
Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 2/5 "Ready To Kill"

Posted By: Uztopoke

Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 2/5 "Ready To Kill" - 02/05/03 06:28 PM

OK. The deal is, I want to get on a barge and float to Morocco. I will walk to Tripoli and kill everyone. I will then get myself to Israel and kill everyone. Then on to Riyadh just to show the Saudis that I am pissed, and kill everyone. Then Iraq. I will leave a path of destruction from Basra to Baghdad. Kill everyone. Pit stop in Germany to flatten and kill everyone. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Vietnam (for old time's sake), northeast to North Korea. Kill everyone. Japan. Why the hell not? Russia (again, for old time's sake). Then the French. Kill everyone.

Stop by London and kiss Tony Blair on the cheek. Then float home.

I can't believe I have to do all this by myself.
Posted By: Don Giorgio Gambino

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 2/5 "Ready To Kill" - 02/05/03 06:31 PM

Did you had a bad day? lol lol lol

Girogio Luigi Gambino
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 2/5 "Ready To Kill" - 02/05/03 07:21 PM

Don't go without your American Express card! grin

Drop us a postcard and let us know how you are making out...and if you really get into trouble just call and we will be there! wink
Posted By: Scarlett

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 2/5 "Ready To Kill" - 02/05/03 08:08 PM

Uz, Uz Uz, interesting plan that just MIGHT have worked but unfortunately the Mossad is so damn good at what they do that they knew even before you posted this what you are planning on doing and decided on a "pre-emptive" strike, so before you even have time to finish reading th.........................

I wonder how much is being put in Blairs secret Swiss bank account by our Government for him being such a "Friend of George's"?
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