
Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell

Posted By: Crash

Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/23/16 06:34 PM

The guy had a gun and his family is saying it was a book!! Haha.. Why not say it was an elephant or a magic, mystical carpet??? A book ????
One of the reporters were asked " john, what is going on now, anything new to tell us"?
The reporter says" well, i smell marijuana, urine, and alcohol "..
I thought that was rather funny.
The news anchor then asked the reporter why they were protesting since a black cop shot the guy and also the guy had a gun. The reporter said, thats a great question, i wish i knew"..
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/23/16 09:11 PM

Why shouldn't people protest a black cop's conduct?
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/23/16 11:39 PM

How long your going to avoid that Tombstone thread? That's the real funny question.
Posted By: Crash

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 03:03 PM

Black Family
I came face to face with a black man wearing a suit and tie the other day. I didnt know quite what to say so i said, " good luck with your sentencing , i hope you get out soon".
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 04:47 PM


You should of said " Have a nice day at work"

Reminds me of a shoplifter in Dollar General caught red handed by the employees near the front entrance. He was young, foolish, and white.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 05:14 PM

That was good black family. That is one of those stores where everything is a dollar right?

Never steal anything cheap.

I found my self in a dollar store with it first opened at my mall. I said to myself a dollar fucking cheap. I spend over 100 dollars filled up to carts. Got it home my wife said are you nuts and threw most of it out. I don't remember what she kept.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 05:19 PM

Crash that was not funny. Ever seen a white guy who is out of work. They might not even own a suit to go to a job interview in.
Posted By: RollinBones

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Black Family
I came face to face with a black man wearing a suit and tie the other day. I didnt know quite what to say so i said, " good luck with your sentencing , i hope you get out soon".

Posted By: Crash

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/25/16 09:50 PM

Im actually trying to get a bill passed through congress. Whenever you call a bank or something similar, the automated message only says press 1 for english, 2 for spanish. I think it should say "press 3 for ebonics."
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:03 AM

Depending on how bad the supposed traumatic brain injury was, maybe Mr. Scott shouldn't have been driving in the first place. Taking meds for tbi and smoking the ganga is a big no no. Or was the ganga to get his head right? Either way, he's gone and all of the protesting won't bring him back. You go to school, you get a job, get married have kids, stay married, don't do stupid shit, save your money, retire, pass away. What's so hard about that way of life? Stick to those rules and you shouldn't have to worry about getting shot by cops. From Mr. Scott's criminal record, it looks like he just couldnt get it right.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:23 AM

You go to school, you get a job, get married have kids, stay married, don't do stupid shit, save your money, retire, pass away. What's so hard about that way of life?

Since probably less than 5% of the country completes all of those things in life, I'd have to guess there's something hard about it.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:29 AM

if the cops have nothing to hide, why don't they release all the videos? are they keeping them hidden so they can claim he had a gun, when he really didn't.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:30 AM

Depending on how bad the supposed traumatic brain injury was, maybe Mr. Scott shouldn't have been driving in the first place. Taking meds for tbi and smoking the ganga is a big no no. Or was the ganga to get his head right? Either way, he's gone and all of the protesting won't bring him back. You go to school, you get a job, get married have kids, stay married, don't do stupid shit, save your money, retire, pass away. What's so hard about that way of life? Stick to those rules and you shouldn't have to worry about getting shot by cops. From Mr. Scott's criminal record, it looks like he just couldnt get it right.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:38 AM

It's not that hard. You can always bypass college, and find something you're good at. 5%? Where'd you pull that one from? Nobody said life is easy brother. Mr. Scott was a fuck up and given more than enough chances to get his shit together. When it's your time, you've gots to go. Hopefully he gets his shit together wherever he went now.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
if the cops have nothing to hide, why don't they release all the videos? are they keeping them hidden so they can claim he had a gun, when he really didn't.

Cops try to stop evidence of their wrong doing from being made available for the exact same reason that criminals do.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:44 AM

yes, oak I agree, and in this case it makes their case about him having a gun, very suspicious.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:52 AM

Originally Posted By: blueracing347
5%? Where'd you pull that one from?

