
My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er...

Posted By: howardsternisgod

My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/31/03 11:54 PM

Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see? At my school, I have begun writing a weekly column for The Daily 49er on controversial issues. I will post a link to my article each week and then you can comment on it whatever way you see fit. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm wrong, whatever floats your boat. Hell, if you disagree with me a lot (as many of you probably will), you can even send in a letter to the editor!

My first article, entitled, "Pacifists, And Why I Hate Them," can be found by clicking this link: http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n62-pac.shtml .
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/01/03 12:03 AM

Is this a school thing or what? Does a school allow hate? lol Anyway, i do agree on the pacifist thing. I mean, war is INEVITABLE at the moment. Sadamm isn't gonna surender whatever he is hiding up his a$$. These students have no say in it. They are comparing it to "Nam" But remember, we were not in "Nam" for defence PERSAY. The pres though commie ba$tards would grow and invade america but still, Gulf War part II is more of a threat. So all you "get laid at 15" hippies shut up and sit down, what your scared of a draft?! Its an honor to serve your country. smile
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/01/03 01:23 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see? At my school, I have begun writing a weekly column for The Daily 49er on controversial issues. I will post a link to my article each week and then you can comment on it whatever way you see fit. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm wrong, whatever floats your boat. Hell, if you disagree with me a lot (as many of you probably will), you can even send in a letter to the editor!

My first article, entitled, "Pacifists, And Why I Hate Them," can be found by clicking this link: http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n62-pac.shtml .
Great Article Comrade Stern!

Well, I guess this is a tough one for me. I agree that Terrorism must be dealt with, but I am not sure how that relates to Saddam Hussein. I am also not sure that it is possible to control and destroy groups of terrorists, governments that support them, to the individual follower of Terrorism without obliterating the entire world as we know it to ashes!

The only solution seems to be if one could somehow get everyone to drop their fanatical beliefs, give up their nuclear weapons, and all of a sudden just get along with one another.

When Lenin took power and created the Soviet Union, he tore down all of the religions and took their property for the state, and make Atheism the Law and Religion Unlawful. What took place was a somewhat unified people under the state where people weren't divided by religious prejudice (at least internally it seemed).

But when the Soviet order collapsed, everyone went back to their old way of thinking and their old prejudices and started civil wars all over the place, many that are STILL going on!

Now, it may not be possible to expect people to go back to the "way it was".
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/03 09:01 AM

My second article is now online and up for all the world to see. View it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n67-rel.shtml and add your comments on this thread...MisterSixer, I know you will find this week's topic very dear to your heart...
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/03 04:23 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
My second article is now online and up for all the world to see. View it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n67-rel.shtml and add your comments on this thread...MisterSixer, I know you will find this week's topic very dear to your heart...
Did you change majors from last week to this week?

I think your articles are well written, and ring a familiar theme (although the language is a little less colorful). I may not agree, but you at least have the courage to put your name to it. Have you gotten feedback in the form of letters to the editors concerning your writings?

I noticed you garnered the support of Vercetti with your first article - that must be reassuring. I wonder how he honored himself and served the country.
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/03 05:33 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
My second article is now online and up for all the world to see. View it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n67-rel.shtml and add your comments on this thread...MisterSixer, I know you will find this week's topic very dear to your heart...
Hahahaha! Very impressive Howard! I loved the subtle remark about "kids at the pool!" Got any hate mail yet?

Sigh, the only thing with articles like this is that it either makes one infamous or hated. No doubt you´ll get some stares as soon as you mention your name to people who have read your article!

Karl Marx was thrown out of his native Germany for similar articles as yours! But times have changed, and I think College campuses are the prime breeding ground for Atheistic thinking and new thought! Many a religious nut have gone to college, gotten an education, and come out Atheist! They must have been the ones actually studying.

Battle on Howard!
Posted By: Minnow

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/03 07:19 PM

I was an anchor for my schools weekly cable news cast and said some shit that really pissed off the President of the school. Are you listed as a "commentator"? What is your direct title for the school paper? I went to The University of the Ozarks in Arkansas, they have a pretty decent Communications program I guess.

I agree with you somewhat on your thoughts. It is tough being a journalist....every one hates you....everyone loves you, no one ever really makes up there mind. Fuck em.

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/03 09:27 PM

Don Marco - No, my major didn't change from last week to this week, it wasn't printed correctly the first week. My major is Accounting and my minor is Broadcast Journalism, never was Journalism my major.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you guys...as for the real name being on it, this is what I have to say: I had mixed feelings about it at first. I was first going to use my radio name, which was in the title of my radio show until it got cancelled: Alan Shadeway (that's my porn name, just in case you're wondering). After deliberating a little, I finally just figured "Fuck it", people are going to love or hate me either way, so it doesn't really make a difference. The only thing I'm concerned about is when CamillusDon posts a separate post about me and contains my real name in it. It's fine for my name to be in the newspaper and the newspaper's website, but is it really necessary to post my real name here? Who knows if some jerk would want to kill me for simply exercizing my right to free speech? Please, if you don't agree with me that's fine, but I appreciate the rest of you for not posting my real name here. Whoever wants to read the articles can click on the link, read it, and see my name, but their is no need to post it here...in other words, let people do their own homework.

Minnow - I am simply a contributor with a weekly column, but you can call me "commentator" if you'd like! My real passion is radio, so I'd prefer that title more anyway!

Next week's article is going to be a great one!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/05/03 11:06 PM

In response to my first article, the pro-war one, a Letter To The Editor was printed in today's paper. You can read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n68-let.shtml .
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/06/03 03:13 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
In response to my first article, the pro-war one, a Letter To The Editor was printed in today's paper. You can read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n68-let.shtml .
Haha! I am afraid that here is where we might actually differ Comrade Howard. I mean this new war against Saddam doesn't seem to relate to the real problem, which is bin Laden and terrorism.

What will this war accomplish? I can't see any long term benefit. All I see is a war in 2003 that is conveniant for Bush's election in 2004. Nothing more.

And will Bush decisively win this war with Iraq before his election win? It will probably last just long enough for him to get the vote. I keep thinking that this is a reinactment of Iraq's war with Bush Senior, with nothing really changed in Iraq after the Gulf war.

But maybe this war will lead to other war campaigns that will eventually rid the world of religious fanatical terrorism!? Probably not...just more stalemates.

Just a thought.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/06/03 03:38 AM

You may be right about the election thing and Bush doing so to garner support, but I don't think that is the whole story. Recall what you felt when waking up on September 11 and seeing the towers crumble to the ground...can we afford something like that to happen again? Why shouldn't we protect ourselves against any potential enemies we may have? With special regard to Iraq, I don't think they are as innocent as many people perceive they are, in light of Colin Powell's evidence presented against them in his United Nations conference. Either way, I totally see where you are coming from, MisterSixer, and I know you see my view clearly as well...this may be the only thing we partially disagree on!
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/06/03 05:06 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
You may be right about the election thing and Bush doing so to garner support, but I don't think that is the whole story. Recall what you felt when waking up on September 11 and seeing the towers crumble to the ground...can we afford something like that to happen again? Why shouldn't we protect ourselves against any potential enemies we may have? With special regard to Iraq, I don't think they are as innocent as many people perceive they are, in light of Colin Powell's evidence presented against them in his United Nations conference. Either way, I totally see where you are coming from, MisterSixer, and I know you see my view clearly as well...this may be the only thing we partially disagree on!
Well, that is just the problem Howard, that the majority of action being taken is action against the (seemingly) wrong person...Saddam! I mean Bush did everything but blame the 9-11 attacks on Saddam. Saddam this, Saddam that! Hardly a mention of the real culprit, who seems to be yelling at Bush that he is still alive and well. I just don{t get it...what am I missing?

Can we afford another attack like the 9-11 attacks? Not if it involves nuclear or biochemical weapons we can't. Why shouldn't we defend ourselves? We should. But how do you destroy a belief? How do you defend yourself from an idea?

Too bad the US destroyed the old Soviet government, they could have used them! I doubt the current Russian government could be of any help. They've got their own problems.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/06/03 11:58 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you guys...as for the real name being on it, this is what I have to say: I had mixed feelings about it at first. I was first going to use my radio name, which was in the title of my radio show until it got cancelled: Alan Shadeway (that's my porn name, just in case you're wondering). After deliberating a little, I finally just figured "Fuck it", people are going to love or hate me either way, so it doesn't really make a difference. The only thing I'm concerned about is when CamillusDon posts a separate post about me and contains my real name in it. It's fine for my name to be in the newspaper and the newspaper's website, but is it really necessary to post my real name here? Who knows if some jerk would want to kill me for simply exercizing my right to free speech? Please, if you don't agree with me that's fine, but I appreciate the rest of you for not posting my real name here. Whoever wants to read the articles can click on the link, read it, and see my name, but their is no need to post it here...in other words, let people do their own homework.

I have read many posts and this is the second time I have seen this subject.

Mr Stern, here is some feedback for you. You say Fuck-it if people know you name one post, then you piss about it if someone uses it. Buddy what is your problem are you a career journalist and want your name to go hand in hand with your work or are you a trouble maker blaming someone else for your mistake.

Yea right, people should do their own homework to find it out? Grow some hair around your manhood and be a man. Make up your mind and stop blaming others. Put your name on it and take credit for your works or hide behind a fake name, but don't knock a good poster here. That was a lame move in my opinion and you lost credibility by bitching.

Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see?

I had to chuckle when I read that you used your real name in a website newspaper in a school that you attend and people know you, but you are afraid of 13 year old kids from a Gangster B Board. Yes there are many stories of people traveling across the great USA to kill loud mouth journalists lol

It was then that I remember that you are just a young man yourself. Still in school. You know you may of had a bitch if Camillus Don had taken your cheap posts from this board and forwarded them to your professors or the school paper to see how great you really write and what you bitch over.

Then maybe we could post what your classmates have to say about you and your work. Some real meat I bet.

I do hope that you do not start using this board as your new fourm. I for one do not think that would be right and I hope Geoff watches out for all the posters, as you my friend have a thin skin and don't take things well.

when you say you want the world to see, mean it!

Sorry Stern- I was just being honest! Hope there are no hard feelings, But you asked for it.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 12:21 AM

I have read many posts and this is the second time I have seen this subject.

Mr Stern, here is some feedback for you. You say Fuck-it if people know you name one post, then you piss about it if someone uses it. Buddy what is your problem are you a career journalist and want your name to go hand in hand with your work or are you a trouble maker blaming someone else for your mistake.

It wasn't the simple fact that he used my name, it was the fact that he simply put it on there to provoke me. Notice no one else did that but him! He was trying to jab at me because he didn't have anything to back up his weak ass argument. Let me ask you: what does my name have to do with the content of the article? Nothing, except I am the one who wrote it. He knew that I wrote it and it's not like I was trying to hide it or anything because I was the one who posted about the articles in the first place! The point is that there was no reason at all to even say my name as it doesn't mean anything to any of you! I can't believe how many of you miss the point!

Yea right, people should do their own homework to find it out? Grow some hair around your manhood and be a man. Make up your mind and stop blaming others. Put your name on it and take credit for your works or hide behind a fake name, but don't knock a good poster here. That was a lame move in my opinion and you lost credibility by bitching.

Grow some hair around my manhood, huh? You want me to take it out and bitch slap you with it? I take credit and pride in my work, THAT'S WHY I SIGN MY REAL NAME ON IT!!! And really, who cares about your opinion anyway? Howard Stern once said, "opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink." Truer words were never spoken.

Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see?

I had to chuckle when I read that you used your real name in a website newspaper in a school that you attend and people know you, but you are afraid of 13 year old kids from a Gangster B Board. Yes there are many stories of people traveling across the great USA to kill loud mouth journalists.

First of all, my little ignoramus friend, it isn't simply a website newspaper, as you say, it is actually printed and distributed across campus. Secondly, what on Earth gave you the idea that I was scared of a 13 year old kid on a gangster site?

It was then that I remember that you are just a young man yourself. Still in school. You know you may of had a bitch if Camillus Don had taken your cheap posts from this board and forwarded them to your professors or the school paper to see how great you really write and what you bitch over.

Wow are you off the mark...let him forward them to my professors in school, in fact, I'LL TELL MY FUCKING PROFESSORS MYSELF ABOUT THE ARTICLES I WRITE!!! They will commend me for honestly speaking my mind! What do YOU think they will do, fail me because I write a controversial article?!

Then maybe we could post what your classmates have to say about you and your work. Some real meat I bet.

That would be great, I LOVE THE ATTENTION!!!

I do hope that you do not start using this board as your new fourm. I for one do not think that would be right and I hope Geoff watches out for all the posters, as you my friend have a thin skin and don't take things well.

Thin-skin, huh? Don't make me laugh. If I had thin-skin do you really think I would voice my outspoken opinions and get them printed in a newspaper for a school that has OVER 34,000 STUDENTS?!?!?! I don't think that's cowardly at all, do you?

when you say you want the world to see, mean it!

That's why I posted here to begin with.

Sorry Stern- I was just being honest! Hope there are no hard feelings, But you asked for it.

That sounds funny coming from someone whose arguments just got beat to a merciless pulp. Bring it on...that is if you have any more material...
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 12:25 AM

can we all calm down? Stop sawing each other. [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 12:38 AM

Thank you for making my points for me.

You have showed all on this board your true colors.

"I will post a link to my article each week and then you can comment on it whatever way you see fit. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm wrong, whatever floats your boat. Hell, if you disagree with me a lot (as many of you probably will), you can even send in a letter to the editor! "

I guess you are the type of journalist who can't take what he asked for!

Please don't worry about hearing from me again. I do not deal with such people. I left name calling and preschool many years ago and I will not return to that level to play with the likes of you. Posters here now know for sure that you are no a man of his written or spoken words.

One last note...Please Grow up or get out of the field. American doesn't need another asshole we already have the real Howard Stern and Mixtersixer covering both bases here and on the Radio/TV. Fact, Not name calling.

After reading that last post, I am now sure you and Mistersixer are one in the same! Who cares tho. I will not post to you or his posts after tonite.

My guess is that you will be right here in less then a second responding as you are attention needer.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
can we all calm down? Stop sawing each other. [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
DON VERCETTI. Please stay out of others peoples business. I think you have had enough trouble with others posters within your short stay here. I say this in a nice way so please keep YOUR anger in check. I know you love to bicker also. Thank for this in advance. Goodnight!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 12:51 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
Please don't worry about hearing from me again. I do not deal with such people. I left name calling and preschool many years ago and I will not return to that level to play with the likes of you. Poster here now know for sure that you are no a man of his written or spoken words.
It's amazing how people like you just skirt the real argument here! I think I posted very clearly, in my last post, why I said the name doesn't come into play, did you just conveniently brush that aside? And how am I not true to my word? Can you honestly say that I am no man of my word? Oh, and did I mention the OVER 34,000 STUDENTS THAT ATTEND THE SCHOOL WHERE THE PAPER IS PUBLISHED AND PLACED FOR FREE IN MANY NEWSPAPER HOLDERS ACROSS CAMPUS, FOR ALL TO READ AND ENJOY? Yeah, I think I did mention that, but again, all my points are usually disregarded by fools like you.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 01:22 AM

Originally posted by fathersson:
Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[b]can we all calm down? Stop sawing each other. [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
DON VERCETTI. Please stay out of others peoples business. I think you have had enough trouble with others posters within your short stay here. I say this in a nice way so please keep YOUR anger in check. I know you love to bicker also. Thank for this in advance. Goodnight![/b]
We can make it our business. If you dont like it, PM howie. Otherwise, we have the right. Read the bottom of the section.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
We can make it our business. If you dont like it, PM howie. Otherwise, we have the right. Read the bottom of the section.
This might be the first time we agree about something.
Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 02:15 AM

"Allow me to go through a small list of what the United States has done to help other countries: we fought in the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait, preventing a staggering increase in oil prices that could have followed; we successfully ended the Hitler-tactics Slobodan Milosevic was using to kill his people, we provide a safe refuge for people looking to escape their overbearing countries; we ousted the extremely oppressive Taliban from power in Afghanistan, liberating hundreds of Afghanis; the list can go on and on.

Allow me to show you a website which shows a list of what USA did to other countries;

You probably never heard of many or all of these acts of terrorism towards other countries.

I dont want this thread to turn into a flame. Gerry Wachovsky(howardsternisgod) I respect you because you are way older than me, all I want to try and do is to enlighten you with what USA did to other countries... as a result stuff like 911 happened and god forbid... it easily can happen in even more destructive way.

If you want further discussions please lets not kill our mafia movies/books friends with boredom and politics grin ... lets discuss this over e-mail or private messages.
email: ivopixi@vind-studio.com
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 02:21 AM

Originally posted by GAMBINO:
"Allow me to go through a small list of what the United States has done to help other countries: we fought in the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait, preventing a staggering increase in oil prices that could have followed

The problem is not that oil prices are too high, but rather that our automobiles don't get good mileage. Which with our technology, could make one gallon of gas go 300 miles. But that would mean that we would probably only pay $5 for 300 miles instead of $20 for 200 miles.

we successfully ended the Hitler-tactics Slobodan Milosevic was using to kill his people,

We caused the Hitler-tactics in the first place, now we are heroes to the people!

we provide a safe refuge for people looking to escape their overbearing countries; we ousted the extremely oppressive Taliban from power in Afghanistan, liberating hundreds of Afghanis; the list can go on and on.

Yes, and they are ALL welcome here providing they can swim accross the ocean the whole way!
Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 02:53 AM

we successfully ended the Hitler-tactics Slobodan Milosevic was using to kill his people

by killing over 4,000 civilians...howardsternisgod you call that successful?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 06:38 AM

No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason? I visited the website you linked to, and I must say, much of that is propaganda and many of the stories don't show what happened in the context that it actually happened in.
For instance, take the supposed American terrorizing of "Palestine". There is no such thing as Palestine, there never was, and there never will be. The truth is that that land had gone unclaimed for centuries and the "Palestinians" were essentially squatting there, never actually staking claim in the land! They had some ridiculous notion where they thought that they had a "right of return" and thought they were somehow deservant of the land in question...why? What on Earth would give them this ridiculous idea? The funny thing is that with them it's either all or nothing. The Israelis have offered deals and peace so many times, but how are they repayed? With suicide bombings during a Passover seder! These people have proved that they are unable to deal with and the deal should be off the table for good.
I also notice that many of the links that are used for reference at that site deal with Jewish conspiracies, such as the idea of Zionism. Now let me tell you, I (being an Atheist now but still technically Jewish), don't fully agree with the whole Zionism thing but I will certainly say that it is not Jewish Naziism.
And where do all these civilian death statistics come from? Are these partial bodies, full bodies, etc. or just speculation? I'm not saying the US is innocent, but I do think these figures are blown up a bit. I mean, how are we to know if that little Palestinian boy who lies dead on the street just picked up a gun and aimed it at an Israeli soldier?
I know I might come off as a patriotic loudmouth, but I hope you can see the points that I've attempted to make here.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Mistersixer:
Originally posted by GAMBINO:
[b]"Allow me to go through a small list of what the United States has done to help other countries: we fought in the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait, preventing a staggering increase in oil prices that could have followed

The problem is not that oil prices are too high, but rather that our automobiles don't get good mileage. Which with our technology, could make one gallon of gas go 300 miles. But that would mean that we would probably only pay $5 for 300 miles instead of $20 for 200 miles.

we successfully ended the Hitler-tactics Slobodan Milosevic was using to kill his people,

We caused the Hitler-tactics in the first place, now we are heroes to the people!

we provide a safe refuge for people looking to escape their overbearing countries; we ousted the extremely oppressive Taliban from power in Afghanistan, liberating hundreds of Afghanis; the list can go on and on.

Yes, and they are ALL welcome here providing they can swim accross the ocean the whole way![/b]
Interesting points...
Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 03:13 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason? I visited the website you linked to, and I must say, much of that is propaganda and many of the stories don't show what happened in the context that it actually happened in.
For instance, take the supposed American terrorizing of "Palestine". There is no such thing as Palestine, there never was, and there never will be. The truth is that that land had gone unclaimed for centuries and the "Palestinians" were essentially squatting there, never actually staking claim in the land!QB]
My good friend Gerry Wachovsky(howardsternisgod) On 15.11.1988, the PNC meeting in Algiers declared the State of Palestine as outlined in the UN Partition Plan 181, which includes Gaza Strip and West Bank currently under the Israeli occupation since 1967.

And a flag and the National Anthem for the new state was presented.

On 13.09.1993, Chairman Arafat of PLO signed the Declaration of Principles agreement in Washington with the Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin for a limited self-rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank based on UN resolution 242 and other UN resolution related to the Arab-Israeli conflict, to start with Israeli withdraw from Gaza Strip and West Bank city of Jerico which took place in 1994 .

On July 1994, Chairman Arafat entered Gaza as a president for the new founded Palestinian National Authority , a political body responsible for governing the self-rule Palestinian areas.

I think you should know this. Now that I have proved that there is PALESTINE! I will move on to the next thing you have said...
Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]Israelis have offered deals and peace so many times, but how are they repayed? QB]
The Arab-Israeli conflict in modern history is simply an illegal Jewish occupation of the Palestinian lands in two stages. The first stage was in 1948; they occupied 78% of the Arab-Palestinian lands and established their state, Israel. The second stage was in 1967. Israel launched an offensive war against the Arabs and occupied the rest of the Palestinian lands, which consisted of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]I mean, how are we to know if that little Palestinian boy who lies dead on the street just picked up a gun and aimed it at an Israeli soldier?
We know that he did not pick up a gun because all that Palestinians have are sling shots, however Israels thanks to USA have Nuclear weapons.

