
Need some help discovering family history

Posted By: Giacomo_the_Kraut

Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 04:05 AM

My great-grandfather's name was Rudolph (maybe rudolf) hoffman, and apparently was a member of the Chicago Outfit. I heard this from my mother. I always figured we were german, but looking back to it, my grandfather had black hair, dark olive skin, dark circles under eyes. My mother also has these qualities with fairer skin, and I also have a similar complexion to her. My mother said he didn't just work for the outfit, he was IN the outfit itself. My question is, does this insure my great-grandfather was 100 percent Italian, if not, do you guys know have any information on that last name affiliated with the outfit?

Thanks for the time,

Edit: I'll post a picture of my grandfather tomorrow so you guys can see why I am pretty sure he is Italian.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 12:18 PM

No it doesn't insure. There's plenty of conflicting info out there about what it takes to be a Mafioso and physical characteristics among europeans can be quite variable. I also question how your mother would know his affiliation.
Posted By: DoctorTwink

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 08:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Giacomo_the_Kraut
My great-grandfather's name was Rudolph (maybe rudolf) hoffman, and apparently was a member of the Chicago Outfit. I heard this from my mother. I always figured we were german, but looking back to it, my grandfather had black hair, dark olive skin, dark circles under eyes. My mother also has these qualities with fairer skin, and I also have a similar complexion to her. My mother said he didn't just work for the outfit, he was IN the outfit itself. My question is, does this insure my great-grandfather was 100 percent Italian, if not, do you guys know have any information on that last name affiliated with the outfit?

Thanks for the time,

Edit: I'll post a picture of my grandfather tomorrow so you guys can see why I am pretty sure he is Italian.

Hoffmann is not an Italian last name. Rudolph is not an Italian first name at all.

When Italians would go to the United States they would change their last names or have them changed by either spelling it phonetically in English, adding letters, or dropping a letter.

They would change their first names into the American English translations of them like "John" for Giovanni.

You do know that it's entirely possible to be German and have dark hair, a dark complexion, and dark circles. Those are not traits only Southern Italians and if you have been to both Germany and Italy you'll see people with all sort of complexions in both countries. Dark circles can be hereditary, from diet, sleeping too little, or sleeping too much, smoking, and alcohol and other drugs.

Your great-grandfather was not part of the outfit or mob. If he really was he would not have told his family, his daughter, or he would have done something else and just said he worked doing that.
Posted By: Giacomo_the_Kraut

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 08:39 PM

Frankly, I think you're way out of line. Hoffman may not be an Italian name, but you seem to denounce the fact that his mother may have been full Italian. Secondly, it is possible that he could of been made being half Italian, it's happened before on multiple occasions. I think it's important I keep an open mind, and the extreme lack of info my family has would contribute to the possibility that he did in fact, not "tell his family, his daughter, or he would have done something else and just said he worked doing that."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 08:50 PM

Originally Posted By: Giacomo_the_Kraut
Frankly, I think you're way out of line. Hoffman may not be an Italian name, but you seem to denounce the fact that his mother may have been full Italian. Secondly, it is possible that he could of been made being half Italian, it's happened before on multiple occasions. I think it's important I keep an open mind, and the extreme lack of info my family has would contribute to the possibility that he did in fact, not "tell his family, his daughter, or he would have done something else and just said he worked doing that."

Well, I don't have a horse in this race, buddy. But we have a lot of Outfit scholars here, and we've never seen the name Hoffman in any of the lists and charts that they've put together here. And these guys are good wink.

And just for the record, trolling has been a BIG problem here lately. There's one guy who is absolutely OBSESSED with skin tone and ethnology. He keeps getting banned and he keeps sneaking back. So when this thread came up, it just kind of reminded some of us of what an asshole lowlife troll he is.

At any rate, welcome to the board smile.
Posted By: Giacomo_the_Kraut

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/07/14 10:43 PM

Thanks for the welcome, and I (and my I.P) can assure you, I am not a troll.
Posted By: DoctorTwink

Re: Need some help discovering family history - 07/21/14 08:26 PM

We got trolled.
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