
Hillary Clinton lies

Posted By: bigboy

Hillary Clinton lies - 04/16/15 01:38 PM

Lets start a thread where we can track all of Hillary's lies during her campaign, not just those of the past. We could also do this for other politicians. I'll start.
1) Yesterday in Iowa she met with a large table full of random people to "Talk". An investigative reporter discovered that all of these "Random" people were democrat party operatives/members.
She talked about immigration and how all of her grandparents were immigrants, Further investigation revealed that only one great grandfather was an immigrant. All others born in USA,
Also observed is that she isn't answering ANY questions.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/16/15 04:16 PM

Does having a couple million phony Facebook followers count?
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/18/15 10:20 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Does having a couple million phony Facebook followers count?
Yeah, just another example although not such a big deal
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/18/15 12:22 PM

And I heard she ordered white rice not brown rice at Chipotle. his is a major issue. It should be on Fox all day tomorrow.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/18/15 09:06 PM

Of course the Far Left enjoyed it when it showed Rubio reaching for a bottle of water all day on MSNBC. That was *certainly* a huge story.
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/18/15 10:03 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
And I heard she ordered white rice not brown rice at Chipotle. his is a major issue. It should be on Fox all day tomorrow.

Brown rice? That socialist wink
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/18/15 10:57 PM

Hillary's lies? Comes with the territory:

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama.
"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.
"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.
"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.
"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.
"I will never lie to you"--Carter
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/21/15 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Hillary's lies? Comes with the territory:

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama.
"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.
"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.
"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.
"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.
"I will never lie to you"--Carter

"I am not a crook" -- Horace Debussy "Sach" Jones (rumored to have been ghostwritten by Terence Aloysius "Slip" Mahoney).
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 07:08 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Hillary's lies? Comes with the territory:

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama.
"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.
"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.
"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.
"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.
"I will never lie to you"--Carter

To equate Hiliary's lies with those below is a bit disingenuous...the Clinton's have 30 years of destruction behind them unlike any politician(s) in history.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 09:24 AM

Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Hillary's lies? Comes with the territory:

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama.
"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.
"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.
"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.
"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.
"I will never lie to you"--Carter

To equate Hiliary's lies with those below is a bit disingenuous...the Clinton's have 30 years of destruction behind them unlike any politician(s) in history.

Which specific destructions would ya attribute to them.
Posted By: Malandrino

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 10:09 AM

Lol, I like how she lied about her grandparents being immigrants.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 10:56 AM

Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Lol, I like how she lied about her grandparents being immigrants.

You know something? To me, that's almost as bad as lying about being in the military. She's obviously trying to pass herself off as being closer to the immigrant generation than she actually is because immigration is such a hot-button issue right now.

She's trying (as the Clintons usually do) to come off as a "man/woman of the people." Like when her whoremaster husband did when he set up shop in Harlem, which resulted in gentrifying part of the neighborhood, and driving out the Black poor who he claimed to love and identify with so much.

Go ask those same Black poor if they fared any better financially with Slick Willie in office than they did with any of his predecessors. Hell, ask them if they're doing any better financially under Obama. The honest answer is that they're not.

I have complete confidence that she can't win. I've said it here for years and I told everyone to mark it down. But God, do I dread seeing her tired old hag of a face online and in the news for the next year and a half. It was so nice with them out of the news for awhile.

This is tantamount to finding out that they're making another terrible sequel to a movie series that started forty years ago:

The Clintons, Part 8: This Time it Has a Vagina (allegedly).
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 10:58 AM

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama care

I lost my health care plan that I liked because of Obama care. The company coverage left NY because of Obama care. Obama care the health plan that Obama does not have for himself or his family

"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.

They did have them. When the Russians left they took them with them. I heard that from Russians that are in a position to know here in Brooklyn. They had no reason to lie to me.

"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.

Well some people truly believe that getting a blow job is not really sex.

"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.

The demicrates got him to agree to a tax rate forget the reason. He should have known they would use it against him.

"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.

I think he had the beginnings of That disease when he said that

"I will never lie to you"--Carter

He never said he would get the hostages released did he?
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 02:15 PM

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Hillary's lies? Comes with the territory:

"You can keep your doctor"--Obama.
"There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"--W.
"I did not have sex with that woman"--Clinton.
"Watch my lips--no new taxes"--H.W. Bush.
"I don't remember anything about Iran and the Contras"--Reagan.
"I will never lie to you"--Carter

To equate Hiliary's lies with those below is a bit disingenuous...the Clinton's have 30 years of destruction behind them unlike any politician(s) in history.

Which specific destructions would ya attribute to them.

Well, for you younger guys who don't read, here are just a FEW:

Mena, Arkansas Airport drug scandal
Cattle futures scandal
Charlie Trie
John Huang
Vince Foster
Bosnia Airport (ducking non-existent gun fire)
Rose Law Firm lost billing records
Clinton Foundation
Hiliary care secret meetings

The list goes on and on and on...read about some of the above before you think you know anything about who these people really are.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 04:40 PM

OldSchool- Great post. I think a lot of us have forgotten some of these. Last year I was chatting with a guy from law enforcement. He said North Carolina sent a contingent to Little Rock to meet with Clinton's executive security detail and exchange
information, The Arkansas Troopers told ours that Hillary slept on a different floor of the executive mansion and that Bill was sneaking in women almost every night and there's no way Hillary couldn't have known. They also said she had a filthy mouth and her speech toward them was laced with "F-bombs". I don't know where we are heading. There are so many low information voters that you never know. I hope Pizzaboy is right.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 04:51 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I hope Pizzaboy is right.

I had to do it lol.

Posted By: Mark

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 05:25 PM

@pizzaboy - lol
Atsa gooda one.

If I'm Rush Limbaugh, I'm selling my soul to get Hillary Clinton elected President. He hasn't been relevant in years and has lost dozens of radio affiliates that used to carry his show.

A Clinton back in The White House to Limbaugh is like JoJo the Whale unleashed at a Shoney's All You Can Eat Buffet.

