
All Out Effort To get Trump

Posted By: merlino

All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 03:04 PM

Posted By: Crash

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 03:25 PM

First off, Trump owned the casino and if true, he was catering to big customers. Whats wrong with that. He had some people sent to another table. Big friggin deal.
The more stories about Trump, the higher his poll ratings go. The politically correct media who are so desparately trying to discredit Trump are getting the opposite effect. Im voting for him just because he isnt politically correct and he will put a nice christmas tree smack in the middle of DC . Well, some other reasons as well.
Posted By: merlino

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 03:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Crash
First off, Trump owned the casino and if true, he was catering to big customers. Whats wrong with that. He had some people sent to another table. Big friggin deal.
The more stories about Trump, the higher his poll ratings go. The politically correct media who are so desparately trying to discredit Trump are getting the opposite effect. Im voting for him just because he isnt politically correct and he will put a nice christmas tree smack in the middle of DC . Well, some other reasons as well.

10-4 ..never seen so many people dems, repubs, DC out to try and get one person out of a race
Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 03:57 PM

He's insane. His ideas are terrible. Fuck Trump.
Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 03:57 PM

He is such an international embarrassment.
Posted By: SonnyBlackstein

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 04:30 PM

Discussing politics never gets anyone anywhere.
Posted By: merlino

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 04:35 PM

Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
He is such an international embarrassment.

one thing that I have always found interesting regarding having intelligent conversations or trying to do so with people of different political ideologies is that it always seems that people who disagree with Trump come to name calling and reduce the level of conversation, now I have no clue what side of the political spectrum you are on and I respect your opinion on Trump, just as I hope you respect me sharing information about his alleged mafia ties
Posted By: Crash

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:06 PM

Does america care more about gender equality and the freaks like bruce jenner or do they care about national security, immigration, and the economy?
Vote for a liberal democrat and you will have bruce jenner as the secretary of state.
Posted By: SinatraClub

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:11 PM

Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
He's insane. His ideas are terrible. Fuck Trump.

Exactly. How some people can't realize this is mind-boggling to me. The guy can't even take criticism. So far in all of his rallies, those who criticize him, he has kicked out. Literally, every person who has respectfully criticized him through words, or arts or banners, he has removed from his rallies. And people seem to think they can trust this guy with nuclear codes. He gets pissed off one time by another world leader and he potentially sends us into World War III.

And he has no clue of global politics, he seems to think that having hotels built in other countries, that it makes him educated on foreign policy. The guys is legit insane. His comment about torturing terrorists families, actually had military commanders saying they wont follow his orders, which they have the right to do if they feel it's immoral. Does anyone know what that implies? It means civil war.

I'm ashamed to be an American right now because of how far he's gotten in this race using hate rhetoric.
Posted By: SonnyBlackstein

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:14 PM

Well that took about 30 seconds and literally the next two posts to disprove.

Originally Posted By: merlino
it always seems that people who disagree with Trump come to name calling

Originally Posted By: Crash
Does america care more about gender equality and the freaks like bruce jenner
Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Does america care more about gender equality and the freaks like bruce jenner or do they care about national security, immigration, and the economy?
Vote for a liberal democrat and you will have bruce jenner as the secretary of state.

This is exactly what I mean... what the fuck are you talking about?
Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:36 PM

I care about immigration. Which is why I don't want to build a wall -- and "force" Mexico to pay for it (ludicrous, as always) -- nor do I want to kick out the 10,000,000 illegal immigrants here now, which is another ludicrous, embarrassing position.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:41 PM

I really don't like any of Trumps economic proposals.
I support the free market. Trump doesn't. He wants all kinds of trade restrictions and wants to tax corporations that try keeping money offshore. I'm against torture under any circumstance.

But I still like him because he pisses off all the right people. All the people that are responsible for the problems we find ourselves in today are angry and hysterical that a guy like Trump is so popular. He's politically incorrect which is a huge plus. It makes the Left hate him. He isn't 100% controlled by the Neo Conservatives which makes the Right wing establishment hate him.
I think it's great. They're painting him as dangerous in his temperament in foreign policy yet he's far less hawkish and bloodthirsty than ALL the other candidates. The other candidates seem to want to bomb, invade, threaten a long list of other countries. Trump was against the Iraq war and seems to have more of a defensive rather than offensive mentality.
I'm just SO happy to see the usual suspects get hysterical about his popularity. Now you people get a taste of how us libertarians felt when your disaster choices became popular and gained power( Obama, bush etc)
Posted By: mightyhealthy

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 05:58 PM

Trump has said he wants to go into Iraq and bomb ISIS.
Posted By: bronx

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/08/16 09:32 PM

he handled the mob in ny ..he can handle those idiots in d.c
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/09/16 12:24 AM

Lol, the Republicans probably will try to get Tommy Karate pardon so he can do one more hit, a true American patriot Lol
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/09/16 01:56 AM

Everyone is worried about Trump being our next President. What about Hilary and Sanders? THOSE two are a fucking joke. If youre a dem and wont back Trump, thats one thing. But for all of the sore losers in the republican party who wont back the guy, you need to get your fucking heads examined. The republicans are losing ground with the changing of times. Trump will either be the best or tbe worste thing that happened to this country. With Bernie and Hilary there is only one outcome.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/09/16 02:42 AM

Bernie has enough respect from the military that they will follow him. Hillary's actions in the cabinet have some of high command questioning her, and Trumps statements have some of high command saying they will not follow certain orders if he is elected president, and this is from a morale stand point.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/09/16 03:03 PM

Originally Posted By: merlino
Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
He is such an international embarrassment.

one thing that I have always found interesting regarding having intelligent conversations or trying to do so with people of different political ideologies is that it always seems that people who disagree with Trump come to name calling and reduce the level of conversation, now I have no clue what side of the political spectrum you are on and I respect your opinion on Trump, just as I hope you respect me sharing information about his alleged mafia ties

If you do not agree with a Liberal, they will never respect you.
They will drag it into the lowest levels every time on every issue.

