Just because you are at home doing it, doesn't mean that they are all alone...
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 08:59 PM

Originally posted by DeathByClotheshanger:

Being a child growing up in a home where my father smoked in the house (even though he eventually quit), there should be laws passed that protects smoker's children from smoking as well. Just because you are at home doing it, doesn't mean that they are all alone...
THIS is what I mean... How do you do that? Even if someone finds a way to put it into law very articulately, how do you enforce that?

I agree with what most of you said about a limited government, and all that... I'm a very "right" republican, I'd say borderline libertarian, for God's sake... but it's not just about the smoker himself, nor is it only about public places. I think I even mentioned that in my previous post, but it doesn't look like anyone noticed.
Besides, you have to think about the kids AND their friends who come over, etc. And you can't just say, well, most adults are smart enough to go outside when they smoke or at least not smoke when the non-smokers or kids are around. I wish it were true that people were that considerate, both about smoking and about other things, but oh well... we're far from that. But anyway, when I was growing up, almost all my friends' parents smoked heavily in the house, from the kid's birthday parties, where there are like 30 other kids in the house, to even just sitting and watching TV with just their own kid.
Even further besides that, there are marriages where only one of the two smokes, and smokes in the house. There are so many different things to consider here... it's tough to smoke alone, but it's even tougher to make sure and enforce that.

But still, I have immense doubt about the effectiveness of a ban on cigarettes, and it seems there would be more negatives, in reality, than positives if it were put into action, but ideally, like I said, if it could be done, and done properly, it would be a good idea.
Posted By: Michael Corleone 14

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
So I think to myself, while marijuana is illegal, then why aren't cigarettes?
Because cigarettes and other tobacco, like alchohol has been known here for hundreds of years, and has been part of western culture. Marijuana on the other hand is something we know for like, a 100 years, less? I think it's ridiculous that our governments are spending millions, if not billions to solve the problems of tobacco and alchohol and then create new problems in the form of marijuana and such by legalising them.
Posted By: Krlea

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/24/04 11:32 PM

Originally posted by DeathByClotheshanger:
Well said, fathersson!!!

Being a child growing up in a home where my father smoked in the house (even though he eventually quit), there should be laws passed that protects smoker's children from smoking as well. Just because you are at home doing it, doesn't mean that they are all alone...
Your theory is well intentioned but you run into the problem of Privacy. It's the slippery slope of just how much is the government allowed to invade our private lives???
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/25/04 11:18 PM

Was the US Volstead act so long ago? The trade on tax free cigarettes is huge and they're still legal, criminalising them will be another disaster like the prohibition of Alcohol.
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 04:42 AM

I think they should just make cigarettes without all that chemical shit. I never quite understood why there are chemicals in it? The only possible reason that i could think of in my opinion would be flavor, but why would they need chemicals for that? If they could accomplish making cigs without all that unhealthy shit in it they would get alot more customers and make alot more money, and it would be more enjoyable to the people knowing that finally somehtin they enjoy isnt gonna kill them.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 04:59 PM

sorry but I was too lazy to read the whole thread, so I'll give my 2 cents on Pat's first post.

that article is totally right. everyone knows that "regular" cigarettes are most dangerous than marijuana by itself, but as the pot gets you "high" and might take you to use heavier drugs, it is illegal. about cigarettes being or not illegal, is just a wish, because their taxes make a lot of money to the state.
I don't think they should be illegal, because most people smoke and handle that nicely. if cigarettes were illegal, maybe alcohol should be too.
well, you can get any sort of drugs you want, being or not legal. they are there, and each one deals with them in a different way, but that's our life. it happens with cars, guns, drugs... some people make shit with them, but I think we must live with that, even if running some risks
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 05:18 PM

Illegalizing smoking would cause too many problems in this country, problems that we don't need, considering the state this country is in at the moment. I 100% agree with the banning of smoking in public places, but I'm iffy on banning it from bars. Granted, most people that frequent bars tend to smoke and drink, but there are some who go to the bar, just to drink, and who don't smoke. So here's my idea: Why not have a smoking room in the bar. It'd kinda be like a smoking section in a restaurant, only it would be closed off to the non-smoking part of the bar. That way, those who smoke are having their rights imposed upon, and those who don't smoke aren't forced to breathe in the second hand smoke. And as for illegalizing alcohol, that's just ridiculous. Someone's individual drinking isn't physically harming people like someone's individual smoking. You can't get drunk or poisoned off liquor breath.
Posted By: Tony Mosrite

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 06:26 PM

for the love of god, I didn't say alcohol should be illegal.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 07:14 PM

I never singled you out, bro. I just saw it mentioned a few times in this thread, and saw fit to give my opinion on it. No harm, no foul.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Don Pope:
I think they should just make cigarettes without all that chemical shit. I never quite understood why there are chemicals in it? The only possible reason that i could think of in my opinion would be flavor, but why would they need chemicals for that? If they could accomplish making cigs without all that unhealthy shit in it they would get alot more customers and make alot more money, and it would be more enjoyable to the people knowing that finally somehtin they enjoy isnt gonna kill them.
They are additives, if I am not mistaken, that promote your addiction and dependance upon them. They have nothing to do with flavor. But since I don't smoke, I don't know. Maybe Partagas, our cigar aficianado can help.
Posted By: SC

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/26/04 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Double-J:
They are additives, if I am not mistaken, that promote your addiction and dependance upon them.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.....We have a winner!

The additives' main purpose is to increase one's addiction to smoking. Many "in-house" tobacco companies' memos bear this out, and some of these memos have surfaced in the past few years, much to the chagrin of the cigarette manufacturers.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Pat's Thoughts Volume 8: Cigarettes should be ILLEGAL - 06/27/04 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
sorry but I was too lazy to read the whole thread, so I'll give my 2 cents on Pat's first post.

Sorry, but I'm too lazy to read your post.
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