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[QB]No offense GAMBINO, but you come off to me the way many Canadians and non-Americans do: you have so much contempt for the United States, but for what reason?QB]
I am Yugoslavian.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 08:22 PM


How many civilians died at the hand of Milosovic? Are you saying the country was better beofre the American "interfence"? That's going to be a tough sell, so don't waste your time. What are you doing in Canada? Go back, if you dare.

You very boldly state that you proved that there is indeed a Palestine state because of the UN action in 1988. Could you explain the second part of your argument. You know, the part about the illegal occupation of the Arab/Palestinian lands. The state of Israel, created in 1948 by the same UN that created the Palestinian state 40 years later. Do you choose to ignore the 1948 UN and accept the 1988 UN?

Then we come to the 1967 6 Day War. It's really not just a 6 day war when you examing it more closely. Throughout the 1960s, Eqypt was agressively attacking Israeli positions. It became more violent in 1967. Eqyptian troops gathered on the border, and then President Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping.

Here is a quote from Nasser the day after the blockade was set up: "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war."

Nasser challenged Israel to fight almost daily. "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight," he said on May 27. The following day, he added: "We will not accept any...coexistence with Israel...Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel....The war with Israel is in effect since 1948."

Pretty bold words. Nasser pushed Israel to the edge, and in early June, Israel struck. 6 days later, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan accepted a cease fire. Israel pretty much embarassed the Arabs. And the Arabs weren't using sling-shots either. They had the latest Soviet tanks, guns, and fighters. Over 2,000 tanks, 700 planes, and 1/4 million troops were used by the Arabs, so this was no David and Goliath scenario. The Israelis didn't seem to need the "nuclear weapons" to slap the Arabs around.

You're getting in way over your head if you attempt to debate world history with me. Perhaps you would've preferred to attend the functions at the soccer stadium in Afghanistan before we were involved there. Oh, wait, they weren't using the stadiums for soccer then, were they?

Your arguments certainly aren't made any stronger by using a quote from Ramsey Clark in your signature.
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 08:42 PM

A little deep even for Mistersixer.

Sorry Howardsternisgod, I didn't know it was you I posted against, but I did so in a "milder" Mistersixer manner. smile

I can only examine the core problem of the Israel/Palestinian problem, and that would be asked by the question: "What is the big goddamn deal about that Particular area of the World?" Why does everyone want that dried up piece of land? What is so special about it?

My answer is that there is NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT IT! The issues fought over the "promised land" go farther back than the Crusades, much farther back. Back to the same old problem of Religion. NO STUPID-ASSES!(not you Howard) That land is NOT "holy!" Stop taking that f*cking book so damn serious! Everyone would get along just fine if they weren't taking their religion so f*cking serious! And why is everyone trying to prove that their religion is the "true" one with Tanks and Guns?!?!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 09:48 PM

MisterSixer - That land is a shitty piece of real-estate but the conflict arises from the simple fact that each group thinks "god" gave it to them. How ridiculous! God didn't give it to them, the UN gave it to them, period.
And no offense was taken, MisterSixer!

Don Marco - Thank you for that wonderful post, you have now totally earned my respect. How do you know so much information? How many books have you read? Impressive indeed.
Would you agree that that site GAMBINO linked to seems to have many of the same ideals of sites such as the White Aryan Resistance ( http://www.resist.com ) and the National Alliance ( http://www.natall.com ), two of America's leading white supremacy groups? Nothing but propaganda, used to rope in and lead an unlearned mind.

GAMBINO - I think you should follow Don Marco's advice, don't get into this argument as you are extremely misguided. I tried to point this out to you but you "proved me wrong", didn't you? Please...
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 10:22 PM

I'm an accountant with a love of history. That combination leads one to remember a lot of details. When I was in college (many years ago) I got the school to recognize a new dual major, in Finance and History.
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 10:57 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
MisterSixer - That land is a shitty piece of real-estate but the conflict arises from the simple fact that each group thinks "god" gave it to them. How ridiculous! God didn't give it to them, the UN gave it to them, period.
And no offense was taken, MisterSixer!
Thank you Howard! See? I can be polite when I want to be! Especially if the conversing party is as reasonable as Howardsternisgod!

So if you got rid of "god" in that region, would the people be more inclined to respect the decision of the United Nations? Would they tend to be more tolerant of each other now that religious bigotry has been eliminated?

The former Jew, the former Christian, the former Muslim, and all other former religions can be united under Reason and Science.
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
I'm an accountant with a love of history. That combination leads one to remember a lot of details. When I was in college (many years ago) I got the school to recognize a new dual major, in Finance and History.
Great! Marco, can you tell me what the battle was called that Napolean fought where he won against another army about 4 times the size of his army without firing a shot? I heard that somewhere but could never sort through all the rubbish in old history books.

Gimme all of the details gramps!

Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/03 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
How many civilians died at the hand of Milosovic?
You should ask yourself how many people died at the hand of Ustasa(Croatians) in concentration camps through out 1941-1945. Concentration camps like Jadovno, Kruscica, Loborgrad, Djakovo, Tenje, Osijek, and Jasenovac... ( http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/jasenovac/ )and that was wayyy before Milosevic, but hey Yugoslavians died... so who gives a fuck ehh? Milosevic just like Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic was defending his country.
Originally posted by Don Marco:

Are you saying the country was better beofre the American "interfence"? That's going to be a tough sell, so don't waste your time.
The country was doing way better before NATO bombed chemical factories in Pancevo repeatedly on 23 different days, cloud of poisonous smoke stretched 15 kilometres (over 9 miles) and lasted for ten straight days at one point. The toxic fumes choked and suffocated the thousands of people who were unfortunate enough to live in the area. Tons of poisonous chemicals leaked into the Danube river. All the fish in the river were killed. The ground in and around Pancevo is now saturated with ammonia, mercury, naptha, acids, dioxins and other toxins that leaked and burned out of the factories. Instead of military targets American/NATO pilots hit power plants and power lines, television and radio towers. When the main Yugoslav T.V. station in Belgrade began to broadcast coverage of the growing number civilian casualties, American/NATO pilots bombed the T.V. station, murdering everybody inside. YES the country called YUGOSLAVIA two weeks ago (now SERBIA and Montenegro) was doing better before NATO bombed them for 79 consecutive days.

Originally posted by Don Marco:

What are you doing in Canada? Go back, if you dare
I am visiting my cousins in Ottawa, and yes I am going back to Serbia and Montenegro( Yugoslavia ) in 3 months.

Howardsternis and Don Marco, how old are you 2 guys?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/03 02:42 AM

Originally posted by GAMBINO:
Howardsternis and Don Marco, how old are you 2 guys?
Howardsternis? Who is that? I'm HOWARDSTERNISGOD, not howardsternis. That said, I will tell you I am 20 years old. I don't know how old Don Marco is but he certainly knows much more about history than you or I do. And another thing: why do you skirt the issue in your response to Don Marco? You conveniently asked questions and disregarded all of the points he made! Not a very good way to argue.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/03 05:23 PM

Originally posted by GAMBINO:
Originally posted by Don Marco:
How many civilians died at the hand of Milosovic?
You should ask yourself how many people died at the hand of Ustasa(Croatians) in concentration camps through out 1941-1945. Concentration camps like Jadovno, Kruscica, Loborgrad, Djakovo, Tenje, Osijek, and Jasenovac... ( http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/jasenovac/ )and that was wayyy before Milosevic, but hey Yugoslavians died... so who gives a fuck ehh? Milosevic just like Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic was defending his country.
Originally posted by Don Marco:

Are you saying the country was better beofre the American "interfence"? That's going to be a tough sell, so don't waste your time.
Originally posted by Don Marco:

What are you doing in Canada? Go back, if you dare
I am visiting my cousins in Ottawa, and yes I am going back to Serbia and Montenegro( Yugoslavia ) in 3 months.

Howardsternis and Don Marco, how old are you 2 guys?[/b]
You are unable to answer a question without asking another question to divert the focus? I asked about civilians that died at the hand of your leader and you talk about concentration camps from World War 2. He has been indicted for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people simply for being of the wrong ethnic group. That was a very admirable "defense of his country". A summary of the charges: Throughout the 1990s Milosevic's policies, his paramilitaries and his armed forces incited violence and ethnic hatred that would destroy Yugoslavia.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, millions forced to leave their homes and wander the world as refugees. Civilians were the primary targets in this attempt to redesign Yugoslavia along purely ethnic lines.

The term ethnic cleansing became synonymous with Bosnia, as Serb forces there loyal to and paid for by Milosevic tried to carve out a separate state by forcibly moving the non-Serb civilian population.

They did it by bombarding towns and cities like Sarajevo with heavy artillery, beseiging villages and massacring civilians.

Snipers targeted men, women and children. Markets full of people shopping were shelled.

And in scenes unknown in Europe since World War II, there were concentration camps, mass rape and the forced prostitution of women and very young girls.

This orgy of war peaked with the Bosnian Serb assault on the tiny Muslim village of Srebrenica. The International Red Cross says about 7,000 Muslim men and boys remain unaccounted for there.

Maybe I'm missing the good in this man. You can search all you want for it, and you're not going to find it. At least you can give Hitler credit for building the autobahns and promoting the invention of the VW. Milosevic's only redeeming quality would be as fertilizer after he is dead.

I'm 45.
Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/03 08:42 PM

Don Marco, Croatian authorities, far from the eyes of the world public, have initiated in mid 1991 and have continued to this day their ethnic cleansing of the Republic of Croatia from ethnic Serb population, so the largest part of territories controlled by these authorities may be considered as ethnically cleansed by now... This ethnic cleansing was first conducted in larger urban areas and in those countryside areas which were inhabited by ethnic Serbs for centuries and where ethnic Serbs constituted the majority, while ethnic Croats were a minority or only a relative majority. Later on, areas in which ethnic Serbs were a minority already were subjected to the same procedures... In spite of trying, Croatian authorities could not succeed with their ethnic cleansing only on those territories which subsequently became parts of the Republic of Serbian Krayina. ...

The true proportions of ethnic cleansing in the Republic of Croatia will be possible to determine only if the world community forces the Croatian authorities to conduct a census under international supervision on territories they control and if they permit investigations on harassment and expulsions of ethnic Serbs to take place on those territories. Such investigations, which would include representatives from organizations dealing with human rights and representatives of both sides in conflict, should be conducted in all places where there is founded doubt that ethnic cleansing took place, since this is the only way to fully expose the unacceptable practice of harassing members of other ethnic groups, which cannot be reconciled with Christian morality and is punishable by the Convention on Preventing and Prosecuting Crimes of Genocide, adopted on the session of the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1948 in Geneva.

This report deals with ethnic cleansing in western Slavonia because that was the first area of ex-Yugoslav territory where this practice was begun and was almost completed, including harand totally brutal ethnic cleansing. The success achieved by the Croatian authorities in using violence and feeling of insecurity in ethnic Serbs to ethnically cleanse one of their strategic and economically speaking most important territories has encouraged, and continues to encourage, all those who use the same practices in other ethnically mixed regions of old Yugoslavia. The procedures of ethnic cleansing in western Slavonia was reconstructed on basis of written documents, gathered statistical data, polls taken among victims of ethnic cleansing and written statements of witnesses of individual crimes.

According to data as of August 15, 1992, and regarding western Slavonia, 10 city and 183 countryside settlements have been completely ethnically cleansed of ethnic Serbs, while a further 87 settlements have partially been ethnically cleansed. New data, gathered on a daily basis by associates of the Serbian Council Information Center, indicates that the number of totally and partially ethnically cleansed settlements will soon be much larger, since Croatian authorities are far from halting the harassment of ethnic Serbs on territories they control, and on territories under the protection of UNPROFOR, but subject to the Croatian legal system. We already have data, albeit in raw form as yet, on several tens of settlements where ethnic Serbs were a majority or were ethnically mixed, for which it will soon be reliably known whether they have been completely or only partially ethnically cleansed.

During the first months of 1991, and until this day, complete ethnic cleansing was affected in almost all ethnic Serb majority settlement on the rim of the mountains of Papuk, Psunj, Dilja and Bilogora, all places where ethnic Croats until this time remained in express minority. By means of ethnic cleansing of western Slavonia, from Osijek and Vinkovci in the east to the river Ilova on the west, all of Slavonia has now become an almost ethnically pure Croat territory. This has to a large extent been the culmination of a grand project to create an ethnically pure Croat state in which, as formulated by the Croat state project from XIX century, there is no place for ethnic Serbian, orthodox population. For it to be completely realized, in preparation is the final stage of ethnic cleatization of Western Slavonia: certain ethnically completely cleansed but little damaged ethnic Serb settlements are being settled these days by ethnic Croats from Janjevci (Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Serbia). Several hundred of them, who sold out their properties on Kosovo or have left it to family member use, have already settled in Miokovicevo, Katinac, Nova Krivaja and Puklica, recently ethnic Serb settlements. In Zagreb, there are plans to use financial aid from Europe to construct refugee settlements on the remains of what were once ethnic Serb settlements.

Croatian authorities were not satisfied to simply drive ethnic Serbs from their homesteads, but went to, as much as it was possible, to remove all traces of their centuries long life and cultural existence in those areas - most churches and other religious buildings belonging to the Serbian Orthodox Church, including the cathedral and episcopal court in Pakrac, were looted and either heavily damaged or completely leveled. Almost all priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church were driven off, while parochial homes were mostly mined. Because of this, all religious life of ethnic Serbs has been inhibited to the point where even the deceased cannot be buried as Orthodox Christians. There are records of harassing the relatives and all too rare Orthodox priests who remained during religious ceremonies during burials of deceased ethnic Serbs. For example, on May 9, 1992 in Podravska Slatina, members of the Croatian National Guard threatened the local Orthodox priest during the burial ceremony by saying: "Sing, sing, you won't for long". Murdered ethnic Serbs are, as a rule, buried by Croatian authorities without the presence of any relatives and in unmarked graves. The bells of even the small number of remaining Orthodox churches are now completely dumb.

Don Marco, did you know that Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia) today are made up of Orthodox 65%,Muslim 19%,Roman Catholic 4%,Protestant 1%,other 11%

Before the war there were Muslim 22%, and Roman Catholic 5%

However Croatia(present day) on the other side is made up of Catholic 76.5%, Orthodox 11.1%, Slavic Muslim 1.2%,Protestant 0.4%, others and unknown 10.8%
Did you know that before the Balkan War in 1991 that Croatia was made up of 26.8% Orthodox?

hmmmmm...I am wondering which country did more of ETHNIC CLEANSING

"The 'ethnic cleansing' label, which is routinely used to describe Serb actions, is misleading as well as inflammatory. U.S. officials, aided by large portions of the Western news media, have sought to equate it with genocide. But as skeptics point out, what is going on in Bosnia cannot accurately be termed genocide. Daryl G. Press, a political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, notes that genocide has a very specific meaning: "the systematic annihilation of a racial, political or cultural group Instead of exterminating members of other ethnic groups, the Serb objective has generally been to expel them from certain territories as part of an effort to create a "Greater Serbia." Although that is certainly a loathsome practice-and is sometimes accompanied by acts of murder, rape, and other human rights violations-it does not constitute genocide. Press is correct when he concludes that 'the goal of the combatants in the former Yugoslavia is to drive the enemy from the land, not to capture and kill every man, woman and child.'"

My father is Serbian, and my mother is Croatian.
I have been forced out of my home in CROATIA DUBROVNIK, just because my father is a Serb.
There were 3 attempts to kill my father in Dubrovnik. Thanks to GOD none of the attempts were successful...That's when we had enough and left to Yugoslavia.

However as I previously stated my mother is Croatian, she thought she will have problems in Yugoslavia because she is Croatian. Me, my mother, brother and my father have been living in Yugoslavia for 6 years now. Neighbours around my house accepted my mother just like she was Yugoslavian, even though she is Croatian. They didn't care! It was a way different situation with my father when we lived in Croatia.

I am not saying that Ethnic Cleansing was not seen in Yugoslavia. Both countries had ethnic cleansing. Croatians killed, and ethnic cleansed more than Yugoslavians did.

I am 17.
I wish you all a good weekend!
Posted By: Mistersixer

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/03 09:05 PM

...And yet they seemed so peaceful together prior to the collapse of the Soviet Empire, Serb and Croatian living as neighbors just as normal persons should live.

Then I saw this:

They could not believe who the sniper turned out to be, but their own beloved neighbor, the one they used to say "good morning" to everyday. What caused him to start blasting away at us? We used to sit together as friends...now he is dead, and for what?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/09/03 08:22 AM

GAMBINO - That was fascinating and all, and I'm sorry to hear that you were forced to leave your house in Croatia, but did you even write all of that? Furthermore, you didn't even remotely answer Don Marco's questions!
Posted By: marco's lover

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/09/03 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Don Marco:

And in scenes unknown in Europe since World War II, there were concentration camps, mass rape and the forced prostitution of women and very young girls.

This orgy of war peaked with the Bosnian Serb assault on the tiny Muslim village of Srebrenica. The International Red Cross says about 7,000 Muslim men and boys remain unaccounted for there.

Maybe I'm missing the good in this man. You can search all you want for it, and you're not going to find it. At least you can give Hitler credit for building the autobahns and promoting the invention of the VW. Milosevic's only redeeming quality would be as fertilizer after he is dead.

I'm 45.
Don Marco, I truly am impressed by your words. Lately it feels that the world is at the edge of its seat. I now know that people won't learn a lesson from other people's mistake. Although when a possible world war as at hand, I wish people do learn a thing or two about the past.

Oh and, please don't let my pen name confuzzle you. You had nothing to do with it. I hope...
Posted By: GAMBINO

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/09/03 08:27 PM

You know that Serbs killed in Srebrenica. But you dont know the reason for the action. Well I will explain it to you...

Srebrenica 2 years before the Serbs killed Muslims was used as a small military base. Bosnian Muslim forces located in Srebrenica frequently raided the surrounding Serbian villages. They would attack small Serbian villages with no mercy, killing men, women, seniors and KIDS. Cutting throats to all of them. On the other side when Serbians entered Srebrenica they killed only men that were able to carry a machine gun and go to war. What did they do to the kids, women and seniors? Well...they put them on trucks and sent them to Foca( a muslim city). As you can see
Serbians were more human then Muslims.A little more than a week after Srebrenica, Zepa, a second Moslem enclave (and UN Safe Area) was taken by Bosnian Serb forces. Hundreds of the "missing" soldiers from Srebrenica were among the defenders of Zepa in the last days of fighting...

When you said about the killings in Srebrenica, I assume you are blaming Milosevic for the actions...
Don Marco, The killings in Srebrenica was a primary responsibility for the massacres is assigned to Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic,
who has so far evaded a war crimes arrest warrant.

But former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic - on trial at The Hague on a genocide charge citing Srebrenica - is not
linked to the killings by the researchers

Srebrenica: Up to 7,000 Bosnian Muslim men killed in July 1995. 600 Dutch UN peacekeepers based at Potocari failed to prevent the massacre
Bosnian Serb General Radisav Krstic given a 46-year prison sentence by Hague tribunal in August 2001
Town remains under Bosnian Serb control Srebrenica timeline
"No evidence had been found that suggests the involvement of the Serbian authorities in Belgrade," the report says...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/11/03 08:42 AM

Hello everybody, be sure to read this my article for The Daily 49er this week on cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, and why he should never be released from prison alive. You can read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n71-mum.shtml .

While you are there, also be sure to read the Letter To The Editor, in response to my pro-Atheist article, where Derrick Engoy proves to me that there is a "god". Wow, you really got me there Derrick! Look closely at his last paragraph, which mimics the last paragraph of my article...it looks like Derrick has figured out how to use satire! His letter can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n71-let.shtml .
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/11/03 02:15 PM

Living in the Philadelphia area, I hear a lot about this case and the periodic pleas for re-trials and amnesty. He even gave a college commencement speech via tape a few years ago.

The attention given this guy is disgusting. Once again, I have to agree with you, HSIG (just stay off the religion topic!). This guy is the lowest form of life there is.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/12/03 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
Living in the Philadelphia area, I hear a lot about this case and the periodic pleas for re-trials and amnesty. He even gave a college commencement speech via tape a few years ago.

The attention given this guy is disgusting. Once again, I have to agree with you, HSIG (just stay off the religion topic!). This guy is the lowest form of life there is.
There are black guys that come to my school in suits and try to sucker you into supporting assholes like Mumia Abu-Jamal and Louis Farrakhan. It's amazing how college students always have to protest something, in an attempt to seem cool and well-informed...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/12/03 09:44 PM

Wow, for the second day in a row, there was a letter to the editor printed in The Daily 49er in regard to one of my articles.  This time it was from some girl who is against my stance on war...you can find it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n72-let.shtml but be ready to laugh!  It is laughable how she didn't even get the title of my original article right when she mentioned it!  I'm also so sick and tired of people saying that we caused 9/11 by training Bin Laden and al-Queda...was is our fault that the bastard flew planes into our buildings?  He made that choice, not us.  Freaking pacifists...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/18/03 03:03 AM

Hey all, click on http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n74-let.shtml to see a response to my last article on Mumia Abu-Jamal, the cop-killer. I'm gonna have to cross-check some of the points this individual brings up in this rebuttal, because I'm interested in knowing the authenticity of their claims.