They do not practice what they preach.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/09/16 05:53 PM

I would vote for Thrump.

I would never vote for Cruz. He stops at nothing one of his people went after thrumps wife. Only a low life would do that.

It's all about who will fix the economy. Also who will build the wall would Hillary do it.

Who would try to lower the deficit?
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/10/16 02:13 AM

Dems are asking open states to come out with their Registered Republican vote for Cruz so Hillary will not have to face Trump becomming concerned it may be a problem.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/10/16 02:58 AM

Sanders vs Tump or Hillary vs Trump I will vote for Trump.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/10/16 04:19 AM

What I don't understand is why Thrump does not go after the black and Latino vote.

Unemployment for them is very high more of them on welfare then ever before. The Democrates wants them on welfare.

He could get these people but he never talks about them. Dumb show them what to do to make money. He will have an army behind him.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/10/16 04:25 AM

I'll vote for anyone but Hillary. I'd vote for Sanders over Hillary, Trump over Hillary, Cruz over Hillary, David Duke Farrakhan over Hillary.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/10/16 04:34 AM

Had a kitchen sink leak. I call a plumber he has a black helper. When the black guy leaves to get a replacement pipe. I ask him about the guy. Is he your apprentice he says no just a helper.

All the plumber wanted was cheap labor. Now the plumber thinks he is a salesmen trying to talk me into a 1200 dollar repairing job. Why because I am an older man and because I live in an expensive house.

So I tell him why don't you make his helper an apprentice. You might get the government to help pay you to do it. The fucking guy had no interest in helping him have a career one day.

I let him tell me why I need a 1200 job instead of a 75 to 175 job. So after a half hour. I told him I can see what's wrong. You can get me to pay that much. So I will pay you 175 which is lot for this or get out and I will call someone else.

He did it for 175 I told him if I have any trouble I will call him. I have seen his truck around if I have any trouble I will tourch his truck and call someone else.

People like my commie daughter like to say I am prejudice. But she is dead wrong about me. I think that plumber is the prejudice one.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 06:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
I'll vote for anyone but Hillary. I'd vote for Sanders over Hillary, Trump over Hillary, Cruz over Hillary, David Duke Farrakhan over Hillary.


Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 06:26 AM

Can you imagine the uproar if Trump gets to a hundred or so short of the delegate count and then at the convention the GOP decide to put up some guy who didn't even run? There will be a riot, all those trump voters would destroy the GOP at the election.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 06:28 AM

I'm not entirely sure who I will vote for. Trump is now threatening riots and attacking other presidential contestants' wives. I don't agree with that. That type of rhetoric tends to break down what little is left of the already torn and tattered fabric of society we have left.

We have never had elections or electoral processes in this country, that I can remember, where the presidential contests become violent. That is not US tradition. That is the savagery of an undeveloped country.

That said, the number one priority of any voter should and must be national security. Which candidate will keep this country safe fr the next 4 to 8 years? I don't believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders being Jewish will possibly cause American foreign policy to defer to that of Israel's more than it has in the last 8 years. This means that when Israel chooses to build more illegal settlements, Bernie will not rebuke them or complain the way Barack Obama has. Over the last 8 years, the US has been more neutral concerning the Israeli Palestinian matter. I don't see how the US becoming more pro Israeli and more pro Likud, or whatever, is good for national security. Under Bernie Sanders, America becomes [possibly] more of a agent of Israel than ever before, and more deeply involved in the Jew/Arab conflict.

One thing we can ALL agree on....none of the candidates resemble each other. The choices may or may not be good, but they are cut and dry.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 06:34 AM

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Can you imagine the uproar if Trump gets to a hundred or so short of the delegate count and then at the convention the GOP decide to put up some guy who didn't even run? There will be a riot, all those trump voters would destroy the GOP at the election.

But that's not supposed to happen in the United States. That happens in Guyana, or Libya, or wherever. Here we always had what is called "the peaceful transfer of power".
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 10:17 AM

" I'm not entirely sure who I will vote for. Trump is now threatening"

Actually he has not threathen to riot. I have a ton of time on my hands so I really follow this shit. The media twist his wards he did not say that. Notice all the news" Midea matters" say the same thing.

"and attacking other presidential contestants' wives. I don't agree with that."

I was watching Neal Cuvoto on fox. There was a female from Cruz campaign talking about trumps wife. It went over like a lead balloon with Neal. Cruz people saw that and immediately removed it. Thrump did not answer it. Later Cruz super pack posted the same thing. Thrump answered that and talked about Cruz wife. Now Cruz used it saying why is Thrump talking about his wife. Cruz is full of shit.

"That said, the number one priority of any voter should and must be national security. Which candidate will keep this country safe fr the next 4 to 8 years? I don't believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton."

"Bernie Sanders being Jewish will possibly cause American foreign policy to defer to that of Israel's more than it has in the last 8 years."

Is he really a Jew or a self hating Jew like George Soro's?

There is more hate for Jews in this country then the Arab terrorist.

Obama is an Islam lover. Close to Sanders.

I am pissed off because I voted for Mc Cain, Romney, and bush before that.

The way they are attacking Thrump who needs democrats to do it.