Honestly, I think both Clintons have told so many lies that they really can't keep up with all of them.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 05:30 PM

Funny I never watched Limbaugh so he never influenced me. If he is a conservative why would he ever want Hillary to win? That makes no sense at all.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Funny I never watched Limbaugh so he never influenced me. If he is a conservative why would he ever want Hillary to win? That makes no sense at all.

The media pundits always make more money when their political foes are in Office. It gives them something to talk about on the air.

It's all mock outrage. They're all in bed together. And they're all full of shit. And anyone who believes that one party is morally or intellectually superior to the other party is sick in the fucking head.

Get it through your head America: Politicians all suck. And they're all laughing at us. The sooner you realize it, the better off you'll be.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 05:43 PM

Foots, Limbaugh's popularity skyrocketed as a result of his daily bashing of the Clintons back in the nineties. As a result, his syndicated radio show was in high demand and he became a multi millionaire after picking up tons of affiliates and signing major lucrative contracts with EIB.

Granted, he worked hard for his bank and I admire and commend anybody who grinds it out day in and day out and pays their dues resulting in success. The American Dream at its best... God bless.

However, in recent years, Limbaugh's popularity and influence has diminished greatly. Hillary elected would be the shot in the arm he needs to be back on top.
Posted By: Mark

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/22/15 05:59 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Get it through your head America: Politicians all suck. And they're all laughing at us. The sooner you realize it, the better off you'll be.

Post of the year. Truer words have never been spoken. The Democratic Machine in Chicago even came up with a name for us wonks, it's called; "chumbolone".


The term was first heard publicly during testimony at The Family Secrets Trial 2007 in Chicago. Since then, a popular columnist at The Chicago Tribune uses the term as often and freely as a sailor drops the F-Bomb.

Posted By: Malandrino

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/23/15 07:48 AM

PB thank you, I agree 100% I can't stand these people trying to use their race, gender, origin, etc to get into the office. They even make up things and lie about military service, ancestors being immigrants, among many other things.

Now apparently since "feminism" is a hot issue, there's the "woman president" which is the new, hip thing. It has gotten to a point where it's ridiculous... I'll never define myself as a western "feminist." I'm an egaltarian if anything, pro-gender equality but never a feminist.
I pray she doesn't get elected because she doesn't seem nearly qualified enough. Winning by using your gender or race is just pathetic. I never really liked the right wing there in the US, I'll be honest... but these last couple of years I've seen how Obama is such a weak, indecisive leader who just goes with the flow and trends. He doesn't instill one bit of fear into anybody even though he's the head of one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Hopefully this time America gets a REAL president.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/23/15 02:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Malandrino
... but these last couple of years I've seen how Obama is such a weak, indecisive leader who just goes with the flow and trends. He doesn't instill one bit of fear into anybody even though he's the head of one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Hopefully this time America gets a REAL president.

That new president will have his/her hands full just trying to undo the damage Obama has done to this great country.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 01:39 PM

As messed up as this country is, why would anyone want the job?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 02:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
As messed up as this country is, why would anyone want the job?

Ego, plain and simple. Plus, when you come out of office, you're a zillionaire off appearances and books that are ghostwritten for you.

You think they pushed this guy's race before? (and, by the way, he's still half-White). Just wait until the revisionists rewrite history about this bum after he leaves office.

The revisionists will turn him into Jackie Robinson. But posterity will not be kind to Barack Obama when he's remembered by unbiased journalists (who are, unfortunately, few and far between).
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:01 PM

Obama has managed to make only one man happy in this entire country....Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can go to bed at night knowing that he is no longer the worst US president of the post WW II era.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:13 PM

Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Obama has managed to make only one man happy in this entire country....Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can go to bed at night knowing that he is no longer the worst US president of the post WW II era.

Very true, although I understand that poor Rosalynn is very jealous of Michelle's biceps.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:16 PM

Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Obama has managed to make only one man happy in this entire country....Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can go to bed at night knowing that he is no longer the worst US president of the post WW II era.

im, sorry but the honor of worst president in U,S, history goes to George w, just wanted to clear that up.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Obama has managed to make only one man happy in this entire country....Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can go to bed at night knowing that he is no longer the worst US president of the post WW II era.

im, sorry but the honor of worst president in U,S, history goes to George w, just wanted to clear that up.

That's your opinion. Just wanted to clear that up.

In my OPINION, Carter couldn't scrape a pimple off Bush's ass. Carter is a rabid anti-Semite, and he was the most ineffective President since WW2. Until now.
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Obama has managed to make only one man happy in this entire country....Jimmy Carter. Now Carter can go to bed at night knowing that he is no longer the worst US president of the post WW II era.

im, sorry but the honor of worst president in U,S, history goes to George w, just wanted to clear that up.

Binnie...I know you're older than me, so you must recall the days of 20% interest rates, gas rationing, hostage crisis, military in shambles, "energy conservation", the "misery index" etc...it makes me ill to even think about those times.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:27 PM

Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Binnie...I know you're older than me, so you must recall the days of 20% interest rates, gas rationing, hostage crisis, military in shambles, "energy conservation", the "misery index" etc...it makes me ill to even think about those times.

He's lived in Idaho for fifty years. Do you really think the one "filling station" felt the gas rationing?

Maybe, Goober or Gomer had their hours cut. But he has no idea what New York City looked like back then.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:28 PM

yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

so. I want to put him as the all time worst, although after the election of 2016, we could have another worst one. my confidence in presidents is -10.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

If those airplanes crashed into your farm in Idaho and one of your grandchildren burned to fucking death, you'd be singing a different tune. Maybe next time, though. As politically correct as this administration is about Muslim Extremists, Idaho could be next. You really never know.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:33 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Binnie...I know you're older than me, so you must recall the days of 20% interest rates, gas rationing, hostage crisis, military in shambles, "energy conservation", the "misery index" etc...it makes me ill to even think about those times.

He's lived in Idaho for fifty years. Do you really think the one "filling station" felt the gas rationing?

Maybe, Goober or Gomer had their hours cut. But he has no idea what New York City looked like back then.

new York city? new York city? is that where marineland is? is there a statue in the water some where around there, that joe Namath built?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
is there a statue in the water some where around there, that joe Namath built?

