
Most Dangerous States of 2013

Posted By: BlackFamily

Most Dangerous States of 2013 - 06/29/14 06:56 PM

10. Oklahoma

FBI statistics gathered from UCR indicate that in 2014, there was a notable increase in crimes like aggravated assaults and forcible rape in the State of Oklahoma. Possible reasons include poverty and gang related issues. High crime rates in Oklahoma in 2014 can also be attributed to a lower level of education with less than 25% of the residents having a bachelor’s degree.

9. Maryland

In 2014, Maryland improved its reputation by reducing the annual crime rate by over 2%. A major factor contributing to this reduction in crime is a lower poverty rate which has helped in improving the situation. The rate of other violent crimes has fallen. However, high rate of aggravated assault including murder and homicide prevailing in Maryland keeps it on number 9 of the top 10 most dangerous states in US 2014.

8. Florida

Who might have thought that a state which is host to the Disney World and Universal Studios would also be ranked in the most dangerous states in the US in 2014? Scary as you might think, while your kids enjoy their rides at Disney World, Florida’s dark side has its evil magic to be ranked as number 8 of the top 10 most dangerous states in US 2014 due to high aggravated assault rates. However, the outlook for Florida is bright in terms of crime control as statistics indicate a steady decline in crime due to factors such as increasing education levels.

7. Louisiana

People get attracted to Louisiana due to its festivals like Mardi Grass. However, due to high levels of poverty, crime statistics in Louisiana portray a dark picture due to significantly high rates of murder, violent crime and property crime. Murder rate in Louisiana is the main contributor for it being positioned at number 7 among the top 10 most dangerous states in US in 2014.

6. Delaware

Known for higher household income rates in the country and lower poverty rates, Delaware also carries the burden of some poorest neighborhoods like Wilmington which contribute to a high ranking in crime statistics. With aggravated assault and property crime rate being among the worst in the country, Delaware is the 6th most dangerous US state of 2014.

5. South Carolina

South Carolina ranks fifth in this list as well as the nation’s highest violent crime rate. A poverty rate of over 18% and low education levels in the State seem to be the main contributors for high crime. Though manufacturing giants like Boeing and BMW have opened facilities in South Carolina, its high crime rate is something this State will not be proud of.

4. New Mexico

The number of murders and violent crimes per capita in New Mexico are higher than all other southwest states. New Mexico is not among the rich state and has significant drug usage which seems to be a factor for it being ranked fourth in violent crimes and forcible rape. All this has a negative impact on the quality of life of the people who call New Mexico their home.

3. Alaska

Alaska is the largest state in the USA but ironically it is also the largest in terms of its forcible rape rate. A study indicates that over 35% of women living in Alaska were subjected to some form of rape. Aggravated assault is also a major problem in Alaska but the state averages on other forms of crime in comparison to other states.

2. Nevada

So you thought Nevada was all about Las Vegas and earning a fortune in casinos overnight? Think again. Nevada is derived from Sierra Nevada means “snow-capped range” in Spanish. Ironically, it seems to be capped with crimes like grand theft auto, robbery and aggravated assault, burglaries and rape. Violent crime rates are among the nation’s worst and stem from the fact that the state is host to a wide range of tourists who visit Las Vegas. The next time you visit Nevada for some gambling fortune, it won’t be a bad idea to take some security precautions too.

1. Tennessee

Before being known for Elvis Presley or country music, Tennessee’s roots go back to 12,000 years ago when Paleo-Indians inhabited this area, before becoming the 16th state in 1796. Topping the list of the most dangerous states in the US in 2014, Tennessee has the country’s worst violent crime rate. With over 40,000 violent crimes in 2014, the state’s crime rate appears to be climbing higher and higher. Statistics reveal that Tennessee’s metropolitan areas like Memphis and Nashville are major hubs of crime. Like other states in this list, major contributing factors of higher crime rates in Tennessee appear to be poverty and low education levels.
Posted By: NNY78

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 06/29/14 07:07 PM


Thanks for the topic.

I never would have picked the states listed, I would of went with 1.Illinois 2.New York 3.Texas 4.California and 5.Florida. I guess it makes sense with Tennessee, I know that Tenn. is growing like crazy and there a lot of pain pills and heroin there, Maryland as well.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/09/14 09:59 PM

And the city with the strictest gun laws in the USA has to be the most deadly city. The leaders don't to do much about it. Since DiBlasio stopped the stop and frisk law in NYC, gun crimes skyrocketed within three weeks.
Posted By: Paddy_James

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 12:30 AM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
And the city with the strictest gun laws in the USA has to be the most deadly city. The leaders don't to do much about it. Since DiBlasio stopped the stop and frisk law in NYC, gun crimes skyrocketed within three weeks.

I live in Brooklyn, and its true crime has increased. Its mostly graffiti actually. More teens were caught with spray cans than adults with guns. Its tricky with high crime states because of both party lines. It does happen more in strict gun states. Supply the good people with guns, because the other side has them too.
Posted By: Its_da_Jackeeettttttt

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 02:46 AM

I'll concur on the Nevada ranking. It seems like this place attracts every lowlife drunk and methhead from a thousand mile radius.
Posted By: LaLouisiane

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 08:06 AM

Louisiana is a bit misconstrued, if it wasn't for New Orleans and Baton Rouge, we would be at the bottom of this list.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 02:36 PM

Yep the wrong neighborhood in NOLA will get you cut QUICK! It is totally different than the other towns in Louisiana like LaLou said. You can be in Metairie in be totally safe then venture a few blocks to say Holly Grove and get shot.

Same goes for places like Miami, Knoxville, Nashville, and definitely Memphis. Memphis is one of the shittiest towns I've ever stepped foot in and that says something when I've been in some rough places of Miami.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 02:48 PM

People won't believe how easy it is to buy a gun in NY.