Cruz and the other guy is a Romney puppet.

I would not vote for either. I would vote for Thrump if he is nominated to lower the deficit, get people off public assistance get more work for people who want to work.

That is all that matter to me besides killing those 50 thousand Isis followers.

Did they crucify that priest yet? Pretty sure you will see it on Easter Sunday.

Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 12:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
" I'm not entirely sure who I will vote for. Trump is now threatening"

Actually he has not threathen to riot. I have a ton of time on my hands so I really follow this shit. The media twist his wards he did not say that. Notice all the news" Midea matters" say the same thing.

"and attacking other presidential contestants' wives. I don't agree with that."

I was watching Neal Cuvoto on fox. There was a female from Cruz campaign talking about trumps wife. It went over like a lead balloon with Neal. Cruz people saw that and immediately removed it. Thrump did not answer it. Later Cruz super pack posted the same thing. Thrump answered that and talked about Cruz wife. Now Cruz used it saying why is Thrump talking about his wife. Cruz is full of shit.

"That said, the number one priority of any voter should and must be national security. Which candidate will keep this country safe fr the next 4 to 8 years? I don't believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton."

"Bernie Sanders being Jewish will possibly cause American foreign policy to defer to that of Israel's more than it has in the last 8 years."

Is he really a Jew or a self hating Jew like George Soro's?

There is more hate for Jews in this country then the Arab terrorist.

Obama is an Islam lover. Close to Sanders.

I am pissed off because I voted for Mc Cain, Romney, and bush before that.

The way they are attacking Thrump who needs democrats to do it.

Cruz and the other guy is a Romney puppet.

I would not vote for either. I would vote for Thrump if he is nominated to lower the deficit, get people off public assistance get more work for people who want to work.

That is all that matter to me besides killing those 50 thousand Isis followers.

Did they crucify that priest yet? Pretty sure you will see it on Easter Sunday.

I'm assuming your spelling of his name as Thrump is an intentional error lol.

You mentioned closing the national annual deficit. You need more tax revenue to do that. Did replacing able bodied US citizens with the foreign scabs called illegal aliens contribute to the national annual deficit? I think so. They didn't pay their share of the tax burden. And at this point no one even wants their money, they just want them gone. They and their employers have done irreparable harm to the poor of the United States.

Riots. He didn't threaten a riot the way someone does when you can convict them of inciting a riot, but he did make a threat, Trump, or Thrump.

He doesn't condemn violence at his rallies. Instead he says that he will pay the legal bills of his supporters if they get into trouble fighting at one of his rallies. Then he threatens other candidates saying if the protesting at his rallies continue....he'll send some pro-Trump protesters over to their rallies instead. Unbelievable. That's low brow and uncivilized. We are talking Morton Downey Jr or Jerry Springer now. Trumps rallies have become an absolute circus and a disgrace. Third world stuff. "If our candidate doesn't win, we will go on a rampage in the street." That's what they say in Syria or Iraq. Craziness. Not America.

Already someone tried to rush him on stage. He's in over his head. Live by the sword, die by the sword. He's not even president yet, and people are already trying to kill him. Too much aggression. He's agitating, and that agitation is coming right back to him. Doesn't the idiot realize that by making so many enemies, he opens himself up to being whacked by someone who'd want to blame all the others he's pissed off? Russia for instance? This dummy must at least learn to walk in the footsteps of order, since walking in the footsteps of peace is beyond his comprehension. Melania Trump, please smack Donald.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 04:49 PM

His supporters don't start riots. It the anarchist that enter his rally's illegally that start it. Their the ones who always throw the first punch.

I saw only 2 people that maybe be Thrump supporters that threw the fist punch. Let me know if you have seen another because I have not.

You got the black guy who hit the anarchist who looked like a Kkk guy. Imagine if a guy dressed in Kkk stuff went into a sanders rally.

The other guy was an old white guy that hit the black anarchist. What did he say before he got hit.

Your a pretty gullible guy.

Ever been to an occupy Wall Street March. Same people are trying to disrupt Thrump rally.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 04:54 PM

I cant see trump being commander in -chief of the military,

he gets mad, and bombs a country, he has not any diplomacy,

doesn't anyone realize how dangerous he would be?

we are still at war because of the moron George bush jr.

can trump be trusted with his hand on the trigger ?
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:21 PM

Funny thing is, he comes off more even tempered than all the other candidates.

Are you really listening closely??

Guys like Ted Cruz are bloodthirsty as hell. Clinton will bomb and kill anyone she's told.

Trump relentlessly insults anyone that attacks him. I don't see that translating to starting wars.

The main reason the entire republican establishment people hate him and want to stop him is because of his foreign policy and maybe immigration. Let's face it.

Cruz and the other republicans went nuts on Trump, because he dare said he would like to remain neutral between Isreal and Palestine and try working out a deal.
How dare he remain neutral!! Everyone knows that if you become a US politician you have to be 100000% on Isreal's side!
He said let South Korea deal with North Korea.
And How Dare he criticize Bush and the awful Iraq war. Another huge sin if you're running as a Republican.

Honestly I don't buy the into the conventional criticism that he's dangerous in foreign policy, at least not when compared to the other options. He's actually sounding far more reasonable.

It's his domestic economic and trade policy ideas that suck. But that isn't the main reason everyone attacks him.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
His supporters don't start riots. It the anarchist that enter his rally's illegally that start it. Their the ones who always throw the first punch.

I saw only 2 people that maybe be Thrump supporters that threw the fist punch. Let me know if you have seen another because I have not.

