
oil spill in the gulf

Posted By: Binnie_Coll

oil spill in the gulf - 04/18/15 09:21 PM


everything about this spill has been shrouded in secrecy. and no body has been prosecuted for all the lies.

when are these companies going to be accountable for these lies.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/18/15 09:47 PM


By the time the long term affects of the spill are determined..all accountable parties will be deceased.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/20/15 04:25 AM

Supposedly crude leaks into the Gulf whether it is being drilled or not. Not sure I believe that or not.

As for companies like BP, they should have been nailed 100x as hard as they got it. They should be bankrupted and out of business right now. Instead they destroyed a lot of fish/mammals out in the Gulf and quite a few beaches. If you accidentally stepped on a tarball on the beach you knew it as it would break you out big time. Then the dispersant is probably just as dangerous as well.

But as we have learned the hard way here in Alabama with the PCB dumps into the local rivers by Monsanto, the fish can still be eaten but you would need to eat pounds at a time for it to really harm you.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/20/15 04:42 PM

Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
Supposedly crude leaks into the Gulf whether it is being drilled or not. Not sure I believe that or not.

As for companies like BP, they should have been nailed 100x as hard as they got it. They should be bankrupted and out of business right now. Instead they destroyed a lot of fish/mammals out in the Gulf and quite a few beaches. If you accidentally stepped on a tarball on the beach you knew it as it would break you out big time. Then the dispersant is probably just as dangerous as well.

But as we have learned the hard way here in Alabama with the PCB dumps into the local rivers by Monsanto, the fish can still be eaten but you would need to eat pounds at a time for it to really harm you.

yup. oil spills are never good, but all the lying by the people responsible should be dealt with,

by prosecuting them, and yes, B.P. execs should all be in jail. all of them got away with a slap on the wrists, justice was not done.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/21/15 01:41 AM

Binnie we can agree on that FOR SURE. It was nasty watching those BP workers picking up tar balls off the beach while we were there. No telling how much wildlife and seafood they killed with this mess.

Just like in most of the government dealings these days, when you have billions like BP you can get a slap on the wrist.

Imagine if me and you bought an oil rig out there like that and had everything we owned on the line just to drill for oil and that happened to us. They'd throw us UNDER the jail!
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/21/15 02:05 PM

I was flipping through the channels last night and the AHC was repeating their 1000th rendition of "WWII in Color". So I flipped it again and landed on Aljazeera. I don't always agree with them but they spent their ENTIRE news day commemorating the anniversary of the oil spill. And that's pretty cool in my book. The first guy I saw interviewed was a local fisherman who never smoked a cig in his life because he was afraid of fucking up his lungs. Now, he can hardly breathe sometimes. But he's the lucky one. Because all the people in his circle have bodies covered in lesions.

This isn't right. A PR team and a host of lawyers shouldn't be able to lie their way out of a massive fuckup.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/21/15 06:42 PM

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
I was flipping through the channels last night and the AHC was repeating their 1000th rendition of "WWII in Color". So I flipped it again and landed on Aljazeera. I don't always agree with them but they spent their ENTIRE news day commemorating the anniversary of the oil spill. And that's pretty cool in my book. The first guy I saw interviewed was a local fisherman who never smoked a cig in his life because he was afraid of fucking up his lungs. Now, he can hardly breathe sometimes. But he's the lucky one. Because all the people in his circle have bodies covered in lesions.

This isn't right. A PR team and a host of lawyers shouldn't be able to lie their way out of a massive fuckup.

yes, you are right. its damn sickening, I hated it when the BP bigwigs got up in front of congress and lied like hell.

those big companies hold the people in contempt, same thing with the valdez oil tanker turning over,

I wish they would prosecute the hell out of them.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/21/15 10:58 PM

The biggest thing is the lawyers down here and pushing folks to sue if their business was affected AT ALL. There are some many bogus charges against BP that the good cases are going to suffer and take forever to get it through court. It's a fucking mess for sure.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/22/15 04:12 PM

you and I both know the greediest people on this planet are lawyers.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/22/15 07:26 PM

Im not a hunter and have a soft spot for animals.. The wild life that is compromised by oil and general development is down right sad.
Think of all the beautiful seals, fish, and other wild life that was destroyed .
Trust me, im not an animal fanatic, in fact i like dogs in other peoples homes but damn, i have a fondness for nature.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/22/15 09:30 PM

right you are Belmont. my god, the Alaska spill, the oil spill in the gulf, and don't forget the Japanese nuclear meltdowns of which tons of radiation went into the ocean.

it's a wonder after all, that there are any fish left.
Posted By: LaLouisiane

Re: oil spill in the gulf - 04/24/15 10:36 AM

Oil actually does leak out of the gulf when the sea bottom shifts. Not anywhere near the amount portrayed in here but naturally it does happen. Think of it like a fart.

This has been covered up because there are companies that are fighting over who gets the rights to drill. The pocket for this particular well is enormous and can probably produce for 10-15 years. The engineers are trying to figure out where to position the next deck. Sad part is the deck still needs to be fabricated along with the piping. That's a good 2-3 years of fabrication.
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