
The European Union is moving towards its end ?

Posted By: furio_from_naples

The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/16/16 07:30 PM

After the wars in Syria and Libya have created a biblical exodus of people trying to save themselves. As usual Italy has been left alone, while the Scandinavian countries are deciding to expel the refugees, in Hungary the government has created a wall to reject those who try to enter Europe.
and 'it is talking to suspend Schengen, and then the free circulation of persons between the European states.

Viewed from Italy the situation is not good what do you think?
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/16/16 09:39 PM

I think a better question would be "Is Europe committing suicide?"
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/16/16 10:04 PM

Faith I would write is the europe going to fuck up but maybe was volgar so choose this title.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/16/16 10:04 PM

How and why would they suspend the Schengen rules?

Citizens of european countries can travel freely, and American passport holders with stamp of entry from euro country can travel freely from one place to the next...but it's not a free pass for anyone to just cross border.

refugee wouldn't have required paperwork to go from A to B, right?

I have a hard time believing that big business isn't going to take advantage of this pool of potential cheap labor. Can Europe now rebuild manufacturing sector?

Charity and welfare are one thing, but I don't think that was the full motivation for allowing all those people into Europe.there has to be a way to integrate them into the workforce.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/17/16 11:42 AM

Schengen mean that every persone that arrive on a Schengen protocol country for example the italy can go to france without that someone ask the identity card or a paperwork. Now most if not all of the refuges want to go in the north europe (UK, norway,sweden , Belgium ecc).
But until there little quantity of refuges the nord country welcome them but with a largest numbers of refuges the Welfare become crippled and decided to dont accept another quantity of people.
In the UK that stay in europe but decided to dont accept the euro,decided with the france to sospend Schengen and re put the control on the borse.

Now if a single state can decide to sospend Schengen the other Step will be to go out from the euro for economic reasons.

So the European Union Shows that until the things go well every state stay ok but after the things go wrong the EU was a nutshell.
Sad but true.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/24/16 05:46 PM

Thanks for the correction,Furio.

In light of that, I think in the future they may alter or suspend Schengen and the EU because there are no uniform immigration rules. Immigrant can just enter a country with lax rules/border and make their way to a country with strict rules.

A country HAS to be able to protect or screen her borders.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/27/16 10:26 AM

In June the UK has a referendum to see if we are going to stay in the EU. Nothing against the rest of Europe but we have had enough of putting more in and getting little back. Also we are sick of being told what to do by France and Germany and all their lackeys who run the EU.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 02:07 PM

Yogi as italian I had enough of the axe Berlin-Paris and of the fucking north European country that want to give the lession to us.
For me you british can easly go out EU and remain alone and I dream an union with all the countries that stay on the mediterranean sea that had the same problems and can easly help each other.
You from north Europe stay together that us from the mediterranean can stay alone
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 05:17 PM

Okay, if England leaves the EU, there will still be 27 nations in the EU. So, what effect would that have on English trade relations?
Posted By: short841

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 05:23 PM

I hope we leave the EU. But this campaign is full of scaremongering and about the civil disupute in the tories. I am a tory and we hear all this stuff about how it is going to help boris become PM in june if we leave. And all the spinning on figures.
Reading michael gove piece on why he wants to leave is insightful. Trade will still happen olivant. three million jobs here are link to eu and 5 million jobs in eu are linked to uk economy. So basically we rely on each other.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 06:01 PM

However Short, England's withdrawal might lead to the imposition of tariffs, right?

Also, the referendum is non-binding on Parliament?
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 07:09 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Okay, if England leaves the EU, there will still be 27 nations in the EU. So, what effect would that have on English trade relations?

Nothing will happen olivant. The UK doesn't use the euro, and is in the EU only be name. The dangerous was when the Greece wanted to Leave the EU and the problem would be was will be the end of milion of useless banknotes ?

However me too think that the UK will gonna go out of EU.
Posted By: short841

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 07:13 PM

maybe but this is all part of the negotiations if we leave which will take around two years. Maybe we leave entirely or maybe we become like iceland and norway which imo is worse. Because we still pay for membership but still have to enforce eu laws. And all referendums are non binding but if we vote to leave cameron wont say, "no we arent going to leave"
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 10:20 PM

So, why did England join the EU in the first place and what is the incentive for it to leave?
Posted By: short841

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 02/29/16 10:33 PM

uk joined in 75 or 73, i cant remember but it was called the eec. it was a common market, but slowly and in the 80's when it all started, it began to become a united state of europe. UK has never wanted that as a nation. people say it benefits because of trade but we will trade with europe anyway if we leave. Farage is right, the ukip leader, lets be friends and good neighbours but we wont be part of this superstate
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/01/16 07:57 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
So, why did England join the EU in the first place and what is the incentive for it to leave?

