
UK voted for go out, finally !

Posted By: furio_from_naples

UK voted for go out, finally ! - 06/24/16 11:25 AM

This is a post that I translated by my fb page,I don't write it but I'm agree on what is sad,sorry for the eventual grammar errors.

What did the European Union for the uk? 90% of trade agreements has always favored the uk. rather, what did the uk for the eu as well as being the parasite? giving the opportunity for Community boys to go there to do the waiters? the eu has given funds to all those British universities that are not called oxford, cambridge or trinity. in the smaller universities, 90% of students come from immigrant families, or are immigrants who want to make ends meet.

these students will all go one day to occupy a place in the industrial sector, in particular the engineering industry since that there is lack of English staff. must thank these "parasites" if are the world's fourth largest economic power (How much longer do not know). but as always the blame falls the immigrant, even for the poor ethics of British whites who do not want to make sacrifices or certain jobs (remember, in the UK there is no a racism problem, rather it is one of the most multi-ethnic societies it exists, but classism: the white of the city should not dirty your hands).

Now one of the consequences of this referendum will be the reformulation of working contracts, reforms will follow on the work that will lead to insecurity and the UK will still be locked with austerity policies although no longer part of EU. and I think this referendum has also decreed the end of the UK (the Scots want to review their referendum, the sinn fein, nationalist party in Northern Ireland would insist to the sound of popular uprisings and attacks on Ireland annexation. at least according the eu gave stability to the UK in the internal politics)

the uk must thank the EU if until now has been able to make her comfy, maintaining its privileges and continuing to waste. must thank the eu which amended various treaties as Schengen, rome, lisbon, etc. so that the UK would join the eu without having to give up their money or cut waste, exploit free trade without being in Schengen, without having signed the fiscal compact. the success of this referendum is due to the propaganda of the right that has incited the people against immigration

as if it was the only topic of the referendum (when the uk then accepts least of all the EU and meanwhile pockets the funds for integration policies in fueling the phenomenon of segregation and giving a hand to fundamentalism religious), and all 'general ignorance, average of English, on economic and functional illiteracy in certain social classes and rural policies (to vote leave it is mainly over-65. think carefully when someone asks "what did EU, for us?".
Posted By: fergie

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 04:27 PM

The real issue I had was uncontrolled immigration...You cant really plan successfully for schools, hospitals, housing, transport and everything else if you don't have any idea how many people will need to be relying on it...

Im all for immigration, but controlled and targeted for appropriately skilled people, other wise you create ultimately create ghettos and separation.

Im not sure the UK was shown as much favouritism as outlined above, if so, why? Something must have been an attraction? The EU is a failing project that now ultimately wants a united states of Europe which I reckon would only cause catastrophe in years to come.

Immigration will not stop..it'll hopefully just slow down, where's the problem? It definitely could herald the start of major internal changes within the UK though..in fact it already is.....good!
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 04:34 PM

Fergie what will do we italians ?
From the Albanians mass immigration in 1991 to now, we must EVER carry on our sholders the immigrants.
The EU is a falling plan ? Why so the UK entered it but asked to stay WITHOUT ACCEPT THE EURO AND SCHENGEN ?
The UE is fallen because all the countries think for itself. The triad france uk german for example. The greece case ! We should help them but at the end we buried them and the greece was collapsing under the austerità.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 08:59 PM

If the USA, UK, France, Germany and Italy didn't overthrow Gaddafi and try to get rid of Assad, none of this would have happened. Gaddafi even warned of uncontrolled emigration from North Africa if he was removed from power. He was the bottleneck. Mass immigration and all the problems it has brought has overwhelmed Europe. The other issue is that Brussels was making all these rules that weren't wanted.
Posted By: fergie

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 09:43 PM

Agree 100% faithful...

The EU has evolved into an egotistical, unaccountable joke. 10 thousand of their eurocrats earn more than the british prime minister ffs! It was originally set up as a common market financial trading mechanism..now its trying to take over NATOs role. The writing was on the wall though when Brussels ruled that uk bananas weren't straight enough....that's true as well!