It's a guess, which I already implied. I said "probably". Maybe it's not close. Never stated it as fact. Just said that I'm guessing hardly anyone accomplishes all of the feats that you said are easy. If I'm right, it would mean they're probably not easy.

Nobody said life is easy brother.

Uh, whaaaa?!?!?

You just did, as a matter of fact!

You said that the following things are easy:

- going to school (which I assume means getting a college degree...it's NOT easy)

- getting a job (full time? Not easy)

- getting married

- having kids

- staying married (about 50% do, that's documented)

- not doing "stupid shit" (well, that's scientific...)

- saving money (impossible if unemployed)

- retiring (economists have warned since the 1980s that retirement will not be a reality for most Americans in the 21st century)

- and passing away (Congratulations. The one thing that is easy, and that 100% of people will do)
Posted By: yatescj7

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yes, oak I agree, and in this case it makes their case about him having a gun, very suspicious.

Yes Oak, I agree, you can stick you're johnson in my mouth and I will agree it tastes good and cops kill black people for sport.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:41 AM

Going to school who needs college? Not everyone wants to go to college some people rather work with their hands and have a trade. Go to Germany see what graduating Columbia University with honors gets you. They ask you what trade do you have not what college you went to.

Their are plenty of dumb fucks who went to college who still live with mommy and daddy like you Oak.

Getting a full time job means you have to work hard and have a drive in you to do well. Not everyone works for a union where you can fuck off on your computer all day long and not get fired for doing a bad job. You can be an incompetent and no one will fire you.

Getting married and staying married is easy. When you have the right women and know it. Then be strong enough not to fuck it up. I had dinner with my wife and three other couples. In total years all of us have been married for close to two hundred years.

One of the keys to staying together when you get older is to start losing your hearing. Then when ever she says something that you might not agree with you can't actually really hear it and then you say yeah sure. Then you do what she says. We used to fight, but not any more.

She still worries about me. I always found that amazing because I never worried about my self.

A little over a week ago I got dragged over to visit my daughter's new home. She was going to barbque. She never check it after the move. That she runs in the house telling us to get out of the house the gril was on fire near the propane tank.

So I go back with a fire extinguisher my wife is yelling at me to get away. I am thinking save the house and put out the fire. A pull the grill from the wall of the house burn my hand doing it. And put out the fire and spray everything with the extinguisher. Early they call the fire department its volunteer. 15 minutes after I put it out they come. The house and maybe the surrounding trees would have caught fire by then.

Having kids is easy. Supporting them gives you an insentive to do well. Unless you quit the family when it is convient for you. I don't think I was a good father. To busy trying to make money doing my own thing. Now that they are all grown up and out of the house and they are all doing pretty well. I think man they had a great mother. Suprrisely to me they actually even love me I can't figure out that either.

I did plenty of stupid shit yet survived it to be an old man. But in my head I am still in my 20s. Try to keep in shape and I do keep in shape.

Saving money is great. But still being able to make money is much better.

On retirement have a plan retire to something rather then from something. When I did retire I never thought about what I will do after. I can do anything I want now.

All I want to do is be with the wife. I don't need to visit the kids she does. I like to go out see shows play cards and I still like to help train soccer players.

Oh yes I post on sites on two topics.

When I was still working I never used a computer or an iPad.

Oak can do it because he does not actually do any real work.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yes, oak I agree, and in this case it makes their case about him having a gun, very suspicious.

