
Common health issues for guys OVER 50

Posted By: Crash

Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 03:24 PM

Hey guys, just turned 50. In decent shape. What are some common health issues that you guys have or here about when men reach 50?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 05:13 PM

Prostate cancer. Make sure you are getting an annual antigen and digital check.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 05:18 PM

Haha if your dick stops getting hard you still have your tongue smile
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 05:19 PM

If your hearing starts to go you will fight less with your wife
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 09:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Hey guys, just turned 50. In decent shape. What are some common health issues that you guys have or here about when men reach 50?

What Oli said. Plus, you should ask your Dr. about a colonoscopy. Also make sure you pay attention to your blood analysis--watch for elevated cholesterol.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 10:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Crash
Hey guys, just turned 50. In decent shape. What are some common health issues that you guys have or here about when men reach 50?

What Oli said. Plus, you should ask your Dr. about a colonoscopy. Also make sure you pay attention to your blood analysis--watch for elevated cholesterol.

Those are the big three. Prostate, colon and heart vitals. I just turned 55 last month myself. I'm in good health today, but ten years ago I developed a form of Crohn's Disease. The worst of it lasted for almost three full years, and the meds were worse than the disease itself.

They had me on everything from steroids to anxiety meds. It took me about a year to shed the weight from the steroids, and even longer to be able to sleep through the night after stopping the anxiety meds. I haven't had a full blown flare up in over five years, but my gut will never be a hundred percent.

Long story short: Check your colon, guys wink.
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 10:43 PM

As Turnbull and Oli said, plus I'll add triglyceride levels, blood sugar (watch for possible early signs of diabetes), kidney functions, lung capacity (particularly if you smoke, have smoked, or lived with a smoker).

Now, all the things I mentioned are not limited to people over 50; it's just a good idea to start monitoring them if you haven't already been doing so.

Take it from someone who's been there.

Signor V.
Posted By: SC

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/18/14 10:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Crash
What are some common health issues that you guys have or here about when men reach 50?

You don't realize it but you get stronger after you reach age fifty. Before 50 I was never able to bend my hardon. Now, after 50, I can bend it. (I'm getting stronger)
Posted By: Crash

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 12:28 AM

Doc did the prostate exam as well as psa level and all is fine. He did say my prostate was " slightly enlarged" and that is 100% normal when you reach your late 40's early 50's.
Any of you guys familiar with this condition?
He explained what it was and i do notice when i piss , my stream isnt as strong as it was. He said that is from the prostate getting bigger! They call it BPH . Some guys eventually cant piss at all and wind up needing surgery. Hopefully this doesnt get worse.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 12:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Doc did the prostate exam as well as psa and all is fine. He did say my prostate was " slightly enlarged" and that is 100% normal when you reach your late 40's early 50's. He explained what it was and i do notice when i piss , my stream isnt as strong as it was. He said that is from the prostate getting bigger. Some guys eventually cant piss at all and need surgery. Hopefully this doesnt get worse.

Most men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough, and virtually all men suffer an enlarged prostate to some degree when they get older. Those are facts. That's why it's so important to monitor. Watchful waiting is the key.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 12:34 AM

I remember the first time my doctor had her finger in my ass. I told her if you want me to reciprocate just ask.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 12:25 PM

Still in my forties so I am obviously the model of perfect health whistle
Posted By: Belmont