Furio - what should italy do? Question your government firstly...then seriously consider a referendum. Id,be happy if all countries in europe were independent. If i go to Italy, i want to meet italians, spain-spanish...I hate the idea of individual cultures being lost because of some idealistic, megalomaniacs who care for nothing except for their own power and control
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 10:49 PM

Well, fergie, we agree on something. In the end, I think the UK will be better off.
Posted By: fergie

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/24/16 11:59 PM

Lol! Im sure your a great guy Faithful and certainly more knowledgable than me on a wide range of topics, we just (hopefully amicably) disagree sometimes....but thats what make the world go round!
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 01:53 AM

I cannot believe it! So happy!
Posted By: fergie

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 02:04 AM

I couldn't believe it either Nicky.. smile
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 03:33 AM

And get rid of Cameron also Fergie! Two birds one stone
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 06:04 AM

What's wrong with Cameron? I don't know, so I'm just asking. I know he said he's stepping down, but why would that be a good thing? Is it to bring in Boris Johnson?
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 06:12 AM

For me, I'm a Conservative, and, well Cameron is just not actually conservative on anything, I mean seriously Tony Blair was probably more conservative as a prime minister. Also It amazes me that anyone who would call themselves a Conservative would back remaining in the EU and sacrifice total democracy. I'm not sold on Johnson, I just don't know, but it obviously has to be someone from the party who backed Brexit for sure.
Posted By: olivant

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 05:09 PM

Keep in mind that the legal mechanism which enabled Britain's EU plebiscite is still in place. Thus, there could be a subsequent plebiscite on the question.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/25/16 10:43 PM

Nice post F1

Enemy of my enemy is my friend
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/26/16 02:12 AM

Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
Nice post F1

Enemy of my enemy is my friend

Thank you, Sir Dude.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/26/16 07:04 PM

Is this going to be like Rick Perry in Texas threatening to secede from the union, then weeks later begging Obama for federal funding because of the Swine Flu? I'd read that the day after the Brexit vote, the top googled question in Britain was "What is the EU"? Oh boy...
Posted By: olivant

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/26/16 07:25 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Is this going to be like Rick Perry in Texas threatening to secede from the union, then weeks later begging Obama for federal funding because of the Swine Flu? I'd read that the day after the Brexit vote, the top googled question in Britain was "What is the EU"? Oh boy...

Keep in mind that Parliament must implement the referendum results with legislation to address political and economic and diplomatic changes occasioned by the referendum vote. Also, Parliament can order a subsequent referendum on the subject.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/26/16 10:31 PM

It looks like the EU is going to put in measures to "punish" the UK for leaving. The EU is going to collapse, or at least get much smaller. I can see France, Italy, Norway, Hungary and Poland leaving. People are tired of Brussels and Germany damaging their countries.
Posted By: Crash

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/26/16 10:37 PM

The Brits need their culture back, they are being infested by garbage.
This is not what general cornwallis had in mind.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 06/28/16 06:48 AM

Tearing it all down without an alternative is always a bad recipe. It's the same thing the right is doing here. "Stop government" on Monday, "when are they going to repave our streets?" on Tuesday. Rick Perry talking secession then crying to the feds for funding when the swine flu hit is the best example. Some people just foam at the mouth when their party loses a couple of elections, and rather than reorganize, they just flail and fuss and throw their dung around. Britain just threw their dung all over the world. And, their plan? Well, they'll get back to you on that, I suppose. Day after the vote the most googled question in Britain was "What is the EU". OMFG. Britain, congratulations. You're now the world's Florida.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 07/07/16 04:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
If the USA, UK, France, Germany and Italy didn't overthrow Gaddafi and try to get rid of Assad, none of this would have happened. Gaddafi even warned of uncontrolled emigration from North Africa if he was removed from power. He was the bottleneck. Mass immigration and all the problems it has brought has overwhelmed Europe. The other issue is that Brussels was making all these rules that weren't wanted.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: UK vote for go out finally ! - 07/07/16 05:13 PM

England asked Hillary to help over throwing Gaddafi so England could get their oil.
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