They're at the point now where they have to lie. It comes out that he definitely didn't have a gun, it would push Charlotte over the edge.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:49 AM

Im sorry for the shitty hand you've been dealt in life oak, but you sound like the weaker population. But I gave you my secret to staying gunshot free from the police. I had to work for all that I have achieved. When I heard about this Mr. Scott story, I said to myself: Is Mr. Scott Oak from gangsterbb.net? Finally.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:49 AM

I was wrong. Fuck
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:50 AM

Cops alway lie if they really did something fucked up. Oak you know that to be true about everyone even people who are not cops.
Posted By: Crash

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 11:53 AM

That was stated perfectly. Well said.
I dont think we can add anything else to that.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 12:39 PM

Furthermore, what would Dr. Mlk Jr. say about all these idiots that he fought and died for? He was from the times of segregation and the horrible south. Yet, he was well spoken and educated. But for some reason it's hard to get an education 60 years later? It seems like he did everything for nothing, when looking at the way the animals of black society act today. No Oak, I didnt say that all blacks are animals. By reading your argument to what I had to say, only shows that you buy into the propoganda that so many other lost souls buy into. It's sad. You live in the USA. Anything is obtainable. It's called hard work. You have to learn from others mistakes and from your own. You should learn from your parents mistake and not continue on with your blood line. Pizza boy disappears and you start posting non-stop. What a deal we were handed.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 03:48 PM

In another thread I posted that there is a permanent black underclass that is quite different from the underclass in any other race or ethnicity. That black underclass is characterized by sloppy dress, mushmouth, and an overall careless demeanor.

Visit the worst parts of any other race's or ethnicity's neighborhoods and observe their respective behaviors. They are nothing like the behaviors of blacks in their worst neighborhoods. Despite the fact that whites, Hispanics, and Asians have been killed by law enforcement, whites, Hispanics, and Asians don't riot. The Black underclass is just plain different and different in a bad way.

Identify the behaviors, dress, etc of whatever whites, Hispanics, and Asians that you find admirable and compare those characteristics with their repsective racial or ethnic underclasses. You'll find that there's not much difference. Then compare Blacks such as Don Lemon, Michael Steele, Joey Jackson, or Jerome Bettis with the black underclass and you'll observe a gigantic difference. It's sad and shows no sign changing.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:34 PM

If white people like MLK so much, they shouldn't have killed him.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 04:51 PM

olivant, try using a resource other than television to draw conclusions about race and class.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:28 PM

People should stop using Dr MLK Jr for an prime example when so many have passed away as well and way prior to Dr MLK Jr.

Acknowledge that the crimes in the Black community was still going even during the peak of the civil rights movement and afterwards.

Realize that the Black underclass 'style' was different back then and actually more formal like the rest of the society.

Realize that other underclasses do the exact same style as Black underclass ( If you disagree then you don't go to non black hoods).

Think about this, If our society believe in the values in that constitution, Nation, etc then when slavery ended why not grant the full benefits to their citizens then instead going through all this unnecessary civil rights , education, housing discrimination, integration and etc. All of this should of happened in 1865 and not eras later ( 1870s, 80s, 90s, etc).
Posted By: olivant

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 05:38 PM

Civil Rights act of 1866.

13th Amendment - 1865
14th Amendment - 1868
15th Amendment - 1870
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:03 PM

That black underclass is characterized by sloppy dress, mushmouth, and an overall careless demeanor.

Is the permanent white underclass easily recognized by sartorial neatness, clear diction with an extensive vocabulary, and prudent behavior?
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:06 PM

Good video. This guy gets it.

Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:24 PM

Since we all could use a good laugh on a Monday.

Charlotte protestors "list of demands"

Attached picture iKDrbDyl.jpg
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:25 PM

Dennis Prager doesn't know a thing about what's facing black Americans, and his hired black contributors are telling people what he wants them to, otherwise he wouldn't have produced it.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:29 PM

Looks like the same list of demands that Cliven Bundy's supporters released, except with better grammar.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 06:34 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Dennis Prager doesn't know a thing about what's facing black Americans, and his hired black contributors are telling people what he wants them to, otherwise he wouldn't have produced it.

Oh but you do, Oaks?

The guy in the video is a black author who wrote a book refuting a lot of the BS in his own community. Prager put him on because HE'S RIGHT. Sorry if those 5 points, which you didn't bother to refute because YOU CAN'T, don't fit your bullshit liberal narrative. Leave it to your retarded ass to think you know more about the black community than this black guy. But he doesn't have any credibility if he doesn't agree with you right? You're such a fraud.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 07:05 PM

Someone posting a Dennis Prager video about black life in America probably shouldn't be questioning anyone else's credibility.