“Heavy fog over Channel. Continent isolated.”... 

The british love their island and love to stay alone. So why the UK joint the EU but remained with the pound ? Because lived to say to the EU "if we will continue to stay in EU, what are the benefits ?" And so the EU gave many many benefits because the UK will continue to stay in EU.
Now that the EU is in crisis the british want to to Leave the sinking boat.

So british want to Leave ? Ok that all right the trade will be the same and dont kill too desperates that try to leave dunkerque for cross the Channel and land on the "continent".
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/05/16 06:04 AM

Cannot wait for us to leave the EU!!! Having to be dictated to by European government thugs dictating our laws. I am English, I never would consider myself European, I want good relations but do not want to be connected to European countries in any way. Too often our economy gets dragged down by European failures.
As it stands, if we wanted to we could never bring back the death penalty because of an EU ruling, who the hell are they to make our laws! Also I remember these disgraceful Liberal EU council members saying we had to give criminals with serious offences their right to vote because it violated their civil rights. Hopefully when we leave we can harden our weak immigration policy also. 60 million people on a tiny island is utterly ridiculous as it is.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/05/16 06:19 PM

We're agree nicky. We dont want you because you british oreder to stay in your island ignoring the continent;and you dont want to stay in EU because think that the EU impose it law.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/07/16 08:33 PM

What I'd like to know is from which EU nation will the antichrist emerge.
Posted By: BillyBrizzi

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/08/16 12:58 AM

I'm amazed at how many people over here think the EU will end..

The EU isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future..
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/08/16 11:13 AM

Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi
I'm amazed at how many people over here think the EU will end..

The EU isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future..

Billy, the European Union was born as an idea in the 50s, first as an economic community and then as a set of states.
Was yearn for the United States of Europe with its own army, all that things collided with the harsh reality.
In the end the only things that holds Europe together is the euro and the Schengen treaty.
If at the end each state is free to suspend Schengen, what will prevent such a state, to unilaterally go out from the euro?

Unfortunately because of the crisis in many countries come to government more xenophobic parties who don't want the European Union that, after the 2009 crisis has not been able to help those countries in difficulty rather scornfully called it P.I.G.S. namely Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain.

the European Union is an idea for which Europe and its people must be together to be stronger and help each other. This is the theory

In practice emerge germany who feels the teacher in Europe, followed by France, Eastern European countries which have done so much to get in the union now they want to get out of it because it is not cheaper to stay in the union; Meanwhile Italy and Greece are left to themselves in handling the migration management.
northern europe in words helps the southern countries and the Balkans, and all do to repel migrants.

What I would say is that: if the EU is an empty shell and is more convenient for the Italy to turn back to the lire and rebuilt the economy,ok the eu has a good esperience but is failed.

I study law and the european parliament spent 2 y for find a important decision and there are a lack od democrazy in the parliament.

So if schengen can be easly suspended the next step will be to go out of euro.

I hope was clear.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/08/16 05:25 PM

Let's hope it does.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/08/16 07:55 PM

There's nothing wrong with the EU as a concept, but the individual member countries are damaging the Union with bad economic and immigration policies. Some of the countries are big welfare and democratic socialist states that are losing money and have little to no economic growth, so when Greece goes bankrupt the other countries are expected to carry the slack. In reality, since most of the countries aren't doing well the burden goes to those that are, like Germany. As part of joining the union, member states should not have been allowed to engage in extreme welfare statism and democratic socialism because they kill economies.

Second, many of the EU members have been committing suicide by allowing mass immigration of Muslims, especially those who want to impose Shari'a. That combined with far-Left political correctness that gives special privileges to Muslims while taking them away from Christian is going to have similar effects to the de-Christianization of Revolutionary France: tyranny and mass murder. Meanwhile, those who reject Islamic supremacy are regularly labeled by the press as "far right" and marginalized. Clearly neo-Nazism should be marginalized, but parties that promote free markets and reject Islamic supremacism should not be. A rejection of Islamic supremacy is NOT a rejection of all Muslims, but it does reject those who want to impose their religion on others and hold such ideas as killing apostates and a denial or rights to women. Now Germany, Sweden and other countries regularly downplay stories of rape by Muslim immigrants. What about the rights of the victims? Why are they being ignored?