Edit: Well, I've done some homework on this letter that was printed in today's paper ( http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n74-let.shtml ) and it is laughable at best. Obviously the person who wrote this is another apologist for Mumia who doesn't want to look at the facts...go to http://www.geocities.com/justice4faulkner/arnold_beverly.htm to read a very interesting article about this man, Arnold Beverly, who "admitted" to the murder that Mumia himself committed! Then, for a real laugh, go to http://www.freemumia.com/6-8-99beverly.html and read what some Mumia supporters have to say. It's amazing how contradictory their logic is...whatever little doubt this letter to the editor caused has been totally erased. Mumia is guilty, plain and simple.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/18/03 08:17 AM

This article is definitely one of my best to date. However, because it presents the truth, something some people find so hard to accept, I am sure it will generate more controversy. Nonetheless, to read this week's article, go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n75-pal.shtml .

While you're there, be sure to go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n75-let.shtml and look at the letters to the editor for today. Scroll down to the bottom and read the article entitled "Word retarded demeans disabled." This is in response to the letter to the editor about my Mumia Abu-Jamal argument. While the girl doesn't directly challenge my views, she does say how it was kind of absurd for this Asad guy to use the word 'retarded' in his critique of my argument. This is even more funny due to the fact that Asad is a supposed English major!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/25/03 06:31 AM

Well folks, today's (Tuesday's) paper has not only my new article in it but an extremely anti-Jewish response to my article about why "Palestine" is a myth. The new article can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n79-awa.shtml while the response to last week's article by an angry Arab can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n79-let.shtml .

As always, feel free to send me any comments you have!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/28/03 12:34 AM

Well, it seems I have struck a nerve with another angry Arab. Today there was another Letter To The Editor in response to my "Palestine, A Condradiction In Itself" article. Read it here: http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n81-let.shtml (you need to scroll down a bit to get to it).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/03/03 07:55 AM

Well, it seems that a Jewish student was outraged by what Seid Hourani said about my article in his letter to the editor. After I read Hourani's article, I, too, thought it was blatantly anti-Semitic and racist, and I guess I wasn't alone. The article today can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n82-let.shtml . The original letter to the editor which provoked this response can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n79-let.shtml .
Posted By: Anton The Penguin

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/03/03 08:30 AM

Hey we all have our own opinions, right? But the fact that you failed to bring up ANY valid points at all in your first one - namely the fact that Iraq wasn't behind 9/11, that the USA DOES infact have a lot of blood on it's hands and that the smelly hippies you talk of in fact span the globe in immense numbers - trust me, we're not all smelly hippies. You're simply not looking at the facts.

I don't know - I'm going over points others have made, but I feel you write too aggresively, and while I agree with your second article about religion, it's written in such a way that you can feel anger and confusion about the writer - wondering who the hell this guy is and what his arguments really are.

That's all. I'm not going to argue about this thing, because I know people want this topic left alone. I'm done.

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/04/03 01:40 AM

Well, we are all entitled to our own opinion but just let me clarify a few things for you Anton:
In my first article, I never said the USA doesn't have ANY blood on it's hands, just less than other countries. I guess it all depends on the way you look at it and where you were raised though. I do write aggressively and that's what has provoked so many responses from people. The whole idea of this article is to present a different, controversial viewpoint and to hopefully have some good letters pour in from angry readers. As far as I'm concerned, I've been doing my job right. Another thing: there is no confusion here, all my points and beliefs are genuine and real. I have thought through all the things I have said and I stand by them. With special regard to the religion one, let me just say this: I believe you have the right to practice any religion you want, it's prefectly fine by me, but I don't have to agree with it. Finally, I'd like to comment on the letters that have come in from other people: most of their points have been either off-base or totally taken out of context. Furthermore, most of their responses don't even address what I originally wrote! They love to go off on tangents, which is what my article this week is about...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/04/03 06:47 AM

Hey folks, for this week's article I decided to go back to political commentary, namely by bashing the campus liberal movement and showing how hypocritical they are. The article can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n83-hyp.shtml .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/07/03 01:19 AM

Hey everyone, today there are two hilarious replies from some angry people regarding my latest article and my Israel/Palestine article. After reading these two letters, however, I can say that I have learned some things: 1.) Bleeding-heart liberals don't check their spelling, as the guy who wrote in referred to my cited examples as "sighted" examples...2.) Remind me never to take classes from the two history professors that wrote in regarding the Israel thing, sorry, but I don't subscribe to revisionist history...3.) I really know what buttons to push to make people mad!

The letters can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n85-let.shtml .

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/12/03 08:09 PM

Well folks, it's a day late because of President Maxson's article, but it's in there today! This one is really gonna infuriate some people at my school, and I know it will create some great letters to the editor! Read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n88-hum.shtml .
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/12/03 09:07 PM

You make valid points - it would be wonderful for a paralyzed prson to walk, or for all needy people ot receive the organs they need to reclaim their health. The problem is: what about the person that the organs are take from? Even if the person is cloned for the purpose of harvesting tissue or organs, aren't they still a full fledged and viable life, or am I missing something?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/13/03 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
You make valid points - it would be wonderful for a paralyzed prson to walk, or for all needy people ot receive the organs they need to reclaim their health. The problem is: what about the person that the organs are take from? Even if the person is cloned for the purpose of harvesting tissue or organs, aren't they still a full fledged and viable life, or am I missing something?
You know, someone asked me the same thing on another forum and here was my answer: we should develop a way to use the organs and parts and such until there is nothing left to use, then we should dispose of them efficiently...one idea is to recycle them to feed starving children...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/14/03 12:50 AM

Well, you know you have caused some waves when your name begins to be mentioned in OTHER PEOPLE'S articles. Read the article by Jeb Sprague (a campus Progressive lunatic) and how he conveniently lumps me in with the College Republicans, simply becuase I have similar beliefs as them on some issues. The article can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n89-stu.shtml .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/18/03 07:15 AM

Well folks, for this week I did an expose on one of the clubs here on campus, in which I brought to light something I found extremely anti-Semitic and hateful that was posted on the Muslim Student Association's website. Read the article at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n91-mus.shtml . I know there will be some backlash from this one...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/25/03 02:27 AM

Hey everyone, I've got two mentions in the paper tomorrow! The first one is a response from the Muslim Student Association's president regarding my article about the anti-Semitic joke that was posted at their website. It's amazing to me how they still won't admit that the joke shouldn't have been there to begin with. They claim that due to the high volume of posts there, they can't catch all of them...that's a joke, since the site barely gets any posts to begin with, and furthermore, the joke had been there since October of LAST YEAR!!! Oh well, I guess they will never understand what my point was: it was unprofessional of them to have the joke there to begin with. It wasn't a smear campaign I was embarking on and I don't hate Islam, but I guess that is irrelevant to them.
The second mention is in an article from a buddy of mine in the College Republicans club, Jason Garthoffner. He mentions me and says what we're really attempting to do with our articles: inform the public on why the president and this war is justifiable. To read them, go to: http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n94-let.shtml .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/03 12:41 AM

Hey everyone, just letting you know that my current article is up and on the 49er webpage for all to see. It's a good one and it shows more reasons why the current liberal (read communist) position on war is totally ludicrous. Read the article at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n95-dis.shtml .
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/03 01:27 AM

I think you are right, for the most part, the only thing I think is stupid about it is how you judged antiwar people by their academic career. If someone drops out in 9th grade, does that make them stupid? If he didn't complete college, is he an idiot? No, because MANY Americans drop out of school and it doesnt mean they don't have knowledge about anything, it just means they needed to get to stardom to make money, the cheap way. Otherwise, I agree.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/03 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
If someone drops out in 9th grade, does that make them stupid?
Yes. Either way, my point is this: these people shouldn't be commenting on things they know nothing about! They haven't even had the fucking endurance to finish school for christsake! I can't believe you defend these idiots!!!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/03 06:03 AM

But you don't know what they know, you don't know what their IQ is. There are other sources of education then school. And look at George Carlin, he didn't finish high school, but he isn't stupid, is he? He seems to know a lot about history and english. Sure I think they are full of shit, but until you know for a fact their IQ is low, then don't run your mouth about them. You don't know if Cher truely is stupid. Oh and guess what? Not going to college doesn't mean your an idiot, ok?
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/03 02:43 PM

I think educational achievements and intelligence are not necessarily the same thing. There are a lot of people that never completed or attended college that would have to be considered intelligent, successful people (one of them founded a company responsible for operating the computers we are using now).

The link on the article seems to disparage acting as a less than admirable profession - does she share the same opinion about Ronald Reagan. (Has she seen any of Reagan's movies? Some of them in the "Bonzo" series were not the most compelling of Hollywood productions).

Last time I looked, Julia Roberts was commanding $15 million for a movie, and Jennifer Aniston was pulling down $1 million per episode. They may not have a piece of paper that gives them credibility and intelligence in the eye of Cindy Osborn, but you have to be pretty bright to command that kind of money for doing what they do.

Tha being said, I don't support what these actors are saying, but I also don't think their influence is that great. After all, anyone that would allow their opinion of domestic, foreign, or any other kind of policy to be influenced by actors is "stupid"!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/27/03 02:03 AM

Honestly, the whole education part was supposed to be somewhat satirical but it is true on many levels. Don Marco, I, for the most part, agree with what you said in your last post but of course there are exceptions, something I never disputed.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/28/03 12:10 AM

Hey everyone, just writing to let you know that there is an extremely weak response from a pacifist hippie in the 49er today. The funny thing with this letter to the editor (as well as most of them) is that it fails to address any points that I made in the article and focuses fully on my adjective use. I called it a "Communist Rally" jokingly, but of course, anti-war protestors don't see the satire in that. Anyway, you can read the letter at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n97-let.shtml (it's the second one that responds specifically to me, but the first one regards anti-war rallies in general, so you might want to read that one too).

By the way, I'd like to thank all of you that listened to me last night on Conway & Steckler on 97.1 FM. It was a surreal experience for me and I think the segment went pretty well, despite the fact that the people who disagreed with me didn't give me anything to challenge them on (in fact, the second anti-war caller that phoned in was anti-war at the beginning of the call and pro-war at the end!). Anyway, I'd also like to give a big thanks to Conway & Steckler themselves, who invited me on the show in the first place to voice my view! Thanks a lot guys, I really loved it!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/01/03 06:19 PM

Well folks, my article for today is a doosy, that's for sure! It's about a certain professional pathological liar who should be sent to an Iraqi prison camp...to read it go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n98-mic.shtml .

There's also a letter to the editor (second one on the page) in response to my "Dispelling Liberal Nonsense" article, as well as some others that don't specifically mention my article(s) but pretty much refute things I have already said. Notice that the last letter to the editor is from Seid Hourani who if you guys recall, responded in an extremely anti-Semitic fashion to my article on why the Palestinian cause is ridiculous...read them at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n98-let.shtml .
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/01/03 06:57 PM

Hey Howie - I can't argue w/ you about Michael Moore! What a scumbag! mad
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/02/03 01:06 AM

JGeoff - It warms my heart that we finally can agree on something. wink
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/08/03 07:11 AM

Well everyone, my latest article is up and posted on the 49er website, and I think it's a very interesting read. As many of you know, I listen to a lot of punk rock, despite the fact that I don't fully agree with much of the political sentiment uttered by many of my favorite bands...that said, I decided to write this week's submission on the ill-informed politics of punk rock. The article can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n102-pun.shtml .

Note: Next week there will be no article as CSULB will be off for Spring Break, during which I will be on-call for jury duty...yay!
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/08/03 07:31 AM

HSIG, your earlier comment about uneducated people being anti-war is directly conflicting with a previous comment: that all college students have to protest something, which for now is the war. Most college campuses have had demonstrations of some sort against the war. These people are educated at the highest level possible. Am I missing something?

Or are you just a miserable guy who believes he condescends everyone and everything? It is one thing to feel a certain way, but it must be rooted in some factual data. I think you are just a jerkoff who likes to stir up trouble by insulting people as much as possible. One way of doing this is by bringing out the educational failures of some people that do not share your views. Another way is by writing off people's beliefs as just a way to feel "cool". It is unfortunate that when these two things conflict, you sound like a fool.

To clarify things once and for all, who are the anti-war people: the stupid (uneducated), or the smart (educated)? Or could it just be that each individual decides for his own what he believes is right and wrong, regardless of your sterotyping? eek
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/08/03 11:31 PM

Hollywood Hagan - You don't seem to understand something here: I am BROADcasting, which means that I am speaking to a large audience. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but I can't mention every single one of those exceptions, as, again, I am BROADcasting. Just to set the record straight though, there are a lot of stupid fucking people on college campuses...anti-war protests are prime evidence of this!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/10/03 12:48 AM

Well, a letter to the editor was printed in today's paper in response to my "The Ill-Informed Politics Of Punk Rock" article, and let me just say, this is one hilarious read. This girl has completely missed the mark on what I was saying! To read her letter, go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n103-let.shtml . She says that the Michael Moore comment about how he just lies is ludicrous...I guess Emily conveniently overlooked my article last week on Michael Moore. She also said how she doesn't see how a man like Noam Chomsky, an orthodox Jew, would deny the Holocaust and she'd like to see my proof of that. Well, don't take my word for it, go to http://www.wernercohn.com/Chomsky.html .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/15/03 11:57 PM

Hey people, I just wanted to remind you that there is no article this week, as we are on Spring Break. There will be an article next week as usual.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you all a story of something that happened to me on the weekend. On Saturday, April 12th, I went to the Bally Total Fitness in Santa Ana to meet some guys from the Howard Stern Show, an event sponsored by 97.1 FM KLSX. As always, I love to go to these events, as they are what are referred to by extreme Stern fans as "brushes with greatness." I had met Gary before, but it was my first time meeting Stuttering John and Artie Lange.
I left an hour-and-a-half early so I would be one of the first in line, and I got to Santa Ana about a half-an-hour later. The Yahoo! Maps directions, however, were sub-par. There was no Bally Total Fitness at the location according the map! I was irate, so I stopped in a shopping center and asked for directions. The guy politely told me to go down one street and turn on another and it's right there, so I followed his directions and came across a Bally's Total Fitness. This, however, was the Tustin Bally's and not the Santa Ana one! I called 411 and connected with the Bally's where some girl employee told me to go down E. 1st St. and turn RIGHT on Bristol, to which I did. After I entered the city of Orange, I immediately sensed something was wrong. Cursing aloud and driving wrecklessly I called 411 again and was connected to the Bally's once again, where I was transferred about three times to someone who was familiar with driving directions. Apparantly, I was supposed to turn LEFT on Bristol, not right, as that dimwit had told me. I turned around and finally found it, and showed up about forty-five minutes after the event started. Luckily, there weren't many people there and the line wasn't that long.
I just thought I'd send everyone this little story, along with the pictures of me and the crew. I also met some more contacts from 97.1 FM KLSX and informed them that I would be interning for them starting June 2, to which they welcomed me aboard.
To see some of the pictures of me and the Stern Crew, go to http://www.marksfriggin.com/bwg/bwg24.htm .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/21/03 08:42 AM

Well folks, this letter to the editor doesn't mention me or any of my articles, but it sure does prove my point of how many of these college liberals are grossly uninformed and simply ridiculous. The letter can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n105-let.shtml .
As always, I will post an update when my latest article hits papers on Tuesday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/22/03 11:03 PM

Well everyone, today there is not only an article but a response to a previous article of mine. For the new article, which is titled "Celebrities And Politics Make Strange Bedfellows," go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n106-cel.shtml . I am quite proud of this one and it is also pretty damn humorous.

As for the letter to the editor, I think this guy may actually have a point. He challenged a simple statement I made, which, may or may not have been totally factual. I am in the process of investigating it further, and if need be, I will send a correction to the editor. To read his letter, go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n106-let.shtml .
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/22/03 11:47 PM

Great articles Howardinio, makes for good reading. Just want to let you know they're not being wasted on us.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/23/03 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Great articles Howardinio, makes for good reading. Just want to let you know they're not being wasted on us.
Thanks a lot, Turi Giuliano, I really appreciate it...actually, your opinion matters more than you probably think, as you are from England, and many Brits would disagree with what I say!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/23/03 09:39 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Well folks, this letter to the editor doesn't mention me or any of my articles, but it sure does prove my point of how many of these college liberals are grossly uninformed and simply ridiculous. The letter can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n105-let.shtml .
As always, I will post an update when my latest article hits papers on Tuesday!
There is a response to D. Tran's article in the Daily 49er today by one of my buddies, who is also in the College Republicans club (no, I am not in the club). My friend's letter to the editor tears apart D. Tran's article beautifully. Read it at http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n107-let.shtml .
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/24/03 03:41 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Well everyone, today there is not only an article but a response to a previous article of mine. For the new article, which is titled "Celebrities And Politics Make Strange Bedfellows," go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n106-cel.shtml . I am quite proud of this one and it is also pretty damn humorous.

As for the letter to the editor, I think this guy may actually have a point. He challenged a simple statement I made, which, may or may not have been totally factual. I am in the process of investigating it further, and if need be, I will send a correction to the editor. To read his letter, go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n106-let.shtml .
Another interesting article, Howard. I think the problem that most of the celebrities have with our leaders boils down to one item - they are republicans. As for Spielberg and Castro talking for 8 hours; that is very believable. Given Castro's penchant for long speeches it probably takes him 15 minutes to say "hello" on the phone. I hope it was important to Spielberg because it involved movies and not his admiration for the man.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/25/03 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
Another interesting article, Howard. I think the problem that most of the celebrities have with our leaders boils down to one item - they are republicans. As for Spielberg and Castro talking for 8 hours; that is very believable. Given Castro's penchant for long speeches it probably takes him 15 minutes to say "hello" on the phone. I hope it was important to Spielberg because it involved movies and not his admiration for the man.
Yes, unfortunately many of these celebrities disgust for the United States just boils down to the fact that they don't like Republicans. Furthermore, what these celebrities don't seem to realize is that their jobs are to put asses in seats, and if these people don't like what the celebrities are saying, their asses won't be in those seats and money will be lost.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/25/03 01:04 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Furthermore, what these celebrities don't seem to realize is that their jobs are to put asses in seats, and if these people don't like what the celebrities are saying, their asses won't be in those seats and money will be lost.
I'm sure the Dixie Chicks realize that now. wink grin
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/26/03 06:10 PM

Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
I'm sure the Dixie Chicks realize that now. wink grin
I guess it's better late than never, huh?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/26/03 07:00 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
[b]I'm sure the Dixie Chicks realize that now. wink grin
I guess it's better late than never, huh? [/b]
This is the cover of this weeks entertainment weekly. I guess they are in need of fans and fast. wink

[Linked Image]
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/28/03 04:40 AM

Well folks, I admit, I made a slight factual error. I said that Noam Chomsky has "publicly denied the Holocaust," something that I was called on in another letter to the editor from a professor at my school. I thank him for correcting my unintentional error and, as I always promote the truth about what really happened, I will do the best I possibly can to prevent this from happening again. Please read my letter correcting my error at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n109-let.shtml (it is the second letter on the page).
Posted By: Anton The Penguin

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/28/03 04:58 AM

Howard...I read through everything of yours and have changed my opinion about it. I may disagree with nearly everything you're said, but I cannot deny that you have an interesting way of writing. I enjoy your articles greatly!

Oh, and you and me share something to do with religion....


Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/29/03 12:42 AM

Anton The Penguin - First off, let me thank you greatly for your kind words, they really do mean a lot. It's perfectly fine to disagree with me on issues, as it makes an issue much more interesting to hear two sides (even if one is completely off)! What pisses me off is when people immediately blacklist me as a knee-jerk reaction to what I said! Many people can't learn to look beneath the sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek comments in my articles and focus on the real points, what the whole purpose of the article is based upon. I thank you for the compliments and I am glad you can see the difference between hardcore points and sarcastic, funny comments.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/29/03 07:42 AM

Hey everyone, this week's article is guaranteed to piss of a variety of groups ranging from human shields to Catholics to the handicapped...you have been warned. The article can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n110-hum.shtml . Enjoy!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/29/03 08:00 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Many people can't learn to look beneath the sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek comments in my articles
Ger', it's good, but you don't seem to have enough room. You lay out what you want to criticize, but you never really get the space to actually say anything. It may not be your fault, I don't know. But reading these, I see the examples - lots of them - but I never really hear YOU, except just a tad in the intros. You gotta be more interesting, man, and quote yourself, rather than all the other assholes on this planet! Until then, there are no "sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek" comments, that're much noticeable to me...

PS and I saw nothing that "this week's article is guaranteed to piss of a variety of groups ranging from human shields to Catholics to the handicapped" confused

Just my 2c, and just trying to help...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/30/03 08:23 AM

JGeoff - You say you never really hear me...what does that mean? What about all my little clever comments and assessments of situations following examples I give? Surely those are me talking. You see, JGeoff, I have to quote examples and facts, if I didn't do that all my articles would be full of simple rhetoric and conjecture, as are many of the liberal articles I see so often in not only the Daily 49er but everywhere! I know what you are saying but I have to disagree; furthermore, as we both acknowledge, I am limited as far as space is concerned, so that definitely plays a part in not being able to say everything I'd like to.
Either way, I value all praise/criticism, and I look forward to your suggestions in the future!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/02/03 12:22 AM

Well folks, there's a short mention of me in a lame letter to the editor today...to read the letter, go to http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n112-let.shtml (it's the second letter on the page)...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/05/03 04:45 AM

Well everyone, there is a letter to the editor in Monday's Daily 49er from an incensed Arab who is angry over the United States and its support of Israel. He doesn't mention me, but I think all who read last week's article know that this is in response to it, when he specifically mentions a segment on Rachel Corrie, the Palestinian-apologist who got run over by a bulldozer. He mentions of another woman who also got ran over by a bulldozer, which begs the question: why are these idiots standing in front of bulldozers?! Read the letter at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n113-let.shtml (it is the second one on the page).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/06/03 06:12 AM

Hey everyone, my latest article is up and this one is guaranteed to infuriate, despite the truth it speaks...read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n114-pro.shtml ...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/09/03 04:39 AM

Just wanted to inform you of something I came across just before. I typed my name into a search engine and one of the results that came up was from a site called http://www.CollegeClub.com . One of my first articles, "Religion Is Not For Everyone," is featured there and apparently has caused quite a stir, as there have been 52 pages of responses about it! To read some of these responses, which range from people who agree with me to people who think I'm going to hell, go to http://navisite.collegeclub.com/servlet/channels.ChannelArticleServlet?articleid=3866 .
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/09/03 12:54 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Hey everyone, my latest article is up and this one is guaranteed to infuriate, despite the truth it speaks...read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n114-pro.shtml ...
Because I am trying to defer work duties, I made the click and read your latest article, Bucho. I have some comments...