You got the black guy who hit the anarchist who looked like a Kkk guy. Imagine if a guy dressed in Kkk stuff went into a sanders rally.

The other guy was an old white guy that hit the black anarchist. What did he say before he got hit.

Your a pretty gullible guy.

Ever been to an occupy Wall Street March. Same people are trying to disrupt Thrump rally.

You see Footreads, once we are reduced to "Trump's people were defending, the other guys threw the first punch" "No, you're lying, the Trump guy was being disrespectful and pulled the kids collar first!"....it becomes a circus.

If Trump were more intelligent, he would be on video threatening to remove ALL rally participants who get violent, Pro AND Anti Trump alike.

If he did that, do you know how much his poll ratings would go up? But no...
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:26 PM

we were at war before Bush. We will be at war after Obama. Except now the world is an even more dangerous place.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads

Your a pretty gullible guy.

Ever been to an occupy Wall Street March. Same people are trying to disrupt Thrump rally.

If you are saying I am gullible because I think a muslim ban is even possible, I don't think it actually is. What is actually possible is to ban nationalities in times of war and/or in the interest of national security. You don't ban a religion. You ban the nationality.

And no, I've never been to an Occupy Wall Street gathering. I actually don't trust them.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:34 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Funny thing is, he comes off more even tempered than all the other candidates.

Are you really listening closely??

Guys like Ted Cruz are bloodthirsty as hell. Clinton will bomb and kill anyone she's told.

Trump rentlessly insults anyone that attacks him. I don't see that translating to starting wars.

The main reason the entire republican establishment people hate him and want to stop him is because of his foreign policy and maybe immigration. Let's face it.

Cruz and the other republicans went nuts on Trump, because he dare said he would like to remain neutral between Isreal and Palestine and try working out a deal.
How dare he remain neutral!! Everyone knows that if you become a US politician you have to be 100000% on Isreal's side!
He said let South Korea deal with North Korea.
And How Dare he criticize Bush and the awful Iraq war. Another huge sin if you're running as a Republican.

Honestly I don't buy the into the conventional criticism that he's dangerous in foreign policy, at least not when compared to the other options. He's actually sounding far more reasonable.

It's his domestic economic and trade policy ideas that suck. But that isn't the main reason everyone attacks him.

Cruz is way scarier than Trump. Cruz was willing to shut down the government to get his way, even if it meant destroying the country's credit rating...and crashing the US Dollar. That is a financial Armageddon, and he was fine with it. Even Barack Obama said during that time that he was scared. The Treasury Secretary, Jacob Lew, looked very nervous when he was testifying in front of Congress warning them about the approaching debt ceiling.

Cruz tried to amend the Gang of 8 Immigration bill, S744, to quintuple, yes, quintuple, the number of H1B Visas permitted to enter the UNited States and take jobs from the vulnerable populace. The number let in every year would have skyrocketed from 65,000 to over 325,000. That is a great financial harm to the vulnerable struggling US citizen. That cold blooded empty suit with the shrill high pitched voice and the Freddy Krueger mask on was A-OK with it all. Un-Believable!

Hillary is on video saying she would bomb Iran. This was during her first presidential run. So when someone said she'll bomb anyone she's told to bomb, I could believe that. She's very very dangerous...because she is a feminist who aches to prove she must be taken as seriously as a man. She'll bomb someone to prove it.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:42 PM

Thrump says a lot of things I don't agree with. That was a different incident I saw that one. The white kid would not leave the guy held his collar he did not hurt him.

Maybe if the white kid started to cry like a women. I would feel bad for the poor white boy.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 05:54 PM

On the dollar crashing it could happen right after the Euro crashes. I told my son in law who lives in Germany. He doesn't believe me. I also think collecting gold won't help us here in the US.

In WW2 the US collected all the gold in private citizens hands except the gold in family heirlooms. Look it up tell me if we did not do that. Executive order by the president.

I tried to get my gold sent to Germany. No one would do it here in the US.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/26/16 06:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
On the dollar crashing it could happen right after the Euro crashes.

The Dollar, the Euro, and the Pound, all artificially manipulated.

Just keep an eye on which currency the rich are holding their wealth in.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 03:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Funny thing is, he comes off more even tempered than all the other candidates.

Are you really listening closely??

Guys like Ted Cruz are bloodthirsty as hell. Clinton will bomb and kill anyone she's told.

Trump rentlessly insults anyone that attacks him. I don't see that translating to starting wars.

The main reason the entire republican establishment people hate him and want to stop him is because of his foreign policy and maybe immigration. Let's face it.

Cruz and the other republicans went nuts on Trump, because he dare said he would like to remain neutral between Isreal and Palestine and try working out a deal.
How dare he remain neutral!! Everyone knows that if you become a US politician you have to be 100000% on Isreal's side!
He said let South Korea deal with North Korea.
And How Dare he criticize Bush and the awful Iraq war. Another huge sin if you're running as a Republican.

Honestly I don't buy the into the conventional criticism that he's dangerous in foreign policy, at least not when compared to the other options. He's actually sounding far more reasonable.

It's his domestic economic and trade policy ideas that suck. But that isn't the main reason everyone attacks him.

Cruz is way scarier than Trump. Cruz was willing to shut down the government to get his way, even if it meant destroying the country's credit rating...and crashing the US Dollar. That is a financial Armageddon, and he was fine with it. Even Barack Obama said during that time that he was scared. The Treasury Secretary, Jacob Lew, looked very nervous when he was testifying in front of Congress warning them about the approaching debt ceiling.