So taken together, economic stupidity, giving in to Islamic supremacists, and the far-Left protecting them to the detriment of the victims, may lead to the end of the EU.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/09/16 12:17 AM

If I recall, it was formed in the 1950s. In the early 1970s it gained a lot of power. By the early 1990s, with the fall of the Soviet Union, they had another treaty to sign, which help set the France-Germany-Netherlands alliance. I don't see it as an end yet, even though there are a few country members that don't have equal representation on the EU. Finland, Norway, and Sweden get a lot of flack, but they mainly deal with their own problems and talk amongst themselves before putting forth a policy to be voted on.
Will the EU disband? Yes, but I say it will be another decade or two before we start to see it fall apart.
Furio, I suggest you keep an eye on Switzerland to see which way the wind is blowing. Right now that country is solid on almost everything including their economy.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/10/16 02:35 PM

Giacomo the switzerland was neutral and isolationist from the 1515 ! The only differents there are the languore spoke.
The mistake of the EU was to let that the ex socialist states easly enter in the union.
Faithful what do you think is to marginalize the musli and close them in the ghettos but even in france that was almost 2 centuries that deal with north african there are the banlies.
The states failed to integrate the musli but also the musli want to stay together without use the sharia.
We are like the 1929 crisis with the neo nazo and far right parties that come to power.
The situation isnt easy to resolve even if a think that if will stop the war in Siria and rebuilt the country maybe so many people shouldnt escaped from their country. But is just my opinion.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/10/16 09:45 PM

Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Giacomo the switzerland was neutral and isolationist from the 1515 ! The only differents there are the languore spoke.
The mistake of the EU was to let that the ex socialist states easly enter in the union.
Faithful what do you think is to marginalize the musli and close them in the ghettos but even in france that was almost 2 centuries that deal with north african there are the banlies.
The states failed to integrate the musli but also the musli want to stay together without use the sharia.
We are like the 1929 crisis with the neo nazo and far right parties that come to power.
The situation isnt easy to resolve even if a think that if will stop the war in Siria and rebuilt the country maybe so many people shouldnt escaped from their country. But is just my opinion.

The Muslims who live without Sharia and integrate in their countries are not the problems. The Muslims who do want Sharia are. Not only that, but many of the mosques and madrassas are funded by Saudi Arabia and inculcate them to become radicalized. I would put a rule that anyone who wants to live in a EU nation has to reject Shari'a, respect the right of people to change their religious beliefs if they choose to without fear or threat, respect women as equals, and reject anti-Semitism. If they don't agree they have to leave. Marginalizing and ghettoizing are bad ideas. People have to be integrated and treat each other as equals.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/10/16 10:19 PM

Totally agree faithful. We've been treated to the 'melting pot' theory of immigration for years now in which assumptions were/are made that immigrants will naturally integrate. Thats fine when its criteria is controlled, but there's obviously huge issues now just with the sheer numbers flooding into the EU. Rather than use weapons and violence, middle eastern groups with an agenda of spreading sharia are using this as their main tactic. Its a clever way of invading a country and at the same time leaving those nations powerless to take any military action. Ive no idea how many 'Isis' fighters have gained entry to the EU in this way, but it must be significant.

This situation cant and never will be won militarily, the enemy know this, so we must be open to other methods as well. We're in a world of mass social media now and this is where the answer lies I think. We also need to rethink our foreign policy...obviously.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/11/16 10:13 AM

Fergie we see the immigrant like the Americans looked to the immigrant in the 19 venture.
For sure there more isis fighters,criminals and the worst of the people but the major part are people that escape from hunger and death.
We must impose your moralità ? No absolutly.
We must pretendere that learn to speak the country leanguage ? YES
The integrattion take time and there are the "culturale shock" where people must faces situazione that in their home wont never face.

The right strategy (imo) is to make that the people that want to rebuilt their life gonna do it. First learn to speak well the leanguage,second find a job ecc
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/11/16 11:20 AM

I do agree Furio, however, mass immigration on this scale will prove challenging. The infrastructure in every country cannot cope with the numbers at the moment. Its not a controlled policy like Australia, its a mass swarm of mainly genuine people, agreed, but they aren't paying tax or contributing in any way and wont for a lengthy time.

You visit any hospital and there are interpreters and confused foreigners everywhere. It is impacting on service delivery everywhere.

