
Could He Actually Win??

Posted By: NickyScarfo

Could He Actually Win?? - 12/30/15 10:35 PM

I would like Americans opinions on this, with interest Iv'e followed the Republican race, and the rise of Trump, a lot of things I don't like about the guy but its refreshing he's not politically correct ans speaks his mind, I also agree with his take on the middle-east and ISIS (I like how he admits the 2003 Iraq ivasion was a disaster).
I always assumed though, there's just no way he could actually be in a position to win the presidency, or even the Republican nomination, and if he somehow did win the nomination he would get flattened by Hilary in the election. Just the other day though I saw some polls putting him just a point below Hilary for President! I know this is early but could it be possible?? I thought there's just no way he would ever be able to get enough Black and Hispanic votes to actually win the thing.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/30/15 10:49 PM

Polls are all bullshit. I have been contacted by phone for polls. As long as you answer the question that suits them. They keep asking guestions say something they don't want to hear you get disconnected. The call is not included in the polls.

Thrump says too many stupid things to win the republican nominations. However Ted Cruz could win and he can beat Hillary easy.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/31/15 01:57 AM

there is an infatuation with Trump. He expresses the fear and frustration of the average citizen. God forbid he and Putin get in a pissing contest and they both have "the button" to push.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/31/15 01:58 AM


He Could Actually Win.

I grew up in Brooklyn NY and was raised in a house his Father built.

He may be Silver spoon but it taste different than the WASP Politicians we have been run by for man years.

He is like an Umpire at a Local ball game that makes the calls as we see them but we may not like the way we hear it.

Send him in.
F The Clintons, they are a bunch of Carpet Baggers.

Arkansas to NY, REDICULOUS.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/31/15 03:18 AM

Keep in mind that while Trump leads the Republican field, it's a large field. He has more support among Republican-registered voters, but it's only ~35% of that total--and that's only a fraction of people who will vote in a presidential election. Unless Trump somehow manages to roll up a big majority of delegates in primaries before the GOP convention, the party regulars, who will control an open convention, will turn him down in favor of someone they feel comfortable with, like Bush.

American presidential elections are won from the center, not from the far right or far left. Barry Goldwater lost in 1964 because he represented mostly the political right wing, and George McGovern lost eight years later because he represented mostly the left wing. They were preaching to their respective choirs, not to the Great American Middle. If Trump runs against Clinton, she will make him look like a radical, and herself as the voice of moderation.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/31/15 04:17 AM

Excellent analysis TB. I will not be surprised by a Republican convention floorfight for the nomination. In any case, we'll have a good idea by Super Tuesday.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 12/31/15 05:26 AM

Turnbull is correct. For Trump (or any other Republican candidate) to win, not only would he have to win the majority of Republicans (which is very questionable), he'd also have to win most of the independents and even some Democrats.

The question is, who has the best chance of doing that? Because that's what it will take to beat Hillary and the same stupid, low information, and misguided fools that voted for Obama will come out in droves for her.

Posted By: Crash

Re: Could He Actually Win?? - 01/01/16 03:26 AM

Heil Trump. He will be our new Fuhrer.
Heil mein Fuhrer !!!!! Sieg heil !!
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