Dennis Prager is one of the modern day, right wing talking heads. He knows absolutely nothing about black people, and any video he puts out where hired black guns recite his views on black America should be in the comedy section.
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 07:15 PM

Prager University - You give us 5 minutes, we give you a semester

Everyone knows the only 5 minute University that counts is Father Guido's:

Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 07:25 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Someone posting a Dennis Prager video about black life in America probably shouldn't be questioning anyone else's credibility.

Dennis Prager is one of the modern day, right wing talking heads. He knows absolutely nothing about black people, and any video he puts out where hired black guns recite his views on black America should be in the comedy section.

This is yet another demonstration of how you just talk out of your ass 90% of the time.

If you knew anything about Prager, you'd know he's not just another right wing talking head like Limbaugh or Hannity. The guy has more intelligence than all the Bill Mahers, Jon Stewarts, and Paul Krugmans combined.

Beyond that your point is bullshit because it's not like Prager gave Starkes a piece of paper with talking points and said "Read this." These were Starkes own talking points. But you make a dishonest attempt to make it seem it's all about Prager when it's not.

It's YOU, a whiny white liberal straight out of central casting, thinking YOU know more about the black community than Starkes - a BLACK guy.

Seriously, when are you going to start being honest and objective in ANYTHING, Oaks? You're the very definition of a talking head.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 07:33 PM

I do know blacks as a whole, had much more traditional values in the 50's and 60's. Things really started to disintegrate in the very late 60's when the traditional black family was redefined by have children wiithout being married. I firmly believe this is the crux of the black problem and its further compounded when black woman have more children with different men.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 08:22 PM

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Prager University - You give us 5 minutes, we give you a semester

Everyone knows the only 5 minute University that counts is Father Guido's:

Trump University. I think it's in the...Ivy League.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/26/16 09:50 PM

Well they released some dash cam footage and body cam footage, but to me you still can't tell shit from either video. They claim there is more but why keep holding it?

But I've never understood that when something doesn't go your way you tear down your own neighborhood. Makes no sense and can and will just run jobs off to another town and make life even harder on yourself, but of course most of the ones rioting don't have jobs anyways.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 12:33 AM

Quality of the videos is not great, but one does show the gun laying there. With respect to the gun. It has been tested and has the deceased's fingerprints and his DNA. Also, his ankle holster was retained. Why was his wife yelling at him "Don't you do it"
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 01:36 AM

In any case where police shoot someone, there should be federal oversight, or some elected third party committee, investigating the incident. Leaving it up to police is a joke. Some type of Internal Affairs committee is not enough. It needs to be completely independent of the LE agency. When a citizen shoots and kills someone, we don't leave it up to him to hire his own investigators, and then make decisions whether or not to press charges based on his conclusions. When a life is lost, transparency is priority.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 03:22 AM

His life was lost long ago. The cops did society a favor. Oak, do us all a favor. Next time you get pulled over, get out with a gun in your hand. Or try reaching for one, when the officer approaches your car.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 03:56 AM

I don't own a gun. Never needed one, never will.

As far as we know, Scott didn't have a gun, either. I don't trust any internal police investigation. Not one bit. And, I'm not sure I trust a North Carolina jury, either. We will never know for certain if Scott had a gun.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 04:44 AM

Whatever you think he did, try doing the same thing.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 04:49 AM

As far as anyone knows, he didn't do anything.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 04:59 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
In any case where police shoot someone, there should be federal oversight, or some elected third party committee, investigating the incident. Leaving it up to police is a joke. Some type of Internal Affairs committee is not enough. It needs to be completely independent of the LE agency. When a citizen shoots and kills someone, we don't leave it up to him to hire his own investigators, and then make decisions whether or not to press charges based on his conclusions. When a life is lost, transparency is priority.

