
Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22

Posted By: Uztopoke

Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/22/03 01:35 PM


My lady is flipping through channels last night. I peek up from my book for a second, and I see some scantily-clad ladies in a subtropical setting. Guns. People making out. "Ooooo, hold it right there, honey," I say. Well, it turns out that this was a little teaser for some Fox show, "Fastlane" or something like that. This is the unimportant part.

The important part is this: Toward the end of the commercial, the announcer aggressively makes a statement...

"TO GET IT ALL, YOU'VE GOT TO RISK IT ALL" (or something to that effect).

Holy cow, what a stupid thing to say! If a person is risking it "all," he quite clearly already HAS it "all." No?

Or, is this stoic, prophetic announcer making a much more significant statement? Like, "Well, risk what you already have, and you'll probably get more stuff." Oh. How lovely.

That's just crazy. Do you have a job? Are you getting laid? Is there excitement in your life? If the answer is "yes," why risk anything? If the answer is "no," you have nothing to risk anyway.

They can all eat me...I'm happy with what I have. I wouldn't risk the baking soda in my refrigerator.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/22/03 01:55 PM

Personally I love stupid, nonsense quotes, you however look like you don't.

You lose something, you find it. Someone is bound to say "It's always the last place you look". Yeah, of course it is, you're not going to look, find what you're looking for and carry on bloody looking...
Posted By: Frankie 5-angels

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/22/03 02:00 PM

Yeah that one cracks me up to!

It begs the question...Why not think of the last place you would look and look their first?! Save a lot of messing about lol lol lol
Posted By: Scarlett

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/22/03 07:07 PM

I know, when you lose something ALWAYS look in the last place FIRST!
Posted By: DonsAdvisor

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/22/03 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Uztopoke:


Holy cow, what a stupid thing to say! If a person is risking it "all," he quite clearly already HAS it "all." No?

It depends on what the meaning of the word "IT" is. Specifically, it depends on whether the first "IT" refers to the same thing as the second "IT." If the worth or usefulness of (2nd) IT ALL exceeds that of (1st)IT ALL, then it may make sense to risk IT ALL. It depends on how risky the situation for IT ALL is. However, just because someone has a job and gets laid, it doesn't mean one ought not to risk IT ALL for IT ALL (better job, better lay). Even if one is satified with IT ALL, there is no guarantee that one will always have IT ALL. Economies and biologies both eventually lag. But at least economies bounce back. II all depends on IT.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/23/03 03:38 AM

Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
It depends on what the meaning of the word "IT" is. Specifically, it depends on whether the first "IT" refers to the same thing as the second "IT." If the worth or usefulness of (2nd) IT ALL exceeds that of (1st)IT ALL, then it may make sense to risk IT ALL. It depends on how risky the situation for IT ALL is. However, just because someone has a job and gets laid, it doesn't mean one ought not to risk IT ALL for IT ALL (better job, better lay). Even if one is satified with IT ALL, there is no guarantee that one will always have IT ALL. Economies and biologies both eventually lag. But at least economies bounce back. II all depends on IT.
Brilliant DA, so what you are saying we have to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate IT ALL before we either ignore the phrase or follow its course of action...like some sort of personal Cost Benefit Analysis of IT ALL. Thus it depends how longstanding and/or wonderful an individual's IT ALL is. Everyone's IT ALL factor will vary so the stupidity of the phrase varies.
Posted By: scarface_denver

Re: Uzi's Weekday Ruminations 1/22 - 01/24/03 05:12 AM

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