You go to an ethnic area sit in an ethnic deli or some other place. It's like a department store for guns, and stolen items, and even drugs.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 03:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
People won't believe how easy it is to buy a gun in NY.

You go to an ethnic area sit in an ethnic deli or some other place. It's like a department store for guns, and stolen items, and even drugs.

The most dangerous state: Footreads mental state.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/10/14 11:43 PM

Nola like many big cities (100,000+) have its dangerous areas like anywhere else in the South, but your chances of randomly being shot in the wrong neighborhood is low. Majority of people harmed or killed in that city either A. Drug dealers issues or B. Know each other. I know of the recent shooting that's been broadcast on the news, it's still the latter case (B.). Of course you have to watch out for robbers & jackers. As for Memphis, whistle
I know of 29 hoods in that city. Downtown , Midtown, & Eastside of Memphis Is generally the least crime areas. Few parts of North side & South side as well. It's nothing new since Memphis been murder capital back in the 1920s uhwhat

Generally the South is most violent region of the states.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/11/14 06:49 AM

Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Louisiana is a bit misconstrued, if it wasn't for New Orleans and Baton Rouge, we would be at the bottom of this list.

LL, manipulating the statistics is not permitted. lol
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/11/14 01:19 PM

Personally, I hate being in the state of Confusion. grin Of course, being in the state of denial can be dangerous.


Posted By: bigboy

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/11/14 04:50 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Personally, I hate being in the state of Confusion. grin Of course, being in the state of denial can be dangerous.
Well, you must be the head of state lol


Posted By: MrWilliams

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/12/14 08:40 PM

Surprised GA, AR, and MS weren't on the list as well since I've seen them as having higher violent crime rates compared to some states on this list like AK.

Likewise I'm surprised that New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois or Michigan aren't included on the list.

Going by the same logic as Maryland or Nevada being on this list,as even those these states like NJ, MI, and IL have alot of nice suburban areas to live . However, their areas(ex. Camden/Newark, Cleveland, Southside of Chicago, most of Detroit are truly BAD)
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 04:06 AM

chicago had 80 mothafuckas shot 4th of july weekend

it's safe to say that none of those states had those kind of problems

how the fuck could alaska make the list? unless they're serous rapist/molesters
Posted By: DonMega1888

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 10:39 AM

now a list of the safest guys, so i know where worth moving to smile
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 02:27 PM

Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 02:35 PM


Your comparing a city to an entire state. That's a fallacy within itself. 80 people or more could of been shot throughout the state itself but we wouldn't know it. That's comparing an incident in Lake Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean. You have a concentrated space fill with many people with a long history of violence that gets media publicity since its a mega city. Seriously can't compare that to an entire state.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 02:38 PM

It's certain categories of violent crime that's more than other states. Example like Alaska, it's on their because of serious amount of rapes that place in proportion to the population. Tennessee is due to the amount of assaults I think.

I will be posting the Homicides & Safe list.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/13/14 02:49 PM


I change the post title , it's last year stats not this years.
Here is the Safest States for the lowest amount of violent crimes.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/14/14 02:21 PM

Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

Your comparing a city to an entire state. That's a fallacy within itself. 80 people or more could of been shot throughout the state itself but we wouldn't know it. That's comparing an incident in Lake Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean. You have a concentrated space fill with many people with a long history of violence that gets media publicity since its a mega city. Seriously can't compare that to an entire state.

chicago has over 3 million people

about half of the 3 million are white, with no murders in their neighborhood

murder rates are misleading.......body counts aren't
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/14/14 09:52 PM


1. Chicago pop is 2.7 million plus, not over million.

2. Whites make up 45% of pop and do have murders in their neighborhoods. Just not to the scale of West side / South side communities obviously.

3. The homicide rate isn't misleading just a reflection of the pop as whole. It's due to increase/decrease due to the number of murders & population shift. Example: Chicago homicide rate of 2012 was 18.5, while New Orleans was 53.2. Take the number of homicides and divide it from the pop then take that # and divide it from 100,000 and there's the rate. Alternate view will be to display it like this, if Chicago had the same rate as of New Orleans then the # of murders in the Chi would be over 1,300.

4. Cook, be more thoughtful in your comments. Are you really from Chicago ?
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/16/14 05:07 PM


are u even black?

it ain't humanly possible for u to tell me anything about chicago

doesn't seem like a hard concept to grasp
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/16/14 10:20 PM


Cook , I just told you something humanly possible lol. If your such the sage of Chicago then you would of posted correct info from the get go. Don't know why you keep posting on here when you can go back to thehoodup.com with your "knowledge". Wait , you get bash there as well whistle. But since your so uptight about me posting Chicago gang-related /etc topics I'll stay out of your "hood".

I'll say it pleasantly , Keep your comments to yourself and PMs. If your not going to be a respectful poster.

P.S : If my Name nor Icon represent my ethnicity then your not the brightest crayon in the box. Brother. cool
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/17/14 05:55 PM


you can keep posting outdated articles from over 10 years ago all u want

i'll tell you when you're wrong, and then you'll argue that you ain't
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Most Dangerous States of 2014 - 07/17/14 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty

you can keep posting outdated articles from over 10 years ago all u want

i'll tell you when you're wrong, and then you'll argue that you ain't

BF posted one article in this thread from last year, i know you were dropped on your head multiple times as a child but do the math 2013 is not over 10 years ago. Even if you're talking about an article from another thread, at least he brings something to the forum. All you do is cry RACIST and type 3 randomly spaced out sentences. Anyway i think i'm going to put you on ignore permanently, you were funny at first but you've crossed the line into pointless now. I'd suggest you take BF's advice and retur to Thehoodup or wherever you came from because as far as i can tell noone wants you here.
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