First of all, your skills as a writer and thinker are strong.

Second, I move to your content:

Me, I LOVE the Nation of Islam. Believe it or not, I carry a great deal of sympathy for black men and women, and it soothes my soul that an organization like this exists - one whose unabashed racism runs unchecked in today's society. (Mind you, the mass media will NEVER expose the inner workings and daily sordidness of this group...it is the mass media's mission to protect minority groups, no matter how egregious their behavior. While a Ku Klux Klan rally, all 25 of these redneck assholes, gets front-page news.)

You see, I am white as white can be. There isn't a drop of "mongrel" blood in me. I am, in a manner of speaking, the master race. I am acutely aware of this. With it, I also recognize that the black man is in an unenviable position. A mere five or six generations removed, a black man's descendants were either enslaved or subject to unimaginable social, political, and economic repression.

This, no matter what anyone says about the civil rights movement, the "progress" we have made, or "equality," MEANS SOMETHING.

I am a firm believer that every individual of African descent living in America, regardless of their history, has every right to hate me from the get-go. (Oh, of course...we can bark and bark about "Well, I wasn't a slave master and you weren't a slave" all we want. That argument is moot when it comes to cultural cluster-fucks like this.)

What I DO hope, however, is that if such an individual allows me to illustrate that I am just a man, all will be well. If these people decide to contimue hating me because I am white, they can go fuck themselves. I just don't have the time for that kind of bullshit. Get the Christ away from me, NOT because you are a Black Muslim, but because you are a fucking asshole. THIS is when the phantom slave/slave master paradigm does NOT hold water.

But it's perfectly OK for blacks to hate me. I understand it completely. I am the master race. Just give me the chance to show you that I recognize the source of your discontent, and accept that there is absolutely nothing I can do about history.

Then we'll all get along just fine.

Hope you read this, Bucho. Have a good weekend, pal.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/10/03 08:05 PM

You have an interesting way with words, Uztopoke...but do you really have respect for the Nation Of Islam?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/13/03 07:26 AM

Well everyone, that time has come when the semester ends and we all get our well-deserved break. I thank all of you for reading my posts week after week, not to mention whenever there was a letter to the editor or a Gerry Wachovsky mention in someone elses article. I feel I did a good job and I learned a great deal during this semester writing this weekly column. Also, this newspaper gig eventually got me invited onto a radio show in Los Angeles, where I scored an internship for the summer, which I am extremely looking forward to, as radio is my career goal. Thanks again people, I'll keep you updated during the summer and the rest of this week, just in case there are any late breaking letters to the editor from people who want to get the last word in.
As for this week's article, the final one for the semester, read it at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n118-unt.shtml .
Also, I encourage you to read the letter to the editor in support of Israel at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n118-let.shtml . This is in response to a letter to the editor that was written regarding one of my previous columns.
Until next semester!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/13/03 12:36 PM

It's been good reading them Howard, good luck with the summer work. I've got the face for radio, maybe I should look into it....
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/13/03 12:41 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
...but do you really have respect for the Nation Of Islam?

For over a century, the Ku Klux Klan has ostensibly stood for Christian moral righteousness and the preservation of the white race. From what, exactly, the white race needs to be preserved, I do not know. And upright Christianity? Sure. OK. If that makes them feel better about hanging a black man from an oak tree. OK.

Fact is, the white man has never, and does not, need protection from anyone or anything, nor does he have a leg to stand on when he argues this point.

The KKK is a gaggle of inbred moronic bigots. Period. I have little respect for them. Why? Because rather than just come out and say, "We hate blacks, Catholics, Jews, Puerto Ricans...." and that's just the way it is, they hide behind phony benevolence - some kind of redneck crock-of-shit philosophy. Hey, guys, just come out and say you hate spooks, and don't bother telling me why, and I'll be OK with that. But don't place God in your corner, OK?

But the Nation of Islam is a different story. In many ways, they are much like the KKK, without well-publicized violence. But the Nation of Islam struggles against LEGITIMATE political, social, and economic repression. Call it what you want: "The Nation of Islam," "The Nation of Kill Whitey," "The Nation of Fuck You Honky"....it doesn't matter to me. They're pissed off, and there's a good fucking reason why.

Why should they stand back and absorb all of the bullshit about "getting along" and "equality" and "civil rights"? Why? Because it IS bullshit. SAYING a race is equal is FAR from actually BEING equal. Yes, it is a step in the right direction, but ask a black man who gets pulled over by three cop cars in East Bumblefuck, Tennessee how "equal" he is in 2003.
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/13/03 01:02 PM

Have a good summer, and good luck on the internship. I didn't see any mention of your Godfather BB buddies when you were handing out your thank-yous. wink
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/14/03 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Don Marco:
Have a good summer, and good luck on the internship. I didn't see any mention of your Godfather BB buddies when you were handing out your thank-yous. wink
Goddamnit, somebody always gets left out of "Thank You" lists! frown Anyway, you guys know that I appreciate your comments, good or bad, and after thinking about it I just figured that everyone I didn't specifically mention could be counted in the section where I thanked everyone who read my columns week after week. smile There are going to be a lot more thank-you's next semester, I can already tell... wink

Uztopoke - I am going to respond to your last post but I am short on time right now, so I'll do it later, ok?
Posted By: Uztopoke

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/14/03 01:48 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Uztopoke - I am going to respond to your last post but I am short on time right now, so I'll do it later, ok?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/15/03 12:32 AM

Well people, I knew somebody would need to get a last word in. This guy, Jesse Langham, says to simply ignore me and I will go away, but he is just giving me more press time! I love it! Unfortunately for Jesse, I will never give him the satisfaction of going away...BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! This guy has responded to a few of my articles and none of his rebuttals have contained any evidence or facts, simply conjecture. To read his brilliant attack on me, go to http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/spring/opinion/v10n119-let.shtml .
Posted By: Don Aleksandr

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/16/03 05:50 AM

Just wanted to say I love your articles whether I agree with your opinions or not I have to admit you know how to write and how to do it well.I enjoy the articles, keep them coming.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/19/03 04:48 AM

Don Aleksandr - Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately, no more articles until next semester frown (I'm trying to get a summer column for the weekly 49er but nobody seems to know if there is an opinions page)...

Uztopoke - Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about that response...it's coming soon...
Posted By: Don Aleksandr

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/19/03 04:53 AM

Damn that sucks. I esp. liked your Palestine one.. Well can't wait til next semester!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/30/03 07:51 PM

Well folks, I have decided to make a webpage for all to see. The site, so far, only features my articles from the Daily 49er and a guestbook, but I will be sure to add more pictures and sections to it as I see fit. I encourage all of you to check it out and sign my guestbook, if you feel compelled to do so! While there, you can also check up on all the articles you may have missed. Thanks, and until next time!

Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/03 01:07 AM

HSIG, I just read your 'Has the World Gone Mad' article. I'm not mad. You can have your opinion. (I'm a Catholic by the way).

Just tell me: Isn't having some hope that you will be rewarded after death better than thinking you just rot in the ground?

Also, I will leave you with a quote.

"I thought about turning athesist, but then I realized that they didn't have enough holidays."
~Sorry, can't remember who said it.

Other than your religious views, I share alot of opinions with you. Keep the articles coming, I enjoy reading them.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/03 01:21 AM

Ok, just read your Michael Moore article. That guy is scum. I haven't seen "Bowling for Columbine" and I will not be responsible for giving that man an extra buck. However, I have something to add.

In France (oh, good ol beloved France) they are now showing Moore's "documentary" to classes showing how gun violence in America is accepted and that that is how all Americans live.

Not only does it add more to the fact that Moore is a American hating bastard, it also adds more to the fact that France refuses to look at their own problems but point fingers at the US and tell French how much we suck. (Keep in mind that this is a France that now has classes on having oral sex so their students don't go fucking around all the time.)

God, I hate France.
Posted By: SicilianMafia

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/03 02:15 AM

Very good article. Well done. I agree with you 100%.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/03 02:49 PM

Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
Just tell me: Isn't having some hope that you will be rewarded after death better than thinking you just rot in the ground?
Yes it is. It's so much better. But for me personally, i'm a realist and Howard may agree, that it's incomprehensable to think of any after life. And how we are rewarded by how we've played the game of life on Earth. Does your average elephant have an afterlife?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/03 08:00 PM

I thank you all for the comments and I hope you keep them coming, as I learn from them too.

As far as the religion article goes, I think I must say something: while I do stand behind what I said in that one 100%, I also have to tell you that it was my worst article out of them all. That article didn't have hardcore evidence, as all my other articles did, but how could it? Religion is based on faith, not evidence. Anyway, it was kind of stupid of me to write on that subject, just because it probably came off as an out-of-the-blue attack. We are all entitled to our own beliefs and if believing in god makes you feel better, then more power to you.

I learned from that article, as you can see, and the rest of them all contain empirical evidence and facts.

Edit: By the way, Turi Giuliano, I appreciate your kind words posted in the guestbook! Especially the death threats!!! lol Anyway, as I said on the guestbook page, there is a limit to the amount of words you can post, because Geocities is a bitch like that, and it cut you off! If you want, you can finish the post by posting another post above it (how many times can I use the word "post" in the same sentence?)...just thought I'd let you know!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 06/09/03 01:07 AM

Well folks, I didn't know if it would happen or not, so that's why I didn't mention it sooner, but I will be writing for the Summer 49er, a weekly publication. They emailed me out of the blue and said they needed some more writers for the summer, so I was happy to oblige. My first article for the summer can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n123-cas.shtml , and as always, it's a good one.
Alternatively, the unedited article can be found at my website, http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/ . This one had the whole last paragraph removed by the editor, which I think sucked, so you can see it in its entirety at my site.
I'll keep everyone posted!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 06/24/03 12:25 AM

Hey everyone, it's been a few weeks, but I'm back and stirring up controversy once again this week. My newest article, "Classroom Bias - An Expose," can be found at http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n125-cla.shtml . As always, if you'd like to see the article exactly as I sent it in, sans-editing by my editor, you can go to my website, http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001 !
Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 06/30/03 04:59 AM

Well folks, as you know, I have been writing a weekly summer column for the Daily 49er and the other week in my article I mentioned a website called http://www.noindoctrination.org . I sent my article to the administrator of the website and she liked it so much she posted a link to it in on the website. To see it, go to http://www.noindoctrination.org/news060.shtml .
Also, my next article will be appearing in the Daily 49er shortly, and as always, I will keep everyone posted.

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 06/30/03 06:15 AM

That's pretty much just a review of that website, but it's good that you're sharing it with other students at your school.

I will add, though, that you're talking about extreme bias. Every single person on this planet has biases towards their beliefs, of course, and they often show whether intended or not. Biases are most pronounced in editorials and radio talk shows, though grin
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/01/03 05:53 AM

Originally posted by J Geoff:
Biases are most pronounced in editorials and radio talk shows, though grin
And that is precisely why I am the best man for the job.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/01/03 06:25 AM

Baba-booey!! tongue
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/04/03 07:58 AM

Hey folks, I hope all is well. Anyway, my new article, which is a fun top-five Internet website countdown, is up on the Daily 49er website as well as my website...the links, respectively, are http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n127-the.shtml and http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/TheInternetsTopFive.html .
In other news, just so the people who physically pick up the paper know, there will be no Opinions page in the Summer 49er because of money issues. Never fear, however, because my articles will still be printed in an Opinions page on the On-Line 49er. Next semester the paper will have all sections printed, like usual, but for the summer we are on a tight budget.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/04/03 04:47 PM

Good article Howard, you missed off JG's site though. grin
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/04/03 07:53 PM

I apologize to JGeoff for that blasphemous oversight... frown
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 07/11/03 08:31 PM

Hey folks, my new article is up and can be read at either the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ed49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n128-mic.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/MichaelMooreUpToHisOldTricks.html )! This one is about that tubby SOB Michael Moore, and is guaranteed to give you a laugh. Hopefully little Mikey will read this...on second thought, maybe I'll send this to his email on the website! Now how's that for an idea?
Well, I'm in the process of adding links to all the letters to the editor that were received in response to my articles, as well as a photo section. Hopefully those will be done soon. Also, I have finished a "Best Of The Alan Shadeway Show" CD featuring the best bits, games, and discussions of my college radio show and it came out great...if you want one, let me know!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/01/03 12:04 AM

Well folks, due to some miscommunication and staff confusion, my latest article was delayed for about three weeks, but finally it is up and posted! As always, you can find it at the Summer 49er website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n131-weird.shtml ) or at my personal website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/NewsOfTheWeird.html ). It's a funny one, and I think you'll all get a kick out of it! Enjoy, and until next time, take care.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/07/03 10:38 PM

This week's article deals with a subject very near and dear to me, video games. Be sure to read my thrilling expose on the ridiculous court cases that have been flooding court dockets as of late regarding violent video games at the website for The Summer 49er ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n132-video.shtml ) or at my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/SupportViolentVideoGames.html ).
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/07/03 10:57 PM

Totally agree with that. I hate these ridiculous court cases.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/15/03 12:24 AM

Hey everyone, my new article is up, and I think it is pretty damn funny! It deals with the current California gubernatorial situation and I think you'll all like it! Read it at the Summer 49er website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/summer/opinion/v10n133-candidates.shtml ) or my personal website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/MoreCaliforniaGubernatorialCandidates.html ).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/26/03 12:41 AM

Well everyone, the summer is over and the new school year will start in a week, which means one thing to all of you: more articles from me! The good thing is that this new semester will bring more replies and angry letters to the editor than the last, because this semester will be a no-holds barred angrification-fest...BWAHAHA!!!
Anyway, the current issue of the Daily 49er is the Survival Guide, which is in newspaper boxes a week before school starts and yes, there is an article by me inside it. This one is a funny one dealing with campus parking, and next week will signify the start of my regular controversial column.
To read my current article from the Survival Guide, go to the Daily 49er website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno1-csulb.shtml ) or my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/CSULBAndTheHellThatIsParking.html ).
Posted By: OleificioAndreassi

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/26/03 01:22 AM

Haha holla

I go back tommorrow for my senior year. I guess parking on the first day is the same wherever u r.
Im gonna have ta get der like an hour early to get in the good lot. i know how it is its frickin hectic
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 08/26/03 01:49 PM

I don't start uni till the 22nd of september..........suckerssss.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/02/03 02:10 AM

Well folks, I have already been mentioned in one of CSULB's student newspapers, and they year hasn't even started yet! Bored, I decided to go to the website of the Union Newspaper , one of two student newspapers at CSULB, and I found an article about conservative politics on campus, and who does it mention, among others? Your's truly! What a pleasant surprise to already start the semester off with a bang! Read the article at http://www1.extanthost.com/~admin4/...focusissueda te=2003-09-02&news_id=2 !

By the way, my new article will be in the paper this week on Wednesday, and next week I will return to my original slot.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/04/03 12:58 AM

Well folks, today marks my official triumphant return to the Daily 49er!
The first official Gerry Wachovsky opinion article of the semester tackles the Earth Liberation Front, an eco-terrorist group who has been vandalizing car dealerships and genetic engineering labs as of late.
Read the article at my website ( SUV Terrorism ) or at the Daily 49er's site ( SUV Terrorism ).
By the way, next week my column returns to its normal Tuesday slot...I didn't have my article in on time this week, which would explain the discrepancy.
In other news, Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke at CSULB today...I was front-and-center with the College Republicans, hanging on Ah-nuld's every word!  Also, after the speech, Arnold had a press conference with all the major news outlets...we stuck around and we were filmed behind Arnold throughout the entire press conference.  I was holding a sign that said "Not Even Clinton Can Save Davis" and I'm wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt.  Be sure to look for me behind Arnold on any major Southern California news broadcast on channels 2, 4, 7, or 9.  There is a 99.9% chance you will see me.
Additionally, I will be making another Los Angeles radio appearance this Saturday.  By now, most of you know that I work for 97.1 FM KLSX, and one of the account executives there contacted me and asked me if I wanted to go on "Get Ahead With The National Hair Hour," a show dedicated to helping men who are losing their hair.  Anyway, I'm going to be on it for the full hour talking about hair loss and if my taking Propecia has worked at all yet.  So be sure to tune into "GET AHEAD WITH THE NATIONAL HAIR HOUR" on 97.1 FM KLSX on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2003, from 9:00PM-10:00PM!!!!!!!!!
Until next time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/04/03 01:45 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[b]If someone drops out in 9th grade, does that make them stupid?
Yes. Either way, my point is this: these people shouldn't be commenting on things they know nothing about! They haven't even had the fucking endurance to finish school for christsake! I can't believe you defend these idiots!!! [/b]
this guy is fucking awesome. lol grin rebel. cool i think you should write an article on why students in school should learn more about Tupac Shakur's poetry, and not stupid Shakespeare. i can't stand the guy. Some Tupac Poetry
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/04/03 01:52 AM

Id Pay to listen to this guy!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/04/03 10:17 AM

Cool stuff mate. Hey I hope you take it as flattering to see your name floating around the place.

Good latest article, I couldn't agree more.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/05/03 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
this guy is fucking awesome. rebel. i think you should write an article on why students in school should learn more about Tupac Shakur's poetry, and not stupid Shakespeare. i can't stand the guy. Some Tupac Poetry
I'm fucking awesome? Why, thank you, Patrick! You're so kind! Anyway, it's amazing how Tupac continues to release albums and poetry post-humously, isn't it?

Originally posted by Mike Sulivan:
Id Pay to listen to this guy!
About me? I want to be on commercial radio though, so luckily for you, you'd get to hear my lunatic ravings for free!

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Cool stuff mate. Hey I hope you take it as flattering to see your name floating around the place.

Good latest article, I couldn't agree more.
Yep, as you know, I'm an attention whore and love to see my name anywhere and everywhere. Thanks for your support man! I'm glad you enjoyed the last article!
I'm just curious as well: do you normally read the articles at my website or at the Daily 49er's site?
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/05/03 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:
Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[b]If someone drops out in 9th grade, does that make them stupid?
Yes. Either way, my point is this: these people shouldn't be commenting on things they know nothing about! They haven't even had the fucking endurance to finish school for christsake! I can't believe you defend these idiots!!! [/b]
this guy is fucking awesome. lol grin rebel. cool i think you should write an article on why students in school should learn more about Tupac Shakur's poetry, and not stupid Shakespeare. i can't stand the guy. Some Tupac Poetry [/b]
Shakespeare is a GREAT writer and Tupac is a bitch, he doesn't do poetry, he does bullshit.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/05/03 03:42 AM

Uh oh, I think Don Vercetti just started a mob war with Patrick...
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/05/03 03:43 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Uh oh, I think Don Vercetti just started a mob war with Patrick...
Don't be so dramatic. tongue
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/06/03 01:41 PM

I usually read your articles from the 49er site but sometimes I venture onto your site. My town needs a voice that isn't afraid to express such opinions here too.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/06/03 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I usually read your articles from the 49er site but sometimes I venture onto your site. My town needs a voice that isn't afraid to express such opinions here too.
You're in England, right? Why don't you be that voice?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/06/03 10:33 PM

Just a reminder to listen to me tonight on THE NATIONAL HAIR HOUR on 97.1 FM KLSX from 9:00pm-10:00pm PST! You can get the station if you live in SoCal, so just try to tune in! Thanks everyone! I'm going to be on the ball with the jokes and such too, so it won't be boring!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/07/03 12:02 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
[b] I usually read your articles from the 49er site but sometimes I venture onto your site. My town needs a voice that isn't afraid to express such opinions here too.
You're in England, right? Why don't you be that voice? [/b]
I'd love to be, really would but i'm far from intelligent enough. I'm not eloquent enough.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/07/03 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
[b]You're in England, right? Why don't you be that voice?
I'd love to be, really would but i'm far from intelligent enough. I'm not eloquent enough. [/b]
I believe you can...if you write something, just have someone proofread it for spelling and grammar mistakes, and be very confident...that will gaurantee you sound more eloquent, trust me! You sound intelligent enough to me on these forums...in fact, you're much more intelligent than many of the people who have written in letters to the editor in regards to my column, and not just because you agree with me...you see, I would respect their views if they were well thought out and logical but they are not. Your views seem honest and sensical, that means something.