Cruz tried to amend the Gang of 8 Immigration bill, S744, to quintuple, yes, quintuple, the number of H1B Visas permitted to enter the UNited States and take jobs from the vulnerable populace. The number let in every year would have skyrocketed from 65,000 to over 325,000. That is a great financial harm to the vulnerable struggling US citizen. That cold blooded empty suit with the shrill high pitched voice and the Freddy Krueger mask on was A-OK with it all. Un-Believable!

Hillary is on video saying she would bomb Iran. This was during her first presidential run. So when someone said she'll bomb anyone she's told to bomb, I could believe that. She's very very dangerous...because she is a feminist who aches to prove she must be taken as seriously as a man. She'll bomb someone to prove it.

Maybe you're not aware of this, but under Obama the country's credit rating did already go down. It happened, not under Cruz, but Obama. Maybe you don't know this either, but the federal government shuts down every weekend, and it has never resulted in the end of the world. Between 1976 and 2013 there have been 17 government shutdowns due to government budgetary disagreements. Please tell me which one has led to Armageddon. By the way, when Obama was a senator he advocated shutting down the government and not extending the debt. Haven't heard you complain about that.

As for the Gang of 8 bill, Cruz said his amendment was a poison pill meant to derail the bill. Senator Jeff Sessions, who is a Trump supporter, backed Cruz up on this. Sorry he's not as handsome as your boy Trump, but he's done pretty well in life given his "Freddie Kreuger mask."
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 09:01 AM

This is the problem I fear in a Trump vs Hillary general election...



Cruz doesn't do much better...



Ironically, the polls show Kasich has the best chance of defeating Clinton. I can only assume this is because he would do better at bringing over many moderates and independents. Even left-leaning ones who may not really want Clinton themselves but won't go as far as to vote for Trump or Cruz.


Posted By: blueracing347

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 12:40 PM

Can someone please tell me where the forest of money trees is hidden? I have listened to Sanders and Clinton to hear what they were about. The both of them want to give more and more handouts. Where does the money come from? These fucking idiots stand there and cheer and cheer for these two. College shouldnt be free and not everyone should go to college. College isnt a place to find yourself. You go to college to better yourself not to make friends and go to keggers every night. Thats why this generation of the entitled cant find jobs. There is a lack of work ethic. After 9/11 transpired, that lying bitch said on national tv that she was going to call everyones husband or wife who died and send her condolences. Lies, lies, lies. She let her husband humiliate her in front of the world and did nothing. When I think of that lying [BadWord] being president, I picture taht scene in the sopranos when phil goes after lady shy and she gets on her knees and offers to blow phil rather than facing the.consequences of her actions. Thats Hilary. I don't have time for Sanders. This Presidential election is all sorts of fucked up. I want Trump, but I wish he would take it down a few notches and ignore Cruz. He said he was going to start acting more presidential. If Trump gets fucked by the republican party bc he doesnt get 1237, I simply wont vote. If the reps want to show their true colors by doing such a thing, im done.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 12:48 PM

And don't forget blueracing how Hillary lied about her daughter almost dying while jogging around the WTC on that day when she was instead was at home. Also, about the helicopter landing in Bosnia under supposed fire. And , the all time best that she was broke. They just never stop but people are voting for her. The Teflon Don has nothing on Hillary.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 01:05 PM

Another thing she said was to allow women to have equal rights in the workplace. The 70's are over. Women have great jobs and make good money. Women have more rights than men, blacks, hispanics, and Bald Eagles combined. Shes a fucking lying bitch who should have never been allowed to take office in NY. She should've been found in a trunk with a tampon shoved in her mouth.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 01:23 PM

Originally Posted By: blueracing347
Another thing she said was to allow women to have equal rights in the workplace. The 70's are over. Women have great jobs and make good money. Women have more rights than men, blacks, hispanics, and Bald Eagles combined. Shes a fucking lying bitch who should have never been allowed to take office in NY. She should've been found in a trunk with a tampon shoved in her mouth.

Don't hold back BLUE. tongue
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 02:26 PM

I am pretty annoyed with the Republican Party after them getting together to try and destroy Thrump. They are doing the democrats job.

So if I can not vote for Thrump in the election. I will vote for sanders rather than any other republican or Hillary.

If I can not vote for Sanders then I won't vote.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 02:33 PM

Anyone ever been polled? They can engineer and poll to the result that the pollster wants.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 03:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1

Maybe you're not aware of this, but under Obama the country's credit rating did already go down. It happened, not under Cruz, but Obama. Maybe you don't know this either, but the federal government shuts down every weekend, and it has never resulted in the end of the world. Between 1976 and 2013 there have been 17 government shutdowns due to government budgetary disagreements. Please tell me which one has led to Armageddon.

It seems as if you don't see what not raising the debt ceiling actually meant. It seems that way. It was a very serious situation that threatened national security itself. This is because the US military relies on US financing for funding. If the US Government runs out of money, the US military would be crippled. That is a danger to the security of the United States, and that's just the military aspect. Interest rates on US bonds would've skyrocketed to coax in more buyers if the US credit rating had crashed. This would've shut down all economic activity. We would've seen bigger and more massive lay offs than the hundreds of thousands per month that Barack Obama was confronted with in 2008. It is possible that we could have also seen deflation and a crash in the very value of the dollar. Eventually, the prices of goods would skyrocket to compensate, but no jobs anywhere to pay for anything. Riots in the streets. Looting.

Ted Cruz is a little child that was playing with fire.

