
Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death"

Posted By: Uztopoke

Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 09:08 PM


I haven't flown often in my life. I just happen to have a job now that requires me to cruise the friendly skies a half-dozen times a year. I was on a jet yesterday.

Now, having NOT been in a plane for about seven years, I came under the misconception that I could fall from a plane whose fuselage rips apart and survive.

Not so. When I was at 22,000 feet and could still see the earth below, I realized why everyone dies in a plane crash. It's pretty fucking high up there, and a long way to fall.

Just a realization, and an observation.
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 09:14 PM

For an intelligent man, you surprise the shit out of me. You thought you could survive the fall? As you said, it's pretty damn far!

I gotta tell you I used to hate flying also, but you get used to it. Also, if you are flying first class, you shouldn't complain. Those suckers in coach have it really bad!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 09:14 PM

Hmm, why didn't you help us by trying to see if you could survive? wink
Posted By: ShortCake

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 09:54 PM

I fly all the time and have no problem with it. The first time I flew in a plane I was a year old and have been flying ever since. The only thing that bothers me is when the plane takes off and you have all of the g-forces pushing you back. Another thing that scares me, now that I think of it, is f*cking turbulation.
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 11:13 PM

Posted By: DonFerro55

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/21/03 11:50 PM

I hate planes, I hate most traveling. Too dangerous, kids end up drinking and get good people killed cause they harness no smarts.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 01:37 AM

I have flown quite a few times and I will fly again, but must admit the take-offs and landings scare me the most. Uzi is right, once you're up there, if something goes wrong, the only place to go is down!!! eek I find myself, when landing, listening for the release of the landing gear, cause one time a few years ago there was a report of a pilot who forgot to release the landing gear and crashed!!! Once I'm in the air, it's not as bad for some reason, but I still don't care to look out the window until I see nothing but clouds. I don't care to see how high up I am.

There's too, such a great feeling when the wheels hit the ground though! smile I guess I feel more "in control".

Posted By: ShortCake

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Hollywood Hagan:
Yeah, what you said. I guess I am some sort of dumbass. All I know is I like to fly on SUNNY days so I don't get bounced around like a basketball.
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 04:21 AM

TIS, I have a bit of an anecdote for you regarding takeoff. I was flying with my team to Florida, and one of the players had never flown before. He was extremely nervous before we took off, and one of the players turned to him and said "Don't worry, bud, as long as we hit the ramp at the end of the runway we are fine." I thought it was hysterical. The kid completely bought it, having no idea how planes work. He was looking out the window, trying to make sure we would "hit the ramp". lol

Maybe it is one of those things that you can only enjoy when you are there.
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 12:41 PM

Hagan, I really didn't think I could survive...it's just that after having been on the ground for so long, it really puts things into perspective...about how vulnerable we are up there.

TIS, I LOVE taking off and landing. In fact, that is the only part of flying I like. Well, I DO like turbulence, too...anything to distract me from the complete discomfort of those crammed seats and children screaming.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 06:48 PM

The best part is when they acually take the time to tell you how to use the SEAT BELT! eek
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 07:37 PM

Yo Uzi, At 22,000 feet you would die long before you hit the ground; freeze, no oxygen, stuff like that. You don't fall any faster, just longer. I would try to do some tricks on the way down, as long as I could.

I love the take offs and landings so you can see all the things on the ground and try to recognize things you know. The worst is flying in thick clouds. Gives me claustrophobia.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 07:53 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
The worst is flying in thick clouds. Gives me claustrophobia.
No. THE worst is when you are sandwiched between an old man with a farting problem or the card carrying "Christian Carpenter" trying to convert you. Take off / Landing / Turbulation-Turbulence / Empending frozen pizza death all pale in comparison in having someone tell you your are going to hell while smelling some foul odor.