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 12:33 PM

Prostate enlargement is indeed common. Your prostate starts to grow in your 40's but a lot of guys dont notice anything til later. It has NOTHING to do with prostate cancer.
The effects are just annoying, weak urine stream as the OP mentioned, as well as waking up at night to urinate more than normal.
Gets more of an issue is when you retain urine and start getting UTI infections. Some guys cant urinate at all. There are a lot of meds if it becomes bothersome.
Flomax, rapiflo, and hytrin will relax the muscles in the prostate and allow better urine flow. Advodart and Proscar( propecia) will actually shrink the prostate by suppressing DHT. Production. Dht is a byproduct of testosterone and causes prostate growth and baldness. Even as we get older and testosterone levels fall, DHT still gets higher. Hard to explain but it does.
Start taking a good prostate formula. Get a name brand thats reputable at gnc or the vitamin shoppe. Saw palmetto, stinging nettle, beta sissterol, and zinc.
When your general physician performs a prostate exam ( its not bad), they feel for abnormalities and unless its very big, they are not very good at detecting enlargement. If any of you guys start noticing urination issues, go straight to a Urologist, not a regular doc. This can be controlled ,especially when picked up early.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 01:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Belmont
Prostate enlargement is indeed common. Your prostate starts to grow in your 40's but a lot of guys dont notice anything til later. It has NOTHING to do with prostate cancer.
The effects are just annoying, weak urine stream as the OP mentioned, as well as waking up at night to urinate more than normal.
Gets more of an issue is when you retain urine and start getting UTI infections. Some guys cant urinate at all. There are a lot of meds if it becomes bothersome.
Flomax, rapiflo, and hytrin will relax the muscles in the prostate and allow better urine flow. Advodart and Proscar( propecia) will actually shrink the prostate by suppressing DHT. Production. Dht is a byproduct of testosterone and causes prostate growth and baldness. Even as we get older and testosterone levels fall, DHT still gets higher. Hard to explain but it does.
Start taking a good prostate formula. Get a name brand thats reputable at gnc or the vitamin shoppe. Saw palmetto, stinging nettle, beta sissterol, and zinc.
When your general physician performs a prostate exam ( its not bad), they feel for abnormalities and unless its very big, they are not very good at detecting enlargement. If any of you guys start noticing urination issues, go straight to a Urologist, not a regular doc. This can be controlled ,especially when picked up early.

Great post. Every word of it true.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 01:16 PM

I've had BPH for a long time, and have had many tests and procedures, including a prostate biopsy after my PSA suddenly doubled. Please keep several things in mind:

--As Belmont said, there's no direct correlation between BPH and prostate cancer. But: If BPH incents you to have a regular digital rectal exam (and you should get one every year), it increases the likelihood that your Dr. will be able to pick up abnormalities on the surface of the prostate that could indicate cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer yields excellent results.
--Elevated PSA by itself is not a sure-fire indication of cancer. It can be elevated by a cold, an infection or a recent ejaculation. If your PSA jumps up for no apparent reason, don't rush to have a biopsy. Repeat the test in 2-3 months and go from there.
--A side effect of BPH is that urine can back up in the bladder and kidneys, causing stones and other problems. If your BPH persists, you should have an IVP (intravenous pyleogram), a noninvasive X-ray procedure that will help a radiologist or urologist to tell if your condition is damaging those organs.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 01:40 PM

As you get older you will find you have to go to the bathroom to take a piss more often then you were younger.

I found if your core is strong stomach & back muscles there is less pressure on the bladder. Which means you feel the urge to piss a lot less.

So it really pays to stay in shape for a lot of reasons. Remember use it or lose it.
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 02:40 PM

For the first time in a few years, I'm not doing this:


It's one of the few things that actually draws public attention to men's health concerns. I have no idea how effective the organization is as a charity, but it's a lot of fun to do. Participants just let their facial hair grow through November, get people to pledge to see who can raise the most money, and then around December 1 everyone shaves down to a mustache and there's best-/bushiest-mustache contests.

Edit: I understand this is big in the UK? I actually saw the PM reference MPs participating during a Commons question period.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 04:41 PM

Missed that part about you having crohns, glad you are doing better. I know someone who has that as well and they are also in remission. They do take steroids ( not anabolic) and other meds. There are 2 steroids, anabolic and cortisteroidsi. Cortisteroids are what most take for a variety of ailments such as crohns. They actually break down muscle and are considered catabolic. They are also notorious for retaining water, anabolics are what athletes use in order to help them gain muscle and strength.. 2 totally different meds.
Back to BPH, Cialis is approved for bph as well. You can take care of 2 issues at once . Even if you dont need it for erections, its still good to take and it increases blood flow.
Testosterone levels are important, get total and Free levels checked. If your testosterone levels are low you need supplementation. If you have a lower sex drive, more fat accumulation, brain fog, and lower energy, that could be a sign. Do NOT be afraid of testosterone therapy, you need normal levels of testosterone. Very important for health. Of course, hit the weights, do cardio, and clean up your diet. I am also a proponent of reading, your brain is a muscle and reading keeps you sharp. I am in sales so that keeps me pumping( i own a business)
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 04:50 PM

Did you older guys get your shingles vaccination, and flu vaccines.

Get it right in most local pharmacies.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 05:50 PM

Originally Posted By: Belmont
There are 2 steroids, anabolic and cortisteroidsi. Cortisteroids are what most take for a variety of ailments such as crohns. They actually break down muscle and are considered catabolic. They are also notorious for retaining water, anabolics are what athletes use in order to help them gain muscle and strength.. 2 totally different meds.