If you want, just write something and let me look at it, I'd be happy to help you man. wink smile
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/09/03 06:11 AM

Hey everyone, just writing this to let you know that my current article for the week is now up, and is guaranteed to cause a stir among many students on campus. The article deals with why Governor Gray Davis should be recalled and is a must read. By the way, this week, I encourage you to read the article posted at my site instead of the one posted at the Daily 49er's site only because the latter has some spelling and grammar mistakes that my editors accidentally added! In other words, my original article had no spelling or grammar mistakes but my editors were careless and deleted a few letters and changed some sentences, inadvertently adding some mistakes that weren't there to begin with! Argh, that makes me mad, but oh well. The article can be found at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/GoodRiddanceToGrayDavis.html ) or at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno6-davis.shtml )!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/11/03 12:37 AM

I'm just writing this to let you all know that an article I wrote about the Women's Resource Center at CSULB for a Summer class was printed in today's paper. It won't incite anger, as most of my others do, but you may find it interesting and informative. Read it at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/news/volLIVno7-women.shtml ) or at my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardster...rAtCSULBInFullSwingForFallSemester. html ).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/17/03 02:45 AM

Hello everyone, how are you? Anyway, my article this week deals with how good of an ally Saudi Arabia really is, and if you haven't thought about this yet, you will after reading this. I am very proud of this article, I might add, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, you can find it at either the Daily 49er website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno10-friends.shtml ) or my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/SaudiArabiaFriendOrFoe.html ).
As an added bonus for this week, by the way, there will be not only a Letter To The Editor in tomorrow's Daily 49er, but another feature article by me as well! That's coming tomorrow, so be ready!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/19/03 12:11 AM

Hey everyone, as I said, there would be two items of interest in today's Daily 49er.
First, there is a brief feature story from me regarding an award the SPJ (Society Of Professional Journalists) chapter at CSULB just won. You can find it at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/news/volLIVno11-spj.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/SPJAwardedHighestHonor.html ).
Additionally, there is the FIRST LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE SEMESTER REGARDING A GERRY WACHOVSKY COLUMN, in today's paper in response to my Gray Davis article from last week! The first sentence of the letter really illustrates the brilliance of this person, and she goes on to make ridiculous claims as well (like Arnold Schwarzenegger supposedly raping some girl). Read it at http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno11-whole.shtml .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/22/03 07:23 AM

Hey everyone, there is a letter to the editor in today's Daily 49er in response to my Saudi Arabia article which ran last Tuesday. The girl who wrote it takes a cheap stab at me and tries to be slick about it but fails. In a stunning turn of events, however, she does agree with me, so I have to give her some credit. To read the letter go to http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno13-right.shtml .

In other news, I have massively updated my website. Now, the changes may not be too noticeable at first, but you will soon see that below every article there are now links to all the letters to the editor that said article received. I also added some other pertinent links in there as well. Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/ .

Also, look forward to an article on Tuesday that will undoubtedly piss off a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people, despite the truth it tells. Stay tuned for that on Tuesday. Until then, take care!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/23/03 05:38 AM

Hey everyone, my newest article is up and this one will definitely make some waves. It is about the California high-school student who wants to create a "Caucasian Club" and all the crap she is getting for it from people across the nation. Read it at the Daily 49er's website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno14-racial.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/TheCaucasianClubAndWhyISupportIt.html ).

In other news, I recently met with a girl from the other school newspaper, The Union, and she posted a picture of us on their site. Here is the link for your browsing pleasure: ( http://www1.extanthost.com/~admin4/currentissue/photogallery/2003-09-22/gerry.jpg ).

Until next time.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/23/03 10:25 PM

Great article! I agree with you completely. You're really great at expressing your opinions intelligently. Keep up the great work!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/24/03 12:39 AM

Hey, thanks a lot man, I really appreciate the comments! Have you read most of my articles? Thanks again, I do appreciate it greatly...it means a lot to me.
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/24/03 12:57 AM

Yes, I've read all of your articles with interest. I agree with almost all of what you say (except your article that claims god does not exist wink ). Like I said, great work!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/24/03 08:04 AM

Mr. Baggins - Thanks again for the compliments! Incidentally, that religion one was actually the article I am least proud of, as I didn't include any evidence, something the rest of my articles have and something I pride myself on attaining. Religion, well, doesn't have any evidence, so I probably shouldn't have written about it in the first place. Oh well, it was my second article, and I am proud that I have learned from that mistake!

Everyone - Well people, little old Gerry Wachovsky really is becoming quite the journalist. Today I was sent on assignment with a camera and a pad of paper to do a "Campus Voice" feature, where I asked six students the same question, recorded their answer, and took their picture. Their picture is then put in the paper with their quote underneath, and it serves as a sort of indication on what various people on the campus are thinking about on a certain issue of the day. The question was "Is The October 7th Recall Election Fair?" and I tried to get an equal number of representation from each side (I got 4 yesses and 2 nos). On the webpage of the Daily 49er it only has five, however the actual paper, I imagine, has all six. I guess you'll just have to go to CSULB to pick one up to see the whole feature, huh? Anyway, check out the online version by clicking this link: http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno15-campus.shtml .

See you next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/26/03 01:13 AM

Hey everybody, just wanted to let you all know that there was a letter to the editor in today's Daily 49er in regard to my "Racial Double Standards" article that ran on Tuesday. This chick is totally clueless to the point I was making, which always makes for a good read. Read it at http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno16-uninformed.shtml .

By the way, I erred in a post I made last week. The girl who responded to my Saudi Arabia article was not actually agreeing with me, as I had erroneously perceived. I was really tired and had been updating my website for hours when I read that article and I didn't catch her sarcasm. Anyway, just for the record, she did NOT agree with me in the least bit.

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/30/03 06:18 AM

Hey everybody, my new article is up, and it is a doosy. Allow me to set the stage for today's article: as many of you may or may not know, Tom Leykis is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and he periodically does a segment on his show called "Ask The Atheist," where people call in and ask Tom, the atheist, questions. No, this week's article is not on religion or atheism, but rather, tackles a topic I love to discuss periodically, as Tom likes to periodically do his "Ask The Atheist" segment. I wrote articles about this man last semester and during the summer (which can be found at my website, by the way), and I think the required amount of time has passed since I last critiqued this individual. Yes folks, it is time for another bashing of Michael Moore. Read the article at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno18-war.shtml ) or at my personal site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/MikeyAndMe.html ).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/03/03 09:07 AM

Hey everyone, just writing to let you know that my newest feature article is up, and it was on the front page of the paper! I have been selected to cover the AS Senate meetings every Wednesday and write a report of what transpired...and no, this won't conflict with my opinion column...I still have that to piss people off with! Anyway, to read the article go to the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/news/volLIVno20-senate.shtml ) or my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/SenateReviewsTextInitiative.html ).
Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/07/03 05:55 AM

Hey everyone, my new article is up and it is about the California recall, and who and what to vote for. Some of you may still be undecided and hopefully this will help! Read it at the Daily 49er website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno22-election.shtml ) or at my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/AProcrastinatorsGuideToTheRecallElection.html ).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/09/03 02:55 AM

Hey everyone, just writing this to let you know that I am going to be on a radio show tonight called "Lisa's Honest Show," on KBeach, the campus radio station I got kicked off of! BWAHAHAHA!!!  Anyway, we're going to talk about censorship, among other topics, and I'll be sure to self promote my articles as well.   It should be interesting, to say the least!  At 10:00 PM PST, click the following link to get a streaming audio feed of the show (note: you must have Windows Media Player): http://www.kbeach.org/livelow.asx - then sit back, and listen.   The homepage of KBeach is http://www.kbeach.org , so check it out if you are so inclined.
So remember, 10:00 PM PST, TONIGHT, I will make a guest appearance on the station that canned me!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/09/03 08:22 AM

Hey everyone, it's your pal Gerry again, with yet another update! I now have a official second weekly feature, in addition to my regular Opinion page column: I will be covering the Associated Students, Inc., Senate meetings weekly! And they're on the front page, too! To read this week's A.S. Senate coverage, go to the Daily 49er's website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/news/volLIVno24-senate.shtml ) or my website ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/SenatePassesTransitionPeriod.html ).

Thank you also to Lisa Jablonsky, who was kind enough to allow me to come on her show tonight and discuss issues which ranged from politics to porn, as well as self-promote my Daily 49er columns...now that's a radio show! Thanks, Lisa! To visit her site, go to http://honestlisa.com/ .

Until next time, everyone!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/14/03 06:30 AM

Hey everyone, I hope all is well. Anyway, my new article is up and this one is gonna infuriate many people, I'm sure, but it only speaks the truth, as I always do. Read it at either the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno26-palestine.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/TheImpossibilityOfMiddleEastPeace.html ).

I have also started a picture section on my website. It will feature only pictures I deem worthy of being posted and the first three passed the test with flying colors. See them at http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/PicturesPage1.html .

Until next time, folks, which will be tomorrow, since I'm gonna have a whopping three (3!) articles this week, and like usual, I will let each and every one of you know when they are posted!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/17/03 12:39 AM

Hey people, there is not one, but two (2!) articles in today's Daily 49er by yours truly! The first article is my usual Thursday report on the Senate meeting and the second one is a special article on aerospace engineering jobs for the annual job fair section of the paper.
The Senate meeting article can be found at the Daily 49er\'s site or at my site ; the aerospace engineering article can also be found at the Daily 49er\'s site or at my site .

Until next week!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/17/03 12:56 AM

Gerry, I was quite dissapointed with the aerospace article, I expected the Chinese space race to be included. Surely you have a few opinions on that as do I?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/18/03 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Gerry, I was quite dissapointed with the aerospace article, I expected the Chinese space race to be included. Surely you have a few opinions on that as do I?
Yeah I do, but keep in mind that the aerospace article was mainly dealing with CSULB students and focusing on the local aspect, for the most part. I think the Chinese space race is pretty funny though, seeing as how they are about 30 years late, but I couldn't really write that in my article, since it wasn't an Opinion piece, just a hard news piece. What did you think of my last Opinion article, "The Impossibility Of Middle East Peace"? I'm interested to hear your opinion on it!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/18/03 04:01 PM

I thought it was a very informative article for me. It's opened my eyes to the conflicts out there because it's something I let pass over my head. It's quite frustrating that after all this time no peace arrangement can be come to. Even Northern Ireland and the Real IRA has had relative peace agreements. It's hard for me to have an actual opinion about what's going on out there because I don't know enough about it but on the basis of your argument and the sources you've pointed out it does sound like the Palenstines are out of order.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/18/03 09:26 PM

Turi Giuliano - If you already read this one from last semester, read it again, and if you haven't read it yet, be sure to read it: http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/PalestineAContradictionInItself.html .

That explains a little more about the situation.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/19/03 12:24 AM

'ill have to disagree with you here. rolleyes we learned about this in 7th grade and half the class had to act as israelis and the other have as palestinians in a debate. i think we came to an agreement when the israeli part of the group was ok with the palestinian part of the group having either the west bank or gaza strip so the palestinains could start over again.

so i'll say this:
there was a palestine but then the jews/israelis came and took it over. do i think this is fair? yes. if you don't have a good enough government to hold a country together and make sure no one takes it over, then you don't deserve to have a country. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/19/03 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
i think we came to an agreement when the israeli part of the group was ok with the palestinian part of the group having either the west bank or gaza strip so the palestinains could start over again.
This is what happened in real life, though, and the Palestinians did NOT accept it. That is my whole point, so essentially, you do agree with me.

Originally posted by Patrick:
so i'll say this:
there was a palestine but then the jews/israelis came and took it over.
No, there was never any such country called "Palestine". Show me proof of there being one, since you seem to think there is.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/21/03 07:19 AM

Hey everyone, just writing this to let you know that my article for this week is up and ready for you to read. This week's article deals with the silly grocery store strikers and shows you why their cause is unfounded. As always, read it at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno30-clerk.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/GroceryStoreClerksSufferFromLackOfAmbition.html ).


Oh, and by the way, for those of you who have not yet seen "Kill Bill" go out and do so right now. Read the article later, you must see this film as soon as possible!!! I've already seen it three times and I can't wait to see it more!!! Trust me, it is worth every penny!!!
This has been a public service announcement from Quentin Tarantino and Gerry Wachovsky. That is all.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/24/03 01:23 AM

Hey folks, I'm not feeling too well today so I'm going to keep it short. My new Senate article is up and ready for your perusal at either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

Also, ironically enough, next week will feature an article I wrote about Ramadan, the Muslim holiday. I just thought it was kind of ironic how they chose me to write it, in light of some of my previous articles regarding Arabs. Heh.

Take care everyone!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 07:03 AM

Hello everyone, it seems as if I have really caused a debate in the newsroom. For my article this week, I wrote about the alleged Kobe Bryant rape victim and mentioned her name in the article numerous times. I don't find anything wrong with this, yet the editors did. They base their code of ethics off of the Society of Professional Journalists (ironically, a group I am part of) and while I disagree with them, and the SPJ for that matter, I will respect their decision. I could send it to the other school paper, the Union, but the Daily 49er has done too much for me to warrant me doing that. That being said, the article that the Daily 49er printed contains an opening paragraph that I added saying that it was not my decision to remove the name and I don't agree at all with the editors on this one.
That being said, the edited article can be found at the Daily 49er\'s site , or alternatively, view the unedited piece at my website .
I didn't think there would be any problem with this but when I sent the submission to my editor, I did comment on it that there could be an issue, and while I found it unlikely to occur, I did not rule it out. Anyway, this should provide for some interesting letters to the editor, wouldn't you agree?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:13 PM

i believe kobe did rape her. i am a sixer fan though. wink we can't stand the lakers. alright, this is the main reason i think he did it:
a few days after being accused of sexual assault, kobe told media that he had not had sex with anyone and said, "come on, you guys' know me better then that." but a couple of days later, he suddenly admitted to have committed adultery. what forced him to do this? -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:24 PM

Uh...GUILT? I believe he cheated on his wife, but not rape. I believe this 'nobody' is just looking for money.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:29 PM

i hope the nobody milks him for all he's worth. did you see the tatoo kobe got? he's trying to be a thug now. him and shaq are fighting over leader of the team now when they have 4 starting all stars. (malone, payton, o'neal, bryant) -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:31 PM

Why are you posting this ignorant shit here in a debate thread? This is a trial of RAPE. Not disliking one because of his tattoo or what he is trying to act as. rolleyes
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:42 PM

it's not ignorant. it's opinions. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:48 PM

Yes, it is very ignorant and foolish. Don't sheild it with "opinions". Milk him for all he is worth? That shows your intelligence.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 08:58 PM

lol, i can't believe you're arguing with me in here. it has controversial in the subject for a reason. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 09:00 PM

Exactly, controversial. Not foolish. Milking him for all he is worth is WHAT SHE IS DOING. She wants money. Look at his article, it sums it up pretty well. I never heard of a rape victim bragging about her raper's prick. rolleyes
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 09:54 PM

and i never heard of someone saying they did nothing with a woman and then the next day all they did was have sex. oh, is that it?!? -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 09:56 PM

He didn't want his wife to KNOW. HE THOUGH IT WOULD BLOW OVER TO LACK OF EVIDENCE BUT WHEN HE FOUND OUT IT WOULDN'T, HE CAME CLEAN. Try connecting the dots yourself.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:00 PM

kobe = a rapist. it's plain and simple. his wife was planning on leaving him but he some how changed her mind. my bet would be on that 8 karat purple diamond ring he got her. 8 for his number and purple because it happened on the road. tongue get it? -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:03 PM

You are so ignorant to ignore what was put in Howie's article. I can't wait for him to come on and see your post. SHE IS MILKING HIM. Face it, you just consider him a rapist because you never liked the guy because of him acting like a thug with a goddamn tattoo and compeating against Shaq? Of course you wouldn't admit it, but you are as readable as a book that way, you use your impression on people rather then facts to judge. rolleyes
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:07 PM

um, i've never liked kobe. all i said was he recently got a tatoo because he's trying to be a thug and put a new image around the NBA. he's lost money, money, and soon he'll lose his wife. he's going to have an injury plagued season too. he's definetly out for tonight's home opener. why would Howard be mad? he puts the links here for feedback, that's what we're giving him. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:09 PM

Please direct me to where I said he would be mad.

I have nothing more to say to you. You heard what I said and that's it.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
You are so ignorant to ignore what was put in Howie's article. I can't wait for him to come on and see your post. SHE IS MILKING HIM. Face it, you just consider him a rapist because you never liked the guy because of him acting like a thug with a goddamn tattoo and compeating against Shaq? Of course you wouldn't admit it, but you are as readable as a book that way, you use your impression on people rather then facts to judge. rolleyes
i have the same impression on him as people in Philadelphia do. people boo the hell out of him here when he comes to philly for games. he was born in LOWER MERION! -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:15 PM

Which completely irrelevant to the subject. End of discussion. Dinner time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:16 PM

which completely irrelevant.. confused that doesn't make sense. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:30 PM

YOUR WHOLE COMMENT. WE are not talking about his reputation in other places because of his career, and it doesn't matter where he was born, it doesn't have to mold what he does as a career.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:33 PM

it's going to mold his career. he cried in front of a sold out First Union Center on national tv! -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:35 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? This is have anything to do with the rape charge?
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:36 PM

ugh! haven't you read my posts?!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:38 PM

Yes, all vague and senseless.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:41 PM

we'll see what howard thinks.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:44 PM

I can already predict it.

people boo the hell out of him here when he comes to philly for games. he was born in LOWER MERION!
That statement was completely irrelevant to the subject
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:46 PM

the subject was changed. you think i care if he beats the hell out of my posts? he's already what i want to be, a writer. hopefully he'll give me some tips. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:47 PM

THE SUBJECT WAS CHANGED? NEVER. You don't just spawn a differ post in a debate and spin it around! The subject is the rape charge, not what some assholes think of him because of where he was born or what team he was on! GROW UP.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:51 PM

grow up? don't you follow basketball? how can you tell me to grow up when i'm talking about this year and last year's season? i love basketball and will follow it from now until june. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:53 PM

BUT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THAT?! NO! There is a thread for that, go post this shit THERE, not in a debate about the rape case.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:57 PM

you need to calm down. you get worked up over little things. here's my two cents which i said hours ago:
if kobe would've come clean right away and said, "yeh, i had sex with another woman."--we wouldn't be hear right now because he wouldn't of been convicted. what do you think the eagle county sheriff's office said when they found out he finally admitted to having sex afrer denying it? -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 10:59 PM

If you realise he did not want his wife to find out, then it makes sense why he would have denied it first.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 11:00 PM

if he was such a good guy like everyone says he is, he would've told her right away. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 11:04 PM

The average man wouldn't want his wife to find out, I think that is one of the main things that happens in adultery. Common sense.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 11:07 PM

but a "good" man who is "sorry" for committing it would tell her. -Pat
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/03 11:08 PM

Not always. Sometimes, "sorry" doesn't cut it for wives.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/29/03 12:28 AM

an 8 karat diamond ring did the job. tongue -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/29/03 02:39 AM

Patrick - I think we need to get something straight here: this is not about whether or not you like or dislike the Lakers...you can hate them all you want, but that has absolutely no point in this argument.
Secondly, you continuously say that him not admitting his adultery from the get-go somehow proves something, well, it does not. Because Kobe didn't admit that he banged this chick at the start of the whole ordeal is hardly damning...in fact, it doesn't prove anything whatsoever.
On another issue, how can you ignore all of the facts and evidence I spoke of? I think the facts speak for themselves - it is clear that Kobe did not rape this girl. Either way, however, that is up to the jury to decide (that is, if the case even goes that far, which I hope it will not).
And if you need advice on writing, just ask me, I'll be happy to help.

Don Vercetti - We agree on yet another issue! Wow! Thanks for the support, bud. wink
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/29/03 03:14 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Either way, however, that is up to the jury to decide (that is, if the case even goes that far, which I hope it will not).
i think the next court hearing is on the 12th or 16th. confused correct me if i'm wrong. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/30/03 03:02 AM

Originally it was set for November 10th, but they delayed it three days to November 13th. That marks the beginning of the real trial, unless there is a plea bargain or something.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/30/03 03:52 AM

Well folks, my article on Ramadan was printed today, and I know it is strange to have me report on that, what with my history of Opinion page articles and all. Either way, I was sent into the lion's den and reported on it objectively, listened to what they had to say, and even learned a little bit more about Islam.
Read the article at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website.

Oh, and one more thing: my A.S. Senate article for this week will be in Monday's paper, not tomorrow's. I actually didn't even have to report on it today because there wasn't enough space in the paper for tomorrow but I didn't get the message on time, so I'm going to write it for Monday.

Until next week!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/31/03 02:07 AM

ok, now kobe said 2 days before the 1st game of the season that his knee was feeling better and he was going to play opening night; however, kobe didn't play. he didn't even join his team until the 3rd quarter. do you think he's really hurt or is he nervous about the trial? -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/31/03 11:47 PM

Dude, I'm sorry, but I see no connection...I think you're just looking for things to attack Kobe on but because you don't really have anything, you come up with these weak arguments. I recommend doing some more research, quite frankly.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/01/03 12:34 AM

i wasn't trying to argue. ohwell i was asking you if you think kobe didn't play because he's nervous about the trial or if he's really hurt. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/02/03 12:52 AM

Considering that the whole reason he was in Colorado to begin with was because of his leg getting fixed up, I would say that that is quite a legit answer. His leg probably got fucked up again or something. I seriously doubt he's "afraid" of the trial.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/03/03 10:04 AM

Hey everyone, this is going to be a busy week. My Senate article, which normally would have been in the Daily 49er last Thursday is in today's issue. In addition, I have my usual opinion piece this week, as well as another Senate article on Thursday.
Anyway, to read the article on the Armenian genocide and what it has to do with the CSULB Senate, either go to the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

My opinion piece this Tuesday, by the way, is one of my best to date, so expect to see that waiting on this message board soon! Don't miss it!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/04/03 09:34 AM

Hey everyone, my Opinion page piece for the week is up and it deals with why General Wesley Clark should NOT be voted in as our next president in 2004. I think this is one of my best articles to date! Read the article at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website !

