
John Edwards

Posted By: bigboy

John Edwards - 05/21/14 05:30 PM

Well, our former honest Democrat senator from NC and Presidential hopeful has gotten back to work after his difficult situation and sued a local hospital and got a verdict for $13 Million dollars !!!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: John Edwards - 05/21/14 05:36 PM

That is what he does best. He gets half of that doesn't he?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: John Edwards - 05/22/14 05:05 PM

that will buy him a few haircuts.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: John Edwards - 05/22/14 05:11 PM

What happened? Did they botch his mistresses breast implants?
Posted By: bigboy

Re: John Edwards - 05/23/14 08:45 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
What happened? Did they botch his mistresses breast implants?

I don't know what they did wrong. I didn't even read the entire article. I still think malpractice cases ought to be decided by a peer review process rather than a jury of so called ordinary people,as some of these cases are extremely complicated however I also see problems with this type of proceeding. Lawyers like Edwards can flash those big white teeth at jurors and get outrageous awards.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: John Edwards - 05/23/14 09:09 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy

I don't know what they did wrong. I didn't even read the entire article. I still think malpractice cases ought to be decided by a peer review process rather than a jury of so called ordinary people,as some of these cases are extremely complicated however I also see problems with this type of proceeding. Lawyers like Edwards can flash those big white teeth at jurors and get outrageous awards.

If you don't know what the lawsuit was about, why are starting a thread about it? Let me enlighten you. It was about an infant being treated in an emergency room and doctors using a breathing tube that didn't work properly. The child didn't get enough oxygen and now has brain damage among other issues. So what do you think the parents would rather have? Money, or a child who is not handicapped for life due to malpractice?
Posted By: Footreads

Re: John Edwards - 05/23/14 10:05 PM

I would think revenge real revenge would be more satisfying then money.

We used to laught at the father of the guy OJ killed the guy with the nice mustash. OJ gets off and what does the guys daddy do? Sues him for money a fucking joke.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: John Edwards - 05/26/14 11:12 AM

JustLou- Of course the parents would rather have their child be normal instead of the money. I don't say that there are cases where awards are justified. I just get tired of the ambulance chasers making all their money off someone else's pain and suffering then holding celebratory press confrences hoping to drum up more new lawsuits.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: John Edwards - 05/26/14 11:29 AM

I thought this thread was about this moron.


On that note this video is hilious.

Posted By: olivant

Re: John Edwards - 05/26/14 12:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Originally Posted By: bigboy

I don't know what they did wrong. I didn't even read the entire article. I still think malpractice cases ought to be decided by a peer review process rather than a jury of so called ordinary people,as some of these cases are extremely complicated however I also see problems with this type of proceeding. Lawyers like Edwards can flash those big white teeth at jurors and get outrageous awards.

If you don't know what the lawsuit was about, why are starting a thread about it? Let me enlighten you. It was about an infant being treated in an emergency room and doctors using a breathing tube that didn't work properly. The child didn't get enough oxygen and now has brain damage among other issues. So what do you think the parents would rather have? Money, or a child who is not handicapped for life due to malpractice?

Good points Lou. What some posters forget is that tort law is law attended by consequences as defined by the polity. Peer review can and should be insular.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: John Edwards - 05/26/14 01:55 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
JustLou- Of course the parents would rather have their child be normal instead of the money. I don't say that there are cases where awards are justified. I just get tired of the ambulance chasers making all their money off someone else's pain and suffering then holding celebratory press confrences hoping to drum up more new lawsuits.

John Edwards is a piece of shit. I doubt anyone would argue otherwise. But there's a difference between ambulance chasing, and fighting for what is deserved. The $13m that the parents got so far was settled out of court by the hospital. They are still suing the doctor, but that trial ended in a deadlocked jury. They will probably retry the case.
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