I think it was Y.A Tittle lol.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:38 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

If those airplanes crashed into your farm in Idaho and one of your grandchildren burned to fucking death, you'd be singing a different tune. Maybe next time, though. As politically correct as this administration is about Muslim Extremists, Idaho could be next. You really never know.

well, if Idaho could be next, I guess we will have to run into Canada, only 30 miles away. Hillary was never my senator, you can't say that.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 04:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

so. I want to put him as the all time worst, although after the election of 2016, we could have another worst one. my confidence in presidents is -10.

Hey they hit the WTC. So what let that shit slide. We are letting it slide today how soon we fucking forget.

I hope they hit LA and Chicago and Utah next then see how fast I forget about that.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:01 PM

Remember the Bear game where they left YA a bloody mess.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

so. I want to put him as the all time worst, although after the election of 2016, we could have another worst one. my confidence in presidents is -10.

Hey they hit the WTC. So what let that shit slide. We are letting it slide today how soon we fucking forget.

I hope they hit LA and Chicago next then see how fast I forget about that.

You're right. As crazy as you are, you're right.

We're all Americans, and it's insulting to minimize that fact in people who live outside the Tri-State area. But there's no doubt that it's different for New York City residents. We were HERE that awful day and lived with the aftermath for months. I could see the smoldering for weeks from my back yard.

And you know that old theory about there being no more than seven degrees of separation between any two human beings? Well, if you lived in the City or the City's suburbs, there was never more than one or two degrees of separation between yourself and one of the 9/11 victims.

I'm sorry, but it does make a difference.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:13 PM

Couldn't even imagine what that had to be like for New Yorkers.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:23 PM

Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:30 PM

good god!!! any more like him or bush and im driving 30 miles into Canada, thank god I live close to the border.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Remember the Bear game where they left YA a bloody mess.

yeah foots, its got nothing to do with this thread, but, you new Yorkers booed him out of football!
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 05:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!

Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 07:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!

Wow. I need to chime in to correct a detail in that post. Everything there is opinion and a person has a right to it. That is subjective stuff that we don't have all the facts on. The one thing there that is not a subjective opinion concerns the US debt.

The growth in the national debt since 2008 is largely because of Bush Jr, as per the Congressional Budget Office. The reason why is very simple.

Bush promulgated laws that perpetuated after he left office. Those laws had financial ramifications.

One was Medicare Part D. That is a blank cheque given from the federal government to pharmaceutical companies to write in whatever exorbitant number they can think of for the federal government to pay for patient medications. That costed the taxpayer and the Treasury Trillions. It has not been repealed.

Another was the Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. That took Trillions out of the tax revenue inflow, and blew a big hole in the annual budget. Big shortfalls. It has not been repealed.

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down. But both still cost a lot. One could argue that the unnecessary cost was Iraq, not Afghanistan. That stuff adds up. It costs Trillions, and no, you can't stop a war by just inaugurating a new President. It doesn't work that way. So to say in CAPS, that "Owe-bama is the most financially irresponsible spendaholic from the beginning of time"....is not right and not fair. If we give any shit whatsoever about our country, we should at least take the outright lies off the table and have an honest discussion.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 08:22 PM

His point on civil liberties is spot on.

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down.

If you are talking about Obama and the Democrats getting troops out of Iraq, that is not exactly true. Bush had them planned to leave 2011 before Obama took office

Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 08:49 PM

Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
His point on civil liberties is spot on.

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down.

If you are talking about Obama and the Democrats getting troops out of Iraq, that is not exactly true. Bush had them planned to leave 2011 before Obama took office

Right. Edward Snowden, regardless if you like the guy made a very solid point: why is a 29 year old NSA contractor, the NSA version of your office computer repair guy able to wiretap ANY citizen in America? That should scare the shit out of anyone but progress has been slow. Really it's a constitutional issue, but sadly the 4th Amendment isn't always sexy like the 1st and 2nd haha.

IMO his biggest mistake was Libya. On a personal level Obama called the Libya intervention a turd sandwhich but it doesn't undo the fact that he went along with a bad deal there. We have to disagree on Syria. There were absolutely no good options and Hilary is wrong about arming the moderate rebels, as much as it pains me to say it because Assad is a monster. In hindsight the Free Syrian ARmy was almost destined to be marginalized and even killed off by the better-funded (thanks to Saudis/Qatar/Turkey) extremist groups Al-Nusra and of course, ISIS. Even if bigger intervention could have turned the tide in the FSA's favor early on it's been well documented that Assad was purposefully releasing ISIS prisoners and only attacking the moderate (questionably) FSA. Why? Simple, it's a terrible thing but he knew someone would intervene if he let ISIS gain the upper ground. Meanwhile he stalls out the war barrelbombing as he pleases. Obama's Syria mistake was to draw a bullshit red line. That's it.

Once we get weaned off middle east oil and the middle east in general I'll be happy for the day a president finally calls out Saudi Arabia and the gulf states on their bullshit. Funding ISIS, whipping women. It's sad we have to call them our allies. Not like they've sent in ground troops yet when it's their countries being threatened.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 09:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!

Wow. I need to chime in to correct a detail in that post. Everything there is opinion and a person has a right to it. That is subjective stuff that we don't have all the facts on. The one thing there that is not a subjective opinion concerns the US debt.

The growth in the national debt since 2008 is largely because of Bush Jr, as per the Congressional Budget Office. The reason why is very simple.

Bush promulgated laws that perpetuated after he left office. Those laws had financial ramifications.

One was Medicare Part D. That is a blank cheque given from the federal government to pharmaceutical companies to write in whatever exobitant number they can think of for the federal government to pay for patient medications. That costed the taxpayer and the Treasury Trillions. It has not been repealed.

Another was the Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. That took Trillions out of the tax revenue inflow, and blew a big hole in the annual budget. Big shortfalls. It has not been repealed.

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down. But both still cost a lot. One could argue that the unnecessary cost was Iraq, not Afghanistan. That stuff adds up. It costs Trillions, and no, you can't stop a war by just inaugurating a new President. It doesn't work that way. So to say in CAPS, that "Owe-bama is the most financially irresponsible spendaholic from the beginning of time"....is not right and not fair. If we give any shit whatsoever about our country, we should at least take the outright lies off the table and have an honest discussion.

Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 09:05 PM

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Edward Snowden

Should be executed. But never getting to see his family again is a nice start.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 09:33 PM

I agree with alfa, the bush dog was the worst.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 09:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!

Wow. I need to chime in to correct a detail in that post. Everything there is opinion and a person has a right to it. That is subjective stuff that we don't have all the facts on. The one thing there that is not a subjective opinion concerns the US debt.

The growth in the national debt since 2008 is largely because of Bush Jr, as per the Congressional Budget Office. The reason why is very simple.

Bush promulgated laws that perpetuated after he left office. Those laws had financial ramifications.

One was Medicare Part D. That is a blank cheque given from the federal government to pharmaceutical companies to write in whatever exobitant number they can think of for the federal government to pay for patient medications. That costed the taxpayer and the Treasury Trillions. It has not been repealed.

Another was the Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. That took Trillions out of the tax revenue inflow, and blew a big hole in the annual budget. Big shortfalls. It has not been repealed.

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down. But both still cost a lot. One could argue that the unnecessary cost was Iraq, not Afghanistan. That stuff adds up. It costs Trillions, and no, you can't stop a war by just inaugurating a new President. It doesn't work that way. So to say in CAPS, that "Owe-bama is the most financially irresponsible spendaholic from the beginning of time"....is not right and not fair. If we give any shit whatsoever about our country, we should at least take the outright lies off the table and have an honest discussion.

Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?

That's a strawman...he didn't say Obama hasn't added to the debt of course he has. I believe his argument is the continuation of Medicare Plan D is what's costing the country so much money. As for intervention, common sense dictates that two ground wars are more costly than a drone/airstrike program and overall he's cut the defense budget (which is a separate issue). Truthfully the trend shows government spending rising slightly since 2000, it's the nature of government to spend more and more. The question is what do you want our government to spend it on?
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 09:37 PM

Snowden's biggest mistake was not being David Petraeus.

As we learned this week the more important you become, and the more responsibility you have to protect America and her secrets, the less likely you are to serve time just because you broke a few measly laws or violated your oath of service. Justice is served!

Somehow, disseminating classified material because you’re getting laid is a better excuse than because you believed you had a moral responsibility to do so.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 11:16 PM

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Snowden's biggest mistake was not being David Petraeus.

As we learned this week the more important you become, and the more responsibility you have to protect America and her secrets, the less likely you are to serve time just because you broke a few measly laws or violated your oath of service. Justice is served!

Somehow, disseminating classified material because you’re getting laid is a better excuse than because you believed you had a moral responsibility to do so.

good post, their crimes were the same, but,alas. no one high up in government is ever held accountable.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 11:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Historians who rank/rate all the presidents put Buchanan at the bottom. But, ranking/rating the postwar presidents is far more relevant today because they governed/govern in an era when the US was/is the top global economy, the most powerful nation--and the president had/has far more responsibilities than the prewar chief executives. It's a much tougher job.

The real damage to America is that, for the first time in the postwar era, we will have 16 straight years of the two worst presidents. The damage to the American Dream, to our standing in the world, to the integrity of our institutions--to the trust Americans used to have in their leaders--is going to be very hard to overcome.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/24/15 11:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
The damage to the American Dream, to our standing in the world, to the integrity of our institutions--to the trust Americans used to have in their leaders--is going to be very hard to overcome.

There it is. This country will never be the same.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 12:44 AM

Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Actually the worst president in U.S. history is James Buchanan, the Democrat who preceded Abraham Lincoln. However, according to a Quinnipiac University survey, Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II.

Some civil libertarians used to rank George W. Bush as the one of the worst in that area, but by now most agree that Obama is far worse than Bush ever was. His use of drone strikes, using the IRS for political purposes, the many Justice Department abuses, using the NSA the monitor everything everyone does, unconstitutional executive orders and memos to override Congress, appeasing Iran while alienating Israel, supporting the overthrowing of Qaddafi in Libya that led to anarchy and ISIS taking it over (at least parts of it), the refusal to mention Islam or Muslims when talking about Islamic terrorism but instead an eagerness to bash Christians, bad decisions in Syria and Iraq that led to ISIS gaining control over much territory in both of those countries, failure to keep his promise to call the Armenian genocide a genocide instead of a massacre or atrocity, the taxpayer bailout of General Motors, sending weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, etc. Not to mention that under Obama the national debt has increased more that ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED -- and he hasn't even finished his second term!

Wow. I need to chime in to correct a detail in that post. Everything there is opinion and a person has a right to it. That is subjective stuff that we don't have all the facts on. The one thing there that is not a subjective opinion concerns the US debt.

The growth in the national debt since 2008 is largely because of Bush Jr, as per the Congressional Budget Office. The reason why is very simple.

Bush promulgated laws that perpetuated after he left office. Those laws had financial ramifications.

One was Medicare Part D. That is a blank cheque given from the federal government to pharmaceutical companies to write in whatever exobitant number they can think of for the federal government to pay for patient medications. That costed the taxpayer and the Treasury Trillions. It has not been repealed.

Another was the Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. That took Trillions out of the tax revenue inflow, and blew a big hole in the annual budget. Big shortfalls. It has not been repealed.

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down. But both still cost a lot. One could argue that the unnecessary cost was Iraq, not Afghanistan. That stuff adds up. It costs Trillions, and no, you can't stop a war by just inaugurating a new President. It doesn't work that way. So to say in CAPS, that "Owe-bama is the most financially irresponsible spendaholic from the beginning of time"....is not right and not fair. If we give any shit whatsoever about our country, we should at least take the outright lies off the table and have an honest discussion.

Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?

That's a strawman...he didn't say Obama hasn't added to the debt of course he has. I believe his argument is the continuation of Medicare Plan D is what's costing the country so much money. As for intervention, common sense dictates that two ground wars are more costly than a drone/airstrike program and overall he's cut the defense budget (which is a separate issue). Truthfully the trend shows government spending rising slightly since 2000, it's the nature of government to spend more and more. The question is what do you want our government to spend it on?