Though JetBlue Airlines has cable now. Nothing like nonstop 4 hours of the History Channel to allow you to put up with almost anything.
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Saladbar:
No. THE worst is when you are sandwiched between an old man with a farting problem or the card carrying "Christian Carpenter" trying to convert you. Take off / Landing / Turbulation-Turbulence / Empending frozen pizza death all pale in comparison in having someone tell you your are going to hell while smelling some foul odor.

Though JetBlue Airlines has cable now. Nothing like nonstop 4 hours of the History Channel to allow you to put up with almost anything. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Jesus H Christ, do YOU kick ass (as always), Salad!
Posted By: Anton The Penguin

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/22/03 09:02 PM

lol Saladbar, I can sort of imagine...

And thank-you Uzi, for rekindling my terrible fear off flying. Heights are bad enough for me (I can't, for example, go down a schoolyard metal pole), but when it comes to flying...oh dear. The reason that rekindling it (using sentences such as "I realise how vulnerable we are up there") is so bad is that I'm flying to Melbourne in a month or two. Now I'm scared (crossing the Tasman Sea is a daunting idea)...a lot.

Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/23/03 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Uztopoke:

Jesus H Christ, do YOU kick ass (as always), Salad!
Haha! It is only the truth. Hell I didn't even mention the GOOD leg of the trip where a soon-to-be bride got drunk and inadvertently punched me in the eye. My big sistah always tells me I am a "Freak Magnet", which oddly applies even to random airplane seat assignments.

Originally posted by Anton The Penguin:
Heights are bad enough for me (I can't, for example, go down a schoolyard metal pole), but when it comes to flying...oh dear.
Anton, I am PATHOLOGICALLY acrophobic. A big googly monster could come busting through my doors and I wouldn't be half as scared as peering out an OPEN 3rd story window (closed & secure doesn't bother me). But this doesn't make me scared of flying. Just get an aisle seat and a good book or some tunes you'll be fine.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/23/03 12:11 PM

by SaladBar
No. THE worst is when you are sandwiched between an old man with a farting problem or the card carrying "Christian Carpenter" trying to convert you.
Not to beat an injured horse, but what does that have to do with flying? That can happen in any mode of transportation or mingling with the putrid public. But you did make me LOL. Freak Magnet, huh? Kinda like your penchant for misaligned relationships and unfortunate accidents? Instant Karma's gonna getcha.

I sat next to a drunk Englishman on a trip from Newark to London. But he was harmless. Just got up to pee a lot. No farting, born-agains....yet.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/23/03 04:49 PM

Originally posted by MaryCas:
by SaladBar
[b]No. THE worst is when you are sandwiched between an old man with a farting problem or the card carrying "Christian Carpenter" trying to convert you.
Not to beat an injured horse, but what does that have to do with flying? That can happen in any mode of transportation or mingling with the putrid public. But you did make me LOL. Freak Magnet, huh? Kinda like your penchant for misaligned relationships and unfortunate accidents? Instant Karma's gonna getcha. [/b]
Au Contraire Mary Quite Contrary.

Everything from deciding where to park (long-term? one of those cheapy deals with the shuttle?), if to park, what to carry on, who is going to pick you up, who isn't, taxis, crap like that are so much more intense for me in an airplane situation than I've had with any mode of transportation. A ferry? get up a move, A bus? never done that...A train? Haven't done that much. It isn't just a matter of me getting on a plane with no one else around. I'm STUCK next to these people for hours!

Yea. Bad Karma. My life suxs.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Uzi's Ruminations 5/21 "Airplane Death" - 05/23/03 05:22 PM

A fear of heights can easily be rectified quite quickly with a visit to a hypnotist Anton. Prices are very high though.

Interestingly enough humans only develop two natural fears. Heights is not one of them. A fear for other preditors and loud bangs are the natural ones. Every other fear is just developed during your life. For example a fear of Spiders could have developed from maybe seeing your mother scared of them when you were only very young yourself. But because these fears are learned during life, they can be unlearned.
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