We should be vastly increasing our foreign aid contributions and dealing with the problem at source....if you had a leak on your roof, would you just put a bucket under it and say its fixed? No, you'd fix the source of the problem.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/14/16 09:03 AM

The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.
Assad had his back cover ed and can do whatever he want. Solve the problem ? Kill Assad and will end the sirian civil war.
Want to stop the Isis ? Say to USA to seno 10,000 motherfucker heavy armed with tanks and helicopters and they will eat the fucking Isis.

Im agree with faithful: you want to stay in my country ? Ok, learn the leanguage,find a job, seno your sons to the school.

For the mosque and madrasse we live in the civil states so we cant surveille every mullah.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/14/16 03:21 PM

Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.

Quite an astute observation Furio. You're one of the few who realizes that much of the Soviet Union's and, subsequently, Russia's foreign policy is pursuant to acquiring access to a warm weather port. The USSR's invasion of Afghanistan was, in part, an effort to gain leverage on Pakistan in order to negotiate for access to the Arabian Sea.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/14/16 11:59 PM

Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.
Assad had his back cover ed and can do whatever he want. Solve the problem ? Kill Assad and will end the sirian civil war.
Want to stop the Isis ? Say to USA to seno 10,000 motherfucker heavy armed with tanks and helicopters and they will eat the fucking Isis.

Im agree with faithful: you want to stay in my country ? Ok, learn the leanguage,find a job, seno your sons to the school.

For the mosque and madrasse we live in the civil states so we cant surveille every mullah.

Problem with killing Assad is that there are many groups just as bad as ISIS waiting to take over.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/15/16 02:29 AM

Furio, you know more about European politics than I do. Comment on the following:

"CNBC's Phil Han reports on regional elections in Germany that saw Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party trounced in the polls."
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/16/16 10:10 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.

Quite an astute observation Furio. You're one of the few who realizes that much of the Soviet Union's and, subsequently, Russia's foreign policy is pursuant to acquiring access to a warm weather port. The USSR's invasion of Afghanistan was, in part, an effort to gain leverage on Pakistan in order to negotiate for access to the Arabian Sea.

Im not agree Olivant the Soviets invasione of the Afghanistan was a terribile mistake that accelerato the Soviets Union Fall. The mediterraneanium isnt the arabica sea because is more important and if the soviets during the cold war would need to invade europe its important for the navy to distroy the nato countries navy.
The Pakistan had the nuke bomb but the Soviets would eat it. If the Russian never had a Naval base in pakistan is because they dont need it.

For the Angela Merkel party problem on the polls is because the politic of help immigrants alienato some far right voters special after the Cologne rapes. But after Merkel decided to dont helps refuges and give a hand to the far right,his party is be coming to rover.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/16/16 10:13 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
The problem is that the Russia help Assad because give a mediterranean port for the Russian navy.
Assad had his back cover ed and can do whatever he want. Solve the problem ? Kill Assad and will end the sirian civil war.
Want to stop the Isis ? Say to USA to seno 10,000 motherfucker heavy armed with tanks and helicopters and they will eat the fucking Isis.

Im agree with faithful: you want to stay in my country ? Ok, learn the leanguage,find a job, seno your sons to the school.

For the mosque and madrasse we live in the civil states so we cant surveille every mullah.

Problem with killing Assad is that there are many groups just as bad as ISIS waiting to take over.

Isnt true if Assad and/or the Isis would elimonated the other gruops apart the kurdish that fight for create a free kurdistan,the other groups only wanted to see Assad dead and will find an agreement because they too are tired of 5 y of civil war.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/25/16 02:55 PM

Even with the Brussels Attacks the EU isnt United for improvvisamente the state polices collaboration neither nothing was done for a sort of European Fbi (for me is enough the Interpol) no one want to lost a few parts of liberty in exchange of more securety.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/26/16 12:06 AM

There's blood on the hands of the weak and feckless Liberal European Union, The open door policy to refugees and Islamic Militants lead to what happened to Brussels the other day. Its a complete embarrassment that the Paris mastermind evaded capture for 4 months while living in Brussels quite openly!!
Cameron, Merkel etc are a disgrace, vote to leave in June fellow Britains so we can control our borders and not have to be dictated to by faceless men in Brussels!
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 03/26/16 10:46 AM

Nicky close the Borden isnt the answer but the active police collaboration between the EU state polices.
If Belgium and France had the same leanguage and dont speak each other how can it the other countries ?
Nicky you are english and live on an island if the terrorists want to made a bomb attack they will find the way to cross the borse.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/12/16 11:34 PM

A call to Arms to my fellow Brits!! Make sure you make the polls on the 23rd and vote OUT!! We are the close! The polls are tightening and we could finally get our democracy back! Just got my postal vote sorted out and sent off. Let's leave this sinking ship and take back our country.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/13/16 03:36 PM

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
A call to Arms to my fellow Brits!! Make sure you make the polls on the 23rd and vote OUT!! We are the close! The polls are tightening and we could finally get our democracy back! Just got my postal vote sorted out and sent off. Let's leave this sinking ship and take back our country.

