
Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read )

Posted By: Don Cardi

Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/18/01 08:40 PM

The Government made an exception for us yesterday being that we trade world market Oil futures contracts and allowed us back into our building in the world financial center. We are the only people allowed in the area as it is a stones throw away from Ground Zero. Our whole area is being used for various operations by the rescuers. The only way in or out is by crossing the river. We have to board a boat, manned by Policeman and National Guardsman. Then when we get across and exit the boat, there is one path into our building that is secured by more Policeman and National Guardsman. It was really heartbreaking yesterday as we were coming across the river on the boat and slowly approaching the site. To see a HUGE void where the WTC once stood, and ALL of the damaged buildings and wreakage all around brought many to tears, being this was the first time that many of us had been back there since the attacks. Before our Markets opened, Mayor Giuliani, Governer Pataki, and Senator Clinton all gave FANTASTIC speeches to us and pumped us up quite a bit. Fortunately for us all, our newly elected Exchange President comes from a very impressive military background and has done an outstanding job with our security. When you are inside the building it feels good to be doing business and getting back to normal, but once you step outside, there is a very sickening feeling that comes over you because you realize that you are standing amist all of the rubble, ruins, etc. Good news also was that I came together with many co-workers and friends that I was unable to contact since the attacks. While I also lost a number of friends and co-workers in this event, it was nice to see that many are still ok. Again, I would like to thank everyone on these boards for allowing me to use this website as a sounding board.

Don Cardi
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/18/01 09:01 PM

Thanks for the update, Don Cardi -- I can't imagine what it must be like to be there right now. I'm very happy to hear to got back in contact with some of your co-workers; it must've been very emotional.

God - I just can't believe I just saw for the first time the footage on CNN of people dropping from the building. My God; I hadn't seen it before, during the many many hours glued to the TV the past week. Holy Sh!t -- why'd they show that?

Sorry, that was while I was typing - thanks again for sharing, and feel free to use these boards any time if it helps. It does help me at least to get a closer picture of the horrible events.

Posted By: SC

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/18/01 09:14 PM

Don Cardi -

I am very happy to hear that you're OK, and keeping yourself occupied with your work. I can't even imagine having to be in that area now, but I applaud you for that, and for helping our economy get back on track!

You have my number if you ever need "an ear".

Go get 'em!! smile
Posted By: Don Rico

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 05:35 AM

Grazie Don Cardi. Your words make throat lumps swell.
Posted By: Vendetta

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 01:19 PM

Congrats on getting back to work Don Cardi. Please use the board as a place to share your story or your feelings anytime. We are only your "cyber" friends but we support you 100%. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 02:39 PM

"Time is a great healer"

It's not only the problems, but its how you deal with them that counts. Your being very brave here Don Cardi. Its great to hear things are starting to get back to normality for you. Give it some more time. You'll get there.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 08:43 PM

ALL of you who have responded to my posts, or e-mailed me directly, are the VERY BEST!!! You don't know how much your kind words mean to me emotionally. You have all uplifted my spirits and every reply has made it that much easier for me to deal with my losses, etc. Thank you all!!

Don Cardi smile
Posted By: Don Noledge

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 09:15 PM

Once again Don Cardi, glad to hear that your alright and that the people of New York are working well together to try and return to some sort of normality.

Just hope that things only get better for you and those around you.

I thank you for posting this topic, as it just goes to prove what a loving and caring community this site really is...

Posted By: SC

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/19/01 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
ALL of you who have responded to my posts, or e-mailed me directly, are the VERY BEST!!!

Hey.....what's the matter with you???....You have enriched us all here with your stories, insights into the movies, knowledge of the Mob and compassion to fellow members. Did you think that most of us would not worry about what you're going through now?

Silly boy!! rolleyes
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/20/01 03:08 PM

It is people like you who have started the ball rolling and getting us back on tract. Americans will never forget this attack and many of us will hurt for a long time to come.The best thing we can do is get things rolling and show them that they can't stop us for long. God Bless you and everyone else who starts us on that track. We are all right behind you and your fellow workers.
Posted By: Angel Corleone

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/20/01 06:08 PM

I'm just a few hours away from NYC and have enjoyed its theatres and shops. My first visit was a business trip in the financial district and I found it to be a bit overwhelming - large crowds, fast pace. Later I was in Charlotte NC and experienced just the opposite - everything seemed to drag on. I say this to point out how blessed we are in this country to have such diversity. And all of us contribute to making it work.

How relieved I am to know Don Cardi was not harmed.

So many of us are going through our daily routines but are carrying something foreboding with us. Knowing that so many people died in our place and so many left behind to grieve. And what will come next.

Godfather note: I bought my first Godfather book at Virgin Records in NYC (The Godfather Legacy) which tickled my family as it was a highlight of my trip.

My heart is with the people of NYC.
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Went Back To Work Yesterday ( Very Long Read ) - 09/20/01 11:46 PM

That is what we should do..Go over there and give them an Itailian neck tie....
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