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/05/03 08:22 PM

Hey everyone, just writing to tell you to be sure to listen to me on K-Beach on "Lisa's Honest Show" tonight from 10:00pm-12:00am PST!!! To tune in, simply go to http://www.kbeach.org and click the link that says "Listen Now"! Additionally, my friend Scott will be coming on, so it is sure to be a laugh-bang riot. Don't forget!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/07/03 01:51 AM

Hey everyone, my new Senate article is up, and it focuses on a group of students from the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center that went and spoke to the Senate yesterday. It can be found on the Daily 49er\'s site and my site .

Until next week!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/07/03 03:12 AM

Alright, I don't understand why gays, bisexuals, and transvestites are always looking for support from a certain society. Every time I see them on TV or read about them in the newspaper, it's either because they're critiizing someone or a group, or because they feel that they need more support from the public for being gay. If they want to be gay or anything else, let it be. They don't need to tell straight people how to treat them. We don't tell them how to treat us. I don't think smashing up Eminem CD's or getting support from the Senate is going to make a difference on how people look at them. Some of us have no problems with gays, while some of us do. I think it all depends on who you are. For me, if I know a guy who's gay but still acts like he's a regular guy and doesn't wear a tube top or talk like a girl, then I'm fine with that. But when it gets to the point where a gay tries to make a move on yourself (and your straight) or when a transvestite looks at you strangely, it gives you a nervous feeling. -Pat
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/07/03 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:
But when it gets to the point where a gay tries to make a move on yourself (and your straight) or when a transvestite looks at you strangely, it gives you a nervous feeling. -Pat
Does that happen often? Maybe you're giving the wrong signals. Or hanging around the wrong places.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/07/03 08:12 PM

i don't know if that was supposed to be a smart comment or not, but no it doesn't. but i've known straight people who have had gay people do that to them. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/07/03 08:47 PM

Patrick - The reason an LGBT group exists is because society makes them feel weird to be different from everyone else. I don't have any ill will toward gays, and sometimes I do think they go to far (like the Eminem CD fiasco), but you have to see where they are coming from. Also, the reason us straight people aren't telling them how to treat us is because we don't get discriminated against! When was the last time you heard about a straight hate crime?

Turi Giuliano - Yeah, I think he is giving wrong signals! lol
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/08/03 07:37 PM

Nice article HSiG.

Originally posted by Patrick:
i don't know if that was supposed to be a smart comment or not, but no it doesn't. but i've known straight people who have had gay people do that to them. -Pat
Patrick, I am sure it is annoying to you that someone else is demanding their "rights" all the time. But simply NOT getting rights is likely even more frustrating to them. They want to be granted the SAME rights as everyone else. Not DIFFERENT ones. Not SPECIAL ones.

Have I been hit on by a lesbian? LOTS of times. I've been hit on my pimply-faced adolescents and old icky letches too. Should I hate all males for it? Am I hot stuff? No. Simply, there are people in all walks of life that will hit on someone else be they gay or straight. As long as you are comfortable with your own sexual orientation I do not see how this would threaten you. "No thanks" and move on.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/10/03 07:45 AM

First up, I have a second article in today's paper about last week's Senate meeting. It was just so jam-packed with content, I had to write two articles about it! To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

Secondly, there is a LETTER TO THE EDITOR regarding last week's Wesley Clarke critique. Read what this guy has to say, you'll die laughing after the first paragraph's ass-kissing of Wesley Clarke. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s site .

Until my next Opinion article on Tuesday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/11/03 09:27 AM

Hey folks, just writing this to let you all know that my Opinion piece for the week is up. This one deals with everyone's favorite year-2000 presidential election loser, Al Gore. I'm confident you guys will like this one!
Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/13/03 05:50 AM

Hey everyone, just writing to let you know that my new Senate article is up...the Senate finally voted on the Armenian genocide resolution. Read the coverage either at the Daily 49er\'s site or at my site .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/18/03 07:18 AM

Hey everyone, today's column deals with a man many of you have probably never heard of, but he will make your blood boil once you read about him. This is an article not to be missed! Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/19/03 12:18 AM

What a jackass. mad This is almost as bad as that picture we had on here a few months ago of someone holding a U.S.A. flag up with anti-american slogans on it. I wish there was a way people like this could be kicked out of the country or jailed. This guy, in my eyes, is a traitor. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/19/03 08:06 AM

I sure as hell would not want him fighting next to me in a war!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/20/03 07:30 AM

Hey everyone, my new Associated Students Senate artice is up! To read it go to either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/24/03 06:53 AM

Hey everyone, this is a great start to the week! There are not only two letters to the editor about my last article on David Rovics but also a mention of me in a separate letter! This is what I live for ladies and gentlemen, as you know. To read the letters go to the Daily 49er\'s website (note: the first two letters are rebuttals to last week's article on David Rovics and the last letter "Different Strokes" makes a quick mention of yours truly).
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/25/03 06:36 AM

Hey everyone, my article for the week is up and it is guaranteed to make you laugh! It is about Michael Jackson and his bizarre lifestyle, but more specifically, the bizarro-freaks that support him! To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site . What is funny is that the Daily 49er did not want to print Kobe Bryant's alleged accuser, Katelyn Faber, yet they had no problem printing Michael Jackson's alleged accuser, Gavin Arvizo...maybe it was because that special was seen by an approximate 27-million people? Eh, that still doesn't dispute the fact that Faber's name is in the public domain and is readily available, but oh well.
Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/02/03 05:50 AM

Hey everyone, I hope your Thanksgiving was great! Anyway, my Opinion page column for the week is up and it is a funny one. It deals with celebrities and their often humorous and ridiculous poltical opinions...this kind of stuff is always great fodder for my articles. To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

Until Thursday's Senate article!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/02/03 04:52 PM

Only one problem with it, why did you leave out your arch enemy Michael Moore? wink
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/03/03 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Only one problem with it, why did you leave out your arch enemy Michael Moore? wink
Mainly because I've already devoted numerous articles to the slime that is Michael Moore and it goes without saying that I can't stand the fat fuck. wink
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/04/03 08:56 AM

Hey everyone, just letting you all know that my Senate article for the week is up. One of the professors mentioned in the article might not be too happy about what I said about him but hey, he was the one who said it, and when you speak in a governmental forum, nothing is off the record. You'll see what I mean when you read it at either the Daily 49er\'s site or at my site .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/09/03 06:51 AM

Well folks, that time has come again, and it has happened so fast it hard to believe it is here. This is the last normal week for the Daily 49er, as finals are next week, so I felt it appropriate to write my obligatory "end-of-the-semester-thank-you-list". I thank all of you for putting up with my weekly (sometime daily) posts, and it means a lot to me that so many of you read them and then click the links to read the articles. I still have an article or two left this semester, with the Senate meeting and all, but the Opinion page articles are what the people really like. Thanks again for reading them and I can't wait to do it again next semester! And keep your eyes peeled on this article, since you just might have been thanked personally in it!
Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s site or at my site .

Until Thursday's Senate article!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/11/03 08:25 AM

Hey everyone, no Senate article for today (the Daily 49er gave me the day off), but there will be a small article by me in Monday's paper. I will, as usual, send out an email then!

Until Monday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/16/03 01:33 AM

Hey everyone, the final Daily 49er for the semester has a short article in it by me, and it regards the budget cuts many UC- and CSU- schools will face. For some reason, the Daily 49er website didn't upload it, so you can see it at my website .

Thanks again for reading all my columns this semester, I appreciate it and it means a lot to me! Until next semester, folks! Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all and to all a good winter vacation!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/27/04 05:16 AM

Hey everyone, school has started again which means that you will start receiving my weekly/bi-weekly/sometimes daily emails to flood your email box again...lucky you!

My first two articles of the semester are up and can be found at my website and the Daily 49er's website (well, sort of). It seems that there was a miscommunication and my first Opinion page article was in the paper on January 21, when nobody was back at school yet! I'm still trying to figure out why, exactly, a paper was printed then, but nobody seemed to know. My editor then called me today asking where a new article and I thought they hadn't printed that one yet! Therefore, I did not turn in an article this week, so on Wednesday you will be treated to an article from the Gerry Wachovsky vault that got printed in Summer of 2003 but went unnoticed.

That being said, my newest Opinion page article is only available on my website...it was never posted on the Daily 49er's website. To read it go to my website .
Also, you can read my first Senate article at either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/27/04 02:52 PM

Welcome back and happy new year mate. I keep getting page cannot be found for your opinion page article Gerry
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/28/04 01:47 AM

Turi Giuliano - Are you still getting the error? It shouldn't be having any errors... mad
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/29/04 03:46 AM

Hey everyone, there is a new article up on my website and the Daily 49er's website about a new scholarship program that I reported on. To read it go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .

Many of you know that I work at 97.1 FM KLSX Los Angeles as a board-op/telephone screener, and a lot of you probably wonder exactly what it is I do there. Well, back on January 1st, 2004, I ran a fill-in show hosted by a coworker named Pat Mellon. For one hour of the three hour show he interviewed a man named Darrell Fusaro that has a one-man play entitled "The Basement", which is based on the Mafia (so of course I loved it, as the Mafia is my forte). Click on the link to Fusaro's site here and you can not only see a picture of me at work that day, but you can also hear that hour of the show! All the music clips, sound effects, fade-ins/fade-outs, etc., is what I do when I say I "ran a show". Listen to the hour (it's actually about 41 minutes, because I removed the commercials when editing the clip) and enjoy...it was a very interesting show that night. Note: It may be slower for 56k users to listen to the clip, so bear with it.

By the way, there will be no Senate article tomorrow since I was sick today and couldn't make it. Another reporter, however, was sent to report on it, so if you want to read it you can see his article at the Daily 49er\'s website tomorrow.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/04 03:10 AM

Hey everybody, as I mentioned earlier this week I didn't turn in a new article for this week since I thought the Paul O'Neill one was supposed to be for this week. Anyway, I pulled some strings and got them to run an article from the Gerry Wachovsky Archive. This article was printed last summer but nobody read it, mainly because nobody reads the summer paper. I think this particular summer article was online only, so that didn't help matters. It's a funny article and I hope you all enjoy it!
To read it go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/04 03:17 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Hey everybody, as I mentioned earlier this week I didn't turn in a new article for this week since I thought the Paul O'Neill one was supposed to be for this week. Anyway, I pulled some strings and got them to run an article from the Gerry Wachovsky Archive. This article was printed last summer but nobody read it, mainly because nobody reads the summer paper. I think this particular summer article was online only, so that didn't help matters. It's a funny article and I hope you all enjoy it!
To read it go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .
Better hope Geoff doesn't see this... wink grin
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/04 01:22 PM

Everything is working fine now. I think it must have been my comp playing up. I remember that article from last year. Didn't we give you some stick for not mentioning this place?
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/31/04 03:09 AM

Yeah, I think a couple of you said that I forgot one website...this one! I wish I would have thought about it, I could have added it in...fuck...I'm planning on giving you guys (and another board I visit) a shout-out at the end of the semester when I thank everyone for reading my articles...seriously, I really appreciate all of your comments and criticisms, and keep them coming...I will mention this place at the end of this semester, I promise!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/04/04 03:48 AM

Hey everyone, just writing to let you know my new article will most likely be in Thursday's Daily 49er, as the paper has only been like four-pages this week...I hate when it gets like this and they start delaying stories, but I don't think this will continually happen. As always, you'll be the first to know when the new article is posted!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/05/04 08:58 AM

Hey everyone, it's a Thursday Gerry Wachovsky double whammy! Today you are treated to not only a brand-new Opinion page article but also a Senate article! The opinion piece is a very good one and I think you'll like it, while the Senate piece is informative as always.
To read the opinion piece go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .
To read the Senate article go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next week!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/05/04 11:52 AM

I'm sitting on the fence with your last opinion article. Whilst I agree, I can see why people would not want to be subjected to viewing it. Personally i'm desensitised to such happenings now because of what you can find on the internet. but for some people it could be a little too much.

I was actually expecting a Janet Jackson article. It seems to be big news in the US. I don't see the big deal really. You see more nudity in our tabloid newspapers here.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/06/04 01:27 AM

Turi Giuliano - As always, I love to see your comments on my articles. Essentially, you did agree with me, just not on the idea that these videos should be shown on television news shows and such. You would agree that it is important to see reality as it really is though, right?

About the Janet Jackson issue, I agree, there is a hang-up here with nudity, but then again, your country isn't without hang-ups either...I mean, you guys can show nudity on television, but you still can't publicly say anything bad about the queen or the royal family, you know? Maybe my next article will be about Jackson's stunt but I don't know...thanks again though, buddy! wink
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/07/04 03:22 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Turi Giuliano - As always, I love to see your comments on my articles. Essentially, you did agree with me, just not on the idea that these videos should be shown on television news shows and such. You would agree that it is important to see reality as it really is though, right?

About the Janet Jackson issue, I agree, there is a hang-up here with nudity, but then again, your country isn't without hang-ups either...I mean, you guys can show nudity on television, but you still can't publicly say anything bad about the queen or the royal family, you know? Maybe my next article will be about Jackson's stunt but I don't know...thanks again though, buddy! wink
Yeah I agree people do need to see it just for awareness that people are in danger everyday due to terrorists. But it is still a point that I am undecided on so far.

You know it's actually illigal here to destroy anything with the queens head on it, including stamps etc. But fortunately we are allowed to commentate on the Queen and the Royals, maybe not a few hundred years ago though. It's only right that we can criticise them, especially with the Duke of Edinburgh the Queens husband regularly offending people. With such stupid remarks such as when he visited a group of exchange students in China, he jokenly told them not to hang around there too long or they'll become "slitty eyed". You just cannot say that. Personally I am all for the abolishment of the Monarchy.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/04 06:48 AM

Yeah, but you can't say anything bad about the queen or the royal family publicly through radio, television, or some form of communication where many people will hear it...am I right?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/09/04 06:38 PM

You certainly can I've seen numerous radio, tv programs and newspaper articles debating for and against the Royals. And since Princess Di's tragic death ther has been more support for a republic nation more than ever. As long as what is said isn't slanderous, there is nothing they can do about it. But I can see where you're coming from expecially with the latest Charles scandel that emerged last year and British papers were banned from publishing the alleged allegations due to an injunction. Something which quite a few celebs get away with each year. It isn't as if just because it is the Royals it is illigal to print.

The Monarchy has little power nowadays and only work on an ambassador for England and charity levels. To tell the truth they are an embarressment of inbred idiots out of touch with todays society. I am a full hearted anti-monarchist and all for a republic but I fear it will never happen. Because the Royals have little influence over us there is no immidiate need to abolish the Monarchy. They are hardly noticed. Check out these sites if you're interested further. You can find plenty more.



It's bad enough we have to put up with it, but it's the other commonwealth countries I feel sorry for. See what Canada have to say about it. http://www.monarchyfreecanada.org/
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/12/04 08:39 AM

Hey everyone, there is good news and bad news for this week. First the good news: there are two articles by me in the paper this week, as well as two incendiary and hilarious letters to the editor about me (one directly in response to an article I wrote and the other takes several cheap shots at me). The bad news: the paper is running low on money so it has had less pages recently, forcing them to hold off on my opinion article for this week. That means that next week there will probably be two opinion articles, the one that was supposed to be this week, and the one for next week. Maybe I'll post the one that was supposed to be printed this week sooner, since there is no school on Monday and the soonest my opinion piece will be up is on Tuesday. I'll let you know if that happens. Anyway, here are the links for this week:
1. My article on Black History Month can be found at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
2. My article on the Senate meeting this week can be found at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
3. The two GREAT, MUST-READ letters to the editor can both be found on the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next week!
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/12/04 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
You certainly can I've seen numerous radio, tv programs and newspaper articles debating for and against the Royals. And since Princess Di's tragic death ther has been more support for a republic nation more than ever. As long as what is said isn't slanderous, there is nothing they can do about it. But I can see where you're coming from expecially with the latest Charles scandel that emerged last year and British papers were banned from publishing the alleged allegations due to an injunction. Something which quite a few celebs get away with each year. It isn't as if just because it is the Royals it is illigal to print.

The Monarchy has little power nowadays and only work on an ambassador for England and charity levels. To tell the truth they are an embarressment of inbred idiots out of touch with todays society. I am a full hearted anti-monarchist and all for a republic but I fear it will never happen. Because the Royals have little influence over us there is no immidiate need to abolish the Monarchy. They are hardly noticed. Check out these sites if you're interested further. You can find plenty more.



It's bad enough we have to put up with it, but it's the other commonwealth countries I feel sorry for. See what Canada have to say about it. http://www.monarchyfreecanada.org/
Did anybody ever come up with a cost for maintaining the monarchy? It must be a huge amount. Maybe they should rent out rooms at Buckingham Palace to cover the cost!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/12/04 03:05 PM

I'd hate to imagine it Don Marco, it would be a sum past my understanding. But monetary issues are not my main concern with the Monarchy. Although it does piss me off that the Queen only started paying tax in the early 90’s. Then there’s the inheritance tax of £20m when her mother died, which the Queen managed to have quashed. For someone with an estimated £1.5billion fortune I find that a bit tight. A lot of this is wealth in the form of treasures that belong to the people of this nation. Surely this money could be better spent elsewhere?

The honour system is also a joke. With knighthoods, Commander, Order and Member of the British Empire. It just simply promotes colonialism through an empire that doesn’t even exist anymore. I admire anyone who turns them down.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/18/04 04:02 AM

Hey everyone, just writing to let you all know that my new Opinion page article is finally up after two weeks...despite the wait though, I think you'll all agree it was worth it after reading it!
To read it go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/20/04 04:59 AM

Hey folks, just writing to let you know that my new Senate article is up, and it is another exhilirating ride through the world of student government! It is not to be missed!
Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

By the way, next week will be choc-full-o'-articles by yours truly (there will be four total), and as always, I'll keep you posted.

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/25/04 02:45 AM

Hey everyone, there have been a whopping three articles by me in the Daily 49er since Monday, so I think it is time to make another posting!
The first of the articles deals with a student rally that I covered at California State University, Dominguez Hills. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site (note: something messed up when the Daily 49er posted my article on their site, so it's incomplete...to see the whole thing, read it at my site at the link above).
The second article is my OPINION article for this week, which deals with the lunacy of religion! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .
The third article is about the upcoming student government elections here at school and can be found at either the Daily 49er\'s site or my site .

Until the Senate article later this week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/27/04 03:20 AM

Hey everybody, it's Gerry here to tell you that the paper today included not only a Senate article by me but also a Letter To The Editor in the form of a separate Opinion piece in rebuttal to my last Opinion article about religion!
The Senate article can be found on either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
The Letter To The Editor/article/rebuttal can be found at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Have a great weekend!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/04/04 08:50 AM

Hey everyone, I proudly present to you my four latest articles: there is one investigative piece that actually ran yesterday, one opinion piece, one entertainment piece, and one Senate piece...in other words, there is something for everybody! My opinion piece is probably one of if not the best one I've ever written so be sure to read that! Also, my first investigative piece is pretty interesting as well. The entertainment piece is about the NEW SEASON OF "THE SOPRANOS", so that was a blast to write since you know how much I love mafia/mob stuff. Finally, the Senate piece is about the Senate chambers being dedicated to a campus figure. Here are the links:

To read the investigative piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read my opinion piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the entertainment piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the Senate piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Thanks, and until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/07/04 08:26 AM

Hmmm, I thought you guys would especially like that Sopranos piece, but so far no replies... confused ...
Posted By: plawrence

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/07/04 05:22 PM

I guess you heard Howard's recent rant on his radio show. He's 100% correct, of course.

He's a "beware of the slippery slope" guy, just like me.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/07/04 05:34 PM

reason: it is no different they any other piece we have read about the new season. In fact is is almost a dead copy of several I have read these past few weeks Nothing new added that we already didn't know.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/07/04 05:38 PM

Originally posted by plawrence:
I guess you heard Howard's recent rant on his radio show. He's 100% correct, of course.

He's a "beware of the slippery slope" guy, just like me.
Gee Pee-Lawrence you are using that Slippery Slope line more and more the last few weeks! grin

Maybe it is time you let the little fella slip out of that mighty grip of yours and put the old oil away for awhile! lol

Try the new pill on the market, Rumor has it that it will really put some punch in the old organ once again.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/08/04 10:49 AM

fathersson - What other articles did it sound exactly like? Are you trying to say that I plagiarized it?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/08/04 01:00 PM

No, don't be silly or so defensive. Every thing that I have read or should I say that was written before the show aired last night had the same information. What was that? Only the facts that ths shows creator wanted to let out. Who was coming on the show and what plot lines that they were willing to let out. So really what I am saying is that everyone has written about the same things over and over again. No big scoops as the show is very tight and controling in what they let out.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/09/04 02:34 AM

Thank you for the clarification, fathersson.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/09/04 06:59 AM

Hey everyone, finally my opinion column is back on Tuesday! In addition, today you are treated to a news piece on the CSULB All-Girl Cheer Team winning the national championship!