A message to all the English in the forum, vote out. Here in Europe and in the Mediterranean, we have enough problems to think about you.
Do you want to stay on their own? So VOTE OUT.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/14/16 02:04 PM

Yes we do want to be on our own Democratically.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/16/16 03:30 PM

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Yes we do want to be on our own Democratically.

-7 days
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/16/16 11:40 PM

Hopefully we will vote leave, the EU is crumbling...the worst financially continent after Europe is"............Antarctica! Thats a fact. Italy, Spain and Greece always have extremely high youth unemployment for various reasons, primarily because of EU regs. Italy is on the verge of financial collapse and spain will follow soon after. The UK can just about handle EU migration levels at the moment but it still is struggling severely with infrastructure. The big issue people in the UK that 'remain' voters miss is that when these countries DO collapse, EU migration to the UK (and France and Germany) will explode....couple that with illegal immigration and commonwealth immigration and tell me how good it'll be...
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/17/16 04:39 AM

Exactly Fergie! And Furio, I know your Italian, my house mate is also. and I have German, french friends etc, a lot of them are hoping they get a chance in their country to vote to leave the EU in the future. My Italian housemate wants Italy to leave and get rid of the euro and have the Lira back. I think all Europeans are fed up with the disgrace that is Merkel and her control over the EU.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/17/16 09:12 AM

What makes me suffer is what happened to Greece which is pretty much collapsed, there are no medicines and the buying power of the middle classes fell to peak while the rich Greeks continue to be more and more rich and Tsipras was to be a revolutionary but sold off everything to the ECB and to his German thougs.
Austerity doesn't pay, because out of the crisis need to spend much money to create jobs and increase the buying power of the middle classes because those classes if they have money to spend then reboot the economy; It is a circle but t the ECB does not want to understand it. Now is time ,for me, to return to the lira that when there was at least could overdo it to attract foreign investors.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/17/16 11:11 AM

I agree Furio...very soon Albania, macedonia, montenegro, serbia and, at a later date, Turkey are all going to join the EU...what will they contribute? Nothing basically...

With respect to the UK referendum...imagine the question was the other way round...would you vote to JOIN the EU? With the euro crisis, migration crisis, the new countries who will join.....I think not!
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/20/16 05:14 PM

Fergie and nicky what think about Jo Cox murder ? The fact that this insane killed her shortly before the referendum let me think.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/20/16 06:24 PM

Furio, He was just a lone nutcase I think...every place has them. My understanding is he was apparently fighting with another guy in the street and she approached and tried to break it up. He pulled out some sort of home made gun then shot and knifed her.

Itll not have any bearing on peoples think for vote brexit though I reckon...just one of those unfortunate things that happen
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/20/16 08:57 PM

fergie I'm by nature cynical and a little bit paranoid and the timing with the killer that incite to a neo-Nazi movement before killing the Cox , it sounds strange to me.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/20/16 09:13 PM

If the European Union dissolves, then who or what will battle Gog and Magog?
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/21/16 06:02 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
If the European Union dissolves, then who or what will battle Gog and Magog?

Gog and Magog don't bother me , I have more fear of the Dothraki that with their Khals will besiege Vienna and conquer the england
lol lol lol
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/22/16 09:07 PM

Furio, i don't think the guy who killed her did it for any real reason...he was either drunk an/or mentally ill....if it was a deliberate attack to insight a wider change of opinion, he should've picked a higher profile target...it caused shock for a few days but things have kind of moved on now....I do feel very sorry for the family though
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/23/16 12:18 PM

Even I feel sorry fo te family. But I think that the Jo Cox dead will win the front against the Brexit.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 10:46 AM

Brexit now a done deal and Cameron is resigning in 3 months time...I was a bit surprised Ive got admit.

Scotland voted to remain...even if the whole electorate in Scotland had voted to remain it would've made no difference to the outcome. There will now be another Scottish referendum within 2 years because of this.

There's even talk of a London referendum! Not sure how that would work....
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 05:06 PM

Inside of an hour Farage was backpedaling promises made by the 'Leave' campaign...