His reckless cold blooded actions are why many mark him as a foreigner, not American.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 03:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Faithful1

Maybe you're not aware of this, but under Obama the country's credit rating did already go down. It happened, not under Cruz, but Obama. Maybe you don't know this either, but the federal government shuts down every weekend, and it has never resulted in the end of the world. Between 1976 and 2013 there have been 17 government shutdowns due to government budgetary disagreements. Please tell me which one has led to Armageddon.

It seems as if you don't see what not raising the debt ceiling actually meant. It seems that way. It was a very serious situation that threatened national security itself. This is because the US military relies on US financing for funding. If the US Government runs out of money, the US military would be crippled. That is a danger to the security of the United States, and that's just the military aspect. Interest rates on US bonds would've skyrocketed to coax in more buyers if the US credit rating had crashed. This would've shut down all economic activity. We would've seen bigger and more massive lay offs than the hundreds of thousands per month that Barack Obama was confronted with in 2008. It is possible that we could have also seen deflation and a crash in the very value of the dollar. Eventually, the prices of goods would skyrocket to compensate, but no jobs anywhere to pay for anything. Riots in the streets. Looting.

Ted Cruz is a little child that was playing with fire.

His reckless cold blooded actions are why many mark him as a foreigner, not American.

I don't know if you're attacking Cruz from the point of view of a Trump supporter or a Bernie supporter, but exaggerations and scaremongering don't help your case. When the government shuts down it shuts down non-essential services, so the military is exempt. Again, if you're going to go after Cruz for not wanting to raise the debt ceiling, then why do you not mention Obama doing the same thing, only before Cruz did it.

Something else you may want to consider is that eventually the debt ceiling won't be able to be raised and expenditures will have to be cut. Interest on the debt is astonishingly high now, and Medicaid and Social Security are both nearing insolvency. So your Weimar Republic scare story may happen, and Cruz won't have anything to do with it.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Anyone ever been polled? They can engineer and poll to the result that the pollster wants.

Yeah I have been polled a few times. Sometimes they ask leading questions, most times if your answer is not what they wanted to hear, they will thank you and hang up. Both parties do this. I use to mess with the pollsters, until the Secret Service knocked on my door.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/27/16 06:13 PM

That's my question - how much weight do we give these polls? I can't believe that many people would vote for Hillary friggin' Clinton. Then again, Obama won two general elections so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/28/16 02:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari
I use to mess with the pollsters, until the Secret Service knocked on my door.

Excuse me? Would you mind expounding on that a bit?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/28/16 09:55 PM

Foot and company. I've never been polled, but I imagine it might hurt a bit. tongue
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/28/16 10:02 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I can't believe that many people would vote for Hillary friggin' Clinton.

You have to admit, its an interesting menagerie of animals: Trump the bizarro, bombastic, boaster (I think PL would have liked that); Ted (won't you let me take you on a Sea Cruz) trying desperately to latch on to something Republican; Hillary Who - please just go away, we've heard it all before; and Bernie the transplanted Jew from Brooklyn - he's got diamonds on the souls of his shoes. As an alien from Mars steps forward - Take me to your leader.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 03:27 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
That's my question - how much weight do we give these polls? I can't believe that many people would vote for Hillary friggin' Clinton. Then again, Obama won two general elections so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

no, you should not be surprised at all, the republican party has shifted to far to the right, and are digging their own grave with trump.

jeb bush had the best chance of defeating Hillary, but he was not radical right.

so, the party has been hi-jacked by those who think the far right can prevail, THEY ARE WRONG. IF TRUMP IS THE NOMINEE

Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 04:51 AM

What does far right even mean anyways? People keep saying that but far right means something different to everybody.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 04:18 PM

extremism, in a political party means, you will not compromise with anyone on any matter.

witness the failure to talk to recent supreme court nominee,

shutting down the government.if you don't get your way.

trying to get rid of obama care many, many times, instead of moving on.

the republican party is led by reactionaires, who try to shut down entitlements, or, and every program that's put forth by the president.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg,
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 06:14 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
extremism, in a political party means, you will not compromise with anyone on any matter.

witness the failure to talk to recent supreme court nominee,

shutting down the government.if you don't get your way.

trying to get rid of obama care many, many times, instead of moving on.

the republican party is led by reactionaires, who try to shut down entitlements, or, and every program that's put forth by the president.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg,

So you're "far" right when you shows signs of having any kind of principles what so ever. Got it.
And moderates are good because they "move on" and stand for nothing. Got it.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 11:13 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
extremism, in a political party means, you will not compromise with anyone on any matter.

witness the failure to talk to recent supreme court nominee,

shutting down the government.if you don't get your way.

trying to get rid of obama care many, many times, instead of moving on.

the republican party is led by reactionaires, who try to shut down entitlements, or, and every program that's put forth by the president.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg,

So you're "far" right when you shows signs of having any kind of principles what so ever. Got it.
And moderates are good because they "move on" and stand for nothing. Got it.

watch what happens to the republican party, when trump is the head of the ticket come election time.

see how many states he wins. !!
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/29/16 11:32 PM

What are you guys thoughts on Donald Trump’s campaign manager being charged in Florida for roughing up a reporter? I saw the tape and frankly I don't get it. The video is in the below article. Curious to hear your opinions and to see if you think this is just another attempt try to smear Trump.

Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/30/16 12:31 AM

He was caught on camera, but had to watch it a few times to catch everything. He definitely grabbed her hard.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/30/16 12:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
extremism, in a political party means, you will not compromise with anyone on any matter.

witness the failure to talk to recent supreme court nominee,

shutting down the government.if you don't get your way.

trying to get rid of obama care many, many times, instead of moving on.

the republican party is led by reactionaires, who try to shut down entitlements, or, and every program that's put forth by the president.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg,

So you're "far" right when you shows signs of having any kind of principles what so ever. Got it.
And moderates are good because they "move on" and stand for nothing. Got it.

watch what happens to the republican party, when trump is the head of the ticket come election time.

see how many states he wins. !!