To read the opinion piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the cheerleading piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until the Senate piece on Thursday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/10/04 06:54 AM

Hey everyone, some moron sent a letter to the editor regarding my article in support of Howard Stern's cancellation from six Clear Channel radio stations. He basically tries to say that I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to radio, which is preposterous seeing as how I have more experience in radio than him...this I'm sure of. You might need to read it a few times just to understand what the hell he's talking about since his sentences are so convoluted.
Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website (it's the second letter on the page...just scroll down to see it...it's called "An Economics Lesson"...).
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/10/04 07:07 AM

Good Lord, you're right HSIG... That letter to the editor was downright unreadable. I think you guys should be allowed to make comments "Maxim-style" to letters like that. lol

That guy sounded like he just finished his Econ 201 problem set and wanted to show how smart he was. rolleyes
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/10/04 09:02 PM

Yeah, I wish we could comment on letters sometimes, especially with this priceless one...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/11/04 05:33 AM

Hey everyone, normally the Senate meetings are a snooze-fest but the meeting on today was a full-blown culture war. The Armenian and Turkish students are at each others' throats again, but this time the Turkish students are claiming that the Armenian genocide never occurred. This is like saying the Holocaust never happened, but I guess the Turkish students have their reasons. Either way, it is a great read.
Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/19/04 09:18 AM

Hey everyone, lately I've been very busy with school and work, and thus I have not had time to update my website. Never fret, however, because the email is here and the website is finally updated!
This week featured three articles by me in the Daily 49er: one regarding CSULB's changing tuition payment options; a fascinating opinion column which answers the age-old-question of "Which candidate is better: George Bush or John Kerry?"; and the usual Senate story, which this time has them opposing Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts.
To read the tuition story, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the opinion column for this week, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the Senate story, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/04 03:44 AM

Hey everyone, today you are treated to not only a Senate article but a great opinion piece...the Senate article deals with a possible new campus recreation center, and the opinion piece has to do with the fact that media in this country is getting dumbed down to keep children uncorrupted. Please.
Anyway, read the Senate piece at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Read the opinion piece at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/26/04 04:04 AM

Check out this thread. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/29/04 10:02 AM

I'm not so sure what, exactly, you want me to say about that thread, Patrick... confused ...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/31/04 07:32 AM

Hey everyone, have I got a great update for you. This week, the Long Beach Union, the other campus newspaper, satirized the Daily 49er in their yearly "Daily 69er" spoof. Well, somebody did some digging on me, because they wrote a mock article in my style and signed it "Gary Wiznuski", and THEY USED A PICTURE OF ME FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AS THE COLUMNIST PHOTO!!!!!!!!! Me, and everyone else at the newsroom found this to be hilarious. They also talked about me again in another section of their spoof, "News In Few", based off of our "News In A Few" section, and said that I was in class and went to the bathroom in my pants. While that wasn't as funny, it was still flattering to have two satirical features dedicated to me...after all, imitation is the finest form of flattery.
To read that mock article by "Gary Wiznuski" and see the photo, go to the Long Beach Union\'s website (the other mock feature they did about me going to the bathroom in class is not on their website...maybe that's a good thing...). The "Gary Wiznuski" article is funny, but people who read my columns know the real Wachovsky has no problem with gay marriage like Wiznuski does...anyway, read it, it is hysterical!

In other news, there is an article in today's Daily 49er by me involving the decision many students have made to not attend school on Thursday because we are off Wednesday for Cesar Chavez Day and all next week for Spring Break.
Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

On Thursday there will be a great opinion column by me about a terrorist scumbag who was just eliminated from existence and then I am off for a week. There will also be no Senate piece this week or next (I can hear all of you breathe a sigh of relief from that one...fewer junk posts!).

Until Thursday with the opinion piece!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/31/04 08:17 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
I'm not so sure what, exactly, you want me to say about that thread, Patrick... confused ...
It's about how media and gov't are coming together to try and make things better for kids. They're fucking everything we like up. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/02/04 04:11 AM

Hey now! Just writing to let you know that my newest opinion piece is in today's issue of the Daily 49er and covers why Israel was justified in killing Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin...this article will surely cause some angry terrorist apologists to write letters to the editor, which always provide for great reading material.
In addition, I was quoted in an article by Jaime Rowe about KKJZ (CSULB's jazz station) laying off its entire news department...the news director is my teacher, so I provided her with some comments about the issue.

To read my opinion piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read Jamie Rowe's piece and see my quote (even though she spelled my name wrong...I don't see how that is possible when my articles are in the paper practically every day...) go to the Daily 49er\'s website .

Now, I bid you adieu for a week while I enjoy my Spring Break and you suckers have to go to work and/or school. BWAHAHAHA!

Seriously, see you in a week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/14/04 04:18 AM

Hey everyone, Spring Break is officially over and I'm back to the daily grind, so I'll get right to business.
In today's Daily 49er there is an article by me about a new master's program the university has started with Boeing, the airplane company, as well as a two letters to the editor regarding my last opinion column about Israel assassinating the Hamas spiritual leader. The first letter has what seems to be a subtle statement that an anti-Semite would say, see if you can find it; the second letter is from some Arab guy who thinks I am closed-minded...me, closed-minded?
To read the master's piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read today's letter to the editor, go to the Daily 49er\'s website .
To read tomorrow's letter to the editor, go to the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until Thursday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/15/04 05:52 AM

Hey everyone, in tomorrow's Daily 49er there will be a Senate article, but apparently there was no room to print the opinion article I turned in this week. I am bummed, but he will definitely run it on Monday or Tuesday of next week. The Senate article has various issues the Senate covered today and it is a great read, as usual (yeah, right)...whether you read it or don't, please look at the title, it is hilarious in a "Well, DUH!" kind of way.
To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week...
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/20/04 12:51 AM

Well folks, I told you the article that there was no room for last week would be in either Monday or Tuesday's Daily 49er. Today's piece is about why the punk rock world is not quite true to its roots, as evidenced by a recent event of one so-called "punk" censoring another. It is an interesting read, to say the least, plus, last time I wrote about punk, angry letters to the editor poured in and I got email out the wazoo.
To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until Thursday's senate piece and a SECOND Opinion page piece...
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/21/04 12:00 PM

Great article, something I can relate too. Propaghandi are a great group so hats off to them for not selling out. I do think it's important when people get involved in politics, but I hate the entertainment culture abusing their position like Fat Mike has done here.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/23/04 02:02 AM

Hey everyone, today you are treated to a brand spankin' new Senate article by me. Sorry, but no second opinion piece for this week like I promised. Apparently, one writer can't have two opinion pieces printed in the paper in the same week, so the extra one I turned in will get printed either Monday or Tuesday. It is a very good one, and I will update you when it becomes available. In the meantime, read the Senate piece, which deals with 5,200 butts, as well as a bunch of gay people.
To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/27/04 02:36 AM

Hey everyone, today's opinion piece is about a subject near-and-dear to my heart: radio. Specifically, it is about why Air America, the liberal radio network that has already run into financial problems, will fail miserably. According to my editor, it is one of my best articles, so that must mean something.
To read it, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website (for the slightly shorter one) or my website (for the longer, unabridged version).

Until Wednesday, which will feature a tuition article by me, and Thursday's Senate article.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/29/04 06:06 AM

Hey all, just writing to let you know of two articles that are in the paper that I wrote this week. The first article deals with a rally that took place in Los Angeles to battle the budget cuts to the CSU-system; the second is my usual Senate piece. At the Senate meeting today, I was given a standing ovation, prompted by the Dean Of Students...he thanked me for reporting on the Senate week after week in a fair and balanced manner. I was actually pretty stunned but it was nice to be recognized. Anyway, there's also a picture on the paper's website along with the Senate article of the Senate itself. Now you can see who comprises the group I write about each week! Lucky you!
To read the budget piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the Senate piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: Mr. Baggins

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/29/04 10:53 PM

Nice articles, the one on Air America was very good reading.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/30/04 01:15 AM

Hey thanks a lot man, I appreciate it!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/04/04 04:20 AM

Hey everyone, there is a new opinion piece by me in the May 4, 2004, issue of the Daily 49er. It deals with a common tactic used by liberals to defame, namely, President Bush, and why I don't think it promotes fair discussion in politics.
To read it go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

There will be a new article in Wednesday's paper, as well as the Senate article on Thursday, but I am just going to post on Thursday providing you with the links to both articles, just to streamline things.

That being said, until Thursday!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/06/04 04:11 AM

Hey everyone, today you are treated to two articles by me, aren't you lucky! The first article, which was in Wednesday's paper, deals with the changing University 100 curriculum, a class everyone must take. The second article is my normal Senate article, but this was an especially fun one to do. Remember how KBeach Radio screwed me over? Well now they're getting screwed by the University Bookstore and I couldn't be happier. The article is fair and balanced, as usual, but I just thought I would relay my feelings on the situation to you.
To read the University 100 article, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the Senate article, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/14/04 06:12 AM

Hey everyone, it has been a hectic week, so I have decided to send out one large email with all the updates.
Wednesday's paper featured a new opinion piece from me on when and where the next September 11th will occur. There is quite a bit of information in it and some of it may shock and/or amaze you, but it will definitely open your eyes, if they aren't open already.
In addition, there was a letter to the editor in Monday's paper from the same guy that always responds to my articles, Wolf Thiele. This guy, no matter how liberal or conservative the article I write is, always finds something to disagree about. This time, he refutes my article about liberals' smear tactics against President Bush. Read it, if you so desire.
Also, today's paper had the final Senate article of the semester...it is a good read and wraps up what a great year the Senate had.

To read the opinion piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the letter to the editor go to the Daily 49er\'s website .
To read the Senate article go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until Monday, which marks the final regular paper of the semester, and my last opinion article of the year...it is a powerful ending to a great semester, and I'll notify you as soon as that article is out on Monday.

Have a great weekend.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/19/04 11:42 PM

Hey everyone, that time has come again...that's right, it's the end of the semester, and even though I'll be writing for the Summer 49er, it's not quite the same as the daily publication. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my stuff week after week, it honestly means a lot to me!
That being said, there is only one paper this week, due to finals, and it features two articles from me.
The first article is my opinion piece, and I think it is one of my most powerful opinion pieces ever. I was going to do a lighthearted joke article at first, but in light of Nick Berg's beheading in Iraq by terrorists, I felt I had to comment on that.
The second article is an entertainment piece I did where I tried to define what, exactly, "emo" (a musical genre which is short for 'emotional') is. It is a funny article and I know you will have a good laugh or two reading it.

To read the opinion piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the entertainment piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Again, thanks to all of you who took the time to read my weekly (sometimes daily) posts, it means more to me than you can imagine. As always, as soon as my first article hits the Summer 49er's pages, you'll be the first to know!

Have a great summer!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/28/04 03:15 AM

Hey everybody, before the Summer 49er antics officially begin, you can read one more article by me in the graduation issue of the Daily 49er. This article is recognizing California State University, Long Beach's, president, Dr. Robert C. Maxson, on receiving a certain award, now for the fourth time in a row.
Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/21/04 05:25 AM

Hey everyone, it has been a busy summer, which would explain my lack of emails, and a busy school year thus far, as I am now the Diversions (Arts & Entertainment) Editor for the Daily 49er.
I just now finally updated my website with all of the Summer 49er articles I did (there are only five of them) as well as all the articles I have done to this point in this semester.
The Summer 49er articles I wrote can be perused at your pleasure by clicking here .
Now, here are the four opinion articles I have written so far this semester:
To view my article on rappers dabbling in the political spectrum go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To view my article on people criticizing President Bush's character, rather than his faults, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To view my article on the Kobe Bryant trial's premature end due to his accuser's lack of gumption, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Finally, to view today's article, where I discuss the fact that Kerry has no distinguishably different stance from President Bush on many things, go to my website (At the time of sending this email, the article has not yet appeared on the Daily 49er\'s website , but you can check it later tomorrow and see if it is up there yet, as the article there will be considerably shorter than my unedited one on my website ).
Starting this semester I will no longer be sending out separate emails regarding my Senate articles, but you can still view them at my website , where I will have them posted each week.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/22/04 11:26 AM

Welcome back my freind.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/23/04 06:15 AM

Turi Giuliano - Thanks man, it's nice to be posting my rantings again! You still agreeing with me on many things?
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 09/23/04 10:12 AM

It's good to be reading your rantings again. Yeah this weeks articles have been spot on. The Kerry one on the war was especially eye opening. Around the world and including here in England it's become quite popular to dislike America and in particular Bush. The usual insults are used like you outlined in Bush character article. So a lot of people here would prefer Kerry in power based on their misconception of his military past. "He's a war hero, he'd sort out Iraq", without knowing what his stance is.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/18/04 02:24 AM

Hey everyone, I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to update the website but it is now all caught up and up-to-date. There are some great new articles in there, some of which are guaranteed to make you think.
First check out my article on upcoming video games this season. Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Next up is my opinion piece dealing with the morons that compare President Bush to Adolf Hitler...this is a must-read! Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Following that one is another opinion piece which was written shortly after the first presidential debate of 2004. President Bush clearly won that debate, and I pointed out why in that article. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Fourth comes a review of a DVD that I received from the great folks over at National Lampoon. I'm the current Diversions Editor for the newspaper and I get screener copies of stuff all the time, and this was one of those ones that I decided I would review. As Diversions Editor, I get first pick on all the best items we get for free to review! Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Finally, we have my latest opinion piece, which is a critique (read: attack) on a very misguided young liberal at my school. This guy writes columns as well, and it is clear how much he hates America, and he is not afraid to make it clear. Well, I had to verbally show him the error of his ways in my rebuttal piece to an article he wrote. Don't miss this one! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
In addition, a girl at school wrote a letter to the editor regarding my article about Kobe Bryant and the girl who cried wolf, Kate Faber. The girl obviously does not understand the way things are, as you will quickly see by reading her letter to the editor. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

I'm going to try to update the website regularly again, as I used to, because some of the information is dated by the time I send out these emails. Either way, enjoy the update!
Until next time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/18/04 03:24 AM

What is Medal of Honor Pacific Assault about? Korean Conflict? Also, did you get a chance to play Shellshock: Vietnam '67 on PS2?

I agree that Bush isn't as bad as Hitler, but conservatives contradict themselves when they start talking shit on Michael Moore and how he's a "fat piece of shit." If you take a look here , you can see someone from this board indirectly called Moore worse then Hitler.

You know that you're lying when you say that Bush won the first debate. If anything, that was the one debate Kerry won by the biggest margin. So far, only you, Sean Hannity, and the Bush campaign advisor have said that Bush won the first debate. Not only did Bush lose the first debate, but according to conservative and liberal polls seen on Fox News and other news programs, he lost the second and third. The polls are what matter here. My opinions of the debates:
First debate: Kerry
Second debate: Draw
Third debate: Kerry
VP debate: Draw

I like that Bracke guy. I agree with him on almost everything you criticized him for. I've said time and time again, Iraq is Bush's Vietnam. There is no cause for fighting there. We don't belong there. We used an attack from Al Quaeda to enter a country that wasn't even near the center of terrorism. Also, the US does train terrorists. In 1984, the US gave Osama Bin Laden and his troops $3 billion to fight the Soviets and they also gave him and his men expert CIA training. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/04 03:06 AM

Hey everyone, I got three great updates for you!
First check out my article on Palestine and Israel. This issue always gets responses and this one is no different. One of the other staff columnists, Sterling Harris, wrote an entire column saying how "wrong" I was, and it is clear that he missed my entire point. No matter, though, since he put my name in the headline, giving me that much more publicity! I love it! Read my article either at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website . Read the column regarding my column at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Next comes a review of the new horror flick, "The Grudge," which I loved. Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Finally, we have my latest opinion piece, which covers the seeming erosion of the First Amendment in college radio. I talk about not only an Occidental College radio host who was unfairly taken off the air, but I also relate it to my own firing from KBeach, CSULB's campus radio station. You have to read this one! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Thanks again and take care.
Until next time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 10/28/04 08:42 PM

I absolutely agree with your article on the Palestinians. Arafat looks to be in bad health right now too. -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/02/04 07:45 AM

Hey everyone, just in time for this momentous election comes my newest opinion piece which details why I believe President Bush is the right man to re-elect. Whoever you end up voting for tomorrow though, just know that you exercised your civic duty and participated in the political process, which is quite a rewarding experience in-and-of-itself.
To read my newest opinion piece go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
Thanks, and see you next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/11/04 08:37 AM

Hey everyone, I just updated my website with the last three articles I have written and they are some great reads!
First, read my review about one of the most anticipated video games to ever hit store shelves, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"! It is one of my best reviews, and be sure to read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Next comes my latest opinion piece, which asks the question, "Why is it easier to sell democracy in Afghanistan than in Southern California?" Special thanks go out to my cousin David for the idea for this piece, as well as information behind it. It is a wonderful article and I urge you to read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Finally, read my game review on the monumental release of "Halo 2", which is in today's newspaper. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Thanks, and until next time!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/11/04 03:34 PM

HSIG--I enjoy your reading your political columns, though you never reply. That article on Afghanistan is the biggest lie I've ever read. If they accept their democracy so bad, why has the second canidate beenarguing for recounts for over 3 weeks now? Why is their an attempted assasination on Karazai when ever he leads Kabul? Why isn't it Un-American for you to criticize liberals, but it's un-American for us to criticize the Bush administration in congress because we aren't "supporting him?" -Pat
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/12/04 08:49 AM

Patrick - I apologize for not replying to your last posts regarding my articles, but I assure you that I read every one. I try to respond to all posts on this thread and I regret not doing so with those.
As far as this article goes, you left out certain crucial elements that totally debunk your claims, which is a tactic I believe you learned from Michael Moore, since you're such a fan of his.

Originally posted by Patrick:
If they accept their democracy so bad, why has the second canidate beenarguing for recounts for over 3 weeks now?
That is blatantly false. On Wednesday, November 3, Karzai was declared the winner. It was at this time that he received congratulatory remarks from his opponents and that the recount concluded. Where, exactly, are you getting your information from?

Originally posted by Patrick:
Why is their an attempted assasination on Karazai when ever he leads Kabul?
I don't know exactly what you are referring to with this comment. The last attempted assassination was on Karzai's vice-president shortly after campaigning ended in October. I don't know of any more recent assassination attempts. Maybe you could provide a source or proof of your claims?

Also, what I was referring to as "unAmerican" in my article (and what you so beautifully took out of context) was the girl who made the comment that she hopes "President Bush is assassinated" and "Dick Cheney dies of a heart attack". That is unAmericanism at its finest, and could be considered treason as well.
Furthermore, I don't think you're seeing the distinction between disagreeing with the president and supporting the president. Despite the fact that you disagree with President Bush, you should still support your country and its leader on matter of principle alone.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/27/04 02:06 AM

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving, and I wanted to tell you all about my two newest opinion columns! Both deal with a similar subject, scumbags, and like usual, they are guaranteed to get you thinking.
The first one deals with scumbag Yasser Arafat and the good his death will bring to the world. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The second one deals with two scumbags that seem to have a thing for each other: Michael Moore and Osama Bin Laden! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Thanks, and until next time!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/27/04 02:37 AM

I've been waiting for the Arafat peace.

He is a peace of shit and surely the world is better off without him. I shed no tears for his death, in fact, I was very nonchalant about the wholse situation.

But I find flaws in your article. You have singled a few people, one from the BBC and the other from the left wing paper the Guardian.

First of all I hope this isn't a bad reflection of the UK. I don't think anyone condones Arafat and his actions (even if he has professed his innocense). I can buy the Guardian article, I wouldn't expect anything else but I wouldn't mind seeing the BBC source. It seems like it's taken out of context.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 11/27/04 11:40 PM

Turi Giuliano - I am in no way trying to make the United Kingdom look bad, I was simply pointing out two people who happen to be from there and how they had very different views of Arafat's death.
As for the Barbara Plett comment, I know it is disgusting that anyone would weep for him, but it is not taken out of context. Here is the whole article.
As always, thanks for your comments!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/13/04 03:28 AM

Hello everyone, that time has come, yet again. The school semester will be over after next week, so I figured I would bring to you my final three articles of the semester. They are all good, perhaps some of the best I've written, and I am confident you will enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.
First up is an article I wrote detailing three questions I always hear and see that are usually asked by the ignorant. I pose the questions, and then give you the answers to them in a fun little article. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website . Along with this article comes a letter to the editor in regards to it written by someone who, like usual, missed my point altogether, but of course that didn't stop them from writing in! Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Next up is an article I wrote about the terrorist-laden country of Iran, and this actually turned out to be one of the best articles of the semester. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Finally comes an article I wrote about the best show on television, "24". If you haven't yet seen this show, now is the time, and this articles tells you exactly why you should watch it, and previews the upcoming season. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Well folks, another semester has come and gone, and I hope you enjoyed all the articles I wrote during it. Don't be sad, though, as I'll be back for one more round next semester before my college education is complete, and as always, I will notify you when the first article of next semester is in the Daily 49er.

Thanks, and until next semester!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 12/13/04 03:59 AM

Bloody hell, I think I love you column on politics. Very valid points, though I doubt anyone from the left agrees. grin
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/05 07:45 AM

Hey everybody, my final semester has finally begun, as well as my final semester with the Daily 49er. What that means for you, though, is another five months of the greatest articles your eyes can possibly see, and what better way to start it off than with not one, not two, but three new articles?

The first article I wrote this semester thus far was a guide for incoming and transfer students, and while it isn't the most exciting article, it will give you some information about good old California State University, Long Beach. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The next article I have for you is a review of the brilliant "Resident Evil 4" for Nintendo's GameCube. If you have a GameCube, pick up this game. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Finally, I have my first opinion piece of the semester, and it is a great one! It deals with the Muslim reaction to FOX's "24", and why the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) needs to take a hike. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next time, everyone!
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/05 07:48 AM

Nothing political, HSIG? frown
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/05 12:02 PM

Firstly, good to see you back, Gerry. I look forward to more articles over the semester.

I'd say the last one was political, Pat.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 01/30/05 10:58 PM

Patrick - The one on "24" was political. wink

Turi Giuliano - Thanks again for the support, it means a lot! smile
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/05 07:37 AM

Hey everyone, my two latest opinion articles are finally up and ready for your perusal.