It's not a strawman since he wrote that Bush is largely responsible for growth of the national debt since he left office. Obama could have eliminated Medicare Part D and rolled it into the ACA during his first two years in office when the Democrats controlled the Senate, the House and the Presidency. When Medicare Part D was voted on in 2003 as part of the Medicare Modernization Act most Dems voted against it. Yet when they had the power to get rid of it they chose not to. Even when the GOP under Bush was trying to pass it, the more conservative Republicans and libertarians were against it as setting up another entitlement. If the Dems had tried to get rid of it during the 2009-2011 time period they would have had their support, but they chose not to. So when the majority of Dems voted against it in 2003, were they really voting against the act or against Bush? The fact that they didn't when they had the opportunity is telling. It's also telling that when they had a monopoly and could have passed a bill to bring down the national debt by removing a new entitlement they chose not to. That makes them not guiltless in being responsible for this part of the debt as some claim.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 04:14 AM

We oue over 18 trillion so far. Have you guys ever heard what Obama thinks of the US debt when it was 16 trillion only smile

Remember what Obama said about the National debt when he was running for the Presidency this guy truly is the mother of all liars.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 04:17 AM

Wouldn't it be great if we can run up insurmountable debt and never have to think about not being able to afford it.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 04:35 AM

Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?

Faith, I purposely left Obama out because I didn't want my reply to take on the flavor of "my president has a bigger dick than your president". But I'll address each point you mentioned as best I can...

The Affordable Care Act was originally forecasted to lower deficits for the foreseeable future. Now the Congressional Budget Office is saying that there have been so many delays in implementing it, and that the law has become so complex, that it's not possible at this time to say whether it will have a net positive or net negative effect on the annual budget.

Wars. The Obama administration, as well as the majority of the left and middle in politics, approves of American intervention in Afghanistan against terroristic elements. Therefore the costs of waging war in Afghanistan was and is considered to be a necessity.

TARP? The worldwide depression that was taking shape at the beginning of Obama's term in office needed drastic intervention. Right away the Obama administration bailed out the banks and automakers. The economy was in free fall when Obama took the reigns. I remember reading about thousands of layoffs per month. It is said that in late 2008, hundreds of thousands of people were being laid off....per month. If we listen to the rabid punditry, the lay offs stopped on their own and the Obama administration had nothing to do with it.

Why were the automakers bailed out? Because the big three automakers were said to represent about 3 million jobs. I remember it being said very precisely that if all three folded, 3 million jobs would be gone. Those probably represented auto industry jobs, as well as all of the jobs in the local economies where the automakers were headquartered and entrenched.

The bailouts costed money. Did the bailouts add to the deficit and debt, yeah probably. Were they necessary? Everyone involved in the decision making process across two presidential administrations seems to think so.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 08:50 AM

Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Snowden's biggest mistake was not being David Petraeus.

As we learned this week the more important you become, and the more responsibility you have to protect America and her secrets, the less likely you are to serve time just because you broke a few measly laws or violated your oath of service. Justice is served!

Somehow, disseminating classified material because you’re getting laid is a better excuse than because you believed you had a moral responsibility to do so.

Good post.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 08:56 AM

Someone brought up Gen Petraeus who is now paying for his crimes regardless of whether you think the punishment is too weak or too strong. He was a great leader other than this affair, but what about Hillary? She allowed Russia to get half of our Uranium reserves even though we know they are helping Iran spread terrorism throughout the middle east and isn't charged with anything (Yet, I hope) and the media continues to love her.
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?

Faith, I purposely left Obama out because I didn't want my reply to take on the flavor of "my president has a bigger dick than your president". But I'll address each point you mentioned as best I can...

The Affordable Care Act was originally forecasted to lower deficits for the foreseeable future. Now the Congressional Budget Office is saying that there have been so many delays in implementing it, and that the law has become so complex, that it's not possible at this time to say whether it will have a net positive or net negative effect on the annual budget.

Wars. The Obama administration, as well as the majority of the left and middle in politics, approves of American intervention in Afghanistan against terroristic elements. Therefore the costs of waging war in Afghanistan was and is considered to be a necessity.

TARP? The worldwide depression that was taking shape at the beginning of Obama's term in office needed drastic intervention. Right away the Obama administration bailed out the banks and automakers. The economy was in free fall when Obama took the reigns. I remember reading about thousands of layoffs per month. It is said that in late 2008, hundreds of thousands of people were being laid off....per month. If we listen to the rabid punditry, the lay offs stopped on their own and the Obama administration had nothing to do with it.

Why were the automakers bailed out? Because the big three automakers were said to represent about 3 million jobs. I remember it being said very precisely that if all three folded, 3 million jobs would be gone. Those probably represented auto industry jobs, as well as all of the jobs in the local economies where the automakers were headquartered and entrenched.

The bailouts costed money. Did the bailouts add to the deficit and debt, yeah probably. Were they necessary? Everyone involved in the decision making process across two presidential administrations seems to think so.

Alfa, you're a thoughtful and intelligent young man, but I would like for you to consider the following in regards to some of your above points. I think what you'll find is quite to the contrary.
ACA was only forecast to curb costs by Obama and absolutely nobody else...the CBO said it would increase costs dramatically and it has by hundreds of percents in many cases...ask anybody who is paying for their own insurance....and they will continue to rise, unless it is repealed.
The wars were what they were...I think we can have an honest debate both ways on them and not sure which side would win..honestly.
TARP was a joke from its inception, only aiding to bail out the cronies who were about to lose their ass--ets...and that, my friend, cut both ways...benefiting both Democrats and Republicans...and by that, I mean the big money people, not the rank and file citizens.
As far as the auto bail outs...those were strictly union paybacks in which shareholders were stiffed out of millions in a bankruptcy action which was unprecedented in US history, as shareholders are always supposed to be first in line as creditors until Obama decided to make the UAW co-owners in an endeavor in which they had no investment...purely unbelievable. And furthermore, that "loan" bailout money has never been paid back...it was paid off with another backdoor bailout so that Obama could run around saying the loan was paid off...not even close. And guess who is making out the best of the big 3 automakers...Ford...the only one who refused bailout money.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 06:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Interesting that you don't include a single Obama created expense. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act, nothing about his foreign interventions, nothing about anything. So evidently you believe that Obama has not added a cent to increase the national debt. Is that part of an honest discussion?