And what does that have to do with what I said?

I'm not a republican, and I actually hope the Republican Party dies out.
I could care less about "winning" an election with some moderate guy that is basically indistinguishable from the opposing candidate. ( moderate Mitt Romney-care vs Obama, moderate McCain vs Obama, 8 years of Bush).

WHY would I want any of those failed policies and type of politicians back?

The fact that the Republicans didn't get rid of Obama care, is a good reason the party should die. Not because they "tried" to get rid of it.

It's their JOB to get rid of it. The voters put them in office to get rid of Obama care. They didn't. They aren't.
And if they do, it'll only be to replace it with some other BS system. The Republican Party is a joke. Not because they're " too far right" but because they're worthless and don't fight or stand for anything.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/30/16 12:36 AM

Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
What are you guys thoughts on Donald Trump’s campaign manager being charged in Florida for roughing up a reporter? I saw the tape and frankly I don't get it. The video is in the below article. Curious to hear your opinions and to see if you think this is just another attempt try to smear Trump.


He brought it on himself by lying and saying he didn't know her or touch her AFTER he sent out a tweet saying that he did! The new video shows that he did in fact grab her arm and she has photographic evidence of bruising, plus there's an audio of her talking with a Washington Post reporter immediately after it happened naming him. If he said, "Michelle, I'm sorry for grabbing your arm as hard as I did. It wasn't intentional, I didn't mean it. Please forgive me." then this wouldn't have gone as far as it did. She wouldn't have pressed charges, but he went from admitting to lying and denying, which made her double down in anger.

Trump should have had a team of PR people and he should have LISTENED to them. But the guy is a total narcissist who thinks he knows everything. When asked about his foreign policy consultants, he said that he consults himself because he's a smart guy. Acting the way he does isn't smart, especially if he wants to win the general election. Right now his negatives are higher than Hillary's, and he's especially negative among women. Wonder why. He repeatedly attacked Megyn Kelly, insulted Carly Fiorina, has a history of cheating on his wives but then accuses Cruz of cheating on his, posts an unflattering photo of Cruz's wife although she has done nothing to Trump and Ted Cruz has no connection to the superpac that used a GQ photo of Melania Trump, makes a flirtatious comment to a Washington Post reporter who's a SJW, etc, etc. You would think that a bright person would say to himself, "This kind of behavior isn't helping me, maybe I'd better stop." This all leads to the uncomfortable conclusion that he's not as bright as he thinks he is.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/30/16 12:55 AM

I just don't understand why people refuse to mention the the fact that this republican race and maybe the entire election is a East Coast west coast thing.

Either way, East Coast Wins.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/30/16 10:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
extremism, in a political party means, you will not compromise with anyone on any matter.

witness the failure to talk to recent supreme court nominee,

shutting down the government.if you don't get your way.

trying to get rid of obama care many, many times, instead of moving on.

the republican party is led by reactionaires, who try to shut down entitlements, or, and every program that's put forth by the president.

and that's just the tip of the iceberg,

So you're "far" right when you shows signs of having any kind of principles what so ever. Got it.
And moderates are good because they "move on" and stand for nothing. Got it.

watch what happens to the republican party, when trump is the head of the ticket come election time.

see how many states he wins. !!

the republican party is already fucked, that's why trump has a chance at getting nominated
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/31/16 12:52 AM

Watching from afar this race is fascinating, if a bit scary. Regards to Trump, if you look at transcripts of questions he answers, (Anderson Cooper did a good job the other night) he never really answers them, especially one's he clearly has no knowledge of. He relies on ramblings that he often repeats, "this country is going to be so great again, gonna build the wall, gonna bring jobs back from China, I'm a smart guy, I'm self funded etc etc.
I think he's basically a blagger, probably in business also. If he were to implement his so called policies America would suffer greatly, he wants to bring back jobs from China? you think Americans would work for like 10 cents an hour like chinese factory workers do??
If he got in though the good thing is though almost non of his policies would pass through the senate surely?
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/31/16 01:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
This all leads to the uncomfortable conclusion that he's not as bright as he thinks he is.

He probably doesn't even believe himself to be bright.

And he's probably right about himself.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/31/16 01:53 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

It's their JOB to get rid of it. The voters put them in office to get rid of Obama care. They didn't. They aren't.
And if they do, it'll only be to replace it with some other BS system. The Republican Party is a joke. Not because they're " too far right" but because they're worthless and don't fight or stand for anything.

It baffles me that you believe the Republicans can do anything about the Affordable Care Act.

They can't.

Donald Trump says he will repeal it.

He simply doesn't have the numbers needed in the Senate to do it...even if every last Republican in the Republican majority Senate votes against it.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/31/16 05:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

It's their JOB to get rid of it. The voters put them in office to get rid of Obama care. They didn't. They aren't.
And if they do, it'll only be to replace it with some other BS system. The Republican Party is a joke. Not because they're " too far right" but because they're worthless and don't fight or stand for anything.

It baffles me that you believe the Republicans can do anything about the Affordable Care Act.

They can't.

Donald Trump says he will repeal it.

He simply doesn't have the numbers needed in the Senate to do it...even if every last Republican in the Republican majority Senate votes against it.

I didn't say they could. I said they aren't.
He said the fact that they "tried" to get rid of it makes them far right and extremist.
And THAT'S what baffles me. Like wow even some pretend effort should be forbidden in your book.
Bad enough there's a two party system. Why not just have one party and everybody just agree on all policies then.