Yup, on the one hand, Prednisone is a "miracle" drug. On the other hand, the side effects will wear you down and break your spirit if you're not strong willed. A terrible but useful drug. It's the very definition of the phrase "necessary evil."
Posted By: BigBrooklyn50

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 06:44 PM

I'm 64, since I turned 60 I've had 4 surgeries, both knees scoped, rotator cuff surgery and prostate cancer (prostate surgically removed) I'm almost afraid to think what else might break or wear out. The surgeon wants me to get a knee replacement but as long as I can still walk its not happening!
Posted By: Belmont

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 07:42 PM

How old are you and what are you doing about your BPH? Is it effective?
How long have you had it?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 09:59 PM

Too old.

I've had BPH symptons for ~25 years. In addition to many diagnostics, I had TUNA (Trans-Urethral Needle Ablation), which uses microwaves to shrink the gland. That was in-office. Followed it up two years later with TUIP (Trans-Urethral Resection of the Prostate) with bladder neck clearing. In that procedure, the Dr. makes shallow longitudinal cuts in the exterior of the gland to give it more flex. The bladder neck surgery (at the same time) removed a "ball check valve"--a growth of tissue where the urethra meets the bladder neck that causes blockage. The latter really helped me. That was outpatient surgery under anesthesia. But the ball check valve has grown back. Dr. now recommends TURP, but I'm not ready for overnight in hospital, Foley for a week or more, bleeding, possible infection. I'm trying to tough it out. I asked Dr. about green light laser, but was told I wasn't a good candidate for it.

I used Hytrin for a while because it's an alpha-blocker that was then used primarily for high blood pressure--relaxes smooth tissue like veins and the prostate as well. Provided a bit of relief. Never used Flomax or Proscar.

Hope that helps.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/19/14 10:22 PM

The green light laser supposedly has no bleeding and quicker recovery.
My doc says his prostate is the size of a water mellon but Rapaflo saved him from surgery. You may want to look into it. Its a very strong alpha blocker. See how it works.
Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/20/14 02:08 AM

Gee I am not looking forward to being old lol
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/22/14 01:45 PM

What a great topic. Thanks to all for the great info. As for myself, I am 72 and was healthy and athletic but around 65 the shit started hitting the fan. Got type 2 diabetes which I've pretty much kept under control. Then got the enlarged prostrate and was taking Flomax until the day I was told I had Cancer (Non Hodgkins lymphoma) and that I need a total hip replacement. At some point along the line I stopped the Flomax. Next I had to have Aortic heart valve replaced. Had a couple mini strokes since then and just out of the hospital for gall bladder removal. So as you can see, life after 60 can SUCK
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/22/14 01:54 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
So as you can see, life after 60 can SUCK

That's why this thread is even more important for the younger guys to read through. If you don't know your history you're doomed to repeat it. Pay attention, boys wink.
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/22/14 02:29 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: bigboy
So as you can see, life after 60 can SUCK

That's why this thread is even more important for the younger guys to read through. If you don't know your history you're doomed to repeat it. Pay attention, boys wink.

Ya but i figure by the time im that old, obamacare should have found a cure for all the stuff talked about on here, so i think ill be alright lol
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/22/14 05:55 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, Bigboy. At least you're getting help. And, you're able to tell us about your problems. Takes courage. clap
Posted By: Mark

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/23/14 11:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Hey guys, just turned 50. In decent shape. What are some common health issues that you guys have or here about when men reach 50?

50 for me next year. Eat a bowl of All-Bran every day. No joke.
Posted By: afriendofours

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/23/14 11:51 AM

Tea is very good to drink for everyone and studies show that due to tea's rich antioxidant content, it can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

At the moment im drinking a very nice white tea.

No milk added though, as it binds and reduces the antioxidants. Matcha is even better due to being finely milled and contains over 100 times the antioxidant content that a normal cup of green tea does.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/23/14 12:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, Bigboy. At least you're getting help. And, you're able to tell us about your problems. Takes courage. clap
Thanks Turnbull. I tell this information - not as a whiner, but because I hope some guy in his 40's it and take steps to improve his health, even if he is athletic as I was and go get a prostate exam.
Posted By: DonMega1888

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/23/14 09:30 PM

I'm so gonna have to quit smoking
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Common health issues for guys OVER 50 - 11/24/14 11:10 AM

What about smoking dope no health risks involved with that?
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