
Baby License

Posted By: fergie

Baby License - 02/05/15 09:52 PM

Heres an idea you won't possibly have heard of before...it'll solve the following issues:

Social Security

Every male baby, at birth, has a reversible vasectomy. When they are old enough and meet someone they can have kids with, they apply for a baby license. The application will test various capacities, mental, financial, emotional, current housing etc etc. if you both pass, the vasectomy is reversed one time.

People say this idea is crazy, like china etc etc. but its a sensible way forward and the only defence is put forward by those who shouldn't be having kids in the first place. Tell me why, when Me and my wife both work, save, plan and move to a bigger house BEFORE we have kids so we wont have to rely on the state, that others who dont give a fuck and have 4 kids because its their "human right" get housing that I pay for as well?. Why should I also pay for the upkeep of their kids as well as my own?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 12:17 AM


do you recall the lines from the godfather that detailed the great scheme that mobsters had.

control trucking and road construction industries in a state

load the trucks over the legal capacity....which damages the roads....which leads to more construction work

lot of the social programs just create more people who "need" the social programs which ensure that the programs will continue

it's job creation and job security

cottage industry built on irresponsible people

we evicted a tenant recently and i literally almost lost my sanity dealing with the way the state coddles deadbeats and irresponsible people,
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 12:23 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
we evicted a tenant recently and i literally almost lost my sanity dealing with the way the state coddles deadbeats and irresponsible people

Now you're singing to the choir, Gets. Just TRY to evict someone in Bronx County. Just for shits and giggles go to 851 Grand Concourse one morning and you'll better understand my disposition and my vodka habit lol.
Posted By: Liu

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 12:39 AM

Originally Posted By: fergie
Heres an idea you won't possibly have heard of before...it'll solve the following issues:

Social Security

Every male baby, at birth, has a reversible vasectomy. When they are old enough and meet someone they can have kids with, they apply for a baby license. The application will test various capacities, mental, financial, emotional, current housing etc etc. if you both pass, the vasectomy is reversed one time.

People say this idea is crazy, like china etc etc. but its a sensible way forward and the only defence is put forward by those who shouldn't be having kids in the first place. Tell me why, when Me and my wife both work, save, plan and move to a bigger house BEFORE we have kids so we wont have to rely on the state, that others who dont give a fuck and have 4 kids because its their "human right" get housing that I pay for as well?. Why should I also pay for the upkeep of their kids as well as my own?

I agree it makes sense but would be perceived by the public as racist most likely and would start an uproar within the media and politics. I believe there's more white people on welfare then blacks but given the stereotypes in today's society a lot people rather not believe that.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 08:50 AM

Britain (and im sure the US)is suffering the consequences of a 40 year liberal left social engineering experiment. Nothing now is an individuals fault, it's society's and that view is driven home now throughout school age and into adult life. The human rights of an individual seem to have become confused with their obligations that come with living in a society. No matter how much they fuck up, they still have their human right which always comes free (in this instance, to breed indiscriminately). Why should we pick up the tab? If somebody doesnt work and has 7 kids, why should the local housing authority have to knock 2 houses into one for them, feed them, cloth them, provide emotional support etc etc. Wheres my human rights lawyer when the government shafts me in the ass each month for tax to pay for it all....

Perhaps society needs to evolve (and well might) into something a bit more eh....prescriptive?!
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 04:50 PM


govt. is giving you the shaft to fund dozens if not hundreds of projects that lobbyists worked hard to get.The irresponsible adults provided for by the state and the industries funded by that are just some of the more VISIBLE projects, but if you ever cared to examine where some of the other money goes, you'd see that political ideology has very little to do with it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 07:26 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
but if you ever cared to examine where some of the other money goes, you'd see that political ideology has very little to do with it.

Exactly. Republicans/Democrats. Opposite sides of the same ugly coin.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 07:33 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Now you're singing to the choir, Gets. Just TRY to evict someone in Bronx County. Just for shits and giggles go to 851 Grand Concourse one morning and you'll better understand my disposition and my vodka habit lol.

Real estate lobbies are very powerful in the tri state so it surprised me that the laws on the books are what they are.

I'm convinced that nobody could sit down for one day in landlord tenant court and walk out being against abortion being legal.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 07:46 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
I'm convinced that nobody could sit down for one day in landlord tenant court and walk out being against abortion being legal.

lol lol
Posted By: cheech

Re: Baby License - 02/06/15 09:05 PM

Hysterical Gets.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Baby License - 02/07/15 06:44 AM

Guys, a highly recommend you read a book by Theodore Dalrymple (strange name I know), "life at the Bottom". Youll see it on Amazon, very easy to read and very funny in a dry sort of way. Youll be agreeing out loud on every page honestly. He's a doctor who was based in Birmingham, England but it easily transfers to a US perspective
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