Regardless if they have enough numbers in the senate to get rid of it now, is besides the point. They as a party failed. They can't get enough support to change or do anything significant. Once a giant government program like this starts, it Is nearly impossible to get rid of. Which is why it shouldn't exist in the first place.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 03/31/16 05:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

It's their JOB to get rid of it. The voters put them in office to get rid of Obama care. They didn't. They aren't.
And if they do, it'll only be to replace it with some other BS system. The Republican Party is a joke. Not because they're " too far right" but because they're worthless and don't fight or stand for anything.

It baffles me that you believe the Republicans can do anything about the Affordable Care Act.

They can't.

Donald Trump says he will repeal it.

He simply doesn't have the numbers needed in the Senate to do it...even if every last Republican in the Republican majority Senate votes against it.

Don't have to repeal it it will fold in 2017. In the mean time if your married you will no longer be able to file a joint return. Your father dies and leaves you his house. They will tax the crap out of it as income to help with Obama care. People on social security no more annual increases. Need it to pay for Obama care.

A fun future is waiting for you.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/02/16 12:25 AM

what trump said about abortion, punish the woman, he later retracted, but, that is his mindset.

what a moron, then he wont rule out using nuclear weapons on Europe.

this guy is a real piece of work, and, odds are he will split the party, resulting in a surefire Hillary win.

how can any one deny that the far right wing of the republican party, caused their demise.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/02/16 01:11 AM

Again, far right wing just means you pretend to fight for something your party Claims to stand for. Lol
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/03/16 07:15 AM

"=Binnie_Coll] what trump said about abortion, punish the woman, he later retracted, but, that is his mindset."

First a women is stupid for having kids they don't want or can't afford. I would like to see the return of orphanages instead of Forster care. I knew people who went into an orphanages. They turned out ok.

" what a moron, then he wont rule out using nuclear weapons on Europe."

He did not say he would use it. What if he was asked would he rule it out if Iran nuked Israel? Rule that out as well.

" this guy is a real piece of work, and, odds are he will split the party, resulting in a surefire Hillary win."

So what you would be happy to vote for her right?

"how can any one deny that the far right wing of the republican party, caused their demise."

The far right is made up of people our age Binnie
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/04/16 05:56 AM

foots... not all of us seniors, are far right, just want to protect social security, and medicare,

the republicans have always wanted to take that away.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/04/16 09:07 AM


the majority of people that vote republican are on some form of public assistance

it's pretty damn astounding actually
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/04/16 06:06 PM

Social security is not public assistance.

Thrump has said he does not want to mess with social security.

He wants to create jobs. Which none of the other canadates in either party has done that other then Thrump?
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/04/16 07:00 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty

the majority of people that vote republican are on some form of public assistance

it's pretty damn astounding actually

Wow, that's a new one. Do you have any documents or articles to support that?
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/04/16 09:57 PM

More b.s. from cook which is nothing new. Actually the Republicans would rather cut things like welfare, etc. so why would anyone on public assistance want to vote Republican?

Beanshooter he will have nothing to back that up. Just more garbage from a diehard Demoncrat that pays his bills.

And cook, like foots said, social security is NOT public assistance. Those of us THAT WORK, pay into social security. If you worked you would know that. Now get off the computer and make sure that HUD apartment is nice and neat for your monthly inspection.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/05/16 12:04 AM

I went to one of my doctors today. We got to talking as it turned out he will be voting for Thrump for the same reason as I am. It the economy plus for whatever reason he does not like Hillary.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/05/16 12:12 AM

Got to tell you guys I can't believe most people want to be on on welfair. If some would give them a way off I believe they would want off. I think the far left democrats are low life people. They don't want the poor to eventually become middle class they want to keep them dependent and poor.

Hill and especially sanders are low life people.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/05/16 04:23 AM

I don't know about sanders, but, Hillary is a liar. plain, and simple.

she absolutely disgusts me, like bill, no conception whatever of the truth,
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/05/16 12:52 PM

Pertaining to abortion: For the life of me, I cant understand how a child can be taken away from its parents if there is neglect, unsuitable housing, drug abuse etc... On the flipside, someone who doesnt make a decent living, doesnt have the means to support a child, tests positive for drugs, etc... Can have a baby and another one, and another one, all on the taxpayers dime. Its fucking ludicrous. If you cant feed them dont breed of them. It's nice that our nation embraces gay marriage and transgender douchebags bc its it's time for a change. But you draw a fucking picture, right a thesis, or just explain verbally that one shouldnt be having children, all hell breaks loose? I work in an icu. When people get to that point where they're on the verge of fuked and fucked, we ask them about advance directives, dnr, and how far they want to go with treatments if they havent already expressed their wishes. Sometimes they have reached fucked and we have to ask the next person in line to make those decisions. So many people want every last measure taken. Once again, whos paying for it? If you or your family can afford it, thats one thing. But to expect the hospital to pay for it, which the gov ends up eating the bill or better yet this is why healthcare is so damn expensive. At the end of the day the hospital is like a casino. The house wins. Who cares about liberals and conservatives. What we need is realists. Rome lasted 1,000 years. We arent 300 years old and the cracks are getting worse by the day.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/05/16 12:53 PM

"Write" not right
Posted By: Footreads

Re: All Out Effort To get Trump - 04/10/16 12:17 PM

I just want to buy electronics produced in America made by Americans.

If I had to pay triple or more then I would buying any where else I would pay it. Sick of buying foreign crap even if it is good crap.
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