Faith, I purposely left Obama out because I didn't want my reply to take on the flavor of "my president has a bigger dick than your president". But I'll address each point you mentioned as best I can...

The Affordable Care Act was originally forecasted to lower deficits for the foreseeable future. Now the Congressional Budget Office is saying that there have been so many delays in implementing it, and that the law has become so complex, that it's not possible at this time to say whether it will have a net positive or net negative effect on the annual budget.

Wars. The Obama administration, as well as the majority of the left and middle in politics, approves of American intervention in Afghanistan against terroristic elements. Therefore the costs of waging war in Afghanistan was and is considered to be a necessity.

TARP? The worldwide depression that was taking shape at the beginning of Obama's term in office needed drastic intervention. Right away the Obama administration bailed out the banks and automakers. The economy was in free fall when Obama took the reigns. I remember reading about thousands of layoffs per month. It is said that in late 2008, hundreds of thousands of people were being laid off....per month. If we listen to the rabid punditry, the lay offs stopped on their own and the Obama administration had nothing to do with it.

Why were the automakers bailed out? Because the big three automakers were said to represent about 3 million jobs. I remember it being said very precisely that if all three folded, 3 million jobs would be gone. Those probably represented auto industry jobs, as well as all of the jobs in the local economies where the automakers were headquartered and entrenched.

The bailouts costed money. Did the bailouts add to the deficit and debt, yeah probably. Were they necessary? Everyone involved in the decision making process across two presidential administrations seems to think so.

Alfa, I don't defend Bush as a president when he did the wrong thing. I agree with you that he shouldn't have created Medicare Part D and also agree that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq. (That doesn't mean that we shouldn't have intervened in Iraq, but we could have intervened in other ways.)

Oldschool3 already addressed the ACA. I'll just add that Obama and other Democrats flat out lied to the American people to help pass it, especially with that "You can keep your doctor" line. It also has increased costs for those who have to purchase their own insurance, waiting times have increased, more doctors are quitting, etc. California's version of Obamacare is on it's way to becoming a total failure. Worst of all, it's unconstitutional despite Justice Roberts calling it a tax. It forces people to purchase something or pay a huge fine. Everyone ought to read Judge Roger Vinson's 2011 ruling that unfortunately Justice Roberts ignored.

Agree with you on intervening in Afghanistan, but think it could have been fought better under the president and that our military is often hamstrung by politics which ends up with more American (and allied Afghan) deaths.

The bailout of AIG was probably necessary, but should have had more controls. However, laws in place prevented additional controls and AIG gave out huge bonuses that should never have happened.

The TARP bank bailout is debatable and I'm not sure what the best solution was here.

The bailout of the Detroit auto makers is another story. It mostly went to GM and, as Oldschool3 wrote, Ford stayed out of it. He's right that it bailed out the unions. Without the bailout GM would have had to go to bankruptcy court and the unions would have been forced to take cuts, and another auto maker would have bought them out. Hmm... Fiat comes to mind (Fiat bough Chrysler in 2009 after it went BK -- despite accepting bailout money). That was totally unnecessary and taxpayers are on the hook for $9.26 billion to over $11 billion, depending on the source. Another source says it actually comes to over $16 billion.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 08:18 PM

The Clintons, Part 8: This Time it Has a Vagina (allegedly).

Pizza, when I read this a few days ago, I almost spit my coffee onto the computer screen. I just want you to know that, sir. lol
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 08:21 PM

Thanks for the honesty Faith. On most of your most recent points I don't really have much of a rebuttal because either your points are true, or I simply am not erudite enough to understand the issues that deeply. I agree with most of what you said though.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 08:25 PM

Thanks very much for the props Old School. To address your post, in the manner it merits, I need to return later with links.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 09:38 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
The damage to the American Dream, to our standing in the world, to the integrity of our institutions--to the trust Americans used to have in their leaders--is going to be very hard to overcome.

There it is. This country will never be the same.

I wish you were wrong. I'm afraid you're right.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 10:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
The Clintons, Part 8: This Time it Has a Vagina (allegedly).

Pizza, when I read this a few days ago, I almost spit my coffee onto the computer screen. I just want you to know that, sir. lol

Well, I aim to please grin.

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
The damage to the American Dream, to our standing in the world, to the integrity of our institutions--to the trust Americans used to have in their leaders--is going to be very hard to overcome.

There it is. This country will never be the same.

I wish you were wrong. I'm afraid you're right.

Where there's life, there's hope. But we need more hope than we were promised back in 2008. More change, too wink frown.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 10:55 PM

change? change? you think you are going to get change? if you believe that, I have some land I will sell you in Idaho.

its acreage - behind an old goat trail.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 11:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
change? change? you think you are going to get change? if you believe that, I have some land I will sell you in Idaho.

I was being sarcastic. Don't you remember Obama's pitch back then? "Hope and Change."

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
its acreage - behind an old goat trail.

If I was interested in old goats, I'd pm with you more often tongue grin.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/25/15 11:19 PM

hey, im glad you still got your sense of humor, that's cool.
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/26/15 11:36 AM

Anyone want to take a bet now this will disappear in about a week. Clintons are bulletproof- the media is in the bag for them.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/26/15 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Anyone want to take a bet now this will disappear in about a week. Clintons are bulletproof- the media is in the bag for them.

It's hard to claim it's a "right-wing conspiracy" when the New York Times, Reuters and other news agencies praised the book and did their own follow-up stories with even more examples of Clinton corruption.
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/26/15 05:51 PM

The nyt et al is just running interference for the clintons. Its a big newsdump so they can get the ugly stuff out of the way before the actual campaign geta started. You are a fool if you think nyt gives two shits about the truth or would dare to ever harm a democrat as important as clinton. In a month this story will be down the memory hole.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/26/15 10:20 PM

It's possible that the New York Times and Reuters want a Democrat even more Left-wing than Hillary, like Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley. I could see them throwing her under the bus for them if they think she's too damaged or compromised to win but believe that someone else even more liberal has a better chance.
Posted By: oldschool3

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/27/15 08:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
It's possible that the New York Times and Reuters want a Democrat even more Left-wing than Hillary, like Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley. I could see them throwing her under the bus for them if they think she's too damaged or compromised to win but believe that someone else even more liberal has a better chance.

Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/28/15 02:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
It's possible that the New York Times and Reuters want a Democrat even more Left-wing than Hillary, like Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley. I could see them throwing her under the bus for them if they think she's too damaged or compromised to win but believe that someone else even more liberal has a better chance.

I shudder to think what would happen if Elizabeth Warren ever became President. Hillary isn't my favorite candidate right now, but the last thing we need is someone like her.

Fuck I don't even know why I hold any hope. Each party just bitches at the other like an old married couple without any regard to the people they're supposed to be representing. Both sides have become increasingly polarized and the rate this is going we're probably going to get a Cruz vs Warren type election in 16. If that happens I'm casting my vote for Megatron. Because even a robot disguised as a car could do better at this point.

On a more humorous note did anyone see that stupid rapper 'Waka Flaka Flame' announced his candidacy? lol I'm almost looking forward to that. He's only 28 though so I don't know the hell he'd get legally sworn in
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/30/15 09:44 AM

I am not so sure this "Will all go away" like it normally does for both Clintons. I think the more aggressive Republicans will not let it go. I watched the special on it and while there is no concrete evidence there is a lot of consequential evidence and a lot of people have gone to jail based on that
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/30/15 02:30 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I am not so sure this "Will all go away" like it normally does for both Clintons. I think the more aggressive Republicans will not let it go. I watched the special on it and while there is no concrete evidence there is a lot of consequential evidence and a lot of people have gone to jail based on that

In fact when Hillary was Sec. of State, someone in that department went to prison for doing a lot less than she did. It's just like when Bill Clinton was President his Justice Dept. prosecuted a psychiatrist for lying under oath about sex. She not only lost her medical license, but went to prison. They are both the biggest hypocrites in the country.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 04/30/15 03:02 PM

Hillary Clinton--- this woman is vicious, and I hate the lady because she is anti-gun to the max.

remember the whitewater investigation? she turned 1000 dollars into a 100,000 in a stock transaction. she beat that rap.

anybody ever hear of vince foster, check him out.

this lady will bring this country to its knees if the cur is elected.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/02/15 05:44 PM

The lady is too old to be President and she doesn't have the required background.

Jeb Bush has more nous.

But really, hasn't the world seen enough Bushes and Clinton's by now?

America needs some new ideas.

But you look at what's out there.... Rubio, Christie.

It's a sea of mediocrity.
Posted By: BarrettM

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 12:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
The lady is too old to be President and she doesn't have the required background.

Jeb Bush has more nous.

But really, hasn't the world seen enough Bushes and Clinton's by now?

America needs some new ideas.

But you look at what's out there.... Rubio, Christie.

It's a sea of mediocrity.

You took the words right out of my mouth whistle

Really that's all she wrote. Sure, there's fringe candidates like Kerry Bowers and Bernie Sanders but to most of us they're nobodies. Rand lost my respect when he 360'd on everything he stood for right out of the gate.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 01:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Hillary Clinton--- this woman is vicious, and I hate the lady because she is anti-gun to the max.

remember the whitewater investigation? she turned 1000 dollars into a 100,000 in a stock transaction. she beat that rap.

anybody ever hear of vince foster, check him out.

this lady will bring this country to its knees if the cur is elected.

That's was the one where she made one trade.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 01:39 AM

[quote=Moe_Tilden]The lady is too old to be President and she doesn't have the required background.

Like Obama had a better back ground to be president smile

On her BACK ground. She has so much fat on he Back you can put your dick on her back squeeze the fat on her back over it and actually fuck her back so you don't have to look at that face of hers.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 01:42 AM

Bernie Sanders [/quote]

A self proclaimed socialist.
Posted By: ItalianForever

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 01:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Bernie Sanders

A self proclaimed socialist.

Free shit for everyone. Even illegals. Sanders would be a fucking disaster for this country. He would do nothing about immigration.

You can't have a welfare state and open borders.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 01:51 AM

She's an old hag. She's in the same general age range as Reagan was in '80 and Dole was in '96. And the Left viciously attacked them with the adult diaper and memory loss jokes. Yet if the Right attacks Clinton in a similar fashion, they'll be labeled hateful and sexist.

Fuck her. I hope she goes the plastic surgery route to look younger and comes out looking like the crazy cat lady from the Upper East Side. Or better yet, Mickey Rourke before he had some of his own surgery corrected. Or the best case scenario, she goes in and gets Joan Rivers' anesthesiologist.

What, too soon? tongue grin
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 02:57 AM

Pizza, you don't even have to go that far back to the Republicans are too old questions. Remember John McCain? It's the same thing with the meme about Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin, yet you hear nothing from the Left questioning Joe Biden's lack of intelligence (hint: a rock collection is smarter than Biden, then he's on top of that he's a dirty, nasty, grabby old man). It's all hypocrisy.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 07:09 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
She's an old hag. She's in the same general age range as Reagan was in '80 and Dole was in '96. And the Left viciously attacked them with the adult diaper and memory loss jokes.

The left did a job on Dole when he ran for President. They even made fun of his arm war injury. I thought older people would get pissed off by that. They weren't it pissed me off. The liberals keep trying to scare old people by playing the you will lose SS if we elect a Republican as President.

I would be afraid if I had to live on just social security.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 12:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Pizza, you don't even have to go that far back to the Republicans are too old questions. Remember John McCain? It's the same thing with the meme about Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin, yet you hear nothing from the Left questioning Joe Biden's lack of intelligence (hint: a rock collection is smarter than Biden, then he's on top of that he's a dirty, nasty, grabby old man). It's all hypocrisy.

I forgot about McCain!

Yup, he was 70 when he announced his candidacy in 2007. A whole year older than Hillary will be, come election time. And the press was rabid about how old and out of touch he was.