They are. Charlotte P.D. is NOT investigating the shooting itself. Like in Alabama if any cop is involved in an officer shooting, ABI (Alabama Bureau of Investigations) are automatically called in on the case to make sure there is no b.s. done by the cops or the case/evidence messed with to protect the cop. Not sure what they go by in N.C. though.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 05:48 PM

ABI is a law enforcement agency. Cops stick together, as a rule. They are always going to find a way to make the incident justified. They need agencies independent of law enforcement altogether, preferably at the federal level, to keep it out of the hands of "good old boys". A federal, non-law enforcement agency would be ideal. Serious change has to be made. It can't go on like this. This country is being torn in half by over-aggressive policing and there needs to be better oversight.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 06:13 PM

Here in Arizona, anyone can carry concealed as long as they pass the Federal background check when buying a gun. If you're pulled over by a cop, you'd better keep your hands on the wheel when the cop approaches your car. Don't ever get out of the car before he reaches it, or start reaching for your license, etc., before he asks for it.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 07:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
you'd better keep your hands on the wheel when the cop approaches your car. Don't ever get out of the car before he reaches it, or start reaching for your license, etc., before he asks for it.

Let freedom ring.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/27/16 07:54 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Someone posting a Dennis Prager video about black life in America probably shouldn't be questioning anyone else's credibility.

Dennis Prager is one of the modern day, right wing talking heads. He knows absolutely nothing about black people, and any video he puts out where hired black guns recite his views on black America should be in the comedy section.

And who made you the expert on black people? Or anything, for that matter?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 09/28/16 11:58 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant

Visit the worst parts of any other race's or ethnicity's neighborhoods and observe their respective behaviors. They are nothing like the behaviors of blacks in their worst neighborhoods.

Identify the behaviors, dress, etc of whatever whites, Hispanics, and Asians that you find admirable and compare those characteristics with their repsective racial or ethnic underclasses.


Usually I can disagree with someone without believing that somebody has to be "wrong" or "right", but in this case what you wrote is wrong.

First off, we both agree that the rioting is WRONG and doesn't address the issues.

But like I wrote before, when you echoed these views about underclasses, the criminal element, street element or whatever you want to call them exists for ALL groups of people. If you say the Black ones make up a larger % of the Black population(than what others do), I'd probably agree with you. But they are just more visible than the street element of other groups...due to popularity of what current hip hop music is about, social media, and actual footage of riots in recent years.

So what happens is, people who don't cross paths with the Black street element see them on tv and video all the time.So even if you don't see them in real life, you are fully aware of them and how the appear. And for those who don't know many Blacks in real life, this becomes their view of who Black people are.
Whereas, depending on your livelihood/neighborhood you might not ever physically encounter the White street element in real life. Unless they are the butt of a joke...rarely are these whites mentioned or shown in media. So it's easier to claim that they don't exist...or to presume that they look,speak,dress,behave like "admirable Whites".

The term "P W T" was around since before either of us were born...and I'm sure it wasn't created because "whites of all social classes look,dress,act alike".
And I'm sure a crystal meth peddling ex convict biker with neck tattoos would fit in right away at a golf outing of Young Republicans at the local college.Because Whites are basically the same.

Come on, Oli. You have valid criticisms about the rioters, but you don't have to make up stuff.
Posted By: yatescj7

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 10/02/16 05:55 AM

You don't own a gun?good luck buddy cause a shitload of criminals do. Funny that marijuana is a States right issue even though the federal govt. Declared it illegal. Yet the federal govt. Declares gay marriage legal and to hell with the states that try to say that will not go along. #sheeple.
Posted By: yatescj7

Re: Protesting Charlotte : funny than hell - 10/03/16 05:05 AM

Honestly, I have a solution for blacks that think police are out to kill them. My solution, when you see something crazy happening in your community..........DONT CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!!! Handle it yourselves. Yall call the police, then bitch about their handling of the situation. Quit whining, dont call the cops and handle it yourselves you god damn titty babies.
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