The first one deals with the douche bag that caused the Metrolink train crash in Glendale a few weeks ago. Juan Manuel Alvarez, the guy that did it, is a douche bag of the highest order, and the article is a great read. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The second article is my opinion piece for tomorrow's newspaper, and it is about all these people that claim that "God" told them to kill or harm others...my question is, if "God" is such a loving being, why doesn't he ever just say, "Chill"? Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Thanks, and until next time!
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/08/05 10:38 AM

Great article on Alvarez, keep them coming. cool
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/23/05 07:43 AM

What's up, everyone? It warms my heart to tell you that my latest opinion pieces are finally up, as well as a letter to the editor in response to my "On The Eighth Day, God Said 'Chill'" article!

The first opinion article covers why there will never, in our lifetime at least, be a woman president, and basically tells all the Hillary supporters to get real. It is a decent article and it will definitely get some of you thinking. Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The second opinion article deals with the recent shooting of 13-year-old Devin Brown by LAPD officers and why I really find it hard to muster up any sympathy for this stupid kid. To find out why, read the article! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Finally this week comes a letter to the editor from a devout Christian on why I am wrong to say that there is no god. As usual, the guy didn't see my point, but it's still a funny letter nonetheless. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Thanks, and until next time!
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/24/05 01:32 AM

Nice job on the articles on Alvarez and Devin Brown (that name always reminds me of Divine Brown lol ). In any case, I totally agree.

By the way, in your post, you wrote that Brown was 8 years old, which I assume was a typo and not an information mistake, because you've got it as 13 in the article. wink
Posted By: Patrick

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/24/05 01:57 AM

Nice to see you back, HSIG. smile

I believe your first article is incredibly biased. You mentioned how people want Boxer and Clinton to run in 2008 and how you're getting sick of it. What about Rice? I've heard that as many times as I've heard about Clinton running and I've heard less about Boxer than Rica.

I must say that I disagree with your article on Brown. First off, doesn't 10 shots seem like a little much to you? Secondly, you stated that officer Garcia repeatedly asked the driver to pull over. He had time to do this, but why was there no time to call for back up? I don't think it was racism, but I still think it deserves to be questioned. I'm presuming the officer was Hispanic considering his last name, Garcia. I think the better question for the investigation is: Where were Brown and the other boy's parents? -Pat
Posted By: Mignon

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/24/05 01:57 AM

I enjoyed reading those articles you posted. I didn't know about that kid being shot. Is that cop facing any charges or being fired? If he is he shouldn't be. Why are they blameing the cop and not the boys parents?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 02/24/05 02:13 AM

Good work HSIG! wink However, I disagree regarding a woman president. I have said recently that Hillary won't run (or if she does she won't win)...nor will any woman in the next election. (Btw, I don't hate Hillary like most do, and as a matter of fact, should she ever run, I am perfectly open to listening to her and giving her a fair chance.) Much depends on who the other candidate is also. ohwell

Yet, I do think, at least in your lifetime (if not mine), there will be a woman president. It is getting closer and closer IMHO. However, I won't, and would hope others won't, vote for a woman simply because she's a woman; or a minority, for that matter, simply because he/she is a minority. I have to prefer one candidate over another, even tho many times there may not be much of a selection.

As far as the story regarding the police shooting of the young boy. I don't know all the facts, but from what I've heard and read,I do agree with you. There is way too much relying on the "race" card. I see it very often in my school too, and am tired of it. ohwell It's so easy, I think, to treat everyone the same. There shouldn't even be a race issue in these circumstances. Yet, I suppose I'm a dreamer to think that this is even possible. frown

Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/04/05 06:42 AM

Hey everyone, my newest opinion piece is up, not to mention a hysterically ignorant letter to the editor.

The opinion piece this week is about the pope and his idiotic comparison of abortion to the Holocaust. If you didn't hear about this news story, you definitely need to read this article! On the other hand, if you did hear about this news story, you, too, definitely need to read this article! Read it either at the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Additionally, there is a letter to the editor from a pure idiot regarding my article on 13-year-old Devin Brown who got killed by the LAPD due to his own foolishness. Read the article at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Thanks, and until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/17/05 07:30 AM

Hey everyone, it's been a while since my last update, but never fear, it is here, and with a whopping six items, might I add!

First, we have two opinion pieces by me. The initial one deals with the arrogance and egotism of Dan Rather, douchebag-journalist-at-large. For anyone who is uninformed on the man who stepped down from CBS News, I highly recommend reading this piece. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The second opinion article deals with the stupid political statements that celebrities love to so often make, and it is a funny read. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Second, and more importantly, is an article that I wrote for the newspaper's "Our View" section, where the Opinion page takes a stance on a certain issue and collectively decides on a stance for it. The newspaper is in some very difficult financial times, and we appealed to the Senate to have them place a referendum on the ballot for the upcoming student elections to save the newspaper. Because of some dirty politics and ill-voiced promises, the vote did not go through, which could mean the end of the newspaper, and that is something that I, and most students, do not want to see happen. Following an emergency Senate meeting where our fate may have been sealed, I wrote an opinion piece (the "Our View" for that day) on the fact that the senators are not serving the students, who hired them to do a specific job. I insist that you read this and see how low the Senate has gotten. It is quite sad. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website (might I also add that the unedited one on my website is much more damning and says a lot more that didn't make the final cut).
On that same note, in the Senate meeting today I was mentioned in a statement made by a particular senator, proving that he isn't serving his constituents by carrying out a personal vendetta against the paper simply because I work at it. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

On the lighter side, there is also an article by me in today's paper on upcoming and much anticipated video game releases. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Finally, there is a letter to the editor in regards to my column on Pope John Paul II's comparing of abortion to the Holocaust. This guy filed a complaint with the Catholic League For Religious And Civil Rights, so I really pissed him off! Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Thanks everyone and until next time!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/17/05 09:49 AM

I too hate celebrities getting into politics as if they are have the definitive answers to the worlds problems. If it was that easy, they'd be in politics. I would have also included examples of right wingers getting into it too, they aren't exempt.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/18/05 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I too hate celebrities getting into politics as if they are have the definitive answers to the worlds problems. If it was that easy, they'd be in politics. I would have also included examples of right wingers getting into it too, they aren't exempt.
No, they're not exempt, but I can't really think of any right-wing celebrities that have said anything that was extremely radical. Can you? confused
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/29/05 07:43 AM

Hello everybody, I come to you today with what might very well be the most damning opinion article I have ever written.

As you may or may not know, the Daily 49er has been embroiled in a bitter battle with the Associated Students Senate to try to get funding, but there has been one particular senator who called me out in the last Senate meeting, saying that he would never support me as a reason for his opposition to the Daily 49er's referendum proposal. Well, this senator, Uduak-Joe Ntuk, is about to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter, regards of me. I present to you with full pride, the downfall of a senator/A.S.I. presidential hopeful! I dug up all the dirt on this less-than moral guy, and I urge you to read my article. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Additionally, the other campus newspaper, in their annual spoof of the Daily 49er (called the Daily 69er), has satirized me once again, and have given me a quite humorous moniker this time around. Read the article at the Long Beach Union\'s website .

Expect some backlash from Ntuk over my expose on him, and until next time!
Posted By: Vito The Godfather

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/29/05 11:37 AM

I have never ever seen such a contradictory journalist (claim to be one) like you.

You stated: 'Most people, myself included, could care less about his new book, but there is one claim he makes that needs to be attacked not only because of its absurd nature but also because of its appalling ignorance.

So if you don't care one bit about his book (I am sure about him as well), why would you take the time to write a WHOLE article about him, his ideals, his book, etc..? did you even read his book?

lol lol
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 03/30/05 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Vito The Godfather:
I have never ever seen such a contradictory journalist (claim to be one) like you.

You stated: [b]'Most people, myself included, could care less about his new book, but there is one claim he makes that needs to be attacked not only because of its absurd nature but also because of its appalling ignorance.

So if you don't care one bit about his book (I am sure about him as well), why would you take the time to write a WHOLE article about him, his ideals, his book, etc..? did you even read his book?

lol lol [/b]
You've never seen such a "contradictory journalist" before me? With comments like that, I suppose you have never heard of Jayson Blair, Janet Cooke, Jack Kelly, or Dan Rather. rolleyes

Anyway, that introduction was clearly a lead-in that went over your head, used for purposes of setting-the-scene, if you will. And no, I didn't read his book at the time of that article because the book wasn't out yet in the United States. It was a widely publicized comment, though, and, quite frankly, I don't need to read his book to know that that statement is absurd and just plain wrong.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/06/05 08:09 AM

Hey everyone, as always, I am proud to bring you some prime reading material...

First off is my opinion column for the week, which deals with the three major deaths in the past two weeks, and what those people really meant to society. This article is definitely an inflammatory one! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Second we have a video game review that I wrote for the expansion pack for "Doom 3", "Resurrection Of Evil". Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Finally, we have several letters to the editor, and they are all great.
The first is an article/letter apology of sorts from Ntuk, the student-body presidential candidate that I blasted last week. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Second up is a letter from Ntuk that doesn't mention me specifically but it is clear that I am one of the people he is talking to. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Last, but certainly not least, is one of the most off-base letters that has ever been written about me. In it, the leader of the Campus Progressives makes the claim that I am a "racist", which could be a potentially libelous statement about me, seeing as how it is patently false and meant to defame my character. Incredulously, she also asks me to resign and apologize for my actions. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next time, people!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/12/05 05:21 AM

Hey everyone, there's a new opinion piece in today's newspaper by yours truly, as well as several mentions/letters to the editor regarding me.

First up we have my opinion piece for the week, which deals with protestors and how idiotic I believe them to be. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Next up is an opinion column in defense of the student-body presidential candidate I blasted a few weeks ago, and the column makes mention of me. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Following that piece of delectable delight is a letter to the editor from a guy who thinks that the Daily 49er is biased, and he partially blames me for that bias. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Finally comes one of the funniest letters to the editor ever received about me. It is from a guy who clearly disagrees with me, but he does it in a very sarcastic and clever way, so I've got to give him some credit there. It made me laugh, and I'm sure it will make you laugh too. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next time, people!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/20/05 09:28 AM

Hey everyone, it has been an eventful week so far, to say the least. The good news for you, though, is that you are about to read one of my best opinion pieces ever.

A few weeks ago, the Daily 49er published a letter that libeled me, and while the aftermath is not yet completely over yet (the newspaper has still not retracted the letter to my satisfaction; instead they ran a weak "correction" in Tuesday's newspaper which repeated the same libel, which is a huge "no-no" in journalism), I did have a chance to clear my name in my weekly column. Like I said, it might be one of my best pieces yet. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Additionally, there is a piece that ran last week by another column writer who mentioned me and one of my articles in the first paragraph of his story. Sometimes it seems that there would be nothing for opinion writers to write about were it not for me. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Usually I don't hype an article a week in advance, but for the one that will be coming next Tuesday I have to. It will be BIG, and as always, I will notify you as soon as it is published. Take care, and until next time.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 04/28/05 04:43 AM

Hey everyone, I hope all is well.

As promised last week, I now bring to you an explosive piece that you need to read. This week's piece deals with the Muslim Student Association, a group I have written about before, but now they have actually gone and tried to suppress First Amendment rights! I could not believe when I heard of such blatant arrogance and disrespect as that demonstrated by the Muslim Student Association at a rally that they recently held. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next week's article, which I guarantee will be another crowd-pleaser!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/03/05 08:03 AM

Hey everyone, I'm going to cut right to the chase this week.

This week's article by me is a piece that I have been waiting to write for two years, but because of newsroom politics I wasn't able to do until now. It deals with a convicted torturer that teaches at my school, and is, incidentally, the creator of Kwanzaa. You do not want to miss this piece! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next time!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/11/05 06:21 AM

Well folks, we're in the home stretch here. This is one of my last opinion articles for the school year, as well as for the Daily 49er, as I am actually graduating this semester. There will definitely be one more opinion article by me this semester, possibly two, but this one tackled some issues I've really been wanting to say.

For this week, I decided to talk a bit about the increasing militant attitudes of campus clubs. Recently there has been a rise in this kind of political and social expression here on campus, and I think I made some very valid and logical points (of course, when do I not?). Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

As I said, this is not the last opinion piece by me, but it is getting there. We still have a finals issue for next week where we may do one of the following two things: put all new articles in, or do a "Best Of" type thing, where we reprint the best-of-the-best of the 2004-2005 school year. At Journalism Day this year, I defended my title of "Best Columnist" for the Daily 49er for the second year in a row, so if we do the latter of the two aforementioned choices, you can be sure that one of my best pieces from this semester will be included. For the graduation issue in two weeks, there will be a special farewell column from me, so look out for that. As always, you will be the first to know when these are out, so keep your eyes peeled. Until then, however, take care.
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/23/05 11:43 PM

Hey everyone, on Wednesday you will be receiving in your mailbox my final opinion piece, which is a humdinger to say the least. In the meantime, however, I'd just like to tell you what was in last week's Daily 49er. Last week we did a "Best Of" thing where we reprinted the best articles from the prior year, in a "Year In Review" issue.
Check out the introduction from the editor-in-chief that mentions me at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Although they weren't posted on the Daily 49er's website, the issue featured two of my articles: one opinion piece and a video game review. Their titles, respectively, were "And then on the eighth day, God said 'Chill'" (from February 8, 2005) and "'San Andreas' may be the next best thing to sex" (from November 3, 2004). Read the opinion piece at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website . Read the video game review at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

On Wednesday, you will be treated to my final opinion piece for the Daily 49er (unless, of course, I go to graduate school sometime in the future, which I am considering)...anyway, keep your eyes open for this Wednesday's update, and thanks!
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/25/05 11:43 PM

Well, everyone, the time has come. A journey that has taken five years will come to a close tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., when I proudly graduate from college with a major in journalism and a minor in business entrepreneurship. With graduation also comes the end of another journey, however, that one being my rise to power at the Daily 49er. This, my friends, is my final email update for the immediate future regarding my articles (although I will likely be writing letters to the editor at times next semester, which I will notify you all about as soon as they are printed).

For this week's Graduation Issue of the Daily 49er, you are treated to two articles by me, one being a DVD review and the other being my farewell opinion column.
Read the DVD review of "National Lampoon's Lost Reality 2" at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Read my humdinger of a farewell column at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Also, for those of you that are actually interested in watching me graduate, you can watch the graduation commencement ceremony online. If you want to see my graduation ceremony, click here tomorrow (Thursday, May 26, 2005) at 9:00 a.m. and select either the high-speed streaming video feed (for high-speed Internet connections) or the low-speed streaming video feed (for low-speed Internet connections).

In closing, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading my articles throughout the past two-and-a-half years and for all of your support. It means a lot to me, and all the responses I got regarding my articles were never ignored. What's next for me, you ask? Well, I'm considering graduate school for sometime in the future and I'm pursuing my career of journalism (both broadcast and print). I thank you all for your continued support and I'll see you all later.

-Gerry Wachovsky-
-California State University, Long Beach graduate-
Posted By: Double-J

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/26/05 09:25 PM

HSIG, you would be an awesome blogger. You should get one. wink
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/27/05 09:48 PM

Double-J - You really think so?

Here are some pictures from the graduation, if anyone is interested in seeing any:

[Linked Image]
All Hail Pope Wachovsky IX!

[Linked Image]
Pope Wachovsky, up close and personal.

[Linked Image]
Notice the Daily 49er sticker on my cap.

[Linked Image]
Where's Gerry?

[Linked Image]
Gerry and Marilee, a friend of mine. Notice my "Star Wars" tie that I've had for years.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/27/05 10:57 PM

Awesome my friend. It's been a pleasure reading the articles, especially the opinion pieces. Well done on the big G and cracking pictures I may add. As you promised, keep us updated in the future.
Posted By: Snake

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/27/05 11:33 PM

It's a common misconception among non-believers, atheists, and agnostics that "either God is all loving or He doesn't exist." The Bible presents a balanced view of God: all-loving, all-merciful, all-gracious, and all-just. The problem isn't God; rather, the problem is finite minds trying to define the Infinite...which is, impossible. It is possible to know God -- and in a personal way. It is not possible to know God exhaustively and completely. If you could, He would cease to be God. You see contradictions in a God that can be both all-loving (i.e., He loves everyone, saints and sinners) and yet be all-just (i.e., He must punish sin). But both "love" and "justice" must be seen as He defines them, not how you or I do. He so loved the world that He sacrificed His Son, something I couldn't do in a million years (especially for a population of ungrateful degenrates). But that's what the Bible teaches, just as it teaches He exhausted all of His wrath on sin on His Son (His justice); therefore, those who have faith in the Son and His sacrifice, are seen by God as holy as Jesus. What's so difficult to believe about that? Although I don't comprehend exactly how He could sacrifice His own Son, I nevertheless see a perfect balance there of both love (for us) and justice (on sin). Conversely, those who don't pay homage to the Son through faith, are by that very action declaring, "I don't need that. I'll pay for my own sins." God then has no choice but to exercise justice on the unrepentant individual. But let me stress that it's not God who has condemned that individual to eternal torment: the individual consciously made that choice himself by rejecting the only suitable sacrifice (again, as He defines it) for sin. You see, when the smoke clears, it really doesn't matter what you believe, what I believe, what Muslims believe, what Christians believe, etc. What matters is God's terms, who He is, and how He views things.

Having injected my daily (and rare) sermon grin , let me also add that I have always had a HUGE problem with Christians (not even nut-cases) saying, "God told me thus-and-so." Because I've seen it used to justify everything from finding a spouse to having an affair. If someone says, "God told me..." I always interrupt and ask, "Oh? What's the Scripture reference?" He does speak through Scripture to the spiritually discerning (i.e., believers). But I seriously doubt He cares who specifically I marry (as long as she is a believer, as there are biblical guidelines to that extent). I doubt He's concerned about where I work (as long as it's not some illegal or immoral joint, again, scriptural guidelines). And I doubt He cares who I'm pulling for in the Superbowl. Heck, I know some silly believers who ask God to "tell" them which shoes to wear that day! Like I said, I've got a big problem with it. I do believe God has already spoken, via Scripture and most importantly, through His Son. And yeah, He can "speak" in other subtle ways to alert you of His presence: a gentle breeze, a gorgeous sunset, a miraculous rescue, etc. But does He audibly speak? Only if you're droppin' acid! wink

Yeah, Snake's a big sinner, and I'd be the first to admit I'm way down the totem pole on holiness and morality. But then again, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live. However, if you ask about my theology, see above. God doesn't need me (of all people) to defend Him. I just think it's unfair to write Him off by making flippant statements when it's obvious that you've chosen to pick and choose which aspects regarding Christianity you don't like and lumping all believers into the "right-wing, fundamentalist, Spongebob Squarepants" (another despicable action by some believers) categorey. For "heaven's sake," if you're going to attack Christians, at least give a fair and balanced view of what they believe...and who God truly is. What you said would be like my saying, "All atheists are criminals and generally bad people." Not accurate, and not fair.
Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/27/05 11:34 PM

Congratulations, and good luck in everything you do from this point on. Keep us posted on what you do, I'd love to read more from you. If you're staying in the L.A. area, I hope to hear a lot more about you and all the trouble and controversy you'll stir up! I can't imagine your professional work going unnoticed in a liberal area like this... this'll be fun! lol

Good luck again, and keep up the good work!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/28/05 06:07 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Double-J - You really think so?
Sure. I'd love to do one myself, heck, maybe even a couple of us from the BB could get a free one from Blogger.com and do something, that might be cool! smile
Posted By: howardsternisgod

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/30/05 03:03 AM

Turi Giuliano - Thanks a lot for the comments, but what are "cracking pictures"? Are those pictures that crack you up or something? confused

Snake - I understand your points but you have to remember that you are not talking to a believer. You keep saying that it's my fault for not accepting god and all that but the truth of the matter is that I don't believe in a supreme being of any kind, so why would I be scared of anything happening to me? This is precisely why I said all the things I said about religion and its believers in my articles. To touch on your other point about knee-jerking extreme religious nuts, you have to remember that I am broadcasting through my writings, and I am talking to a very big audience, so I have to generalize a lot of the time. In other words, I can't single out each and every exception to the rule, which you might very well be. Anyway, I'm glad we can agree on some political issues and I always knew you appreciated my pieces. Thanks! smile

Letizia B. - I do plan on staying in the Los Angeles area and believe me, you'll know when I make my return! Thanks! smile

Double-J - Well, I'll look into the whole blogging thing, and I'll let you know if anything happens with that! Thanks man! smile
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/30/05 10:55 AM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Turi Giuliano - Thanks a lot for the comments, but what are "cracking pictures"? Are those pictures that crack you up or something? confused

Woops, British lingo, I hope you didn't take it to mean that. Used like that it just means good pictures.
Posted By: Snake

Re: My Weekly Controversial Article In The Daily 49er... - 05/31/05 04:38 PM

Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Snake - I understand your points but you have to remember that you are not talking to a believer. You keep saying that it's my fault for not accepting god and all that but the truth of the matter is that I don't believe in a supreme being of any kind, so why would I be scared of anything happening to me? This is precisely why I said all the things I said about religion and its believers in my articles. To touch on your other point about knee-jerking extreme religious nuts, you have to remember that I am broadcasting through my writings, and I am talking to a very big audience, so I have to generalize a lot of the time. In other words, I can't single out each and every exception to the rule, which you might very well be. Anyway, I'm glad we can agree on some political issues and I always knew you appreciated my pieces. Thanks! smile
It's cool, and you're definitely correct about my being one exception (but I do know of many others). I know how some believers beat folks over the head with a Bible, and it turns my stomach (and turned me off from Christianity for years). Anyway, yeah, I do appreciate your articles, even though I don't agree with all of them. But, then again, I know of no journalist that I agree 100% with anyway. wink
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