And that's a strong analogy about the alleged "stupidity" of Quayle as compared to Biden (as VP candidates). Although, I must admit, I hope that Biden runs against her and tears the party apart, a la Teddy Kennedy in 1980. I wouldn't vote for him in the general election. But why should a two-term sitting Vice President step aside for someone just because of here last name? Fuck her.

I can really see why people hate her. But if you voice that opinion, you're automatically labeled a sexist by New York the Times or the Huffington Post (even though she's not very popular among women, either).
Posted By: Mark

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 12:58 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
She's an old hag. I hope she goes the plastic surgery route to look younger and comes out looking like the crazy cat lady from the Upper East Side.

Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Bernie Sanders .
A self proclaimed socialist.

Maybe I over analyze things but isn't Sanders sort of like stock plain jane girlfriend in sitcoms, who is only there to make the star look more attractive?

Doesn't Sanders' presence immediately move Hillary right of center in perception? Doesn't it force people to examine what her actual positions are?

Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 05:40 PM

It does gets. But these days Sanders isn't alone. He may be the only official socialist in Congress, but there are progressives who are as far or farther to the Left than he is. I really don't know if there's a dime's worth of difference between him and the California left-wingers like Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and the dozens of others, or the Illinois leftists like Bobby Rush. Years ago Jerry Brown was considered Far Left, but today, without really changing any positions, he's almost a moderate considering how far the Democratic Party has moved.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/03/15 05:59 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: Footreads
Bernie Sanders .
A self proclaimed socialist.

Maybe I over analyze things but isn't Sanders sort of like stock plain jane girlfriend in sitcoms, who is only there to make the star look more attractive?

Doesn't Sanders' presence immediately move Hillary right of center in perception? Doesn't it force people to examine what her actual positions are?

Good thinking maybe the plan is to make Hillary seem like of a middle of the Road democrat. Especially with Bill campaigning for her.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/18/15 11:41 PM

Speaking of the Clintons....the "leaking" of this alleged domestic abuse story about Bill O'Reily seems to have the Clinton's prints all over it.


Clintons play harder than hockey goons.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/19/15 03:32 AM

There's also a story now that in the emails between Hillary and Sidney Blumenthal that she used a second personal email while Secretary of State when she said she only used one. She used both emails to conduct government business instead of using the government email address that she was supposed to have used. The former no. 2 guy at the CIA said in a recent interview that he has no doubt that foreign governments hacked both her personal emails, which is why she was supposed to have used only government emails.

It also turns out that Hillary knew of plots to kill the ambassador in Libya in revenge for killing bin Laden months before he was killed, putting the lie to the claim that it was because of a stupid video.


Here the Times of Russia shows Hillary's hacked emails: http://rt.com/usa/complete-emails-guccifer-clinton-554/

Here's the story of her second email addy: http://nypost.com/2015/05/19/hillary-clinton-had-a-second-secret-e-mail-address/

The corruption just doesn't stop.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/19/15 04:07 AM

Faithful, I don't believe "nothing" from Russia. Nothing.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/19/15 07:45 PM

Now she said today that she wants the e mails released- of course, those are the ones she already scrubbed up and got rid of the bad ones.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/19/15 09:02 PM


You're right about the lies and apparent coverups. Clintons make John Gotti call THEM teflon though.Part of things not sticking has to do with them silencing their biggest critics...the Oreilly leak was just a warning...Like I said, anybody who has followed the Clintons knows that they go hard in the paint.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/19/15 09:49 PM

The Clintons have nothing to fear. The die-hard Democrats are going to back them even if they grab some uzis and shoot up a kindergarten. Think about it: Bill was not only impeached but lost his law license and everyone knows he's been a serial wife-cheater for decades, but he is still the most loved Democrat out there next to Obama. He's made about $25 million in speaking fees alone (this is while his wife says that they're "poor").

Since Biden and Warren aren't running Obama is backing Hillary, although it seemed like the Obama administration was leaking some things about her a few months back. Maybe that's to keep her from criticizing him, the real Capo di Capi. The Republicans have no balls and have no interest in subpoenaing her server or servers, so the most they will do is ask questions and complain. The media (most of them, anyway) worship her and don't mind if she takes months to answer any questions, while in the meantime they'll stake out Rick Perry outside a bathroom to pepper him with questions.
Posted By: SonnyD

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/20/15 08:54 AM

Holy shit! A politician being untruthful! What in the hell is the world coming to!?!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/20/15 02:18 PM

Originally Posted By: SonnyD
Holy shit! A politician being untruthful! What in the hell is the world coming to!?!

I know! I know! What are to think? Politicians lying? Shading the truth? Withholding information? What's next? Football players using steroids? Married people having affairs? Where does this end? Madonne!
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/20/15 05:43 PM

Man, two stupid replies in a row. What's the world coming to?!?

The point isn't just that "politicians lie," but rather that some lie and repeatedly get away with the lies. Football players using steroids can be fined, made to miss games, or even fired. Adultery often ends up with costly divorces. They get consequences for their actions. Sometimes these politicians lie under oath and expect no consequences while they hypocritically send to prison those who do the very same things but lack their political power.

The point about the Clintons specifically wasn't just that they lied, but that they broke laws. That's a difference so big that a blind man can see it (but sadly, some posters can't).
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/20/15 06:20 PM

its no secret that bill Clinton lied under oath, and got away with it. that is my point, the Clintons have got away with so much that they don't think they can get away with anything, they know they can get away with anything.

the press has always treated them with a "hands off policy" and its shameful of the media.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 05/20/15 06:49 PM

I wasn't responding to you, Binnie. You get it. A few other people don't.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Hillary Clinton lies - 06/10/15 11:26 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Malandrino
... but these last couple of years I've seen how Obama is such a weak, indecisive leader who just goes with the flow and trends. He doesn't instill one bit of fear into anybody even though he's the head of one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Hopefully this time America gets a REAL president.

That new president will have his/her hands full just trying to undo the damage Obama has done to this great country.

I don't think a new president has the power to undo much. Presidents come and go, but the power and influence behind them stays the same.
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