Nigel Farage: £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was 'a mistake'

Nigel Farage has admitted that it was a "mistake" to promise that £350million a week would be spent on the NHS if the UK backed a Brexit vote.

Speaking just an hour after the Leave vote was confirmed the Ukip leader said the money could not be guaranteed and claimed he would never have made the promise in the first place.

The pledge was central to the official Vote Leave campaign and was controversially emblazoned on the side of the bus which shuttled Boris Johnson and Michael Gove around the country.

Campaigners promised to use the money the UK reportedly sends to the EU to fund the health service instead.

Asked by ITV's Good Morning Britain whether he could guarantee that the £350m that was sent to the EU would now go the NHS, Mr Farage said: “No I can’t, I would never have made that claim.

"That was one of the mistakes made by the Leave campaign.”
Later, Mr Farage called for a national "Independence Day" holiday to celebrate the historic vote.

"It's been a huge exercise in democracy," he told Radio 4's Today programme.

Mr Farage spoke of his delight at the success of his campaign, adding: "The first time I appeared on this programme was 17 years ago and we were considered a joke party, with a manifesto for the mad and bad. Now 17 million people have voted for us and I couldn't be more delighted."

Mr Cameron's future is in doubt, the Ukip leader added.

"I think it's very difficult for him to stay on as Prime Minister given that he involved himself so heavily in the campaign, told us that dreadful things would happen to us if we were to leave - recession, threats of war, the rest of it.

"I find it difficult to believe that he could become a Brexit prime minister. I might be wrong but I doubt it.

"We don't need an election necessarily.... there are two things that need to happen - One, a Brexit prime minister and secondly a negotiating team that are going to go to Brusssels and get us a better deal."

Mr Farage said he "would love to see us out" by some point next year.

"The real opportunity from Brexit is that we have left a failing political union in Europe and we can now start to re-engage with the world," he added.

"If Cameron resigns, if we have to wait a couple of months to get a pro-Brexit Prime Minister, then so be it....Who knows we may end up with a deal with the EU that my parents thought they were voting for all those years ago - namely a trade deal."

His comments came as Dan Hannan, a Brexit-supporting Conservative MEP, suggested that Leave campaigners did not promise to "pull up the drawbridge" and warned that migration to the UK will continue despite the vote.

Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 06:37 PM

These economic reactions to England's EU departure are expected; they are short term. However, the effect of the departure on Scotland and Northern Ireland will require long-term reckoning. When Sinn Fein chimes in, it's time to pay attention.

In addition, there is serious cleavage in Britain's Conservative Party which doesn't bode well for upcoming Parlimentary elections. Well, stay tuned.
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 07:39 PM

Don't forget Gibraltar.

David Cameron is to blame for this. he brought about the whole referendum as a power play against gove and johnson, and gambled the country's future and economy on it, because he's a fucking asshole. and now britain will have the prime minister the Leave camp deserves - fucking BoJo.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 10:01 PM

Nicola Sturgeon is in talks with the EU now to smooth the way back in...my understanding is that if a referendum for scottish independence (with a caveat for EU membership), is held within 2 years of article 50 being invoked and subsequently accepted by the people, the EU must(?) accept the country "back" into the EU...the "country" meaning an independent Scotland.
Posted By: olivant

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 10:27 PM

Ann Coulter is happy about Brexit. She figures that if other members follow suit, she can see the end of the threat to America from international soccer.
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/24/16 11:52 PM

@Helen...Farage did say the 350 was a mistake, but we all knew at the time it was never ever all going to go to the NHS. It was a typical soundbite which all parties use in every political campaign...the main thrust of the message was to try and give people a tangible idea of the financial waste involved in EU contributions.

Ive got to say though, during that interview, he did looked a bit shaken about the decision and maybe if he had let the genie out of the bottle etc (he did say at the end he had had 2 pints earlier though...)
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/25/16 12:17 AM

I'm looking on the bright side. The last time the British economy really went in the tank the UK produced the Clash, Joy Division, the Pogues, the Buzzcocks, the, Smiths, the Cure, Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, New Order, XTC, the Jam, Psychedelic Furs, Madness, The Specials, The Beat, Gang of Four and Public Image Ltd.

So it's not all bad...
Posted By: fergie

Re: The European Union is moving towards its end ? - 06/25/16 12:33 AM

Haha! You do have a point there! There might be a rage against the machine coming again soon! The sad thing is now though, we'll think the music is shit.... smile
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